


2008-12-12 11:29:55 | ファーストコンタクト
 Selamat Jarin!
[ 銀河暦:黄色い人の定義の年,ヤシキーンの月9日,赤い竜を活性化させる日、生誕]

サ・ルー・サ12/5:これから起きる変化の意味 3

2008-12-11 13:50:21 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
You have come a very long way from the days of the sinking of Atlantis. You have faced the same decisions and challenges, but this time sufficient numbers have risen up into the Light. That has saved you from destroying yourselves again, although you have passed through many low points when you were near to annihilation. The Earth could also have been destroyed, and that would have set your evolution back a long way. Not many of you are aware of such facts, but in course of time you shall have the truth placed before you. It is important that you understand how you become absorbed by the dark energies, and such knowledge will serve you well in the future. All the experience you have ever had is held in your subconsciousness, which you can draw upon when necessary.
There is of course a positive side to being able to recall past events in your subconsciousness, as it will take you back to your existence in the higher realms. These were times of great peace and happiness before the shadow of darkness crossed your path. You were Light Beings with such a great ability to love all life, and the Oneness was as if you were cocooned inside it. You loved the Creator, and took up the challenge of duality without hesitation knowing that you would safely return to the Light. That time has arrived for many of you, and we know that you feel within your rising consciousness the urge to lift up out of the darknessthat has held you back.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and together we shall soon move on and return to the lighted realms, but first it is the task of the Galactic Federation members to ensure you are lifted up into the higher vibrations ready for Ascension. At the same time we also help prepare Mother Earth, and remove all vestiges of the damage brought about by your demands upon her. You are to ascend as One and that will fulfill the Creator’s decree for the end of this cycle of duality. We can therefore say with absolute certainty, that regardless of the obstacles placed in our way the tasks will be totally fulfilled. You are on the crest of a wave of Light, that shall propel you onto the path of Ascension for once and for all. Be prepared and lift yourselves into the Light and Love forever.

Thank you SaLuSa
SaLuSa Sirian Update Dec 5/08
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ


2008-12-09 17:05:25 | コズミック・ディスクロージャー
期待とは違ったがまた風情のある小雨模様の一日。伊豆に来たら愛する人を一番連れて来たかった美術館に2人で訪れた。ジャン・ピエール・カシニョール の作品を常設しているが、現在アメリカンリアリズムのアンドリュー・ワイエスの作品を特設展示していた。対照的な2人の画風が共通して描いているのは自然。私たちが一致して関心を寄せるテーマでもある。ワイエスの作品の現物が一番見たかったと彼女は語った。伊豆が私たちに贈ってくれたプレゼントだったのかもしれない。伊豆の瞳:一碧湖が紅葉の名残りを映す昼過ぎだった。

紅い葉を 瞳に映して 絵を語る  <蛇庵>

サ・ルー・サ12/5:これから起きる変化の意味 2

2008-12-09 16:23:31 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
You will make mistakes in the course of your life and that is how you learn, but from a spiritual perspective you will never be held to account for them. What you refer to as Karma is self imposed at such times as you review each lifetime and you decide how to deal with them. On Earth you have your own laws without which you would have anarchy, even so they are sometimes more severe than necessary. In a truly spiritual society you would not for example take a persons life as punishment, and it would be far better for them to live for a time in their own energy and understand what brought it about. Also the idea that you can lock someone up and “throw away the key” is not going to rehabilitate them. It may seem that some criminals are beyond help, and certainly some will defy any such attempts to show them the error of their ways. However, kindness and love for the inner soul of such persons will always bring a response, if only in the long term. Prisons that hand out brutal treatment are simply adding to the hatred and lack of faith in justice.
We know that miscreants cause so much mayhem in your societies, and the answers lie in a spiritual education that is based on love and respect for all other forms of life. That is way off at the moment, but you will achieve great strides in this direction before the final days of this cycle. Some souls are unready for such far-reaching changes, and others simply refuse to move on unprepared to put the effort in their lives that would achieve it. With so much Light being beamed to Earth there is every opportunity for people to awaken, but if they choose to ignore it they set up their own path away from it. This is why there will be an inevitable division amongst you, as Ascension is not a gift as such to all of you, but an opportunity to move onto a new path if you would but make the effort and prepare yourselves. By the end of this cycle, not one single soul will be able to claim that they never had a chance to join Ascension.
SaLuSa Sirian Update Dec 5/08
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ


