
Meikai Graduate School of Applied Linguistics

応用言語研究科だより (18回) Jesse Glass先生へのインタビュー

2014年11月10日 | イベント案内

 「応用言語学研究科だより」 第18回目は、Jesse Glass先生にインタビューにお答えいただきました。



My area of specialty is American and British literature.  I have a Ph.D. in that area.  I have other interests as well: philosophy, historical research and folklore.



During my holidays I usually take Meikai students overseas to Britain and the United States.



My favorite food—well, I have so many!  I’ll have to say that it’s anything my wife cooks for me.



What’s my hobby?  Collecting fossils and relics.



There are many good points in the Applied Linguistic program.  I think the very best point, however, is the expertise and dedication brought to the program by its many fine teachers.


What I like about the students of the Applied Linguistic program is their intelligence, their willingness to work hard, and their diversity—many are from other countries.  This is good because by studying together they learn about each other’s cultures as well.



I believe that the students of the Applied Linguistics program will succeed in the future and that their hard work will help us all understand the important role that languages plays in every human endeavor. 



M1 庭山恵太


