世紀の発見 古墳壁画
石舞台 夢市
飛鳥駅前 飛鳥びとの館
万葉文化館 ミュージアムショップ
キトラ古墳 四神の館 売店
その他Ⅱ 古代飛鳥をテーマにした作品

1997年 奈良芸術短期大学卒
2001年 やなせたかし主宰「詩とメルヘン」佳作入選
々 絵本全国発売
2015年 奈良明日香村、Rinギャラリーで初個展。翌年も開催
2016年 古代飛鳥をテーマに数々の作品を創作
2018年 東京銀座一丁目、「Bartok Gallery」にてグループ展出展
2019年 同ギャラリー主催「ワインラベルコンペ」優勝
山の辺書房代表 よしいふみと

One out of two people is in doubt about having cancer. What will happen to my life in the future? A darkness of fear silently loomed over me as I thought of this.One day, after a few days of agony, I suddenly felt someone pushing my back.
Yes, I thought, I just have to do what I have to do now. I decided to suck it up and live positively.
I learned something from this experience. For those who think they are cancer-free, if you feel any discomfort in your body, I recommend you to see a doctor immediately. Even if something is found, the probability of cure increases with early detection, so I hope you will have the courage to take action without fear.
One out of two people is in doubt about having cancer. What will happen to my life in the future? A darkness of fear silently loomed over me as I thought of this.One day, after a few days of agony, I suddenly felt someone pushing my back.
Yes, I thought, I just have to do what I have to do now. I decided to suck it up and live positively.
I learned something from this experience. For those who think they are cancer-free, if you feel any discomfort in your body, I recommend you to see a doctor immediately. Even if something is found, the probability of cure increases with early detection, so I hope you will have the courage to take action without fear.