

Is it worthwhile spending a lot of time acquiring knowledge

2020-09-22 18:31:26 | 日記

房东安排,论文,优秀论文,论文,论文和论文的底面。 ,这种结果是最近五年,而与此同时,大学通常位于首都。需求资金;经济看不见的天然气时期学校膨胀。“除了可以成为琐碎人的其他人之外,在世界上少数人的教育中。”反大学宗派的“推动者”。教育历史是空前的。


With the recession since 2007, entire economy system faced pricing bubbles which cause the loss of wealth from folks, and that result has been lasting almost a half decade, meanwhile universities are often seeking so-called diversity and increase of academic quality and that implies huge funding is required; the tuition fees inflated during the period of economic downturn. “Some of them could have bought a house for what they spent on their education.” Professor Robert I. Lerman, of American University (Ph.D., M.I.T.) Moreover, those successful college dropouts like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs became “promoters” of anti-college advocates. Education became unaffordable unprecedentedly, therefore people started doubting the value of degrees. (Moran, 2014)


Education became more affordable after recession of 2007-2011. Obama’s student debts relief policy: student loans pay-off extends to students lifetime, and one of the program is called pay as you earn: “Borrowers who sign up for the Pay As You Earn repayment plan have their monthly Federal student loan payments capped at just 10% of discretionary income, saving hundreds to thousands of dollars per month. ”students are given true opportunities to improve their skills so that they can put what they learnt at university into a practice. " We’re working to redesign high schools and partner them with colleges and employers that offer the real-world education and hands-on training that can lead directly to a job and career. We’re shaking up our system of higher education to give parents more information, and colleges more incentives to offer better value, so that no middle-class kid is priced out of a college education." (Moran, 2014).


The value of money is not as high as they were before because with the development of dollars, something happened in terms of money system. “Five years ago, we set out to change the odds for all our kids. We worked with lenders to reform student loans, and today, more young people are earning college degrees than ever before. Race to the Top, with the help of governors from both parties, has helped states raise expectations and performance. Teachers and principals in schools from Tennessee to Washington, D.C., are making big strides in preparing students with skills for the new economy – problem solving, critical thinking, science, technology, engineering, and math." (Barack Obama,2014) It is easier for students to get knowledge if they want compared with five years ago, which means people could not refuse knowledge because of its high costs as the excuse. This is not only because of the higher incomes of people but also because of the different knowledge value of people when they realize the importance of knowledge.


Some variation in this area is difficult. It requires everything from the more challenging courses and more demanding teachers and parents who can provide new ways to measure how well our children think, not how they can better support in a test foam padding.


Secondly, knowledge is the requirement of the labor market. This is partly because the serious labor market condition makes education increasingly important."Though the labor market is slowly improving, the Great Recession that began in December 2007 was so long and severe that the crater it left in the labor market continues to be devastating for workers of all ages. "(Shierholz, 2012) Therefore, the unemployment condition is not as positive as expected which means that we should pay more attention to the demand of labor market. Knowledge is necessary for the labor market.


A college degree stands on the edge in today's job market. Nearly 90% of young college graduates from 25 to 29 in 2013 and more than 80% of these people are in full-time positions. More importantly, the vast majority of these people did not exist five years ago. Demand for university graduates the skills and knowledge will continue to rise. Demand for university graduates are mainly concentrated in professional, managerial and administrative occupations. Also, she said that unemployment has been above eight percent for more than three years, and 12.7 million workers remain unemployed today. The weak labor market has been, and continues to be, particularly tough on young workers: At 16.4 percent, the March unemployment rate for workers under age 25 was twice as high as the national average. Though the labor market is now headed in the right direction, the prospects for young high school and college graduates remain grim. (Shierholz, 2012)



Jordan Smith, a graduate of Memorial University in St. John's, took his job hunt to the streets of Halifax in 2009. As employment numbers are still bleak, many graduates are trying to explore new ways to find work, experts say. (Andrew Vaughan/Canadian Press)


Actually, it is a fact that most facing a shortage of jobs require a university degree of talent, including: in engineering, science and architecture managers; managers in health, education, social and community services; optometrists; auditors, accountants and investment professionals; registered nurses dietitians and nutritionists; doctors, dentists, pharmacists and veterinarians.


