

Trump Inauguration Speech Hints at Official Disclosure of Secret Space Programs

2017-03-08 09:23:31 | ディスクロージャー


In his inauguration speech challenging the vested interests that control political life in Washington D.C., President Donald Trump spoke of a future where humanity has full access to the kind of advanced technologies allegedly used in secret space programs. Trump appeared to be hinting at the benefits official disclosure of these programs would bring to the U.S and the world, and that he was going to challenge the vested interests hiding these.

Back in December 2016, he had told presidential historian Douglas Brinkley that he planned to write a short speech himself. Later, Trump tweeted a picture of himself working on his speech alone, thereby indicating that its content would be his own creation.


It is highly likely that Trump’s speech writers would have polished his words, and added a few rhetorical flourishes to accentuate whatever points he wanted to make in the various drafts leading to the final product. Nevertheless the contents of his Inauguration Speech reveal much of what Trump really thinks about the future and hopes to achieve during his presidency.

Early in his speech, Trump was clear that Washington politics only benefited a small wealthy elite rather than the entire population:

For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs. And while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.

Trump affirmed his campaign pledge to revitalize American manufacturing industry and bringing high paying jobs back. He stated his opposition to Free Trade deals which have led to many U.S. corporations taking their manufacturing plants out of the U.S., and shipping their cheaply made foreign products back at a huge profit for a small group benefited by powerful Washington DC., lobbyists:

One by one, the factories shuttered and left our shores, with not even a thought about the millions and millions of American workers that were left behind. The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed all across the world.

Towards the end of his speech, Trump uttered one sentence that contained his most developed vision of the future for America and its citizenry. He said:

We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.

Trump’s use of the phrase “unlock the mysterious of space” may be just a rhetorical flourish to show his determination to rejuvenate the NASA space program and to assist the growing commercial space industry. Alternatively, it is a hint that he is aware that there is much more happening in space than the public have been informed about.

His use of the word “unlock” suggests that these mysteries are kept hidden in highly classified programs, and he now holds the keys to them. In that sense, he is sending the message that as the President and Commander in Chief, he holds all the keys and intends to use them to further his vision of the future. Once again, he was signaling his intent of confronting the “small group” hidden in Washington that benefit from keeping secrets from the public.

The next phrase used by Trump in the same sentence furthermore raises the possibility that he is aware of advanced healing technologies secretly developed in classified programs.

Witnesses and whistleblowers have described advanced healing technologies used in secret space programs that can regenerate limbs and organs, and cure any disease. For example, retired Aerospace Engineer, William Tompkins, says that from 1967 to 1971 he worked at the TRW Corporation, which had developed “life extension” pharmaceutical products that can cure any disease, and physically age-regress people.

Medical researchers such as geneticist, Dr. David Sinclair, have publicly demonstrated that age-regression is not science fiction, but is scientifically feasible. He states that testing on human subjects is only a few years away, without realizing the breakthroughs achieved in classified programs going as far back as five decades.

Trump further added that he planned “to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.” Again, was this a rhetorical flourish added by a speech writer, or was he hinting at advanced technologies used in secret space programs?

In discussing the “technologies of tomorrow” Trump appeared to be referring to more than just bringing back conventional manufacturing industries to generate new jobs. If some of the advanced technologies used in secret space programs such as antigravity and free energy were released, then this would revolutionize the automobile, aviation and energy industries. Tens of millions of jobs would be created in the US alone.

Trump has promised to move quickly in achieving his campaign goals and the vision outlined in his Inauguration Speech. It appears that he is has been made aware of advanced space technologies that have been kept secret from the American public, and the “small group” that benefits from this. As the newly installed Commander in Chief, he now holds the keys to unlocking these secrets, and ushering in a “new millennium” through an official disclosure process that does “Make America Great Again.”

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading




NASA、地球に似た7惑星発見 水存在の可能性

2017-02-23 10:01:40 | ディスクロージャー


【ワシントン=川合智之】米航空宇宙局(NASA)は地球によく似た太陽系外惑星7つを39光年先の宇宙で発見した。大きさは地球とほぼ同じで、一 部には海が存在する可能性がある。生命に不可欠な水が液体の状態で存在すれば、地球外生命への期待が高まりそうだ。ベルギーのリエージュ大学などとの共同 研究で、論文は英科学誌ネイチャー(電子版)に23日掲載される。



 みずがめ座の方角に39光年離れた恒星「トラピスト1」の周りに、大きさが地球の0.76~1.13倍の惑星7つが見つかった。1つの恒星 系で7つも見つかるのは珍しい。このうち6つは地球に似た質量で、岩石でできているとみられる。赤外線をとらえるNASAのスピッツァー宇宙望遠鏡などで 観測した。




  NASAは2015年7月、地球から1400光年離れたところに液体の水が存在する可能性がある惑星「ケプラー452b」を発見し「地球のいとこ」と呼ん だ。これに比べると今回の惑星は近いが、39光年は光の速さで移動しても39年かかる。将来、惑星を探査したり人間が移住したりするには技術革新が要る。


 太陽系外惑星  太陽系の外にある恒星の周りを回る惑星。1990年代以降、3000を超える系外惑星が特殊な観測技術によって確認されている。木星よりはるかに大きいガ ス惑星など様々なタイプがあるが、注目されているのは岩石や金属でできた地球型惑星だ。恒星のエネルギーの大きさと周回距離の関係から、温暖で液体の水が 存在して生命を育むことができる惑星は、地球外生命が存在する有力な候補地とみられている。






