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Starry`s Halloween Stars

2024年10月25日 | ★STARRY★

It’s Halloween season! Halloween decorations are all over the place, spiders, skeletons, jack-o-lanterns, bats, and many more.

This year, Starry`s Halloween theme is a Haunted house. Making a haunted house is no joke. You need to fill the room with some spooky and scary Halloween decorations. I started making a gravestone, mummy, coffin, witch, and ghost hologram. To add some decorations, we asked our Junior High School students to help us make decorations such as bats, spiders, and ghosts. (Thank you very much, Junior High School students, for your help.)


We completed the necessary decorations for our Halloween Haunted house and started to put all those decorations in our school room. First, we covered the windows with newspapers to make them darker, we covered our fluorescent lights with cellophanes to make it a DIY black light, and we also covered the walls with crumpled newspapers to make it creepier and messier. We hang some black plastics for division because we have 5 main Halloween characters Ghost, Vampire, Zombie, Mummy, and a Witch. After we covered all four corners of the room with newspapers, we started to put all our Halloween decorations.


So, let’s take a final look at the full haunted house this year!


It was difficult to make a Haunted House since it was our first time, but I think our first is not that bad. It was not perfect, but we built it with passion and love to give our students some small amusement that they will never forget.

To all the student volunteers and helped us to make decorations, thank you very much. You all guys did a great job.


                                                             Junior High School Students

To our main Haunted Halloween characters:











You did very well portraying your character. We are so proud of you guys.

                                                                 HAPPY HALLOWEEN!




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