【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-03-12a 】
鄭会長は、「最近、私は最近、私が北朝鮮を訪問した際にトランプ大統領に説明する特権を持っていた。 「今回の会談で、金正日(キム・ジョンウン)大統領は、非核化を約束していると述べた。金総書記は、北朝鮮が今後の核実験やミサイル実験を控えると約束した。彼は、韓国と米国の間の日常的な共同軍事演習は継続しなければならないと理解している」
大統領は、「アメリカの権力と影響力のためには、経済的活力、成長、繁栄が絶対に必要だ」と述べた。 「自宅で繁栄を守らない国家は、海外の利益を守ることができない」
過去数十年にわたる情報技術の革命はしばしば「大きなイコライザ」と呼ばれてきました。しかし、デジタル技術の影響が加速しているように、あまりにも多くの女性が後退しています。 USAIDによると、現在低・中所得国の10億人以上の女性がまだ携帯電話を所有していません。
昨日、Ivanka TrumpはUSAIDの管理職Mark Greenと協力して、USAIDの次の女性のエンパワーメントイニシアチブであるWomenConnect Challengeを開始しました。このイニシアチブは、USAIDが有望なパイロットアプローチを特定してテストすることで、ジェンダーのデジタル格差を解消するように設計されたソリューションのグローバルな呼びかけです。
WomenConnect Challengeと女性に力を与えるためのトランプアドミニストレーションの仕事の詳細をご覧ください。
ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領は、鉄鋼とアルミニウムの輸入に関する第232条の宣言に署名する| 2018年3月8日(Joyce N. Boghosianによる公式ホワイトハウス写真)

【USA Mail magazine from the White House 2018-03-12a 】
Your 1600 Daily:
President Trump agrees to meet North Korea’s Kim Jong-un Speaking just outside the White House’s West Wing last night, South Korean National Security Advisor Chung Eui-Yong delivered news that President Donald J. Trump’s maximum pressure policy—together with international solidarity driven by American leadership—had brought the North Korea situation to an important juncture
“Today, I had the privilege of briefing President Trump on my recent visit to Pyongyang, North Korea,” Chung said. “In our meeting, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said he is committed to denuclearization. Kim pledged that North Korea will refrain from any further nuclear or missile tests. He understands that the routine joint military exercises between the Republic of Korea and the United States must continue.”
Kim also expressed his eagerness to meet President Trump “as soon as possible.” The President said he would meet Kim Jong-un by May to achieve permanent denuclearization.
“Great progress being made but sanctions will remain until an agreement is reached. Meeting being planned!,” President Trump tweeted last night.
Read the full statement by Chung about North Korea.
Protecting American steel and aluminum President Donald J. Trump is addressing unfair trade practices in the steel and aluminum industries by putting in place a 25 percent tariff on steel imports and 10 percent tariff on aluminum imports.
“Economic vitality, growth, and prosperity at home is absolutely necessary for American power and influence abroad,” the President says. “A Nation that does not protect prosperity at home cannot protect its interests abroad.”
A few key details about these Proclamations:
Tariffs on steel and aluminum are anticipated to reduce imports to levels needed for these American industries to achieve long-term viability.
The strengthening of the U.S. domestic steel and aluminum industries will reduce our reliance on foreign producers.
President Trump is welcoming any country with which we have a security relationship to discuss alternative ways to address these concerns.
Learn more about how President Trump is addressing unfair trade practices.
Go deeper: The President will protect national security from the effects of unfair trade.
Closing the ‘digital gender gap’ The revolution in information technology over the past few decades has often been called a “great equalizer.” Yet just as the impact from digital technology is accelerating, far too many women are being left behind. According to USAID, more than a billion and a half women in low- and middle-income countries today still do not own mobile phones.
Yesterday, as the world recognized International Women’s Day, Ivanka Trump joined with USAID Administrator Mark Green to launch USAID’s next women’s empowerment initiative, the WomenConnect Challenge. The initiative is a global call for solutions designed to close the gender digital divide, with USAID identifying and testing promising pilot approaches.
“Through closing the digital gender gap, women can help pull their families out of extreme poverty and serve as active participants and leaders in their societies,” USAID says.
Learn more about the WomenConnect Challenge and the Trump Administration’s work to empower women.
Photo of the Day
President Donald J. Trump signs the Section 232 Proclamations on Steel and Aluminum Imports | March 8, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)
This morning, President Trump will receive his daily intelligence briefing. In the afternoon, Vice President Mike Pence will deliver keynote remarks at an America First Policies “Tax Cuts to Put America First” event.
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