仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

When The Sun Sets...

2024年04月26日 | ★STARRY★

Last week, I talked about my Nostalgic moment when I saw a console-game I grew up playing with. Now, another nostalgic moment about my childhood in the Philippines playing before dusk. My mom sent me a picture of the summer dusk sky in the Philippines.

I often get asked what I love most about the Philippines my answer is always the warm people and warm weather (warm weather 30 years ago) but now, warm weather in the Philippines is really hot because of climate change. I wonder if part of the reason Filipino culture is so sunny is because it is a reflection of physical temperament. I`m a boy who grew up in an endless summer tropic. The heat of the warm sunshine on my face when I get out early to greet my family and also go out before dusk to meet and play with my friends outside catching the pink sky and the sunsets.

Sunsets in the Philippines especially in our place are some of the most colorful I have ever seen. My mom sent me a picture outside our house and it was beautiful. I remember that I was playing with my friends under that colorful sunset. We were tirelessly playing or even running around the village and when the sun sets and gets dark, we already hear our mom`s voices calling our names which means it's time to pack up, say goodbye, and go home.

Nostalgic moments must be remembered to refresh our minds that once upon a time we were a child with no responsibilities in life, just pure happiness.


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