以前にも書きましたが、大森英桜先生や福岡の運命鑑定の先生から言われ全く同じ事がありました。 それは、
「アナタは田舎はダメです。 都会に出なさい。 それも東京のど真ん中が一番良いです」
と。 ですが、その話には続きがあります。 その先生たちが共通して仰っていたのが、
「人間、田舎が合う人もいるし、都会が合う人もいる。 人それぞれです。 ですが、アナタは都会じゃないとその能力が活かせない人です。」
私の人生に大きく影響を及ぼした、尊敬する二人の先生の共通項でした。 田舎に帰って来てその事をつくづく実感します。
こう言うと、肉を食わないと畜産関係者が食べて行けなくなるじゃないか、とかいう低レベルな反論をする人がいますが、そんな人はそれぐらいテメエの頭で考えろ!と言いたい。 もっと進化的な高次元な質問なら答えを考えたいが、ここまで低次元だと考えるのもバカバカしい。
ちょっと人と違うことをやる人間を見ると興味津々に調べたり、聞いたりするけけど、自分の頭で何も考えようとはしない。 ただ、興味本位で聞くだけ。 で、彼らのやることといったら、肉食って、酒飲んで、人の噂話、悪口、陰口ばかり言っている。
20年ぶりに帰ってきても全く一緒でした。 何一つ変わっていない。 東北大震災後もまったく変わらず。 九州あたりだと、所詮は外国であった出来事をTVで見るのと同じ感覚なんでしょう。 何の警鐘も読み取っていない。
最近、つくづく思います。 やっぱり横浜戻ろうかな、と。 たとえこの先、放射能垂れ流しでも、食糧難来ても、ここで平穏無事に生きても何も得られるものはないな、と。 また、派遣奴隷やりながら、生かされている限界まで、今の研究を続けようと。
自分で考えて、自分で判断して行動し、自己責任の覚悟があるなら、人間、自由に好きに行動しても良いと思います。 人のせいにしないこと。







ケイシー・リーデイングと共通項が多いのがインドのヨガ(Yoga)です。 ケイシー・リーディングには出てきませんが、エメラルド・タブレットによりますと、創造神アミリウスの重要な転生の一つとしてインドのクリッシュナがあるようです。
ここでも興味深いのが “3” 年という数字です。 日本でも 「石の上にも三年」 とかいう諺がありますが、スポーツや勉強、専門的な技術職等で一つの壁を越える(ブレイク・スルー)のに、どんなに苦しくてもとりあえず3年はやってみなさい、というニュアンスで使われます。
私は仕事としては板前だけが3年続きました。 他のは全部ダメでしたね。 基本的には移り気な性格なんで、その時の気分で動きます。 あまり良いことではないのですが、ですが、せっかく生まれてきたんだから様々な経験を積みたいという考え方もあります。
理解して質問された方とは同じ土俵で相撲を取り(議論し)ましょう。 そうでない方は、観客席からプロ野球や相撲の批評・批判をしている連中と同じです。 何の努力もせずに言うだけタダの連中なので、問題外と見倣させてもらいます。
“外野で悪口言っているザコ連中よ。 同じ土俵に登って来いよ。 いつでも相手になっていやるぜ!”






1. HLC: You will have before you the body and enquiring mind of [2475], ..., Penna., in special reference to the Yoga exercises with which he has been experimenting, in breathing. You will indicate just what has taken place in the body and what should be done from this point, considering the best physical, mental and spiritual development of the entity. You will answer the questions, as I ask them:
2. EC: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [2475]; and those conditions, those experiences of the body in the use of Yoga exercise in breathing.
3. To give that as would be helpful to the body at this time, there might be indicated for the body something of that which takes place when such exercises are used - and the experiences had by one so doing.
4. These(yoga) exercises are excellent, yet it is necessary that special preparation be made - or that a perfect understanding be had by the body as to what takes place when such exercises are used.
5. For, BREATH is the basis of the living organism's activity. Thus, such exercises may be beneficial or detrimental in their effect upon a body.
6. Hence it is necessary that an understanding be had as to how, as to when, or in what manner such may be used.
7. It would be very well for the body to study very carefully the information which we have given through these sources as respecting Meditation. Then this information as may be given here may prove of beneficial effect in the experience of the body.
8. Each soul, individual or entity, finds these facts existent:
9. There is the body-physical - with all its attributes for the functioning of the body in a three-dimensional or a manifested earth plane.
10. Also there is the body-mental - which is that directing influence of the physical, the mental and the spiritual emotions and manifestations of the body; or the way, the manner in which conduct is related to self, to individuals, as well as to things, conditions and circumstances. While the mind may not be seen by the physical senses, it can be sensed by others; that is, others may sense the conclusions that have been drawn by the body-mind of an individual, by the manner in which such an individual conducts himself in relationship to things, conditions or people.
