
Zazen 法話のページ

English Zen lecture 'Elephant is a merciful animal' by Giken Yoshitomi oshyo

2016-03-27 | zen lecture
English Zen lecture 'Elephant is a merciful animal' by Giken Yoshitomi oshyo

The elephant rescued a rhinoceros baby.

In Africa, when a baby rhinoceros drank water with his mother, he fell to the swamp. Mother rhinoceros tried to rescue her baby, but she couldn't do. Then she gave up and decided to leave.

The elephant was looking at it from the other side, and he came and tried to rescue the baby by using his long nose. Mother rhinoceros rushed toward the elephant. At that time, the elephant had no choice but to leave. Mother rhinoceros still couldn't help the baby, and finally she gave up and left from there. After that, the elephant came back and finally rescued the baby.

I've never heard that animals rescue another species. The only animal to do it may be an elephant. Elephant is a merciful animal, not only having high intelligence but also an altruistic heart.


●坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1圓通寺
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