明日深夜、NASAが超重大・緊急記者会見!! 「植民惑星」「地球外生命体」発見の歴史的1日になる可能性ガチで高い、物理学者予想

2017-02-22 12:46:06 | ディスクロージャー








 気になる22日の緊急記者会見に ついてNASAは多くを明らかにしていない。しかし、アナウンスに記されたいくつかの手がかりから、会見の内容をわずかながら読み取ることができる。ひと つは「系外惑星に関する重大な新事実を発表する」と記された会見の主旨だ。系外惑星とは、太陽系の外にある恒星を周回する惑星のこと。つまり今回の発表 は、火星をはじめとする地球にとって(比較的)身近な惑星の話“ではない”ということだ。

 そしてもうひとつ、会見に出席が予定されている科学者た ちの肩書きにも着目しなければならない。発表に立ち会う科学者として、MIT(マサチューセッツ工科大学)の惑星科学・物理学教授や天文学者、NASA本 部のミッション・ディレクターなどに加え、NASA「スピッツァー科学センター」の責任者も名を連ねているのだ。そしてこれこそが、発表の内容を予想する 最大の手がかりではないか、という指摘が海外メディアで相次いでいる。

画像は、「Spitzer Space Telescope」より引用


 カリフォルニア州パサデナにある「スピッツァー科学センター」は、その名の通りNASAの「スピッツァー宇宙望遠鏡」の運用・観測を担当している研究所だ。2003年に打ち上げられたスピッツァー宇宙望遠鏡は、これまで宇宙空間に送られたなかで最大の赤外線望遠鏡となる。NASAによれば、搭載された赤外線アレイカメラ(IRAC)によって、銀河中心部、成長中の惑星系 など、可視光による光学望遠鏡では観測できない宇宙の領域を詳しく知ることができるようになったという。そしてここからが重要だ。なんとこのスピッツァー 宇宙望遠鏡は、地上にある望遠鏡のサポートを受けながら、(直接観測ではないものの)狙いを定めた惑星の「大気を構成する成分」を検出することができるの だ。


画像は、「Spitzer Space Telescope」より引用


 今回の会見は、そこから飛躍的な進歩があったことを報告する場となるのか? この点についてトカナは、専属アドバイザーである世界的宇宙物理学者に詳しい話を伺った。



画像は、「Spitzer Space Telescope」より引用





画像は、「Spitzer Space Telescope」より引用




 つまり、今回スピッツァー宇宙望遠鏡が 系外惑星の大気分析を進めた結果、地球と同じ成分の大気に覆われた、すなわち「生命が育まれている可能性が 極めて高い」もしくは「人類が移住可能な」惑星がとうとう見つかったという歴史的発表が行われる事態も十分に考えられるということだ。記者会見の模様は、NASAのウェブサイトを通じて全世界に向けて生中継される。また、NASAは今回の発表に合わせて、海外掲示板サイト「Reddit」上にAMA(Ask Me Anything、なんでも聞いてね)コーナーを設けることも発表するなど、過去にないほど入念な発表準備を重ねている印象を受ける。すでにツイッターでは、「エイリアンの発表があるに違いない」と海外ユーザーたちの間で盛り上がりを見せているようだが、真相はあと数時間で明らかになる。

参考:「NASA」、「Spitzer Space Telescope」、「The Daily Mail」、「collective EVOLUTION」、ほか




10 Government Officials Who Admitted The Existence Of Aliens

2017-01-01 15:05:34 | ディスクロージャー

Many are convinced the government is hushing up the existence of aliens to keep people from being terrified if they knew the truth. The evidence? Look no further than the government officials who have allegedly let slip the truth.

10John Podesta Says The Public Is Ready For The Truth


Photo credit: NHD-INFO

John Podesta was a member of the Obama and Clinton administrations and is now a member of Hillary Clinton’s campaign team. He has been working toward uncovering the truth about UFOs and aliens for years. He has only made a small amount of headway, but he has made some progress in getting certain files declassified.

Still, he believes there is a lot more to find and excited UFO enthusiasts when he claimed that neglecting to release UFO files was his biggest failing during his stint in the Obama administration. And yet, he is not deterred. He has made Clinton promise to get to the bottom of the issue if she becomes president — if there is anything shocking to show the public, it may be Podesta who makes it happen.

9Dennis Kucinich Claimed A Genuine Alien Experience


Photo credit: SEIU International

Congressman Dennis Kucinich is known for being very outspoken and quite different from his colleagues. He is considered extremely liberal on some things but also more libertarian-leaning on others — some people have called him a liberal version of Ron Paul. He is also considered somewhat loony by many people because he holds to a belief that he was mentally contacted by aliens.

He is from Ohio, and during the time of his experience, he lived near an Air Force base. He saw a strange UFO, and as it flew over, he claims to have felt a mental connection. Others would later say that Kucinich felt what he wanted to feel, and that the UFO was likely an experimental craft from the nearby base. UFO enthusiasts would claim that UFOs like to buzz military bases and would probably take Kucinich at his word.

8Kennedy Died Because He Planned To Tell The Public


Photo credit: Walt Cisco

Many people are convinced that John F. Kennedy wasn’t simply killed by a lone communist sympathizer, and many are also convinced it was done by agents within the government. While some people imagine it was done because he wished to break up banks or something similar, alien theorists have a different idea.

The theorists claim Kennedy demanded information on aliens and Area 51, expressing a desire just a few days before he died to work together more with Russians on the space program. They call this evidence that Kennedy was going to gain information to spill to the public, and the CIA killed him because they could not risk the knowledge contained in Area 51 being divulged.

Unfortunately for the theorists, the supposed letters Kennedy sent were almost certainly a forgery.

