"唯一の少しの間に死に承認させられた絵”(最も長い生きている動物 )*科学者は偶然この世界一長い生きている動物を殺しました。 これは、今まで撮られた最後の写真です。 fb.me/7se0hMykK
Via Tumblr "Quotation"
Afia Lennox "Quotation"
@ViiaTumblrr Love is good if it does even if it is short, but the amor would be being eternal.
画像: 画像 “We Hopped A Fence And Explored The Ruins Of Candlestick Park” > * On Saturday, Ryan and a... tmblr.co/ZkPEJr1nJCPSm
@ViiaTumblrr As for the comment, the one in the content to develop communications would be being good.
@SimonBoylan I would be being what work hard having the purpose to develop communications.
@SimonBoylan They had said it is comfortable if my companions are looking at person's beautiful a figure.
@AfiaLennox You would be being by what did a hardship very much.
@ChiIIVlbes @c_pickles From "Purple willow" ("The nature" is no-necessary, the meaning "Is a serious matter". )
@ViiaTumblrr All people would be being not able to live as it is of the desire.
@AfiaLennox I do not try to think of the impossible one.
@AfiaLennox It would be being a man and woman in the state that the mausoleum hangs.
I have the experience that licked honey during coming home, but do not lick the honey of the flower.