(2020-08 東京都 神代植物公園)
コロカシア・ファラックス Colocasia fallax
サトイモ科サトイモ属の多年草で、学名は Colocasia fallax。
英名は Silver leaf elephant ear。
The Silver leaf elephant ear (Colocasia fallax) belongs to the Araceae (the Arum family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed to south-eastern Xizang, southern and western Yunnan, northern Bangladesh, Bhutan, north-eastern India, Nepal and Thailand. This herb grows in humid forests, valley scrub or moist shaded places along streams, and up to 60 cm in height. The leaves are cordate-peltate, pale green or slightly glaucous. The flowers bloom from March to September. The spathe is funnelform or subcylindric, green at first and turns orange-yellow to golden yellow after anthesis. The spadix is sessile, to 6.5 cm and shorter than spathe. The fruit is berry and ripens yellow.