I had my fifth toe sprained pretty hard.
My husband told me that God scolded you.
He was true to say so since something occurred to me ;
I repented humbly !
To ease the swelling and the pain,
I had a bag of ice cubes on top of the affected area the whole day.
Because I needed to sit still,
it made me feel like reading the book I had stopped a long time ago.
The book is a real story about a Jewish family moving from Russia to New York in the first half 20 century.
The main character Joe had been troubled by fear of death and by pursuit of eternity.
He could not find hope in Judaism and started to search for the answer.
He was led to believe Jesus Christ and got to know He was the answer.
It was so interesting to know what Jewish people believe and how they consider Christianity !
May they encounter the Messiah !