7A Russian Parliament Member Has Seen UFOs And Implies The Government Knows


hoto credit: Chess Daily News

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov is the former president of the Russian Republic of Kalmykia and the current president of the World Chess Organization. He is a rather strange figure who openly claims that he was abducted by aliens, and they were very similar to people. Like Dennis Kucinich, he claims that the being connected with him mentally while he was aboard their craft.

One Russian official suggested that claiming he was abducted by aliens may make him unfit to govern. However, as if suggesting it were a real possibility, the official concluded on an equally important issue: Aliens may have been able to take state secrets from him during an abduction, and a meeting with aliens would be historic were it to happen. He felt Ilyumzhinov should have reported it all directly to the Kremlin.

6Dwight. D. Eisenhower Knew And Almost Revealed All


Photo credit: White House –

One of the most popular theories about the allegedly alien-obsessed Eisenhower claims that Eisenhower either secretly met with aliens or telepathically connected with them. He used these connections to set up alliances, knowing full well all of the government’s alien research programs — he was even involved in some of them.

The other conspiracy claims that alien secrets were being kept from Eisenhower, so he threatened to invade Area 51. Knowing they couldn’t stand up to the current president and war hero, they backed down and allowed his experts to tour the facility, where they saw alien spacecraft and the remains of the one that crashed at Roswell. If this were true, one could speculate a deeper warning behind his speech about the military industrial complex.

5Russian Prime Minister Medvedev’s Joke Is Taken As A Serious Admission


Photo credit: Government.ru

A few years back, Russian Prime Minister Medvedev proved that the Western media doesn’t understand Slavic humor very well. He said in an interview that he received secret folders with information on aliens. He claimed that they live among us, knowing what they looked like would cause panic, and he can control them at any time.

While there could be a possibility of alien coverups, it is clear that if the Russian prime minister did know anything, he was just messing with people. Claiming that he could control them at any time brought the entire thing into a realm of complete fancy — and it was already strange to being with.

4Former Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Is Obsessed With Alien Life And Coverups


Photo credit: NASA

Edgar Mitchell is a former Astronaut who has become obsessed with UFOs and regularly attends conventions. He doesn’t claim to have ever seen aliens in person, but he is certain they exist and originally became an astronaut because of his obsession.

He hailed from the town of Roswell, New Mexico, and was affected by the buzz surrounding the crash. He claims the citizens of the town were told by the government to let it go, and when he tried with his clout as an astronaut to get some information on the issue, he didn’t get far. Supposedly, he managed to get confirmation that an alien spacecraft had crashed in Roswell, and then further inquiries were shut down.

3Retired Air Force Captain Claims UFOs Would Temporarily Deactivate Nukes

A former Air Force Captain named Robert Salas who worked on ICBMs in Montana claims some very strange experiences. He alleges that UFOs were common and would mess up their nukes so the Air Force had to go back and reactivate them manually. On one occasion, all of their missiles were jammed for several minutes. Some other missile bases around the world have reported similar things.

He also claims his men once nearly approached a strange triangular craft and once saw a UFO that looked like it was spewing some kind of molten metal. According to Captain Salas, his superiors didn’t dismiss or mock his story but instead either told him it was top secret or that it “didn’t happen.”

2The US Government Allegedly Admitted To UFOs After Roswell Then Changed Their Tune


Roswell is the original major UFO incident in the United States — not the first one ever but the first one to get major coverage and wedge itself firmly into the public’s imagination. To this day, the issue has not been put to rest in many people’s minds. The newspaper the next morning claimed that a flying metal disc had crashed, only to quickly publish a retraction at the request of the Air Force.

The Air Force produced wreckage that could have been from a weather balloon, and that became the official story. However, the damage was already done. Even if Roswell was just a government experiment of some kind, the original headline and the Air Force’s clumsy attempts to hide things means that many theorists will never be convinced it was anything but aliens.

1The British Government Fought To Keep UFO Files Hidden For A Silly Reason


A couple years back, the Ministry of Defense of Great Britain finally released the files they had on UFOs, and people viewed them with a collective shrug. After all of the fighting to keep them secret, there really hadn’t been anything to find. The files show that after 50 years of monitoring and searching, the government had failed to garner anything useful whatsoever.

Some theorists will claim that the real files were obviously not released and suggest that the government wouldn’t have tried so hard to hide them if they were so banal. However, there is a less sinister reason they were kept hidden — national embarrassment. The government even had a UFO hotline until a few years back. The documents show it was shut down because it was producing no results and wasting a colossal amount of money. The likely truth in this case is the government didn’t want their citizens to know just how much money they had wasted.

Breaking News: 10 Government Officials Who Admitted The Existence Of Aliens





2016-12-27 17:26:59 | ディスクロージャー



エ リア51とは、アメリカのネバダ州にある秘密の地下基地でロズウエル墜落事件で回収された宇宙船の残骸と異星人の生存者が収容されて、アメリカ軍部と異星 人による秘密の共同研究が行われていると言われてきた謎の施設である。アメリカ政府は永年にわたってこの施設の存在すら認めずにきたが、2013年8月 17日にCNNがアメリカ政府が公式にエリア51の存在を認める発表をしたと伝えた。



(CNN) 米中央情報局(CIA)がこのほど公開した資料で、宇宙人説や米政府陰謀説に絡めて長年話題を振りまいてきた軍事基地「エリア51」の存在を初めて公式に認めた。ネバダ州内の所在地を記した地図も併せて公表している。





