संरचित माइक्रोन्यूट्रिएंट्स द्वारा मुँहासे बैक्टीरिया का उन्मूलनName

2023-10-06 07:12:24 | संरचित सूक्ष्म पोषक

मुँहासे पैदा करने वाले मुँहासे बैक्टीरिया (Propionibacterium acnes) आम बैक्टीरिया हैं जो मानव त्वचा में रहते हैं और एनारोबिक रूप से उन छिद्रों में गुणा करते हैं जो केराटिन प्लग का उत्पादन करते हैं, संचित सीबम पर खिलाते हैं।

मुँहासे बैक्टीरिया एक ही commensal बैक्टीरिया, स्टैफ़ीलोकोक्क्स एसपीपी के विकास उत्तेजक द्वारा त्वचा की सूजन का कारण।
त्वचा पर संरचित सूक्ष्म पोषक तत्वों का छिड़काव करके, मुँहासे बैसिलाए और स्टेफिलोकोसी समाप्त हो जाते हैं।


* Structured micronutrients registered midication, supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (Thai FDA, อย) and supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (JPN). US PAT.

القضاء على البكتيريا حب الشباب من المغذيات الدقيقة منظم

2023-10-06 07:08:51 | إدمان المخدرات

بكتيريا حب الشباب المسببة لحب الشباب (Propionibacterium acnes) هي بكتيريا compensal تعيش في جلد الإنسان وتتكاثر لاهوائيًا في المسام التي تنتج سدادات الكيراتين، تتغذى على الزهم المتراكم.

تسبب بكتيريا حب الشباب التهاب الجلد عن طريق تحفيز نمو نفس البكتيريا المتعايشة، Staphylococcus spp.
عن طريق رش المغذيات الدقيقة المنظمة على الجلد، يتم التخلص من عصيات حب الشباب والمكورات العنقودية.


* Structured micronutrients registered midication, supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (Thai FDA, อย) and supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (JPN). US PAT.


2023-10-06 07:04:23 | การเพิ่มขึ้นของซีดี


Propionibacterium acnes( acne acสัตว์ที่พึ่งพาอาศัยกัน

เชื้อสัตว์ที่พึ่งพาอาศัยกันStaphylococcus aureusคือเชื้อที่มาจากเชื้อไฟแรงกระตุ้นของแบคทีเรียชนิดเดียวกันแต่เพียงผู้เดียวจะทำให้เกิดอาการอักเสบที่ผิวหนังครับ

구조적 추적요소를 사용하여 여드름 박테리아 제거

2023-10-06 07:00:57 | 구조화된 미량 원소

아크네균(Propionibacterium acnes)는 사람의 피부에 서식하는 공생동물균으로, 축적된 피지를 섭취하면서 각 전을 만드는 모공 속에서 혐기적으로 증식한다.

아크네균은 같은 공생동물균인 스타필로코쿠스 속의 증식을 자극해서 피부염을 일으켜요.
구조화된 미량 원소를 피부에 살포하는 것으로, 여드름균이나 포도상구균을 구제합니다.


* Structured micronutrients registered midication, supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (Thai FDA, อย) and supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (JPN). US PAT.


2023-10-06 06:59:45 | 结构性微量元素


痤疮丙酸杆菌(Propionibacterium acnes)是一种共生动物,生活在人体皮肤中,在产生角质栓的毛孔中厌氧性繁殖,以积累的皮脂为食。



* Structured micronutrients registered midication, supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (Thai FDA, อย) and supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (JPN). US PAT.

Elimination of Acne Bacteria by Structured micronutrient

2023-10-06 06:54:05 | structured micronutrient

Acne-causing acne bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) are commensal bacteria that live in human skin and multiply anaerobically in the pores that produce keratin plugs, feeding on the accumulated sebum.

Acne bacteria cause skin inflammation by stimulating the growth of the same commensal bacteria, Staphylococcus spp.
By spraying structured micronutrients on the skin, acne bacilli and staphylococci are eliminated.


* Structured micronutrients registered medication, supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (Thai FDA, อย) and supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (JPN). US PAT.