Finally, diploma which might means knowledge is the access to success and peaceful life. Education is a gift that everyone can accept. The fact that how it will help me depends on the way I try to use it. As for every individual, education is an important tool for success because it will help people to reach their goals and make it into a fact. Education seems to be a partner which will accompany people on this journey in life until the final success.


There are some access to education--- to make efforts and to succeed, and this is why I started to become resilient people. "Education is what removes our doubts and fears; what makes us happy and peaceful; what makes us better human beings. The teacher comes, removes the darkness and suddenly we find how beautiful this world is. And experience is often our best teacher."(The value of Education, n.d.) The education is also the access to success which might be reflected from a variety of successful celebrities all over the world.


Also, knowledge is important because it always leads to success.  "I believe in education. The reason for that is because it’s the key for success and it is a very important tool that you will need for later life. Education is what keeps people staying out of trouble and doing what is right regardless of the position you’re in. Education is something you can’t lose so it would be the wisest choice to get as much of it as you can. "(Joel - Chino Hills, 2011)


In conclusion, although the debate whether the diploma or the knowledge is important or not is still arguing even now, I deeply believe that it is important and worthy for any one. This is because it becomes more affordable due to the tendency of reducing value of money; moreover, labors must meet the minimal requirements that it is necessary for them to achieve a qualified diploma such as master or even PHD degree. At the same time, individual cannot succeed without the diploma because it is the bridge to success and peaceful life in the future. With the rapid development of modern society, education institutions should focus more on their diploma  that they must guarantee their quality of diplomas. It is true that people can not get jobs without diplomas, but judging a person only by diplomas is also negative. Employers should pay attention to labor's internship. Working experience and practical skills as well. Hopefully, diplomas will always make positive affects on different field in our daily life such as human resources in the future.


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How does the President of the United States issue executive orders

2020-09-22 18:27:52 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- How does the President of the United States issue executive orders,文章讲述什么是行政命令?美国总统发布行政命令,以帮助行政部门的官员和机构管理联邦政府内部的运作。当官员从《宪法》直接授予行政机关的权力中获得权力,或者是根据某些明确授予总统某种程度的酌处权的国会法案做出的,行政命令具有充分的法律效力。


What’s executive orders? Executive orders are issued by United States Presidents to help officers and agencies of the executive branch manage the operations within the federal government itself. When the officers take authority from a power granted directly to the Executive by the Constitution, or are made in pursuance of certain Acts of Congress that explicitly delegate to the President some degree of discretionary power, executive orders have the full force of law.

In America, no constitutional provision and statue can permit executive orders which can only promulgated by the president. So we can see many executive orders from the source which were issued by the previous presidents starting from George Washington in the year 1907. From the web source, it is clearly to find that President Ronald Reagan has issued 381 executive orders. President Bill Clinton has issued 364 executive orders. While the number of executive orders is 166 which was promulgated by President George W Bush, 194 executive orders of Obama which is as of 21/11 2014. It is obvious some presidents issue more executive orders and some issue fewer. But I think it cannot implicit that these presidents are out of line. From the numbers of executive orders, we can see that President Ronald Reagan and President Bill Clinton issue more. Why? We can return the times of the two presidents. When President Ronal Reagan was as the president of America, we can think of some unique events just like Cold War, Lebanese Civil War, Operation Urgent Fury, Libya bombing, Iran-Contra affair and etc. In order to deal with these affairs well, the president needed to take more steps. So the number of executive orders is large. In the same way, when Bill Clinton worked as the president, as is known to all, at that time, the economy depression affected the development of the society. Many people lost their jobs which was a threaten to the safety of the public. So it is easy to link the larger number of executive orders with these situation of that times. When President George W Bush entered the White House, the society was relatively stable and harmonious, so the number is fewer. When it comes to the number of executive orders issued by Obama, it may be familiar to all of us. There are nearly no special and intractable affairs. So I think numbers of executive orders cannot demonstrate these president is out of line. When considering the background of the times, we can better understand the meanings behind the numbers of executive orders. So it is necessary to know some of the history and get some information of the background of the times.






