


2019-05-31 17:31:17 | 日記

初级阶段:Word-by-word reading

每字都读,一字不漏。这是留学新生最常见的读文献方法。字字都读的主要原因是我们不知道重点是什么,不知道为什么要读这篇文章,不知道该关注什么,也不知道自己以后如何能用的上。然而Word-by-word reading的最大问题是time-consuming,low effectiveness。什么都读,什么都去抠,最后可能什么也没记住。

这里的难点在于,什么才是最重要的部分?别人没法告诉你,必须你自己去发现和决定。所以在一开始读文献的时候,word-by-word reading是不得已而为之的办法,读多了你才有判别能力。但是在初阶的时候,我们最重要的一个练习就是不断地问自己,这篇文章到底什么才是最重要的部分?读完之后想一想哪些部分给你留下印象最深?再去看一遍会发现哪些地方其实可以略读?这样不断地总结你会发现读文献速度在不知不觉中越来越快。

中级阶段:Purposeful reading

等文献读到一定数量你会发现你不再字字都读、段段都读了,你逐渐会进入到有目的性的阅读文献,purposeful reading.建议在读literature的时候可以问自己这么三个问题:




高级阶段:Constructive reading

到达高阶的时候你可能在读某一段内容时会想起某一篇谁谁谁的文章,读下一段内容时又想起了另一个人的一篇文章,无论是读到hypotheses, data, analysis method,还是conclusion,你都会不断地把这篇文章与其他你读过的同主题或同方法的文章作对比和关联,思考哪些地方相不同,谁和谁在哪个部分类似,而在哪个侧面又有区别。所以读一篇文章下来仿佛读了很多篇文章,头脑里有一张无形的文献地图,文章之间的关联以及每一篇的特色和contribution都了然于心。




Paper代写:The marketing strategy for performance art

2019-05-31 17:29:43 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The marketing strategy for performance art,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了行为艺术的营销策略。行为艺术的营销策略不同于有形物品,有形物品或多或少是一种无形的物品,需要经过转化才能被顾客接受。转变的方式可以是音乐cd、唱片、音乐会、旅游或与乐队有关的纪念品。营销策略也遵循从市场调查开始,然后制定计划,执行,并由策划者控制的模式,策划者根据情况的变化调整策略。


Marketing strategies complied with the marketing model of market environment investigation, early-phase planning, fitting into the situation and control of model to face with the changes. Performing art as intangible part of art differs from tangible goods in its forms of expression and creates the difficulty in marketing. The purpose of publicity a type of performing art is to make the band famous over a certain period of time and set up the image of the art rather than merely obtaining short-term profit. To solve the problem that art is intangible product and make the image of a band approachable to its consumers, when certain type of performing art, for instance, a music band, has determined to publicity its idea in a foreign country, it adopts and follows certain strategies that allows it to increase the fame and popularity in that region. It demands efforts from both early-phase and late-phase, both before the performance, and after the performance. Touring art is a specialized performing art that invests a lot of time and effort to travel and perform in a foreign country. The quality determines that it needs to lay certain efforts in publicity strategies to make it recognized and accepted by audiences. In this investigation, I pay a lot attention to the publicity of band Lincoln Parks’ tour in China and discuss the advantages and pitfalls of its marketing strategies through SWOT analysis, stressing the relationship of marketing with force of social media. The marketing activity of the band meets well to the marketing process model and has certain part and parcel requiring improvement. Marketing on social media is a double-edged sword, in the long-term, the foundation of a band relies upon the creation of amazing artistic work rather than the strategies adopted. By comparing the example with another type of performing art in China, I propose the idealized status of marketing in my own definition.


