「Heroes of Might and Magic III」の拡張パック「Shadow of Death」のキャンペーン「Specter of Power」のシナリオ1「Poison Fit for a King」をプレイしました。
Specter of Power
Sandro's first attempt at conquering Antagarich has failed. However, he is not defeated. Sandro will pull together several groups of people and start the first rumblings of war that will engulf all of Antagarich.
Capture Haart Castle and leave the Vial of Poison to win the scenario. However, if Sandro is defeated in combat, the scenario is lost. Heroes are limited to level 10, but Sandro and three of his comrades will carry their experience, skills and spells on to the next scenario.
マップサイズはM。チームカラーはBlue で、敵はRed となっています。難易度はデフォルトではHard ですが、今回はExpert に上げてプレイすることにします。
シナリオ開始前に、20 Zombies、3000 Gold、Boots of Speed の中からひとつを選択します。Zobmie はあまり役に立ちませんし、この中ならBoots of Speed ですかね。
まずはSandro の独白から物語は始まります。
Lord Haart has agreed to take the Vial of Poison to King Gryphonheart. All I must do is leave the Vial in Haart's castle after I raid it. Fortunately for me, he is problem with overpopulation, so I will add his wasted peasants to my own ranks. This will be a good day for harvesting skeletons!
Sometimes Deyja lords will allow other creatures to move into an area under their control and then slaughter them to resurrect additional undead armies. However, this particular area has been neglected by the Deyja lords and now needs to be cleared out for you to get through to Lord Haart's Castle. This is the time when you wish you had the Armor of the Dead King! Grinding your teeth, you set about raising armies this the old fashioned way.