Extract hydrocarbons from the course

2020-09-22 18:25:34 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Extract hydrocarbons from the course,文章讲述即使人们已经得到一些公司的赞助,并且对石油和天然气的缺乏一直是人们的负担,但人们对石油和天然气的需求却越来越大,因此,一些专家提出了一种称为水力压裂的技术,可用于碳氢化合物提取,目前它已作为一种气体提取技术从美国扩展到欧洲,亚洲和非洲。迫切需要石油和天然气的原因是天然气生产的积极属性以及将其用作电力和能源的过渡性燃料的原因。每当谈到不使用水力压裂技术进行碳氢化合物提取的想法时,由于它或多或少会给环境带来不利影响,人们总是会发出负面的声音,这当然是使用水力压裂技术进行碳氢化合物提取的绝对明智的方法。


   Increasingly larger is human beings’ demand to oil and gas even if now they have been sponsored by some companies and has being lack of oil and gas constantly been a load on people’s mind, thus a technology called hydraulic fracturing is put forward by some experts to be used for hydrocarbon extraction and currently it has been expanding as a gas extraction technology from the United States to Europe, Asia and Africa. The reason why the oil and gas are in urgent need is due to the positive attributes of natural gas production and its use as a transitional fuel for power and energy. Whenever it comes to the idea of not using hydraulic fracturing for hydrocarbon extraction owing to that it will bring adverse environmental impacts more or less, a negative voice will always cry out that it is absolutely a wiser way to use hydraulic fracturing for hydrocarbon extraction of course. There is no doubt that I, as a local business owner, am one of the latter group that is in favor of the use of hydraulic fracturing, as will be elaborately discussed in the below.

Hydraulic fracturing, the main form for the exploitation of natural gas at present, is a feasible and promising way to stimulate the production of oil and gas in that it can release the natural gas through using and pouring large quantities of water laced with chemicals into the shale layer which will then hydraulically broke accordingly. The application of this technology can help maintenance of the normal development for shale gas. As a local business owner, there is no evidence that I will not be in approval of such method. Furthermore, if using other means for hydrocarbon extraction, the same case goes that there will also be some adverse effects to human beings in a certain sense, which may be worse than the impacts brought by Hydraulic fracturing.

Maybe this technology will lead to the water pollution problem in a way or another so as to result in the threats toward local ecological environment and the health of residents. Moreover, human beings have tested that it will also contribute to the spontaneous combustion of tap water and also trigger a small-scale earthquake. But these are all the consequences caused by the improper operation of the operators but not the inherent defects of the hydraulic fracturing technology itself. Or maybe we can put it another way, if the operators can carefully deal with the needed operations, then those potential harmful effects can be avoided more or less, contributing to the maximization effect of the use of that technology.

To sum up, the intrinsic advantage of this technology for hydrocarbon extraction, the inevitable detrimental impacts of other methods together with the improper operation of those operators can all be justified why hydraulic fracturing technology is a wiser choice for hydrocarbon extraction. At the final last of it, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude and sincere hope that those operation-related operators can hold a rigorous attitude and dedicated spirit for the sake for all the human beings and the generations to come.



  1. An Energy FromShale Project. 2014. Hydraulic Fracturing.Online available from:
  2. 2014. Hydraulic Fracturing.Online available from:




Control environmental pollution in China

2020-09-22 18:23:49 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Control environmental pollution in China,文章讲述根据ISO的定义,空气污染是指由于人类活动和自然过程而导致某些物质进入空气中的现象。当这些物质具有足够的集中度和时间时,就会损害环境以及人类的健康和舒适感(1996年)。 2013年,中国遭遇了有史以来最严重的朦胧天气,影响了25个省和上百个大中型城市。其朦胧天气的平均天数已达29.9天,是52年中最多的。白天的能见度在几十米以内,高速公路和机场都关闭了。近年来,中国的空气污染日益严重,采取措施解决和控制空气问题非常有必要。特别是中国的城市化发展迅速,必然带来许多空气问题,因此,空气污染应引起更多关注。


  1. Introduction

According to definition of ISO, Air pollution refers to a phenomenon that because of human activities and natural process, some matters go into the air. When the matters have enough concentrations and time, they will harm environment and human’s health and comfort (1996). In 2013 China encountered the most serious hazy weather in its history, which affected twenty- five provinces and over one hundred large and medium size cities. Its average days of hazy weather had reached to 29.9 days, the most in 52 years. The visibility of daytime was within dozens of meters, and expressway and airport were closed. Recently air pollution is getting worse in china, it is quite necessary to take measures to solve and control air problems. Especially the urbanization of China develops rapidly, and it must bring about many air problems, thus the air pollution should be paid more attention.

