Into this early morning garden, Souji in towelling pyjamas was stepping down the stairs with an iron ominous device in his hands. What on the earth happened? It was not only sparrows surprised.
Souji had a horrible dream last night in which the "Twenty Faces" thieves sneaked into the study in the second floor, took the treasure away.
The burglar looked pale, malicious, expressless visage like noh-mask on the wall of his father's sitting room. That guy stole the treasure, opened the window and jumped down to the dark garden.
He woke up with a yell to find out it was a dream fortunately. Still he couldn't help but got a sense that the same thing would happen in reality.
"The 'Twenty Faces' must jump down form that window. I bet he will go across the garden."
Souji believed like that strongly.
"There are flower beds under the window. They will be trampled."
When he imagined so a wierd idea came to his head.
"Yes, that's right. This is a great idea. Let me put a trap in the flower bed. If things happened as I thought The burglar would cross the flower beds. And if I put a trap there, he might be caught.
This trap he thought of was that, maybe it was the last year, his father's friend who own the mountain brought an iron trap made in the U.S.A. And he knew well it was put in the storehouse.