


2009-04-29 18:10:34 | 天国からのメッセージ
また再び、権力ある地位の人間たちに強力な支配を及ぼしている闇の影響を受けた者たちが、その名にぴったりの”断末魔” のあがきに出たのです。
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 天国からのメッセージへ


2009-04-29 10:35:33 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
We come forth this day to speak to you about the great events that are now taking place upon the Earth, within the Earth and around the Earth. Know that much is coming forth within the next few days, there will be much truth coming to the surface. There will be great revelations that will put the people of the Earth into a tailspin. We of the Great White Brotherhood speak to you now about the great need for each Lightworker to stay centered and to dedicate themselves in the next while to consistently and persistently keep anchoring your Light into the Earth so that the Earth remains in stability and relative peace and harmony. Know that the times are upon us, the times of great change, the times of the implementation of these changes. This is what we have been working for, for so long and it is now upon us, Dear Ones.
Many of you have been struggling to adjust to the high intensity of the New Energies that are coming down upon the Earth at this time. It has been very difficult for you to rise above so that you are in tune and in harmony with these energies. Many of you have been experiencing great heaviness of Soul and this is the cleansing and the bringing forth of the Divine Feminine energy, the Divine Feminine power. This will continue in the days ahead. This will bring forth many things that have been hidden. This will bring forth the Goddess energies upon the Earth plane, within the Earth herself as the Lady Gaia.
Know that the time of the Divine Goddess energy is upon us. It is an energy that is translated into action and so there will be much taking place upon the Earth plane, that which once was hidden, will become fully in the public knowledge. As it has been doing to each Lightworker in the clearing of each of you of that which needed to be cleared, that was not in harmony and resonating with this Divine Goddess energy, so now this energy is radiating forth into the world, upon the world stage in mass consciousness. This will continue, and we, the Great White Brotherhood, ask each of you who have been heeding our Calls and answering our Calls, to anchor the Light that never fails into the Earth in the days ahead. We, of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Great White Brotherhood are relying on you, the Earth Team members to assist us in this great endeavour.
Know, Dear Ones, that there is a Light at the end of this tunnel.
Kuthumi for the Great White Brotherhood
The Time is Now!
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ


2009-04-25 09:00:19 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell, the sixth man ever to walk on the moon, has a message for all citizens of Earth: We are not alone.
"We are being visited," the 79-year-old grandfatherly "spacefarer" told 100 or so UFOlogists gathered at a National Press Club conference called by the Paradigm Research Group (motto: "It's not about lights in the sky; it's about lies on the ground").
"It is now time to put away this embargo of truth about the alien presence," said the astronaut who made the longest moonwalk in history. "I call upon our government to open up ... and become a part of this planetary community that is now trying to take our proper role as a spacefaring civilization."
CURL: Astronaut says we're not alone
Astronaut Demands Obama Release The 'Alien UFO Files' 23 4 2009


2009-04-24 11:02:03 | 闇の世界史
YouTube/Return of the Ancestors
4月18日からアメリカのアリゾナで、ドン・アレハンドロをトップとしたマヤ長老評議会が主催する儀式・「祖先たちの帰還」が行われている。・・・ 今回の祈りの儀式には13のドクロが揃うようである が、ドクロ伝説が伝えているように13のドクロが一堂に会することによって、大きなエネルギーを発揮するとしたら、人類にとって「念願の時」の到来がまた一歩近づ くことになるかもしれない。
となると、当然、これから先、我々は天変地異、経済の崩壊、感染症の蔓延など厳しい状況に遭遇することになるに違いない 。ホピ族の言う「大いなる浄めの日」の到来である。しかし、これらの出来事は皆、産みの前の苦しみであることを自覚し、正しい死生観、価値観を持って穏やかな日々を送ることが肝心である。


ムー大陸伝説 2 : オキナワ・ロゼッタ・ストーン

2009-04-24 07:30:43 | 封印された神代史
YouTube/Land of Lemuria have they found it?
画像:The Mysterious Underwater Ruins of the Lost World in Yonaguni
ムー大陸伝説 1
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 先史文明へ先史文明


2009-04-23 06:30:34 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
X Conference 2009 - End of May Disclosure Ultimatum on UFO's
PRG(Paradigm Research Group)はXカンファレンスでオバマ政府はUFOとETの情報公開を5月末までに行う(アメリカ政府が行わなければ他国が6月か7月に行う)と発表した。
X-Conference Broadcasts on CNN. Beginning of UFO Disclosure goes Mainstream!
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ


2009-04-22 08:11:16 | 宇宙からのメッセージ

cnn coverage of the 2009 national press club x conference about ufo´s with edgar mitchell
Former astronaut: Man not alone in universe
JES NEWS:CNNなどの海外マスメディアに大きな変化が現れ始めています!

にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

サ・ルー・サ4/17:新しい時代に向かう地球へ 3

2009-04-21 14:28:36 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Dear Ones, for many thousands of years you have given away your rights and allowed those with ambition for power to take over. You may have trusted them to look after you, and there were certainly many ancient times when you felt vulnerable and in danger from marauding gangs, or foreign incursions. Wars have been perpetuated as a deliberate means of keeping you in fear, and lining the coffers of those who always make fortunes from them. Now you know why there is no serious intent to bring world peace into being. However, people power is supreme, inasmuch that with their awakening as to how they have been used, they now sense that they can move Humanity onto a new path. Those who have a deeper understanding that includes those who follow spiritual messages, have learnt that they can create their own future. Needing no more than a focus upon the conditions of peace and harmony that they desire, they have set in motion the Laws of the Universe that have responded by allowing a great manifestation of positive energy that answers the call. We say that you have not only exercised your power of creation, but have attracted exactly what is required to achieve your aims. We are also part of that response, as you have called us to you recognizing the brotherhood that exists between us that is now set to bloom.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and slowly but surely we help you prepare for a most momentous event that will move you out of duality. Ascension is the goal, and our arrival will speed up your upliftment, whilst at the same time dealing with the need to bring Mother Earth up with you, as you will ascend together. There is so much that we can reveal about your true history, and we can support those claims with indisputable proof that exists in the Akashic Records. You will find it fascinating as holographic pictures bring the past back to life. Television as you understand it now will be eventually superseded by holographic images that are of course 3D, and in their experimental stage on Earth already. Our knowledge will conveniently follow on where you leave off, and exciting times lay ahead. Through all of this our objective is to lift you up, and our dealings with you based on our loving relationship with you. We carry out the bidding of the Creator with great passion and joy.
Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.
SaLuSa Sirian Update April 17/09
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

サ・ルー・サ4/17:新しい時代に向かう地球へ 2

2009-04-20 17:05:08 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
We expect some major event to signal the first opportunity to bring First Contact that bit closer. It will not take too much to create the degree of assurance, that is needed to gain the necessary cooperation required to make the first of our announcements. These will be carried out diplomatically and authorized by the powers that be at the appropriate time. Like everything else connected with our arrival on Earth, it has already been well rehearsed and the procedures tailored to follow your protocol. Do we have a Crystal Ball, the answer is no, but we do have magnificent computers that literally have a mind of their own. Yours by comparison are very basic, but serve your requirements for present. All of the new technologies will be yours to use to speed up the changes, and establish a communications network that will seemingly overcome the impossible. Distance will be no obstacle wherever you are in the world.
Over a period of time we have gradually given you information of the benefits that are to be yours. But for the deliberate concealment and blocking of many discoveries, you would for example have already been using a range of free energy devices. However, the Illuminati have kept you dependent on oil based fuels that are extremely profitable to them, and easily controlled where prices are concerned. They have little or no interest in curbing their use although they recognize that they are seriously polluting the earth, seaways and atmosphere. They try to justify the continued use of dirty fuels, such as nuclear energy from which they also maintain a supply of enriched uranium for their nuclear weapons. It seems that they are happy to ignore our authority, that allows us to prevent such use as starting a nuclear war. We know that there are some of you who find such facts unbelievable, but that is because you have been brainwashed for many years to accept war as a normal part of human experience.
SaLuSa Sirian Update April 17/09
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

サ・ルー・サ4/17:新しい時代に向かう地球へ 1

2009-04-19 18:11:44 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
YouTube/Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa 17 April 2009
We are understanding of the fear generated on Earth because of the situation you are going through. Without a strong spiritual belief there appears to be no future for Mankind other than a continuance of the present turmoil. However, there will be hope arising from the action of certain people who are sufficiently far sighted to see the new direction you need to go in. Their voices will be heard, and because they are inspired notice will taken of their ideas. There has never been such an open period as now, where those in authority are desperately seeking help. We assist by getting behind our allies, as they know what is best to move matters on so that a satisfactory outcome is assured. Changes are needed as stepping-stones to higher and more suitable conditions, that will easily accommodate the new technologies. We cannot flood you out overnight, and certain preparations are essential to enable you to step into a new era. There is muddle and confusion all around as the old collapses, but like the Phoenix emerging from the ashes, you will take your opportunity to introduce a completely new way of working. New ideas will abound, and with our direct help you will be well on the way to establishing a more acceptable and free society.
There is so much to learn to enable you to play your part in determining your future. Fortunately your minds have transcended the old ways, and are drawn to new ideas that are awakening your consciousness. You see where Mankind has been held back, and desire to remove the barriers that have been erected to delay your progress. You have also realized you have an innate power that can project your thoughts, so that they become your reality. It is the realization that everyone can partake of such changes, that is bringing people together in a common cause. The time is up where the old brigade are concerned, and they are beginning to accept their fate. The more they try to re-establish their power, the more problems they encounter and their whole structure is breaking up. You have many opportunities to loosen their hold upon you, and our allies wait for such times ready to identify the areas that are ready for change. It is a waiting game but our vast knowledge of what is happening on Earth, will ensure we know when it is best to make our moves.
SaLuSa Sirian Update April 17/09
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