Well-Watered Garden

...and you will be like a well-watered garden in the desert.

The way of the Lord

2005-06-14 | 思ったこと。神様のこと。信仰のこと。

God's ways are higher than our way
God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts

What are the ways of the Lord?
Sometimes I feel lost and cruless
What are the thoughts of the Lord?
Sometimes I feel they are too deep to comprehend
What is the way of the Lord?
Sometime I think I get it, yet it was just my way

The ways of the Lord are the ways of Peace
When I look up the sky, there is always the beauty of His creation  in perfect peace
The ways of the Lord are the ways of Obedient
When I am able to obey His way, I can feel the smile of God
The ways of the Lord are the ways of Faithfulness
He is always faithful, and He remember those who are faithful
The ways of the Lord are the ways of Wisdom
Through every circumstances, He wants me to come to know Him.
The ways of the Lord are the ways of Love...
Cause He never leave me of forsake me
The ways of the Lord are the ways of Righteousness
The righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.

There is a fount of Grace, there always be
There is a flow of Righerousness, always flows from His throne

My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord
Let every creature praise His holy name
for ever and ever...

(Is55:8-, Hosea 14:9, Ps 145:17-, 2Sam 22:3-)



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HIS road (ariEL)
2005-06-17 19:08:37
this is very beautiful. it's very deep and thought provoking. your peom or should i say, "your life's journey," stirs my heart and challenges me to be totally dependent upon HIM & to always know that HIS way is ultimately the best -- even if i don't understand it completely. thank you for sharing the depths of your well. your life, my friend, is truly a beautiful one. journey on!

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