the Saber Panther (サーベル・パンサー)


更新世後期・北米南東部 コロンビアマンモス

2019年01月09日 | おすすめ エントリー

The Columbian Mammoth !

(超大判オリジナルサイズ画像(高画質)) All images by ©the Saber Panther(All rights reserved)

©the Saber Panther (all rights reserved)

2016年にはEnk et al. がローレンタイド氷床以南の地域に分布していた北米マンモス群、具体的にはウーリーマンモスMammuthus primigenius)とコロンビアマンモスMammuthus columbi)、コロンビアマンモスの形態型ヴァリアントとされるピグミーマンモスMammuthus exilis)とジェファソンマンモスMammuthus jeffersoni)各標本から、67の全ミトコンドリアゲノム配列の解析に成功し、研究成果を公にしました(Enk et al. 'Mammuthus Population Dynamics in Late Pleistocene North America: Divergence, Phylogeography, and Introgression' 2016)。
Widga et al. (Enk教授も共同執筆に名を連ねる)が2017年に発表した北米マンモス群の歯形形態の分析(Widga et al. 'Reconciling phylogenetic and morphological trends in North American Mammuthus' 2017)においても、分子系統学上の上記仮説と同調する興味深い結果が出ています。
化石長鼻類分類の黎明期、Osbornは北米マンモスに3属16種もあったと主張していたそうです。その数は分類分析手法の進展に伴い劇的に縮小し、近年の分類では1属4種(M. columbi, M. primigenius, M. exilis, M. jeffersoni)ないし2種(M. columbi, M. primigenius(ピグミーマンモスとジェファソンマンモスをコロンビアマンモスの形態型ヴァリアントとみなす場合)に落ち着いていたことはご存知だと思いますが、今や1種のみとする仮説が信憑性を帯びているのですから、驚いてしまいます。
なお、この復元画の舞台は更新世後期の北米南東部であり、生息していたのはいわゆる「コロンビアマンモス (M. columbi)」ですが、この地域からは特にウーリーマンモスとの共通の形質要素を色濃くもつ個体が出ているそうで(Widga, 2018 私信)、かつてジェファソンマンモスとして区別された個体群も、Midcontinentから南東部にかけて集中的に分布していました。
-The scene-

This is a scene from upper-Pleistocene southeast North America, a home to a number of significant megafauna during the Ice Age, including the great Columbian(/Jeffersonian) mammoth depicted here. This picture is an accompanying piece to the upcoming GFS matodon restoration. The finished version will be higher resolutioned and much more fully rendered.

Some mammoth specimens inhabited Midcontinent through to southeast showed morphological trends intermediate between those of woolly mammoths and columbian mammoths, more distinctively so than in specimens of other regions, and thus sometimes being given its unique specific status : the Jeffersonian mammoth.

-Background concept-

New genetic and morphological approaches used to re-determine North American mammoth taxonomy
Recent technological advances in targeted enrichment sequencing method now allows scientists for the first time, efficient sequencing of the heavily fragmented DNA from Pleistocene specimens found in low latitude, thermolabile contexts.

Using this innovative technology, Enk et al. (2016) succeeded in sequencing 67 complete mitochondrial genomes from North American mammoths that lived south of the Laurentide ice sheet. The research shows that mitochondrial genomes of mammoths throughout the Midwest, Great Plains, Great Basin and West Coast show relatively minor phylogeographic differences, suggesting all temperate North American mammoths share a common matriline. Moreover, two columbian mammoth specimens were found to be mitochondrially more closely related to North American woolly mammoths than woolly
mammoths from different continents were to each other.

New genetic datasets present good evidence that these instances of woolly-columbian mitogenomic affinity was typical rather than exceptional. The authors believe at least two distinct stages of extensive interbreeding between conventional 'species' are likely responsible for this genetic pattern: one between Siberian woolly mammoths and resident American populations and another between ecomorphologically distinct woolly and columbian mammoths in North America south of the ice.

New morphological analysis by Widga et al. (2017) focusing on analysing upper third permanent molars of North American mammoth specimens from across the continent also came to the conclusion that's consistent with these genetic data:  there is broad agreement in the geographic distribution of genetic haplotypes and molar morphology but regional variability in mammoth dental morphology was not significantly distinct (in light of degree of hypsodonty and molar shape) and was likely the result of relatively recent selective pressures in certain environments or the genetic history of population expansion. 

In a nutshell, genetic and morphological datasets for North American mammoths now indicate a single, although morphologically variable, population south of the Laurentide ice sheet during the Wisconsin glaciation. Both authors however, still don't entirely disagree with the traditional taxonomic groupings(M. columbi, M. primigenius, M. exilis, M. jeffersoni) since they can be useful indicators of potentially important ecomorphological variability.

Further investigations of genetic and morphological trends in Mammuthus will be necessary.

イラスト&テキスト by  ©the Saber Panther (all rights reserved)


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