ロシアによる宇宙人情報の暴露によっ て、これまでのアメリカ政府と異星人の共謀関係に関する証言の信ぴょう性が確認されると共に、アメリカ政府を影でコントロールする秘密組織が異星人から高 度なテクノロジーの提供を受けながら、世界核戦争=NWO計画を推進してきたとする説を裏付けることになった。




UFO Aliens In Area 51 Were Filmed For the First Time In Human History


UFO : The CIA and Federal Government finally admit the existance of Area 51 (Aug 16, 2013)



♩♫ Inspiring and Uplifting Trailer Music ♪♬ - Ascension





2016-12-27 16:29:34 | ディスクロージャー

Lockheed Martin scientist on deathbed says aliens are real (VIDEO)




ブシュマン氏のビデオが撮影されたのは死を目前にした2014年8月7日。33分におよぶビデオはYouTubeに掲載されたものの、それから3ヶ月ほど たった今頃になって注目を集め始めた。ブシュマン氏はビデオで宇宙人の存在を明言しており、それを証明する証拠をいくつか示したほか、宇宙人米国人学者、死の目前に宇宙人の存在を明言の様相を描写 している。





Area 51 officially acknowledged, mapped in newly released documents



(CNN) 米中央情報局(CIA)がこのほど公開した資料で、宇宙人説や米政府陰謀説に絡めて長年話題を振りまいてきた軍事基地「エリア51」の存在を初めて公式に認めた。ネバダ州内の所在地を記した地図も併せて公表している。












アメリ カ政府は少なくても1970年代から火星に到達していた。アンドルー・バシアゴとオバマ大統領は火星に「ジャンプ」またはテレポートをしていた。2011 年には闇の勢力が第三次世界大戦の避難所として建設した全米各地の地下基地が破壊された。そして今、火星上の秘密基地が破壊されるに至ったことをフル フォード氏は伝えている。私には情報の信憑性を確かめるすべはない。ただ、もしこれが本当であるなら、この爆発は彗星が火星を通過する時期に人々の関心が 集まることを予想して実行されたかもしれない。でもそれは、単純で荒削りな推測にすぎない。













Global Elite Global Elite Prepare For Imminent Solar Storm Apocalypse

2016-12-22 04:57:42 | ディスクロージャー

INQUISITR August 25, 2016

Recent warnings of imminent massive solar flares that could cause planet-wide devastation have sparked an exodus of the global NWO-Illuminati elite to massive underground bases in South America and the Antarctica, according to reports currently circulating in the conspiracy theory blogosphere.

According to conspiracy theorists, recent media reports that scientists were preparing for possible massive solar eruptions that could plunge the world into chaos and cause large scale devastation were intended to warn the unsuspecting masses of imminent apocalyptic solar events that could wipe out human civilization.

Although media reports tried to downplay the urgency of the threat by describing the expected solar storms as “low probability but high impact events,” conspiracy theorists have raised the alarm, saying that secret mass movement of the global elite to deep underground bases in Antarctica following the warnings proves that the elite are covering up information about the expected scale of the impending solar flares.

The conspiracy theory blog Exopolitics, claims that recent warnings by scientists corroborate the predictions of Major Ed Dames (aka “Dr. Doom”), a “remote viewer” and alleged former psychic spy for U.S. military intelligence, who has been predicting for years the imminence of a “killshot” solar flare that would burn satellites, power grids, and large swathes of the Earth’s surface.

“The ‘killshot’ is the sun… going on a rampage and producing extreme solar flares… heat up the Earth’s atmosphere and dry Earth’s fresh water.”

Dames warned in an interview on March 21, 2016, that fulfillment of his “solar killshot” prediction was imminent (see video below).

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and NASA also warned of possible imminent catastrophe, according to the Independent.

“National power grids could overheat and air travel disrupted… electronic navigation devices and major satellites could stop working.”

Multiple reports circulating in the conspiracy theory blogosphere claim that a large scale movement of the families and relatives of members of the global elite to six massive underground facilities in the Antarctica is ongoing.

The underground facilities are managed by a government-extraterrestrial species alliance called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC). The ICC is allegedly one of the five major clandestine space programs managed by an alliance of the global ruling elite and extraterrestrial beings.

Several self-proclaimed whistleblowers have come forward recently to spill the beans about alleged secret space programs formed through alliances between the ruling elite of the leading military powers — such as the U.S., Russia, China and the EU — and extraterrestrial beings. 

Extraterrestrials, according to multiple whistleblower reports, are exploiting the greed of the ruling elite for advanced alien technology in the intensifying struggle for world domination.

Bizarre testimonies by self-proclaimed whistleblowers, such as William Tompkins, allegedly a top aerospace engineer, Corey Goode, who claims to have worked with one of the top government-alien space alliances, and Peter Beter, politician and former General Counsel for the Export-Import Bank (1961-1967) under President John F. Kennedy, have caused a stir in the alien and UFO conspiracy theory community.

According to the whistleblower Corey Goode, who manages the space conspiracy theory blog Sphere Being Alliance, scientifically advanced ET partners of world governments have warned that a massive swathe of the Sun’s coronal surface is about to erupt in a gigantic coronal mass ejection (CME) that will hit the Earth directly.

The Sun

The Sun will erupt in a gigantic solar eruption that will scorch the Earth, according to conspiracy theorists [Image via Shutterstock]The Sun would then go dark for several days before it recovers its brightness.

The massive CME, according to conspiracy theory sources, will disrupt global communications and plunge the world into darkness.

Some theorists believe that the CME will cause a flip in polarity of the Earth’s magnetic field. The sudden geomagnetic reversal will impact devastatingly on life on Earth.

