私が個人的に興味を持って調べている、哲学書で述べられている “3・Three・三” という数字に秘められた意味は "Expansion(拡散)" です。
噛み砕いていえば、“モノゴトを拡める” 権能があるようです。 長年に渡りケイシーのリーデイングを研究していますとその事に気づかされます。
そうそう、話は変わりますが、明日はクリスマス・イヴという事もあり、少し脱線しますが、イエス・キリストの誕生と “3” という数を絡めながら数秘学について考えてみたいと思います。 ちなみにリーディングではイエスの誕生をいくつか述べています。
その事について 「キリストの秘密」 より少しばかり抜粋してみたいと思います。
【キリストの秘密 〔第四章 生誕〕】
幼な児キリストの誕生日として、ケイシーのリーディングは二つの日付を与えている。 一つは12月24日、25日(R5749-8)であり(誕生日はちょうど真夜中であった――R5749-15)、もう一つは1月6日である(R5749-15)。 この二つの日付はそれぞれキリスト教の二大グループ――ローマ・カトリックとプロテスタントを含む西側と正教会の東側――で祝されている。 リーディングで述べるところによると、この二つの日付はいずれも使用した暦、もしくは計算される時期によって正当な根拠を有する。
聖書には、イエス・キリスト誕生の際に東方から謁見に来た賢者の数は ”3” 人であると述べられています。 が、ですが、ケイシーのリーディングによりますと、この記述は実際とは少しばかり異なっていたようです。
というのも、嘘か真かは判りませんが、ケイシーの下にこのイエス・キリスト誕生の際に乳香を持って来た人物がリーディングを受けに来たようなのです。 彼は当時、会計学の教師をやっており、数霊学や数学に毎日浸りきっていたようです。
まー私とはそのレベルに格段の差がありますが、方向性が同じということもあり、その気持ちよく理解できます。 数字の世界は探求しだすと底がなく、ひとつ解ったかと思ったら、次なる新しい世界を次々見せてくれ、飽きることがなく、本当に面白い!
その事について 「地球卒業者18人の過去生」 より抜粋してみたいと思います。
【地球卒業者18人の過去生 〔賢者(R256)〕】
リーディングを受けた時点で会計学の教師をやっていたイスラク氏は、数霊学や数学に毎日浸りきっていました 彼の過去生から出てきた物語は、この専門職が過去生での深い研究活動に由来するもであることを明らかにしています。 リーディングは、彼が数霊学と占星学を特に研究するよう促し、最初の質問に対して占星学者になるべきであると答えています。
下記にリーディング原文を載っけておきます。 興味のある方は徹底して研究して見てください。 興味本位の方は、見るだけ、考えるだけ時間のムダでしょう。 TVのドラマやバラエテイー番組、芸能情報でもご覧になっていた方がよろしいでしょう。
【TEXT OF READING 256-1 M 32 (Teacher of Accounting, Catholic)】
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 14th day of August, 1929, in accordance with request made by self - Mr. [256], via Mrs. [903] and Mr. [257].
Edgar Cayce; Mrs. Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mr. [256], Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Robinson, and Mr. L. B. Cayce.
Born January 10, 1897, Boston, Mass. Time of Reading 3:40 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Massachusetts. (Life Reading Suggestion)
1. EC: Yes, we have the entity and those relations with the universe and universal forces, as are latent and exhibited in the present entity.
2. In entering we find astrologically the entity coming under the influence of Aquarius and Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, and Neptune. Water will ever be a factor in this body's endeavors. The body should ever live near large bodies of water. Be more careful of those of high mountains or gorges, and of distant places.
3. In entering, we find the influences that give to the entity exceptional abilities in the present experience, in lines or individual factors. These, kept in the manner toward which the entity would apply will's influence, by keeping an IDEAL - not an idea - an IDEAL - before self, will build for self that which will carry the entity to where few, if any, appearances would be necessary again in this mundane sphere.
4. In the abilities as come through the influences in Aquarius, we find the entity could, or would, be able to apply self in influencing those that have to do with mathematical calculations, especially regarding aeronautics or boat building. The entity may become an architect beyond compare, provided these have to do with those elements that have to do with water or air.
5. Those influences in Jupiter and in Neptune bring for the entity those desire of study, those desires of loneliness; yet the life filled with those conditions that have to do with people. People and things, BOTH, interest the entity. The barter and sale interest little. Moneys mean little to the entity, save as for that to procure that necessary in the affairs of everyday life. Rather those of character, and those of that that builds for an individual as to being their worth, and their worth to the entity meaning their ability to aid in given direction, or in giving to individuals or groups that which will aid them in making life either easier or more profitable - whether for moneys or for pleasures, or for own development.