2008-12-07 11:33:36 | コズミック・ディスクロージャー

雪が消え 踊る星空 花の曲 <蛇庵>

サ・ルー・サ12/5:これから起きる変化の意味 1

2008-12-06 13:14:12 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
As the festive mood overcomes many of your problems, it is yet another energy that is birthed in the Light. Together with the sense of a new pathway having been opened by the President Elect, it is forging ahead in anticipation of an exciting and positive New Year. These energies will pull people through what would otherwise be a period causing much concern over their financial situations. The bailouts are preventing an absolute collapse and will lay down the foundation of a new system, and it shall be brought into being and shaped to carry out its role when the abundance program is released. This is an example of how the beneficial changes can be introduced, on the back of situations that are man-made.
Much happens behind the scenes and although we are not there as a physical presence, through our influence we move your energies into the right direction. There are so many willing workers who dedicate themselves to helping others, but they need more support than they are currently getting. Until we can openly work with you that remains a problem, but we already have plans that will overcome it. Your freewill is always in the back of our minds, as it is most important that you are seen to follow your own intuition. However, you have called for our help and that allows us to have an input into your lives. You are on the very edge of seeing the first major events of change manifesting, and you will not have to wait much longer.
We can walk side by side with you and understand the experiences that you have through being in duality. We have often described it as a game although it can have serious consequences for you, and if you can see it in the same light it will be easier to handle. Remember that as always it is about gaining spiritual experience through the understanding of Spirit and matter. Your challenge is to bring that understanding into your life, and make spiritual progress thereby lifting up your vibrations. It can take you as far as knowing that everything is part of the Oneness of all life, and as such is to be respected and treated with equality.
SaLuSa Sirian Update Dec 5/08
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ


2008-12-06 11:50:03 | 新しい科学
ナショナルジオグラフィック ニュース
* 1回目はバビロンで西天(ユダヤの方向)に見た。
* 2回目はユダヤに着いてから見た,この日がイエスの誕生日。


サ・ルー・サ12/1:終わりと始まりの年へ 3

2008-12-04 14:08:43 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
You really do not give up anything of true value when you ascend; rather you gain beyond anything you can imagine. In your subconsciousness you know this to be true, as you came from the higher dimensions to experience duality as part of your onward evolutionary spiral. If you could but see into the future, you would have no hesitation in relinquishing the hold the Earth has upon you. It has beauty and has given you many happy experiences, but how much more awaits you if you choose to ascend. If that feels right to you, then undoubtedly you are moving into the Light and your awareness is growing.
Our presence is twofold, and firstly we approach you as your brothers and sisters because we are one family of Light. Your future is bound with us and many of you are from one of the many civilizations that comprise the Galactic Federation. Secondly, we are your mentors and protectors and have the appointed task of restoring Mother Earth. It is necessary to remind you that your Earth is a living Being of a Light, and of a wonderful disposition where you are concerned. She knew what it meant to offer her body as your abode, and now it is time to make good the damage that she has endured. You are to ascend as one and will find you are suddenly in the Golden age. Ascension is a quick process triggered by the higher energies of the Photon Belt that you are now entering, and gets stronger the more you penetrate it.
ありがとう。 サ・ルー・サ(マイク・クエンシー)
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and trust that you understand the full importance of these times. I leave you with the love and blessings of all of our members.
Than you SaLuSa.
SaLuSa Sirian Update Dec 1/08
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

