

The GoldFish Report No. 133 Exo-Geo Political Round Table (1)

2017-09-23 21:49:27 | GFLJ速報


hi everyone welcome to the goldfish
report I'm your host Lisa and I'm joined
today with my co-host Steve how are you
Steve I have everybody good to be here
and we have a special kind of roundtable
again today for you with very special
guests we have cobra with us today how
are you cobra very interesting no
exchange happening to me thank you I
think so too and of course for the first
time on the goldfish report we have
Benjamin fall for joining us welcome to
the goldfish report Benjamin or should I
say konichiwa thank you I think your
volume made a gesture by me a little bit
okay not a problem maybe a little closer
to the coming that's coming don't worry
well it's great to be on around the
roundtable and I first of all really
want to thank you for bringing this
group together and all of the people
that you I mean I was talking with
someone today that just happened to show
up on the Big Island and tried to buy me
a mocha but I already paid for it well
we've talked they just they were just
quite amazed that you know how you've
bring all these people together so I
think it's wonderful what you're doing
can you hear me now that's right this
one works all right
good all right excellent so gentlemen
we're really going to talk about a lot
of topics today we're going to talk
about XO politics geopolitics current
events and all kinds of things and and
why don't we start with benjamin since
this is your first time on the goldfish
report benjamin there's an awful lot
going on we had the we had the president
give an address nd Assembly of the
General Assembly yesterday kind of
pointing to you know there's a lot of
hope and that we have control over
what's going on even geopolitically so
can you can you give us a little update
as to where we are do Pluto
you know the the if you if you I listen
to the speech and you know he said some
good sort of general stuff but we want
to be friendly and and all nations
should be sovereign and things but then
he you know he pulled but didn't he
you know repeated a whole bunch of lies
like about Venezuela about North Korea
about Iran about Syria clearly he'd just
met with his Raley Prime Minister
Binyamin Netanyahu and they obviously
blackmail to something because he read
an Israeli script which is not
compatible with what's happening on the
ground where you actually have forces of
American forces fighting with the
Iranians and with the Russians and with
Hezbollah against is which is an Israeli
proxy mercenary army as we all know
because even Israeli newspapers like her
it's report that the is fighters are
being treated in Israeli hospitals so
what Trump read the speech she we're
given to him by his scientists handlers
it's not compatible was to reality in
the world that's my best understanding
however the threats against North Korea
are really related to you the United
States trying to get more money past
December now you know a lot of people
think that it's an internal American
thing about lifting the debt ceiling
past twenty trillion dollars and it's
all in between it has to do with
Congress and the president making a deal
that's just say face-saving BS okay the
United States runs let's forget about
financial you know phys let's talk about
real things you know cars and people and
stuff they put in boxes and the
Americans you know running about for
forty years they've been borrowing banks
getting stuff from the rest of the world
not paying for it and and that's the
real world that's the reality world not
these financial numbers like these
stock market you know reaching every new
heights never mind reality and so
they're blustering they're saying if you
don't keep giving us money we're gonna
start World War three and I have advised
I had an actual meeting with you know
people who I mean who can tell you know
powerful people all right in Asian
secret societies real life you know real
world people I told him call their bluff
they're not gonna destroy the world they
can't they won't be allowed to let's
bankrupt these bastards once and for all
it's time to do it bad enough
okay we're right off the top you know
George and Yvonne rates had published a
response to your to your recent you know
post and it was regarding you know
claiming that we're not bankrupt that
we're really not begging you know for
money because there's plenty of money
and it's only the USA Inc incorporation
that is that is bankrupt so did you want
to respond to her I yeah I mean I agree
with her completely it is just this
corporate entity and its employees in
Washington DC who have less than
percent public support that we're
talking about we're not talking about
the Republican United States or the
American people they're going to be just
you know I mean ask the Russians if
they're better off now or them when
there was a Soviet Union know they'll
say now the same thing it's gonna be a
really good thing to the Americans okay
we may just appreciate these corrupt
blackmailed pedophile
you know gangsters in Washington DC and
the the corporate structure that they're
employs them with the United States of
America they're not the same we need to
you know the United States needs to
remove those parasites ASAP the entire
world wants them to where's is a judge
an event rights uses the term the vermin
so let's go over to Cobra Thank You
Benjamin let's go to Cobra and Cobra
what can you tell us in terms of the
balance of power on the world stage here
do you want to comment on anything
Benjamin said and
Cobra did I meet you I did okay
basically I would agree with that I
would say that the life forces are they
are progressing slowly and but this
problem is not yet shown on the surface
it's not yet shown in being used
it cannot be shown in there in use
simply because the main things are
happening you're behind the scenes and
the media will not report this until the
media are under control of the life
forces so it's not possible to judge
what is happening if you politically
read the newspapers if you read
Benjamin's reports you will get much
closer to the real picture and then
again there are other factions and other
factors involved which also add to the
picture so there are I would say deeper
interest groups which we determine
what's going on deployment Cobra would
you have any other comments to
Benjamin's post oh you would need to be
more specific
for instance the the the blustering that
that Trump is doing do you feel that
he's in the pocket of these these
interest groups or how do you feel
what's what's his the game at the moment
basically he is trying to he is serving
his own self-interest he's trying to
between various groups
what its actions sometimes feel chaotic
or illogical for some people some people
trade special national chess it is not
only does yeah it is simply a person
trying to navigate in various factions
inner strength to his right and he's how
did the what sort of White Dragon
Society or the secret societies fit into
