
This is my life after 50 years old
No one can stop me

May. 19th__Mackerel Nigiri for Lunch

2024-05-19 20:31:14 | Weight Training


I trained shoulder press with 82 kg today.

After workout I had mackerel nigiri bento at the mall close to the gym.

By the way I have shellfish and fish allergies though I like them.

◆Today's Workout Menu
*Chest press (Pectoral muscle)  93kg   9repx4set
*Fly (Pectoral muscle)  113kg  10repx3set   
*Shoulder press (Shoulder,Deltoid)   77kg⇒82kg   10repx4set
*Latpulldown (Latissimus dorsi)  73kg  10repx3set

*Rotary tolsor (Rectus abdominis  73kg  10repx2set

*Push up(Pectoral,Biceps)   20repx2set 