However, there are conflicting views about the long term impact of the alleged imminent geomagnetic storm event.

Some theorists believe that the Earth will recover fully from the event in a few decades, while others believe it will trigger apocalyptic events, such as large scale earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that will end human civilization.

But members of the global elite are not taking any chances, according to conspiracy theorists. Since early in the year, members of the global Illuminati cabal and their families have been escaping quietly in huge black submarines via South America to six massive deep underground facilities near the Ross Sea region of the Southern Ocean in West Antarctica.

They have been moving personal effects and supplies to Antarctica via deep underground tunnels stretching across Mexico, Brazil and Argentina.

The entrances to this extensive network of secret underground worlds are deliberately blacked-out on Google Maps, according to conspiracy theorists.

The Nazis began construction of the massive underground bases and the network of tunnels accessing them in the 1930s. Many members of the Nazi elite fled to the underground facilities after the Second World War. Further expansion of the bases began in the 1950s, according to conspiracy theorist Michael Salla.

An underground base

The global elite are fleeing to six major underground bases in the Antarctica, according to conspiracy theorists [Image via Shutterstock]Conspiracy theorists believe that the South America/Antarctica region is presently the headquarters of a secretive neo-Nazi elite known as the “Fourth Reich.”

The “Fourth Reich” is an elite group of the global NWO-Illuminati cabal. The group is also involved in major secret space programs formed through alliances with extraterrestrial powers.

The U.S. government, according to the conspiracy theorists, has links with the Fourth Reich dating back to implementation of Operation Paper Clip that recruited top German and Nazi scientists to work with the U.S. aerospace program after the Second World War.

The Fourth Reich now has its headquarters in Bariloche, Argentina, where President Eisenhower negotiated the terms of an alliance that linked the U.S. Military Industrial Complex with the Illuminati and extraterrestrial partners.

President Obama, according to Salla, also recently traveled to Bariloche to sign undisclosed ET space program treaties.

The world’s top military powers — the U.S., EU, China and Russia — also have different space program alliances with advanced extraterrestrial species, according to conspiracy theorists.

The Russian program is known as Cosmopheres.

Simmering tensions between Russian Cosmopheres and U.S.-backed ICC flared up recently, leading to an aerial battle in Antarctica, according to whistleblower Goode, who claims access to an insider source code-named “Lt. Col. Gonzales.”

During the battle the alien allies of the respective powers fielded exotic weapon systems.




Discovery of Flash Frozen Antarctica Civilization

2016-12-22 03:08:13 | ディスクロージャー



Discovery of an advanced civilization in Antarctica that was flash frozen has shocked political and scientific figures that have witnessed it, according to secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode in a December 11 update.

In part one, I described  how Goode’s military abductor “Sigmund” from a USAF/DIA/NSA/NRO secret space program, had learned of the existence of more advanced classified space programs such as Solar Warden from Goode. During Goode’s abduction on October 26, Sigmund revealed more information about his own activities, including time spent in Antarctica:

Furthermore he told me that he had been stationed at several military installations in Antarctica and had spent time in the very area where the Anshar had taken me on a reconnaissance flight.

Goode has previously written a report describing an extensive tour of Antarctica facilities controlled by the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, another secret space program he discussed in depth, by an ancient Inner Earth civilization called the Anshar.

Sigmund then went on to describe recent discoveries in Antarctica, which explain the growing scientific, political and religious interest over the frozen continent:

He [Sigmund] stated that an extremely ancient series of cities had been discovered flash frozen deep under the ice-shelf.  He confirmed that there were also many animals and “pre-Adamites” preserved in the ice…. They were all flattened/ crushed or knocked over by the event that flash froze the area. They have tons of trees/ plants and wildlife frozen in place, like they were put on pause.

This is startling confirmation of the research conducted by Sir Charles Hapgood who has previously studied evidence of pole shifts that have led to the Earth’s axis of rotation shifting dramatically in a short period, where sub-tropical areas might suddenly find themselves at the poles.

His 1958 book, Earth’s Shifting Crust, featured a foreword by Albert Einstein endorsing the rigor of Hapgood’s research. Hapgood summed up his theory as follows:

Polar wandering is based on the idea that the outer shell of the earth shifts about from time to time, moving some continents toward and other continents away from the poles. Continental drift is based on the idea that the continents move individually…A few writers have suggested that perhaps continental drift causes polar wandering. This book advances the notion that polar wandering is primary and causes the displacement of continents….This book will present evidence that the last shift of the earth’s crust (the lithosphere) took place in recent time, at the close of the last ice age, and that it was the cause of the improvement in climate.”

Hapgood’s thesis that the last pole shift had happened at the end of the last ice age about 11,000 BC had apparently been startlingly confirmed by the discovery of a flash frozen Antarctica civilization.

Furthermore, this also confirms that the Oronteus Fineus map, which shows an ice-free Antarctica, is based on ancient historical records where Antarctica once possessed a thriving civilization before a devastating Pole Shift event. 


As to the question of when the Antarctica discovery was made, Goode says:

The first discoveries occurred some time back, not sure. They had an idea of what was below the ice after doing very high-tech scans from space. They had been excavating one site and discovered many, many others spread out across what used to be dry ground. This happened over time.

They have been studying what they are finding, and moving some of it out before bringing in various bigwigs from various secret societies. Then they do tours like the “Cabal Disneyland” they have in the stasis chamber in Ohio. They are continuing to excavate, but know what is around in the areas where they have cleared away the ice.

They are worried that all of the steam excavation could cause the surface of the ice shelf to collapse down on the sites they have uncovered. I think they would have to go public in some sort of a way to go bigger on this excavation and widen it.

