世界サイバ-戦争 - 核を超える脅威
クラーク,リチャード〈Clark,Richard A.〉/ネイク,ロバート【著】〈Knake,Robert K.〉/北川 知子/峯村 利哉【訳】
価格 \1,785(税込)
Richard Alan Clarke[1] (born October 27, 1950) is the former National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism for the United States.
Richard A. Clarke
Seven Questions: Richard Clarke on the Next Cyber Pearl Harbor
Former U.S. counterterrorism chief Richard A. Clarke reveals his fears about the “massive espionage” being conducted against the Pentagon by Chinese hackers.
APRIL 2, 2008
5 highlights from Susan Rice's diplomatic career
クラーク,リチャード〈Clark,Richard A.〉/ネイク,ロバート【著】〈Knake,Robert K.〉/北川 知子/峯村 利哉【訳】
価格 \1,785(税込)
Richard Alan Clarke[1] (born October 27, 1950) is the former National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism for the United States.
Richard A. Clarke
Seven Questions: Richard Clarke on the Next Cyber Pearl Harbor
Former U.S. counterterrorism chief Richard A. Clarke reveals his fears about the “massive espionage” being conducted against the Pentagon by Chinese hackers.
APRIL 2, 2008
5 highlights from Susan Rice's diplomatic career