6. In the likes and dislikes for this entity, these are apparently contradictory - for affection or love RULES the life in many respects, yet little affection is shown, except in some directions - yet the deeper affection, as friendships, and love of individuals and of things, are to the entity of the same nature - yet these, builded in a manner, are better in the application in the present experience. To the entity friendships are strong. Dislikes are also strong, but the actions in dislikes are rather as if they did not exist, or as if individuals or things did not exist. The entity then is, in a manner, NOT a fatalist, yet activities would tend to make one believe such were the innate beliefs of the entity. Rather the love of the whole, or of the oneness of all force, gives that portion in the life that brings those conditions which build.
7. In the mathematical end of developments may the entity gain much, especially in study that has to do with the mystic, and the mysticism of numbers. These to the entity may be made much worth while. The entity may aid self, aid others, in the study of not only astrology but astronomy, and numbers as associated with same; aiding individuals in that, through that, that may be builded from character, as related to individual development, and the entity may then find that which will, may become, in THIS individual application of truths, that as the astrologer then for same, through numbers. Not through astrology alone. Rather numbers, and the application of numbers and numerology in its DEEPER sense. These are the elements that interest the entity. These may be worked out with mathematical precision in MANY individuals, yet applied with that as may be attained from an individual's life appliance - that is, the application of the individual towards life itself, or towards the entity's application of life in its own individuality, these may aid much in the establishing of truths in these directions.
8. In the appearances in the earth plane, these we find coordinate with these vary conditions that may be builded in the entity, for -
9. In the one before this we find the entity was the monk in that rule when the peoples in now England set out for the Holy Land to defend the Cross against those inroads of the then surging crowds or hordes over the land. The entity remaining, yet following same and ever begrudging, as it were, those that were able in physical manner to carry forward that felt within self the defense of that ideal. In the name Islac. The entity changed same, in the taking of the hood, to that of Adria. In this present experience, these of study - these of the stars - these of mystic numbers, places, conditions, are all absorbing to the entity. Rather apply same as to the relationships of numbers, mystic forces and symbols, to that of the creative energies as are given through Him that came as the ransom for many, making man one WITH the Creative Energy in the life, in the manner of showing forth to others that the pathway may be led in the direction where all may be one with that Energy. So, in numbers - so, in mystic forces - so, in the cycle of things - may THIS entity, applying same with the life as led by the Master, guide many - as aids in physical, in material, in spiritual life.
10. In the one before this we find the entity was among those who were of the Wise Men coming into Jerusalem and to Bethlehem when the Master came into the earth. The entity then in the name Ashtueil, coming in from the mountains of what is now known as Arabia and India. The entity gained through this period in pointing out that through the various forces as were added in the experiences of man with that creation of forces necessary to keep the balance in the universal forces, the earth must bring forth that that would make man's balance of force with the Creative Energy as one, and the Son of Man appeared. The entity brought the frankincense and gave same to the Master at that period.
11. In the one before this we find in that land where divisions arose, or as may be called Egypt now, when there was the building of those that came to understand the teachings as were being propounded by the professors, the doctors, the lawyers, the artisans. The entity builded in that of setting up the first study of how that the square of the one equal in the square of the other, as related to numbers and the POSITIONS of numbers as related to the stars in the universe, and the relation of one to another. The entity will EASILY understand Einstein's theory. Few would!
12. In the abilities in the present experience, the entity gains and loses. Loses in the gratifying of selfish desires.
13. In the application of the present, still we find figures, numbers, and peoples' mental development, most interesting.
14. As to the abilities, then, and the application of same in the present - in the studies as are being made here, will the entity apply self in that direction, the entity may become that one that may aid much in having individuals understand numbers, mysticism of numbers; also in the relationships of ASTROLOGICAL effects (without the application of will) in the lives of individuals.
15. Ready for questions.
16. (Q) In what way may the entity be of assistance in the work of the Association of National Investigators, Inc.?
(A) Just given!
17. (Q) In what specific capacity?
(A) Just given! Become the astrologer for the Association's membership! giving to these the weeks, the years, and that that influences without respect of will; or an INTERPRETER with same of that information as to how an individual has or has not applied will's forces in the earth's experience. Also the relationship of the sojourn in the various elements that have to do with the spheres as related to earth's sphere - the variations from one passing through Arcturus to other forces, or returning to Saturn!
18. We are through.
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" " Ass'n office
" " Datastician
" " Morton Blumenthal
" " David E. Kahn