


2015-06-08 01:34:46 | Weblog

@AfiaLennox All of the person, it would be being best to keep executing what person is able to.

@AfiaLennox If it is me, I think that "Salt" is preferable to "Sugar".

@ViiaTumblrr If "Envy" is done by the woman, man's feelings would be being good.

@omnvrsl @c_pickles It would be being impossible if communications with them are not made.

Via Tumblr "Introduction"

Via Tumblr "Introduction"
「だれかを愛しているなら、その人に言ってください。」 「規則かおかしく見えることへの恐怖を忘れてください。」

NHK chiba
7日(日)[BSプレミアム]午後5:30~【再放送】釣りびと万歳「豪快!巨大魚イシナギと真剣勝負~林マヤ 千葉・勝浦へ~」 勝浦市の沖で巨大魚イシナギを狙う。林マヤさんが生きたイカを餌に挑む!→www4.nhk.or.jp/angler/2/

フォトセット: “Japanese green tea (Ryokuchiya)” > * There was a time when my taste buds scorned... tmblr.co/ZkPEJr1meUK0B