  1. Deficiencies in Chinese air pollution control

Air pollution has become one of the most serious environmental problems of China. The impending tasks of Chinese government is to look for effective way to handle air pollution. However, in China there exist many deficiencies in the process of controlling air pollution. Its air pollution management is relatively backward, and the legislation is quiet incomplete, which has poor operability and lacks strong law enforcement. Chinese policies of emission reduction ignore the management of air mass, overly concentrating on the controlling emission reduction of primary pollutions. Meanwhile, it is necessary to develop the techniques of air quality monitoring and enhance the information disclosure of air situation. Meanwhile, its emission evaluation system badly needs to be improved. Some measures even go against the efficiency of air pollution control (2007). Since there are many deficiencies in its controlling process, what should Chinese government and enterprises do to control and solve air pollution problem?

  1. Proposals on Chinese air pollution control

The following proposals on Chinese air pollution control consist of macro and specific policies, according to its deficiencies.

3.1 Complete environmental protection act and reinforce environmental legislation

Pollution is regarded as an external factor in economics, which means a company will not pay the price of air pollution, thus it has no reason to help reduce pollution. Free market cannot solve pollution problems, only strict system do reduce pollution. It is needed to let governmental policies norm and restrict enterprise behavior. There must be laws to go by, and the laws must be observed and strictly enforced, and lawbreakers must be prosecuted. Only under such strict management the air pollution can be reduced. Therefore, Chinese government should improve environmental protection act and reinforce environmental legislation, speed up the process of enacting matched environment legislation, and increase the penalties of the environmental illegal activities. Meanwhile, government should implement the administrative law enforcement accountability system to strengthen and improve administrative law enforcement, solving the problem of regional protectionism intervene law enforcement.

3.2 Heighten environmental consciousness of whole society and enhance education of environmental protection laws.

Firstly, strengthen legal publicity and education to the administrators of enterprises, making their operation follow close to the line of environmental protection laws and foster awareness of environmental protection to prevent and reduce illegal behavior against environment.

Secondly, strengthen legal publicity and education to administrative law enforcement officials and enhance their consciousness and ability of acting by law, building good legal environment for public health.

Thirdly, combine the education of environmental protection laws with scientific development concept, insisting on people oriented. Chinese government should urge leading cadres to administer by law and start everything from the point of the people's needs.

3.3 Invest heavily in air pollution control

Solving air problems needs huge investment. For example, the cost of power station free of pollution is much higher than that with pollution. Therefore, Chinese government should invest huge capital into clean energy developing to reduce dependence on traditional energy. Meanwhile, government should urge economic development model to turn into knowledge-type and innovation-type. In addition, government should strive to develop public transport and encourage public to attend environmental protection activities.

3.4 Specific way of air pollution abatement

Firstly, comprehensive planning and rationally distributing. Planning of region air pollution control is an important part of overall planning of regions, which starts from coordinating with development of economy and the protection of the environment, and proposes an optimization plan aiming at improving and controlling the existed air pollution problems. It is very important to complete the planning of region air pollution control and adopt regional comprehensive preventive health measures to control air pollution. For example, the distribution of factories should not be overly concentrated to drive down pollutant emissions of one region. Meanwhile, factories which share material supply chain should set up together, thus they can reduce tailpipe emission through comprehensive utilization of exhaust gas.

Secondly, central heating. The main source of soot in the atmosphere is from stoves and chimneys which distribute among thousands of households, especially in the north of China, where coal consumption is quite large in winter. Government can set up central thermal power plant and heating plant replacing dispersive boilers in suborn, which can effectively reduce soot emissions. Furthermore, improve boiler’s efficiency to decrease fuel costs and make good use of waste heat to increase energy efficiency. Meanwhile, alter the composition of fuel and realize fuel gasification step by step. In addition, strengthen the development and utilization of new energy.

Thirdly, reduce traffic air pollution. The key lies in the improvement of engine’s combustion designing and combustion quality of gasoline, which can help fuel combust more sufficiently in the engine, thus reduce harmful waste gas. Meanwhile, government should make public transport a central pillar of development and control the development of private cars.

Fourthly, strengthen afforestation. Thick forest can reduce wind speed, making dust carried in wind fall down. The surface of leaves is rough, some are villous, and some secrete mucus, which can adsorb a large number of floating dust and purify air. Therefore, afforestation can conserve water and soil, prevent wind and regularize sand, and beautify environment. Furthermore, it can also adjust temperature, humidity.