Performing art, an artistic style that requires not solely endeavors to polish its artistic output and create a outcome as possible, but also abilities or talents to amuse and attract the audiences with its unique perspectives in marketing and publicity. Touring art is also one type of performing art. With the development of society, the increasing economic demand of enterprises and franchises that sponsor the artist fair require the entity itself to provide certain profitable feedback. Forms of performing arts, such as theater, dance, music concern full exposure and contact with the audiences altogether an amusing performance of the artist . Thereafter, it is common sense that the marketing for performing art is necessary to sustain both its survival and prosper in modern society. On the other side, from the perspective of artist itself, the publicity of each single performance as well as the whole brand allows promotion of its influences in a certain area, an in the long run creates positive influences for the fame and income of the entity itself. Business plans and strategies are necessary for franchises or brands to survive against the fierce competition of the market. One enterprise can not exist without marketing, to the contrary, proper regular marketing strategy significantly enhances the outcome or feedback for art performances in all means. Therefore, it is both obligatory and beneficial for the supporting companies or agencies to adopt the appropriate marketing strategies in publicity.


Factors Influencing Marketing Outcome

Marketing is a science that demands detailed planning and research. There are several factors determining the effects of marketing, and they can be divided into two categories, internal factors and external factors . Internal factors include the fame of the band, the location or geographical features, the economic status of the underlying franchise to support the band, the current running situation of the company or franchise, the quality of the product it brings, the availability of funding, etc. The external factors include the market conditions, especially the customer’s income level which determines how much they could invest for your performances; the population density of a certain region, i.e., if it is a population sparse region the marketing could not be too successful; the competitors, i.e. are there any other similar types of art performances held at the same time which conflict with yours; the cultural and psychological background of certain group, for instance, do they have taboos or dislikes for the form of art you bring about to them or do they have preference for certain type of art forms or behaviors, etc.

The Generalized Marketing Process Model

According to some scholars , it should cover three areas: to serve certain customer groups, satisfy their specialized or general needs, and utilize certain techniques. General strategies for marketing includes a detailed work flow. It begins with analysis or market & environment, which requires a detailed scrutinize into the market conditions which can differ significantly in different regions and countries. It also includes the economic status, public buying intentions as well as psychological and social factors underlying certain groups. After having formulated a certain plan according to the survey report for current market situation, the strategy maker would obtain certain level of understanding of current situation and then adjust accordingly the strategy. After setting up a detailed plan on marketing, the agencies or companies could put into effort, control and adjust it according to the change of market situation, and yield new ones at any appropriate time . According to the marketing process model, the publicity of a brand can be fitted into it and adopted similar tactics.


Performing arts differ from tangible goods or products in that they do not have touchable feelings or direct emotions to customers or potential customers. Therefore, piquing demands or arousing interests for an performance is different than from selling and marketing conventional goods. For performing arts, the tactics adopted to let the customers accept the brand or the concept would be contributory to the overall marketing efforts. To begin with, it is the process of transforming abstract concept into detailed forms, such as posters, CDs, video types, to make the audiences contact it practically and have a general idea of it. More than this, in the process of displaying performing art to audiences, a show or a concert to exhibited, the affiliated factors, such as location and traffic convenience of the venue, the easiness of acquiring a ticket, and the cleanliness of the halls of the concert, all matters and determines the success of marketing. These are in the meantime important and precious opportunity for planners to transform the remote image of the brand into a kind, close, friendly one, that is acceptable to audiences. In brief, it is a process of transforming from intangible to tangible. Other strategies performing art adopted to publicity include satisfying customer needs, attracting customers to interact with artists, experimenting with new channels and platforms to spread out ideas and others. In the forms of publicity materials, it include brochures, ticket discount offers, newspapers and televisions, all with the identical means and target of satisfying the needs of customers . No matter what type it takes, the marketing of musical performing art should follow the rule of market and establish a legitimated personal system.


Music bands which belongs to the category of performing art groups, rely significantly upon the incomes along with the accompanying marketing effects of tours and concerts aside from selling out CDs for profit. Lincoln Park, as one successful band popular world wide especially in China, has presented in front of us a perfect example of how to employ the strategies of marketing to maximize the outcome and paybacks during its tour in China in 2015. I therefore determined it as an example to study the marketing strategy of performing art in China. After scrutinizing the tactics it adopted in its performance in details, it is not difficult for us to conclude that it basically fit quite well with the marketing process model mentioned above and run through the whole procedures of investigating the market, setting up strategies, publicity the ideas and news and adjusting the strategies according to the changes happening. Given the difference between the intangible performing art and tangible goods in the differentiated feelings created to customers, its influence on its fitness to the model is quite trivial and negligible.


