One of the disciples of The Venerable Honen, who founded Japanese Jodo sect was formerly a thief. When he was sleeping in the room next to Honen at night, Honen muttered something, so he secretly opened the sliding door a little. Honen had made an invocation of Amitabha with sitting on his bed confidentially. Honen noticed him and lied down to sleep. The disciple was surprised that Honen made effort to make an invocation of Amitabha wholeheartedly.
Honen made a long Buddhist rosary which has 1080 beads and took it, made one million times invocation of Amitabha. It needed through eight days without sleeping. Because Mokugenshi-sutra teaches it. They say that Honen achieved it twice.
Devoting oneself completely is the faith of Jodo. However, there is not only favorable matters for us in the world. If anything, there are a lot of unfavorable matters to devote Amitabha. It is nothing easy matter that devoting our own unfavorable to Amitabha.
I made a visit to Moscow State University in October 2013. I had a question from a female student from Tibet.
‘I am a Tibetan student studying abroad. Tibetan people have faith wholeheartedly. Faith is much marvelous world. I cannot explain it in words. I have a question. I think the faith is as well as Zazen. What do you think about it?’
I responded her.
Yes, it is as well as Zazen.
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