Fifthly, Air pollution control technique. The basic solution of controlling air pollution is to reform production process, with a preference to non-pollution or less pollution technology. Enterprises should choose suitable raw materials and make sure the process conditions are controlled strictly. Meanwhile, enterprises should install decontamination plant and control pollution sources.

Air pollution problem not only dues to fuel composition, but also due to the results of high concentration of population, transport, manufacture and construction industry. Faced with such comprehensive problems, government, enterprises and public must get together, completely considering all natural and social factors such as energy structure, industry structure and distribution, transport management, afforestation and so on. During the process of economic developing, Chinese government and enterprises should learn from the successful experience of developed countries and find a balance between economic development and environmental protection.






Works cited

[1] Boyle, Alan E., and Michael R. Anderson. Human rights approaches to environmental protection. Clarendon Press, 1996.

[2] Zhang, Junfeng Jim, and Kirk R. Smith. “Household air pollution from coal and biomass fuels in China: measurements, health impacts, and interventions.” Environmental Health Perspectives 115.6 (2007): 848




Authentic and traditional Chinese food

2020-09-22 18:19:17 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Authentic and traditional Chinese food,文章讲述本文主要从成因,历史,多样性的角度阐述了真正的中国传统食品,并提供了一些烹调正宗中国食品的简单方法。如今,中国菜在美国越来越受欢迎。作为中国人,我有责任向国外传播真实和传统的食物,因为外国人之间存在误解,那就是他们在当地中餐馆点的菜根本不是正宗的。本文将改变您的想法,并提供真正的美味中国菜。


    This paper mainly illustrates what is real and traditional Chinese food from the perspective of the cause, history, variety and provide some simple ways to cook authentic Chinese food. Nowadays, Chinese food became more and more popular in the United States. As a Chinese, I have the responsibility to disseminate real and traditional food to outside countries as there is misunderstanding among foreigners, that is what they order at local Chinese restaurant is not authentic at all. This article will change what you think before and provide with real delicious Chinese food.

    Can you believe it? “There are more Chinese restaurants in the United States than the number of McDonald’s, Burger Kings, Wendy’s, Domino’s, and Pizza Huts combined!” With the process of internationalization, more and more cuisine were spread and accepted by Americans, especially Chinese food. In general, chicken and broccoli are considered as the most classic Chinese food. Nevertheless, most of Chinese don’t have a clue about the so-called Chinese food such as chop suey and crab rangoon. In the eyes of Chinese, they are not real Chinese food.

    What has caused this phenomenon? Well, it can trace back to 19th century when Chinese people began to emigrate to the United States for better opportunity. At that time, in Francisco, there were sophisticated and sometimes luxurious restaurants operated by Chinese and patronized by themselves actually. On the contrast, in smaller towns, the restaurants opened by Chinese provided foods according to what the customers requested. Sometimes pork chop sandwiches and apple pie, sometimes beans and eggs. Gradually, in the process of modifying the food to suit a more American palate, these smaller restaurants developed early American Chinese cuisine. At first, these cuisine were for the miners and railroad workers. Then, “they established new eateries in towns where Chinese food was completely unknown and adapting local ingredients and catering to their customers' tastes. In the process, cooks adapted southern Chinese dishes such as chop suey, and developed a style of Chinese food not found in China” .Thus, Chinese food in the United States has developed its unique genre which is full of American style. In this case, those who don’t have the chance to try real Chinese food think what they eat in America is authentic. Also, at the same time, Chinese can’t understand the concept of American Chinese food.

    Then, here is the question. What is real Chinese food? It’s quite a difficult question to answer within several sentences since Chinese cuisine contains a profound history and a splendid culture. The several dishes can’t represent Chinese cuisine at all. So , I have to illustrate it from several perspectives according to research.

Chinese cuisine is quite a delicate art. It’s not a matter of simple eating or satisfying one’s hunger. There is a proverb in China, “Food is the paramount necessity of people.” Chinese are willing to pay much attention to it and spend time thinking how to make delicious and exquisite dishes. This kind of idea even can trace back to 2000 years ago when it was Spring and Autumn period. According to the Confucian Analects, excerpted from “Food in Chinese culture” edited by K.C. Chang (Yale University Press,1997), “He did not eat what was discolored or what was of a bad flavor, nor anything which was ill-cooked, or was not in season. He did not eat meat which was not cut properly, nor was served without its proper sauce ...”. From this we can see how “captious”our ancients are towards diet. And Confucius’s high status guided Chinese peoples’ diet view from ancient times. We can see the tip of the iceberg from books like Sui Yuan Shi Dan or Man Han Quan Xi both in Qing Dynasty.