サ・ルー・サ12/1:終わりと始まりの年へ 2

2008-12-04 10:45:38 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
You approach a most exciting period when you will see for certain that a great leap forward is taking place. We could say that what you are about to experience will be like a fairy tale ending to a period of darkness, where the White Knight arrives just in time to slay the dragon. There is more truth in this statement than you could imagine. A long time ago you attracted outer forces of energy from the beyond, and they have ever since held you down as you went through the Dark Ages. It was never intended that you should be left forever struggling to reach the Light, and for the last century souls of Light have been increasingly coming to Earth. They have achieved their objective to awaken you to your true potential.
Now each and very one of you has an equal chance of moving into the Light, but for many it will only come with throwing off beliefs that are not based upon the Truth. Stand aside and consider what it is that holds you fast, and is preventing you from opening up and looking at the fuller picture. Do not fear change, and listen to what the teachers of the New Age are speaking. They have arrived on Earth for a specific purpose, and if you hear their words you will find that they resonate with Love and Light. Fear is not in their vocabulary unless to point out that is self destructive, as it is a powerful energy. Understand that fear is the weapon used by the dark forces to create chaos and keep your attention away from the Light. It is true that there are reasons to be aware of dangers to you, but you can walk in your Light of protection without allowing the fear to rule your thoughts. Think upon what is happening as necessary to allow the Light in, as the dark influences are removed. Live day to day; with your positive vision of what you see emerging from the darkness that will change the course of Humanity. Ascension is the path that has opened up for you all, and in the ultimate each will have the knowledge and understanding of what it means. It is the most wonderful and uplifting experience that you will ever have, and it takes nothing away from you but gives you all that you need for a happy and joyous life beyond Earth.
The higher vibrations are levels of existence where you are safe from the dark energies, as they cannot survive in them. It is your natural home where your own powers of creation provide all that you need. Whatever you leave behind when you rise up you will have absolutely no regrets, as nothing can compare with the beauty and perfection of the higher realms. Most importantly that applies to you as a Being Of Light, and your own Light body will carry none of the imperfections that you may have had whilst on Earth. Can you imagine a body that carries no ills or disease, and maintains its condition at all times simply through taking sustenance from the air. We are examples of what you can look forward to when you rise up, and you will never see us as aged as we always retain our youthful looks.
SaLuSa Sirian Update Dec 1/08
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ


2008-12-03 20:42:22 | コズミック・ディスクロージャー

待つ家へ 浮き葉の船の 櫂を取る  <蛇庵>


2008-12-02 21:00:14 | コズミック・ディスクロージャー

枯葉踏み 木漏れ陽の射す 天の道  <蛇庵>

サ・ルー・サ12/1:終わりと始まりの年へ 1

2008-12-02 11:57:43 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Another year approaches its end seeming to have only just began, and time continues to speed up at an ever quickening pace. It is fortuitous that as you go through the final days of the control by the dark forces, that they pass so quickly. At the same time for those of you who sought change of the policies and agenda of the outgoing Government you have had your prayers answered, and when your new President can take complete control you shall see rapid changes take place.
Naturally not everyone can be satisfied with change, but if you desire what is for the greater good of the people you will witness America being pointed in a different direction. Nothing happens by chance and you get exactly what your energies draw to you. In this instance it has not required a majority of people to give of the Light, and a minority have achieved their goal through dedication and love. The opportunities for change were presented to you and taken, thus ensuring that your future is assured. We of the Galactic Federation know that those of the Light will eventually rise up into public recognition, and they will be seen for what they truly are as champions of the people. They will walk their talk and bring freedom to your country, as it throws off the chains of war and aggression that has caused so much death and destruction.
Although you cannot all be privy to what is happening that is shaping your future, be aware that there is much activity going on. Just make allowance for the amount of work that has to go into bringing about change. You will grasp what is happening before very long, as you see new policies coming out through the vision of your President Elect. He is the one who was meant to lead you forward at this time, taking on the most difficult tasks ever confronting a new President for many decades, and he is protected so as to fulfill them.
SaLuSa Sirian Update Dec 1/08
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