動画: 花は咲く Hana wa Saku “Flowers will bloom” 復興支援ソング *We are sincerely praying for the victims’ sorrows... tmblr.co/ZkPEJr1N8vlXz
To training of karaoke youtu.be/6K_SticEshM?a
@aunder What country people are you?
@ruslansv For you, what is the reason to pass commuting?
@aunder Do you say that this is a hamburger made from the minced meat that impurities enter?
@yokoono Perhaps, it would be being show the person my true appearance.
(NHK chiba)
3日(日)[総合]午前11:00~「NHKとっておきサンデー」花子とアン一週間:第18週「涙はいつか笑顔になる」▽ミニミニ映像大賞 ▽あなたの街のNHK:千葉局。→www4.nhk.or.jp/totteoki/ @igris5