    China’s vast territory is also an important reason for today’s wide diversity of diet. According to a statistical study published in China in 1983, there are more than 60,000 different dishes let alone at present times. The ingredients, the way to cut, the cooking method, the duration and degree of heating and other factors decide the quality of Chinese cuisine. There are several standards toward Chinese dish. Basically, a good dish has a high level of color, aroma and taste. Color means a perfect match between the original ingredients and condiments to let people have appetite at the first sight of it. The aroma of dishes includes not only when smelling it but also when tasting it. Taste is the soul of a dish which combines major ingredients and seasoning through different cooking techniques. Food is to be eaten into one’s stomach in the end and must be tasted by mouth, so a dish can’t be excellent if it’s not palatable even it looks beautiful or smell wonderful. What’s more, some other factors can add brilliance to its present splendor. For example, a dish contains a good moral always please diners. Chinese people like things have auspicious meanings. Appearance refers to the shape and decoration while nourishment reflects the idea of “Food cures better than medicine” rooted in the concept of people.

    Here are eight major components of Chinese cuisines. Anhui Cuisine is the cooking style of Huangshan Mountain region with famous dishes like Steamed Stone Frog and Bamboo Shoots cooked with Sausage. Cantonese Cuisine is famous for its wide range of choosing the ingredients. Cantonese eat everything they can and the transform of food is sophisticated. Fujian Cuisine pay much attention to cooking soup. We can see it from the regional saying,”One soup can be changed in ten forms”,”It is unacceptable for a meal to not have soup”. Hunan Cuisine is hot and spicy, kind of similar to Sichuan Cuisine in which pepper plays a more significant role. Jiangsu Cuisine ,also named Huai Yang Cuisine, emphasizes the freshness of the ingredient itself. And it’s sweeter than other cuisines. Shandong Cuisine is the oldest existing major cuisine in China mostly use marine food products. Zhajiang Cuisine is a combination of three kinds of cuisines and is famous for Dongpo Pork and West Lake fish in vinegar. Except those complicated cuisines, there are some classic delicious dishes in Chinese style should be added in local restaurants. For instance, Beef Noodle Soup, Spicy Garlic Bacon, Soup Dumplings and so on.

    Also, the way to enjoy meal is quite different between two countries. Westerners are likely to be served individually during a meal while Chinese share different kinds of dishes on a table. It reflects a distinct culture. Unlike silent atmosphere during a meal, a pleasant one should be hilarious and lively. Especially a wedding party or birthday party. Human relationship enhances with people talking and laughing. A meal is not just about eating but also the way to connect people and tie them closely.

    Maybe you are kind of tired of the few Chinese cuisine in restaurants in the United States. Here I’d like to provide a way of cooking a famous dish Mapo Tofu. First, cut the tofu into small pieces and then heat up a wok. Pour in the cooking oil and chili oil, add the chopped garlic, ground pork, spicy bean paste. Here is the important procedure, stir fry all the ingredients without stopping until the pork is half-done. And next add in chili powder, soy sauce and continue the acting of stir fry. Thee last step, add in tofu and water, now stir gently avoid breaking them. Lower the heat and simmer a little while. Then an aromatic, spicy hot, authentic Chinese cuisine is done. Put the dish on the table and invite families or friends to taste it and enjoy a real Chinese cuisine.




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     the number of McDonald's, Burger Kings, Wendy's, Domino's, and Pizza Huts

 combined! From :

Ch Six, "The Globalization of Chinese Food: The Early Stages," in J. A. G.

     Roberts. China to Chinatown: Chinese Food in the West (London: Reaktion,

     2002) ISBN 1-86189-133-4.

Andrew Coe Chop Suey: A Cultural History of Chinese Food in the United

     States (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009).

Jamie, Fullerton.(2014).China doesn’t understand the concept of American Chinese

     Food. From:  

K.C. Chang.(1997).Food in Chinese Culture.Yale University Press.