Goode provided the following artistic sketch of the Antarctica discovery.


Such a discovery is clearly Earth-shattering news for the archeological community, and explains why prominent world figures such as U.S. Secretary of State  John Kerry, Astronaut Buzz Aldrin and Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill, have recently traveled to Antarctica to see the discoveries first hand. Goode asserts:

The finds in Antarctica are a major reason the World Political/Religious leaders have been brought down there to tour what has been found in the last year.

Goode went on to describe the inhabitants of this ancient Antarctica civilization according to Sigmund:

He described the “pre-Adamites” as beings with elongated skulls, with strangely proportioned bodies that were obviously not designed for Earth’s gravity and atmosphere pressure. This group had apparently arrived here from another planet in our solar system that was no longer hospitable.

They arrived here approximately 55,000 to 65,000 years ago and began to create hybrids of their species and the developing human population.

Once again, this is a startling archeological discovery that confirms the elongated skulls found in places like Paracas, Peru, belonged to another species of humans, rather than being artificially created deformities.


What is critical to understand according to Goode is that many of the Cabal view themselves as direct descendants of these pre-Adamite peoples, and consequently view the Antarctica discovery as an event that corroborates their uniqueness, and fitness to rule. Apparently, many pre-Adamites occupy very senior positions in the Vatican hierarchy where their identities are hidden by the elongated hats worn by Bishops and Cardinals.

Goode says that he has been told by a number of other sources that recent discoveries have indeed occurred in Antarctica, as claimed by Sigmund:

I have now had well over a dozen confirmations that indeed a HUGE F-ING discovery was made down in Antarctica. Indeed there are many, many types of ruins and artifacts strewn out across the continent/ group of islands and underground. … Many square miles of ruins have been detected w/only a small % that has actually been excavated.

The timing of an announcement of the Antarctica discovery is something appears imminent according to the following exchange between Goode (C) and David Wilcock (D):

D: “Will” as in they intend to make this part of the partial disclosure fairly early along?

C: I presume so, as they are not keeping a very tight lid on these discoveries very well and it’s during a time of an agreed-upon agenda for partial disclosure.

While the Antarctica discovery raises the possibility that a pole shift may occur again with devastating global consequences, Goode has instead emphasized the sun ejecting its coronal shell as the more likely scenario for an “Ascension event”. Apparently, predictions for the sun going dark for a number of days led to an exodus of the Cabal to hidden locations in Antarctica/South America in early 2016.

Regardless of questions of whether an Ascension event occurs, how it is triggered and how to best prepare, an official announcement of the Antarctica discovery is likely to be the first in a series of official disclosures that will rock establishment media and universities. While such an announcement may be intended to be part of a limited disclosure narrative, the more likely result is that it will open the door to full disclosure of ancient civilizations, both past and current such as the alleged “Anshar”, as well as the truth emerging about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice




2016-12-08 10:16:25 | ディスクロージャー

Satoru Noumuraより転載)


















人間にとっては完全意識状態の回復(いわゆる超能力)とブロックがかけられてきたDNAの全面的活性化(眠っていた能力の発揮) 、肉体が炭素基盤からクリスタル基盤のライトボディにに遷移することです。次元上昇は現在の肉体を保持したまま行われます。











五次元へのアップリフト(量子論的飛躍)により、人類はマザーガイアの略奪者から守護者となり、愛と調和に満たされた、宇宙の法則にのっとった平和で公正な新しい黄金文明を実現し、Galactic Being として銀河文明の連合体に仲間入りしていきます。同時に地底文明とも統合していきます。

(執筆者:能村 聡)

'Ancient aliens' built world’s first airport 7,000 years ago – Iraqi Minister

2016-10-06 13:10:11 | ディスクロージャー

'Ancient aliens' built world’s first airport 7,000 years ago – Iraqi Minister(RT10/5,2016)

Iraq’s Transport Minister, Kazem Finjan, claims “ancient aliens” built earth’s first airport 7,000 years ago in the Middle East - and used it for interplanetary missions.


Perhaps many of the people of the Dhi Qar Governoratete do not know that the first airport to be built on planet Earth 5000 years ago, before the Christian era, was built here in Dhi Qar.

If you do not believe me, read the book of the great historian Zecharia Sitchin,who was an expert on Sumerian studies,read the books of Samuel Kramer,or the bok written by H.G.Wells(sic) about this;History Begins from Sumer.

He talked about the first airport built on the planet, which was in this place.

This is the safest place for airplanes to land and taake off, because some meteorogical factors that limit airplane's maneuvering ability,

do not exist in the Dhi Qar airport.

Not only above the airport - the skies all over Dhi Qar are safe for planes,because there are no negative meteorological influences here.

The atmosphere throughout Dhi Qar i positive.

When the Sumerians settled here, they knew full well that the atmosphere here was suitable for flying to outer space.

It was from here that the Sumerian spaceships took off towards the other planets,

The Sumerians were the first to discover the 12th planet, which was acknowledged a few days ago, by Nasa, and named Nibil, and which completes its orbit around the Sun every 3,600 years.