all of this according to you Cobra okay
there are many different groups
different factions I would say many of
them are in full action on simply
because the kind of liberation is
approaching geopolitical balance is
moving east is having more power it's
part over I would say an overall
strategy strategic plan which has been
started many decades ago and is now
reaching a crescendo so the dragon
families different families that are
forming an alliance a loose alliance are
working behind the scenes
number one to discern the Cabal
financially and number two to discern
about with information so we have a
financially exactly and so and KP
recently had a post talking about being
on the edge about way too much
information and I think did you want to
elaborate on that because I think this
is all kind of tied into this we're
getting it's like the same war drum
being beat over and over again and I
related to your posts
well I was actually I was part of that
has to do with you know it's just like
there's I think a lot of us go through
phases and I I've been through a phase
where it's like there seems to be so
much coming out and it's almost like an
information like we're getting blasted
with information from a lot of different
sides and if I watch YouTube I can just
been a freaked out by watching all the
things that are going on over there but
I think one of the things that
that I wanted to kind of check in with
Benjamin was you know we talked about
doing meditations and working with
energies and we just seemed to have our
own path and our own roles in that field
but I wanted to how does the white
dragon society
do they work together as sort of in
prayer together and meditation together
energetically together is that kind of
how sometimes they do they work this way
okay before I get into that I just want
to get add took Cobras comments there
about Trump because if you study a logic
and consistency you'll see the man
contradicting yourself over Syria over
Iran over a lot of things depending on
who he last talk to and it's exactly
like Obama you know one day Obama says
we're gonna you know Assad's evo we're
gonna throw him next days it's okay
we're gonna work with him and we have
the these two powers still duking it out
and you can see that with I think
military the Pentagon they're there in
this case they're trying to do the right
thing and it's the the owners of the
Federal Reserve Board you know what I
call the khazarian mafia the people who
still control the dollar printing press
who are the bad guys overall but as far
as the white dragon society
concerned what we're what we do is we
concentrate on convincing people who
have power especially actual military
power to do good in other words he's
saying you're the good guys we're here
to protect the weak and the innocent we
we're supposed to follow the laws of
chivalry which means we don't attack the
women and children and non-combatants we
don't strike the first blow but you know
but what we have been attacked and we're
entitled to legitimate self-defense
morally as long as you know we obey the
laws of chivalry so we concentrate
on this the spiritual aspect of it is
changing the minds of the people with
the guns like Chairman Mao said power
grows from the barrel of a gun but I
disagree power grows from the mind of
the man holding the gun you change their
minds then you can change the world
because these are the people who have
the ability to actually make things
happen in terms of getting rid of bad
guys and that's what we've been doing
the white dragon society is trying to
convince people in the military in the
mercenary companies in various secret
societies that we all have a common
interest in saving the planet and and
you know creating a much better planet
and a lot of them have agreed and that's
why I think we're seeing a lot of
changes I personally meditate but but we
don't do mass prayer why have they been
so quiet up until now Benjamin you think
I mean it seems only that through you I
guess we've heard about them they've
been there for thousands of years I
guess it's a long time so why why now
well they've got they've gone by
different names you know over the years
it's not the white dragon is a name that
I personally coined to umbrella name for
things that have already existed and it
came from the Japanese goddess Venton
who the legend has is a huge white
dragon that was terrifying people and
she convinced it to become a protector
of the weak and the innocent and so that
was a metaphor for the
military-industrial complex to get them
to change their mind and I was asked by
agent secret societies to find good
people in the Western world and there
are plenty of them and we did I've met
people from the K you know FSB mi CIA
Illuminati the royal families you name
it and talk to them and convince them
hey you know let's save the planet let's
not fight each other and this is sort of
snowballed and now people all over the
world and
and very powerful people and it's it's
actually making things happen but you
see we're more about doing than talking
okay we're not we're not out there to
blow our horn or advertise ourselves
we're out to make actually things happen
thank you let me go to Cobra for a
second Cobra recently obtained an h-bomb
as we all know was a registered at the
seismometer is about . where did he
get this from and and do you think that
Benjamin's strategy - yes it's a good
one or slide that can deal with that
kind of thing it is a very small group
inside the military on the positive side
that can deal with I will say the top
with bombs and things of that nature so
what we're having here this stamp of it
we're having on the planet is a result
of very advanced technology it is not
just changing the minds of people there
are good people who know exactly what's
going on and are resolving this issue
the problem is that I would say that
planetary war is a reflection of the
galactic war between the line and black
which is sort of ancient culture it's
going on for millions of years and he's
not finally resolving and what we're
having here is that ultimately a state
of consciousness and spirituality it's
mind over matter will
this technology and this is from money
perspective and from the perspective of
the resistance movement my support of
medications to create a consciousness a
resonance field on the planet that will
support the actions of Allied forces and
their advanced technology to design the
advanced technology that I will say theThe GoldFish Report No. 133 Exo-Geo Political Round Table w/ Cobra, Benjamin Fulford and Kauilapel
negative military actions have and this
is far more advanced and far more in
stock than the nuclear bombs nuclear
bombs are not an issue the resistance
can dissolve within  minutes it's not
a problem more exotic technologies are
an issue and here we can touch the
secret space program in various space
factions then it is very down to earth
situation what we are having here on the
planet is an inter planetary conflict
which is happening on the physical plane