2023-10-06 06:51:49 | 構造化微量要素

ニキビの原因となるアクネ菌(プロピオバクテリウム アクネス)は、人の皮膚に住みついている常在菌であり、角栓を生じた毛穴の中で、溜まった皮脂を餌にして嫌気的に増殖します。



*構造化微量要素/ Structured micronutrients registered midication, supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (Thai FDA, อย) and supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (JPN). US PAT.

การกำจัดเชื้อStaphylococcus aureusดื้อยาMRSA(MRSA)โดยแยกตามโครงสร้างสารอาหารเมทิซิลลิน

2023-10-06 06:15:06 | องค์ประกอบโครงสร้าง


Staphylococcus aureusดื้อต่อเมทิซิลลิน(MRSA)ถูกกำจัดออกจากผิวหนังและเครื่องใช้โดยการพ่นสเปรย์ด้วยไมโครโฟนMRAที่มีโครงสร้างเป็นไมโครโฟนMRA(MRSA)


* Structured micronutrients registered midication, supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (Thai FDA, อย) and supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (JPN). US PAT.

구조화된 미량 영양소를 통한 MRSA(메티실린 내성 황색포도상구균) 제거

2023-10-06 06:14:03 | 구조화된 미량 원소


구조화된 미량 영양소를 분사하여 피부와 식기에서 MRSA(메티실린 내성 황색포도상구균)를 제거합니다.


* Structured micronutrients registered medication, supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (Thai FDA, อย) and supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (JP) US PAT.

通过结构化微量营养素消除 MRSA(耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌

2023-10-06 06:12:11 | 結構化微量營養素



通过喷洒结构性微量营养素,消除皮肤和器皿中的 MRSA(耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌)。


* Structured micronutrients registered midication, supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (Thai FDA, อย) and supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (JPN). US PAT.

Elimination of MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) by structured micronutrients

2023-10-06 06:07:59 | structured micronutrient


MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is eliminated from skin and utensils by spraying with structured micronutrients.


* Structured micronutrients registered midication, supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (Thai FDA, อย) and supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (JPN). US PAT.


2023-10-06 06:01:20 | 構造化微量要素


構造化微量要素のスプレーによって、皮膚や器具からMRSA(メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌/Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus)は駆除される。


* Structured micronutrients registered midication, supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (Thai FDA, อย) and supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (JPN). US PAT.



2023-10-04 19:05:13 | โครงสร้างไมโครโฟน




* Structured micronutrients registered midication, supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (Thai FDA, อย) and supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (JPN). US PAT.

Indução da ovulação em mulheres idosas através de micronutrientes estruturados

2023-10-04 19:02:43 | Micronutrientes estruturados

A indução da ovulação foi repetida a partir dos 35 anos de idade e foram tomados 5-10 ml/dia de micronutrientes estruturados quando o número de ovulações atingiu 0 aos 40 anos de idade. Como resultado, foram obtidos números de ovulação de 2 a 10.



Após a menopausa, aos 65 anos, a menstruação recomeçou quando começou a tomar 2 ml/dia a 10 ml/dia de micronutrientes estruturados.

O desconforto, como as cólicas menstruais, foi eliminado com a ingestão de 1 ml/dia a 5 ml/dia de micronutrientes estruturados.


* Structured micronutrients registered midication, supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (Thai FDA, อย) and supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (JPN). US PAT.

Induction de l'ovulation chez les femmes âgées par des micronutriments structurés

2023-10-04 19:00:48 | Micronutriments structurés

L'induction de l'ovulation a été répétée à partir de l'âge de 35 ans, et 5-10 ml/jour de micronutriments structurés ont été pris lorsque le nombre d'ovulations a atteint 0 à l'âge de 40 ans. On a ainsi obtenu des nombres d'ovulations de 2 à 10.



Après la ménopause, à l'âge de 65 ans, les menstruations ont repris lorsqu'elle a commencé à prendre 2 ml/jour à 10 ml/jour de micronutriments structurés.

Les désagréments tels que les crampes menstruelles ont été éliminés en buvant 1 ml/jour à 5 ml/jour de micronutriments structurés.


* Structured micronutrients registered midication, supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (Thai FDA, อย) and supplement, food, drinking water, cosmetics (JPN). US PAT.