Actions Taken before They Board

As described above, the strategies marketing department has employed to spread out the ideas and concepts of the performance arts and shows appeared in different forms. Take Lincoln Park 2015 China Tour for example, before it finally launched the country to begin with the first station, despite the accumulated world-class fame and supreme popularity in China, the band had adopted versatile means of spreading out the information. To begin with it named the tour after an attractive title called “hunting party”, in accordance with its popularity and cutting-edge styles. The host department selected a series of stations in China, including Nanjing, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Chongqing, 5 major cities covering different regions of the country that has most fans numbers along with most significant market influences. Subsequently, it launched a series of publicity methods, taking a full advantage of social media such as Weibo, Facebook, Twitter, Tieba BBS, newspapers, etc, to push forward the information and let it known by the fans in China. It is worthy mentioning that the Chinese marketing team had contributed in interpreting the band in its native language and composing the essays to push forward the ideas. Aside from it, the marketing department also exploited the publicity posters to popularize its ideas several weeks before the first station began in Nanjing. Notably, the success of this publicity relies significantly upon fans clubs in China who played a significant role during the whole process . Giving credits to its efforts, along with the long-accumulated fame and fans groups in China, the outcome of the marketing was extreme successful, selling out almost all the tickets before the tour.

The Concert Spot Preparations and Performances

Generally, the in site preparation has little effect on the marketing outcome or the ticket sales of the current concert, for the obvious reason that audiences who have purchased the tickets would be unlikely to return it to the agencies. However, in the long run, the quality control of the current concert will lay a significant effect upon the subsequent ones and is hence very important. In this aspect, Lincoln Park marketing group also acted a rewarding example. Before the start of the every concert, the lightning engineer and stage manager cultivated a long time an atmosphere on the stage. Looking towards it from a long distance one even engross within it immensely let alone the audiences who immerse themselves into it in the very front rows. During the performances, the special effects of the stage, the lights, colors even the perfumes correlates perfectly with the melodies’ ups and downs, playing a contributing role towards its performances. I regard the aforementioned performances a part of long-term marketing strategy, which would undoubtedly accumulate fame in audiences presented and aroused their interest in subsequent tours and CD selling in the future. Last but not least, the discipline control and stadium administration was an important part of in situ performance, in which Lincoln Park also did well. Despite the overjoyed and fevered audiences with the hot-blooded performances and the drastic ups and downs of melodies, the order in the concerts were all disciplined and well organized, which prevented the risk of potential security concerns and reduced tickets buying.

The Adjustments of Strategies and Control of Marketing Process

The control of the marketing process reflected in different levels of the band’s publicity in China. The efforts and money invested in action varied according to the time line. When it started in the very beginning, the planner just informed certain fans group to put forward ideas in bbs and weblog online. However, as time approached near to the begin of the tour, they began to invest more to propel the ideas in public areas in the form of publicity boards, posters and even newspapers, internet and TV advertisements. Obviously these types of publicity require more money, however, it produce more fruitful results in spreading out the ideas to attract more audiences.


As we know it that “The Hunting Party” 2015 tour in China has ended successfully not solely with numerous melodious songs but also the happy tears of audiences. Most importantly, the marketing department had made very successful example to us by gaining tremendous profits beyond initial expectation. Though it was not very first time Lincoln Park launched China, the success was quite laudable by following up aforementioned marketing strategies and cutting into the needs of fans groups.

In my perspective, in the marketing strategies adopted by this type of touring art in a foreign country, the most important part it relies is the extent to which it could exploit local media, i.e. in not only transforming between different languages and obtaining localization but also making full use of the local resources in its publicity. It turned out that all strategies have been certain around this general concept. If we look into the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of the marketing strategy adopted by Lincoln Park during the aforementioned show and if we even take into account other strategies they adopt in publicity of the brand world wide, we can yield some interesting discoveries.


