


2011-02-01 02:07:41 | Weblog
19:02 from web (Re: @A_TAKATA
@A_TAKATA It was a hardship. Thank you very much.
21:47 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki Drinking among the train is an act the lowest.
22:27 from web (Re: @Tanigaki_S
@Tanigaki_S Thank you for making an effort in hurried Budget Committee of the Diet. I am assisting as a citizen.
22:40 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki It is "come to a spring, and come early".
23:09 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius You are "writing is easiness but doing is a difficulty".
23:24 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius It will be "the greater embraces the less".
23:35 from web (Re: @woman_jp
@woman_jp ??? ????? ????
23:56 from ついっぷる/twipple
RT @woman_jp: I also think so.
by numchay on Twitter