【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-03-19b 】
ドナルド・J・トランプル大統領は、今週、米国とメキシコの国境を訪れながら、「カリフォルニアの聖域政策は国家全体を危険にさらしている」と述べた。 "彼らは犯罪者の親友です。"
大統領は、「ICEと国境巡回司令官に信じられないほどの勇気と勇気を与えてくれたことに感謝したい」と述べた。 「それは危険な仕事です。厳しい仕事だ」
トランプ・アドミニストレーションが自国でのアメリカの強さと自信を再建する中、国家の立場を海外に戻している。 4つの原則がトランプ大統領のアプローチを推進します:
大統領はまた、米国の戦闘機を組み立てるセントルイスボーイング施設を見学した。 「数年前、この工場は非常に深刻な危機に瀕していたため、再開しました」と大統領は言いました。
McGrathアイルランドのダンスアカデミー| 2018年3月15日(エミリー・ヒギンズの公式ホワイトハウス写真)
今日、Trump大統領は、Mike Pence副大統領、Jim Mattis国防長官、Kirstjen Nielsen国土安全保障長官との昼食を取る前に毎日の情報ブリーフィングを受ける予定です。
【USA Mail magazine from the White House 2018-03-19b 】
Your 1600 Daily:
Enforcing the law—at the border and within “California sanctuary policies put the entire Nation at risk,” President Donald J. Trump said while visiting the U.S.-Mexico border this week. “They’re the best friend of the criminal.”
Sanctuary city policies aren’t about protecting law-abiding immigrants. Rather, the term “sanctuary city” generally refers to localities that refuse to cooperate with lawful Federal immigration enforcement. When a suspected illegal alien is arrested on criminal charges, these jurisdictions will often release the suspect quickly before Federal officials can arrive.
After visiting Southern California to examine border wall prototypes this week, President Trump plans to host a roundtable with law enforcement officials to discuss the threat from these sanctuary cities. His goal is to ensure that Federal law is enforced both at the border and inside our Nation.
“I want to thank ICE and the Border Patrol agents for their incredible work and their incredible bravery,” the President said on Tuesday. “It’s a dangerous job. It’s a tough job.”
Watch: President Trump reviews border wall prototypes in California.
See examples of criminal aliens that California has released—with life-and-death consequences.
4 ways to rebuild American strength As the Trump Administration rebuilds America’s strength and confidence at home, it is also restoring the Nation’s standing abroad. Four principles drive President Trump’s approach:
Fighting to rebuild our military: Last month, President Trump signed a two-year budget deal that raises the military’s budget caps for national defense to $700 billion for Fiscal Year 2018.
Putting America first in our strategy: The President’s national security strategy emphasizes protecting the homeland, promoting prosperity, preserving peace through strength, and advancing American influence.
Ending the threat of terror: Under the Trump Administration’s watch, ISIS has lost nearly 100 percent of its former caliphate.
Deterring threats to the American people: The President has rallied world powers in support of increasing economic and diplomatic pressure on North Korea while taking aggressive action to confront threatening behavior from Iran.
Learn more about how America is confronting threats abroad like never before.
Talking tax cuts in Missouri One of the most rewarding outcomes of tax reform is listening to the stories of real Americans whose lives have been made better. This week in Missouri, President Trump heard many of these personal accounts as he met with workers and business leaders in St. Louis.
One person spoke about how tax changes have made it easier to grow his company through capital investments. Others talked about the $1,000 bonuses they were able to extend to hard-working employees after President Trump signed tax reform into law last December.
The President also toured a St. Louis Boeing facility that assembles U.S. fighter planes. "A few years ago, this plant was in very serious danger of shutting down, and we got it going again,” the President said. “We are keeping thousands of Americans employed right here in St. Louis.”
Watch the highlights of President Trump’s Boeing tour and roundtable with Missourians.
Photo of the Day
McGrath Academy of Irish Dance | March 15, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Emily Higgins)
Today, President Trump will receive his daily intelligence briefing before having lunch with Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, and Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen.
This afternoon, the Vice President will participate in a meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono.
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