2016-08-31 12:59:45 | ディスクロージャー


調査の結果、月面には説明のしようもない不思議な物体も数多く存在することが明らかになった。アポロ計画は公式には17号で終わっている。当初の予定では 20号までであったが、実際には17号以降にはまだ10回もの打ち上げが予定されていたという。しかしなぜか17号で突然打ち切りが決定された。

その後18号はアポロ計画の後のスカイラブ計画で使用され、旧ソ連との宇宙開発共同実験としてソユーズ宇宙船とのドッキングを成功させている。また、アポ ロ計画終了後、アメリカはロシアと共同で月探査の合同作戦を進めることとなり、その計画で19号と20号は使われる予定だったのだが、19号は事故により 破損してしまった。

しかし20号は1976年8月16日、3名の宇宙飛行士を乗せて無事打ち上げに成功した。月の裏側に横たわる宇宙船らしき物体の調査が主な目的だった。こ のアポロ20号は、月面に人工物を発見し、それをコードネーム「ノアの方舟」と呼称している。月面とおぼしき地形に葉巻状の構造物が見てとれる。

実は、この物体は、アポロ15号が発見した謎の構造物で、その探査として極秘ミッションに赴いたのがアポロ20号なのだという。発見された宇宙船や廃墟、 その他のオーパーツについてはNASAは一切のコメントを出していない。しかし1996年3月21日、ワシントンで行われた記者会見の場で、ジョンソン宇 宙センターに勤務するケネディ・ジョンストンが「宇宙飛行士たちは月面に存在する遺跡、つまり透明なピラミッドやクリスタル質のドームなどをその目で見て いる。」と発言をした。


驚くべき報道が2002年10月5日、ロシアの新聞「プラウダ」の公式サイトで、ロシア語、英語、ポルトガル語で流された。「プラウダ」はレーニンによっ て1921年に創刊され、旧ソビエト共産党の機関紙として、発行部数1000万部を誇った権威ある新聞である。かつての隆盛さは失われているが、中国の 「人民日報」と同じく、ロシアの官報として、西側には出てこない貴重な情報が流されることが多い。以下はその全訳文(2002年10月18日、電子版公式 サイト)である。


Sensation: Cities Found on the Moon! <a href="http://english.pravda.ru/news/russia/05-10-2002/13626-0/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">english.pravda.ru...</a>:

Sensation: Cities Found on the Moon!

Sensation: Cities Found on the Moon!

地球外(異星)文明の理にかなった活動が、突然にわれわれの近くで姿を現した。しかし、われわれはその事実に対して、まだ心理的な準備ができていない。 われわれは「宇宙に存在する知的生命は人類だけなのか?」という疑問を、さまざまなメディアで多く見聞きするが、なんと、その存在が地球の衛星である月に 認められたのである。 しかし、この発見は直ちに秘密事項として超極秘にランクされた。 それは人類存在の社会原理をゆさぶりかねないほど、信じがたいことだからだ、とロシアの新聞「Becherny Volgograd」は報じている。 ここにひとつの公式なプレス・リリースが存在する。


そこで、初めて月における人工構造物と物体の発見が発表されたのである。NASAの科学者たちはかなり用心深く、曖昧な表現を用いて、それらが人工物であ ると絶えず言及し、公表する情報はまだ研究下にあるので、調査結果は近い将来に公的に発表されるだろうと述べた。その席上、旧ソ連でも、月における異星文 明の活動を証明する多くの写真や資料を所有していたことにも言及された。

つまり、異星文明の活動と痕跡が歴然としている月面の多くの場所を、アポロとクレメンタイン計画で撮影された何千枚もの写真やビデオは捉えていたというのである。会合では、アポロ計画で撮られたビデオ・フィルムと写真が公開され、人々はどうして今まで、そのような重大な事実が公表されなかったのか非常に驚 いたが、それに対してNASAの専門家たちは次のように答えている。

地球外生命体が月面で、過去も、現在も活動しているという事実に対する人々の反応を、予測することはむずかしかったのです。さらに、ほかにも大きな理由が あって、それはNASAの権限を大きく超えていました。(筆者註:NASAの権限を超える存在とは、呼称はさまざまだが、アメリカと欧米を支配する“超国家勢力”を指す。この超機密方針に反して、ケネディ大統領はアポロ計画の真の目的を公表しようとして暗殺されたといわれている)

だが、アメリカにおける月研究の専門家リチャード・ホーグランド氏は、それらの写真資料が一般に公表される前に、すでにNASAが手を加えていると語ってい る。彼らは写真をコピーする際に、部分的に手を加えて修正したり、ピントをぼかしたりしているというのだ。 ホーグランド氏や他の研究家たちは、異星文明が地球で活動する際の中継基地として、月を利用してきたのではないかと推測している。

こうした月面都市の遺跡――大規模な基地にそびえる巨大なドーム、おびただしい数のトンネルと散在する多くの建造物など――は数キロにもおよぶ範囲で発見 されている。 月面の部分的に破壊されたいくつかの建造物は、自然の地質学的な法則を無視して配置され、幾何学的で複雑な構造をなしている。現在のところ、44の地域で さまざまな構造物が発見されているが、NASAゴダート宇宙センターとヒューストンの宇宙研究所は、それらの地域の調査を続行しているという。

UFOとアポロ疑惑 月面異星人基地の謎




2016-08-31 05:18:13 | ディスクロージャー





 しかし、2009年10月にNASAが無人探査機・エルクロス(LCROSS)を使って月面の宇宙人基地を核攻撃したと いう噂が出るなど、アメリカが躍起になって月面基地の証拠を隠蔽しようとしている気配がある。それに加え、NASAによる月面写真の検閲もあってか、これ までに月面基地をハッキリとらえた写真は多くない。そのような中、今回ついに月面基地の存在を裏付ける決定的な証拠映像が見つかったとの情報が入ってき た。

 この映像はYouTuberジョン・レナード・ウォルソン(JohnLenardWalson)が最初に公開したものとされるが、現在は物理学や天文学の教育を受けた世界中の有志が運営するYouTubeチャンネルHigher Truth Channelで観ることができる。

