


2011-02-03 02:21:53 | Weblog
01:43 from web
@dragonmama はじめまして、今後よろしくお願いします。 (Nice to meet you. Please will be continue your favors toward the aftertime. )
02:01 from ついっぷる/twipple
RT @delbius: Do you challenge the professional wrestling?
12:18 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius It would be being a lotus flower.
12:54 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius It would be being say, "The angel doesn't approach to dangerous ones".
16:19 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius If the Coca-Cola is drinking after it eats the apple, you would be making apple liquor soon in the abdomen.
by numchay on Twitter