@ViiaTumblrr What chats a lot of the other party would be being what do information increase more than other party of one person.
@goo_thanks "Love" of that is good with one day too but "Amor" would be being eternal.
(NHK chiba)
17日(金)に放送した「首都圏ネットワーク」のリポート動画『京葉線~りんかい線 直通運転に熱視線』をアップ !→nhk.or.jp/chiba/videonew… @igis5
(NHK chiba)
20日(月)に放送した「ひるどき情報ちば」の音声『ひるどき健康塾』をアップ!テーマは「薬の正しい使い方」だカラね!→nhk.or.jp/chiba/movie_ra… @igris5
@SimonBoylan It is ""Amor" would be being eternal".
@ViiaTumblrr This photograph is very wonderful.