 映像をご覧頂ければ、普段NASAが 公開している月面映像とはかなり趣きが違うことにお気づきになると思う。というのも、この映像はウォルソン自身が天体望遠鏡を使って撮影したものらしいか らだ。NASAの月面映像は検閲・修正されている可能性があるため、この映像の信憑性はNASA発のものより高いとみていいだろう。




よ く観て欲しい。



位置「82° 3'33.88"N 111°18'19.93"W」Google Moon」より引用












2016-08-25 12:42:01 | ディスクロージャー








以前、「「ムーン・ライジング」:月の秘密がついに暴露された!」 で取り上げたように、NASAは「月の秘密」を隠蔽して来たと言われる。中でも、特に「月の色」、すなわち「月面の色彩」に関して、色を飛ばして白黒の月 面というイメージを演出して来た。それを最新のコンピュータテクノロジーによって暴露したのが、ムーン・ライジングという映画である。


「月 面基地は「ルナ(Luna)」とあだ名を付けられていましたが、この基地はアポロ宇宙飛行士たちによって目撃され、映像におさめられました。ドーム、尖っ た塔、サイロに見える高い円形構造、月面の跡に編み込まれたかのように残された「T」の形をした鉱物採取の乗り物、そして信じられないほど大きな宇宙人の 円盤や小型円盤が写真にあります。それは、実際にはアメリカ、ソ連そして宇宙人の月面基地です。」





宇 宙に は多様な生命体が溢れています。そして私たちの旅するそれぞれの宇宙は驚きに満ちています。生命が発展してスピリチュアルな進化を進めていくプロセスは皆 さんの惑星と同じ体験です。したがって外見上の違いを超えてすべての生命が1つであることは、皆さんがキリスト意識のレベルに到達すれば疑う余地がなくな ります。そうなった時に初めて、皆さんはどこにでも好きな場所を訪れることができるようになるのです。

ファーストコンタクトの一部は皆 さ んの宇宙に多様な生命体が実在することの紹介となります。外見上の違いが内側のスピリチュアルな進化と何の関わりもないことを皆さんはすぐに理解されるに ちがいありません。現在の意識レベルでも、皆さんは高い光のバイブレーションが進化した存在と適合することを感じておられるはずです。


月面や火星上には、知的な地球外生命体が高度な宇宙文明を建設した遺跡が数多く残され、光の勢力と闇の勢力の宇宙基地が建設されて、活動を現在も続けている。コズミック・ディスクロージャー宇宙の真相公開を続けるコーリー・グード氏は自身が月面秘密基地で異星人との会議に政府高官と共に参加した体 験を報告している。政府やNASAが植えつけてきた月や火星のイメージは全くの作り物(フェイク)であったことが明らかにされつつある。真実をつかむため には、虚偽を捨て去る勇気を持たなければならない。ファーストコンタクトとは、ショックを伴う銀河系人類(ギャラクティク・ビーング)への変容のプロセスで あるからである。




2016-08-25 11:35:43 | ディスクロージャー

New shock claim JFK was 'murdered by CIA' days after demanding UFO files and NASA visit

EXPRESS1/5,2016は、「ケネディー大統領はNASAを訪問してUFOファイルを請求した後にCIAによって暗殺された」と見出しをつけた記事を掲載して、大きな反響を集めた。記事は、UFO SIGHTINGS DAILYを主宰するScott C Waring氏の公開した情報を紹介して、証拠となるメモを掲載している。



この文書は、私が初めてUFO Sightings 2006-2009という著書で公開したもので、CIAから放出された機密文書であることが確認されている。













1947年にア メリカ軍はニューメキシコの砂漠地帯で正体不明の飛行物体の残骸を修復しました。その後、科学的な調査によって、この飛行物体は地球からはるかに離れた外 宇宙から飛来したことが明らかになりました。その時以来、アメリカ政府はその飛行船に乗船していた生命体とコンタクトを続けています。

































2016-08-25 09:09:36 | ディスクロージャー







My fellow Americans, people of the world, today we set forth on a journey into a new era. One age, the childhood of mankind, is ending and another age is about to begin.

 The journey of which I speak is full of unknowable challenges, but I believe that all our yesterdays, all the struggles of the past, have uniquely prepared our generation to prevail.




Citizens of this Earth, we are not alone. God, in His infinite wisdom, has seen fit to populate His universe with other beings — intelligent creatures such as ourselves.




How can I state this with such authority? In the year 1947 our military forces recovered from the dry New Mexico desert the remains of an aircraft of unknown origin. Science soon determined that this vehicle came from the far reaches of outer space. Since that time our government has made contact with the creators of that spacecraft.





Though this news may sound fantastic — and indeed, terrifying — I ask that you not greet it with undue fear or pessimism.

I assure you, as your President,

 that these beings mean us no harm.



Rather, they promise to help our nation overcome the common enemies of all mankind — tyranny, poverty, disease, war.




We have determined that they are not foes, but friends. 

Together with them we can create a better world.





I cannot tell you that there will be no stumbling or missteps on the road ahead. 

But I believe that we have found the true destiny of the people of this great land:

To lead the world into a glorious future.





In the coming days, weeks and months, you will learn more about these visitors,

why they are here and why our leaders have kept their presence a secret from you for so long.




I ask you to look to the future not with timidity but with courage.

Because we can achieve in our time the ancient vision of peace on Earth and prosperity for all humankind.


God bless you.


If President Kennedy Had Disclosed, What Might He Have Said?








