I am Quan Yin and I have been given the permission to appear today and present my message to the world. It is a tumultuous world that slowly is recovering after thousands of year of war and misery. You have done a fantastic job and we are so proud and happy for your efforts to transform this world from a place of darkness to letting the light reappear on Gaia again. There has been many goings back and forth, but it has always advanced forward towards the goal to transform this surface to a light and loving place to live on.
The light has now reached many souls on Earth and the critical mass has been achieved so expect large changes on our world today. Maybe it will not be as you imagined. It is hard to imagine how it is going to be in the higher dimensions of light and love when one is in the lower vibrations. Nevertheless the Earth has raised its vibration a little and then I mean on its surface. The inner Earth already has a high vibration. Light is now trickling out from the Inner Earth and down from Cosmos. You are today awash with light and it affects your bodies greatly. It has the effect that changes will progress faster and it might be difficult for many to keep up with the pace. All you lightworkers that have progressed a bit along the path be ready to assist. You are all needed now by all the worried souls that are in the process of waking up. All helping hands are needed. We have a large but loving task in front of us. We all have different tasks to perform. Some of us will build and work with technology and others will help people socially in many different ways. Yet others will hold meditations and provide healing in order to get people to understand who they are and where they are going. As we go along we will form a large community where we together serve Gaia and Cosmos – our home. Gaia is our home and we love here, but we can also have another home were we feel we have our large family. Yes, there is much to take in dear friends on Earth and we will have to take it step by step. First of all it is the surface on our Earth that needs to be healed and repaired. All experts and all materials are there so you just need to get started.
The old matrix has started to fall and the construction of a new one has started. It is you dear children on Earth that deserve the credit for this. Your steady belief, and your steady light is now shining miles around and it is an impressive vision to behold. We are so grateful and happy for this. The era of light is here and the dark is disappearing at the horizon. More and more have started to find their own light and understood that they can return whenever they so wish. Others are on their way to wake up and they understand that they are a part of it all – that life is bigger than they can see with the naked eye. Everything is a process and this process has come far along the way in the march towards the light.
I, and the whole Galactic Federation, stand ready together with you now. We send you all our assistance and all our love. With the slightest sign or inquiry and we are at your side.
いずれにせよアメリカ一極支配の構造は溶解しつつあります。新しい世界新秩序(闇の勢力が画策したNWO(New World Order)や、マクドナルドやコカコーラに象徴されるグローバリゼーションという名のアメリカナイゼーションではなく、それぞれの地域が自立し格差のな い平和で公正な世界)をほんとうは日本が先導すべきと思います。
こ の資料は報道機関,米国政府,米国科学界の人々に向けて準備された.執筆お よび編集はスティーブン・M・グリア医師(責任者)とセオドア・C・ローダー三世博士に よる。ディスクロージャー・プロジェクトは、ノースカロライナの緊急医師スティーブン・M・グリア博士(Dr. Steven M. Greer)により始められたもので、人類社会にとりUFO/ET(未確認飛行物体/地球外知性体)事象が持つ意味とは何か、その隠されている真実と情報 の全面公開を求め、各界に向けた行動提言、政府・議会への働きかけなどを通して、この問題に真正面から取り組んできた活動です。文書は下記からpdfファ イルでダウンロードできます(無料)▶http://www4.ocn.ne.jp/~ds08pro/
Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI)
ネ イティブアメリカン:ホピ族を始め多くの民族の古代からの伝承は地球の内部が空洞であると伝えてきた。ただ空洞であるだけではなく、そこには美しい自然に 満 ちたパラダイスが広がっていると伝えてきたのである。科学的な検証も毎日のように更新されて真剣に惑星空洞説を研究する科学者が現在増えているのである。 チベット・ストーンヘンジ・シャスタ山・南極、北極など地球上にアクセスポイントが置かれていると考えられていて、多くの探検家がこれまでにシャンバラの 発見を試みてきた。ヒットラーもその一人で地底世界の実在を強く信じて南極探検を熱心に行っていた。初めて北極点を飛行したバード少佐は日記の中にスペースシップと遭遇して地底世界を訪ねた記録を残している。(THE FLIGHT TO THE LAND BEYOND THE NORTH POLE)