


2014-10-26 01:27:17 | Weblog

@Gr8TumblrPost The crayon pastel has not been seen by you at all yet.

@Gr8TumblrPost I am reading that you are an owner of excellent intelligence, and a noble woman.

@ViiaTumblrr I appreciate the reception comment of the person in the distant country. The answer sends by a polite sentence.

@SimonBoylan I aim the comprehensible, short summary of the sentence of the comment.

@Gr8TumblrPost It should apologize if everyone admits that the chatting is a mistake.

@ViiaTumblrr Chatting is a lie in it, but the operation would be being true.

@SimonBoylan I am hoping communications deepen in the interpersonal relationship.

The world would be being what arrive to a collapse by the diffusion of envy.

@Gr8TumblrPost Perhaps, they would be being people in near primates.

@Gr8TumblrPost Perhaps, that story would be being what is among the dream.

@Gr8TumblrPost I am wanting the person who helps when he is troubled.

(NHK chiba)
26日(日)[FM]午後8:20~「リサイタル・ノヴァ 岡本誠司(バイオリン)」 クラシック界の新星による演奏を楽しめる番組。今回ご紹介するのは千葉県市川市出身のバイオリニスト・岡本誠司さんです→www4.nhk.or.jp/nova/