11. Then there is the body-spiritual, or soul-body - that eternal something that is invisible. It is only visible to that consciousness in which the individual entity in patience becomes aware of its relationship to the mental and the physical being.
12. All of these then are one - in an entity; just as it is considered, realized or acknowledged that the body, mind and soul are one, - that God, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one.
13. Then in the physical body there ARE those influences, then, through which each of these phases of an entity may or does become an active influence.
14. There may be brought about an awareness of this by the exercising of the mind, through the manner of directing the breathing.
15. For, in the body there is that center in which the soul is expressive, creative in its nature, - the Leydig center.
16. By this breathing, this may be made to expand - as it moves along the path that is taken in its first inception, at conception, and opens the seven centers of the body that radiate or are active upon the organisms of the body.
17. This in its direction may be held or made to be a helpful influence for specific conditions, at times - by those who have taught, or who through experience have found as it were the key, or that which one may do and yet must not do; owing to whatever preparation has been made or may be made by the body for the use of this ability, this expression through the body-forces.
18. As this life-force is expanded, it moves first from the Leydig center through the adrenals, in what may be termed an upward trend, to the pineal and to the centers in control of the emotions - or reflexes through the nerve forces of the body.
19. Thus an entity puts itself, through such an activity, into association or in conjunction with all it has EVER been or may be. For, it loosens the physical consciousness to the universal consciousness.
20. To allow self in a universal state to be controlled, or to be dominated, may become harmful.
21. But to know, to feel, to comprehend as to WHO or as to WHAT is the directing influence when the self-consciousness has been released and the real ego allowed to rise to expression, is to be in that state of the universal consciousness, - which is indicated in this body here, Edgar Cayce, through which there is given this interpretation for [2475].
22. So, in analyzing all this, - first study the variations of what has been the body-temperament, in thought, in food. For, the body-physical becomes that which it assimilates from material nature. The body-mental becomes that it assimilates from both the physical-mental and the spiritual-mental. The soul is ALL of that the entity is, has been or may be.
23. Then, WHO and WHAT would the entity have to direct self in such experiences?
24. To be loosed without a governor, or a director, may easily become harmful.
25. But as we would give, from here, let not such a director be that of an entity. Rather so surround self with the universal consciousness of the CHRIST, as to be directed by that influence as may be committed to thee.
26. Thus the entity may use constructively that which has been attained.
27. But to prevent physical harm, mental harm, - attune self in body and in mind with that influence by which the entity seeks to be directed; not haphazardly, not by chance, but - as of old - choose thou this day WHOM ye will serve: the living God within thee, by thee, through thee? or those influences of knowledge without wisdom, that would enslave or empower thee with the material things which only gratify for the moment?
28. Rather choose thou as he of old, - let others do as they may, but as for thee, serve thou the living God.
29. Thus ye may constructively use that ability of spiritual attunement, which is the birthright of each soul; ye may use it as a helpful influence in thy experiences in the earth.
30. But make haste SLOWLY! Prepare the body. Prepare the mind, before ye attempt to loosen it in such measures or manners that it may be taken hold upon by those influences which constantly seek expressions of self rather than of a living, constructive influence of a CRUCIFIED Savior.
31. Then, crucify desire in self; that ye may be awakened to the real abilities of helpfulness that lie within thy grasp.
32. Ready for questions.
33. (Q) Is there at present any danger to any particular body-function, such as sex; or to general health?
(A) As we have indicated, without preparation, desires of EVERY nature may become so accentuated as to destroy - or to overexercise as to bring detrimental forces; unless the desire and purpose is acknowledged and set IN the influence of self as to its direction - when loosened by the kundaline activities through the body.
34. (Q) Just what preparation would you advise for the body, now?
(A) This should be rather the choice of the body from its OWN development, than from what ANY other individual entity or source might give.
Purify the body, purify the mind; that the principle, the choice of ideals as made by the entity may be made manifest.
Do whatever is required for this, - whether the washing of the body, the surrounding with this or that influence, or that of whatever nature.
As has been experienced, this opening of the centers or the raising of the life force may be brought about by certain characters of breathing, - for, as indicated, the breath is power in itself; and this power may be directed to certain portions of the body. But for what purpose? As yet it has been only to see what will happen! Remember what curiosity did to the cat! Remember what curiosity did to Galileo, and what it did to Watt - but they used it in quite different directions in each case!
35. (Q) Considering the development of the entity, is further practice of the Yoga exercises of breathing and meditation recommended?
(A) By all means! if and when, and ONLY when, preparation has been made; and when there is the knowledge, the understanding and the wisdom as to what to do WITH that gained! Without such, do not undertake same!
36. We are through for the present.