クリスチャンの方々にも、そしてまだ「神様って?」と思っている方々にも、このブログを通して少しでも神様の素晴らしさを知るきっかけが見つかれば幸いです☆ 私は信じます!このブログを通して神様と出会う方が起こされ、その方々の歩みが祝福されることを祈ります
Let me introduce myself☆
I Teruminoah was born in Osaka. I am a Christian. I began to go to church from the timeof the second grade in the elementary school.
Osaka→USA(Oregon)→Osaka→Nagasaki→Nagano→Yamanashi→Nagano→Kobe, it was my life with a lot of movements like a nomad. But I’m settling down in Tokyo last few years.
After I came to Tokyo, I started composition of writing songs with praying to the God. And I sing these songs in the church, the road, and the events, etc.
My vision is to be a singer-songwriter who is appropriate for god's eyes with which the God is pleased. Through the gospel songs, I want to deliver His Love, the wonderful and delightto the people all over the world. I am a small person. But I can do anything if He said to me. So I walk with thanks and praise in my mouth everyday.
In my blog, I want to share my testimonies from real and truth heart.I want to write down about how He leads me, how He did me good things, how he will lead me and change me…
I will be happy if you find His grate things through my blog even if it is very tiny. I believe in Jesus Christ. God use my blog and someone will meet Jesus Christ☆

クリスチャンの方々にも、そしてまだ「神様って?」と思っている方々にも、このブログを通して少しでも神様の素晴らしさを知るきっかけが見つかれば幸いです☆ 私は信じます!このブログを通して神様と出会う方が起こされ、その方々の歩みが祝福されることを祈ります

Let me introduce myself☆
I Teruminoah was born in Osaka. I am a Christian. I began to go to church from the timeof the second grade in the elementary school.
Osaka→USA(Oregon)→Osaka→Nagasaki→Nagano→Yamanashi→Nagano→Kobe, it was my life with a lot of movements like a nomad. But I’m settling down in Tokyo last few years.
After I came to Tokyo, I started composition of writing songs with praying to the God. And I sing these songs in the church, the road, and the events, etc.
My vision is to be a singer-songwriter who is appropriate for god's eyes with which the God is pleased. Through the gospel songs, I want to deliver His Love, the wonderful and delightto the people all over the world. I am a small person. But I can do anything if He said to me. So I walk with thanks and praise in my mouth everyday.
In my blog, I want to share my testimonies from real and truth heart.I want to write down about how He leads me, how He did me good things, how he will lead me and change me…
I will be happy if you find His grate things through my blog even if it is very tiny. I believe in Jesus Christ. God use my blog and someone will meet Jesus Christ☆