It scrutinize the situation of Chinese market quite well before it board mainland China. Taking full advantage of its worldwide fame and influential effects brought to the massive group of Chinese fans, Lincoln Park was able to obtain a level of popularity in spreading its ideas. The strong cultural factor created has a deepened influence in the massive audiences, especially adolescence in China, especially when when it sticks to its own disciplined doctrine to create an aura of exclusiveness. The popularity in young group piques the psychological effects of the peers to follow and attend the live performance. More than this, by following strictly the rule and model of the marketing process, it undertook detailed analysis of market status in China before it board. This step allows enough confidence for it to move on to the next level and adopt new strategies to inform the public. Last but not least, the city selection also incorporates survey of information of Chinese major cities, so that the selected ones both geographically covers different areas of China and meets the basic requirement of enough audience basis numbers.


Despite the fact that the band Lincoln park has popularity in China with many audiences especially in young groups, to the contrary in elder groups people do not favor the band as much, some even never heard of the name of band. Due to the limited understanding and education (especially English and foreign culture education) in different parts of China, public interest in this band differs from region to region. More than this, by virtue of the relative high ticket prices, the major fans groups who are young students could not afford the tickets to participate, therefore hinder the publicity effect. Last but not least, in adopting mass media to spread out its ideas, it concerns transferring the information from English into Chinese, as a result of which, the media adopted in the end differs to some extent to the original ones. What’s worse, considering some intermediate agencies and platforms participate in publicity efforts, the authentic publicity effects may not be the same as it presumes, sometimes limited by the size of space the platform has to offer, sometimes intervened by some advertisements that hinder the effects.


Considering that Lincoln Park is a famous band world wide. Its publicity of CDs, concerts and tours can not be too difficult. Admittedly it may take some efforts for the band to land in a different country, especially in a different continent, so long as the band itself earns enough fame and popularity to accumulate local fans group, the endeavors spent would be rewarding, let alone the long-term fans groups earned and economic profit produced. Thereafter, always adjusting the marketing strategy according to the group change of specific regions will allow the band to succeed continuously.


Taking into account the numerous popular bands in the US such as Maroon 5, Imfao, Imagine Dragons, or pop singers such as Lil Pump, Post Malone which popped up endlessly and continuously, it is difficult for an old band like Lincoln Park to retain its competence under the influences of such. The fans group could be attracted to support these newly emerged groups or singers if they deem them better or cooler. Moreover, the youth group especially those below adolescence are more likely attracted by such groups who own and show more popular elements. It is a fast updating industry, there are a lot to do for the band Lincoln Park to retain competence. Obviously, the popularity of the band in China directly interferes the marketing outcome. Thereafter, if the band itself fails to remain certain level of fresh bloods or innovative ideas to keep competitive, it is difficult to carry out marketing in any countries in the world.


The band, an intangible product for the marketing team to publicity, distinguished sharply from an tangible item that could be brought out and shown up towards buyers. However, it have possessed innate influences and intangible parts that could be employed in public area and transformed into strengths or merits acceptable to audiences, appeals the audiences and attracts audiences to pay for the performance. The process of this is what we call marketing. Undoubtedly, the Lincoln Park marketing team followed the general disciplines of the marketing strategies and is able to transform the image into strengths and then into the tremendous outcomes and profits. Making use of the power of local social media, the marketing team of Lincoln Park has adopted comprehensive means (or an aforementioned “mix”) of publicity its performances in China and could be treated by us an effect model to follow if we want to host our own, yet a lot of flaws

I propose the following means to follow in order to improve the band’s publicity in China. To begin with, as a general marketing team underlying a world-famous band, it needs to put more effort into scrutinize and understand the country, the population group, the distribution of people geographically as well as the buying tendencies, beyond which it can have a clear idea of the consumer target it face with. If, on other words, it does not have enough funding to carry out a survey for the whole China market, it is also convenient for them to search for relative reports through the internet or bibliographic data base. Before it started its tour, maybe half a year or several months in time, it could begin its publicity as early as possible online. It should pay more attention to Chinese fans clubs or private fans groups for they are local ones familiar with situation in China and are able to provide the support in all their activities before and after their tour as much as possible. As far as I am concerned, so long as the band has formed a reliable relationship with the local fans group, their group will run through the whole publicity process smoothly. More than this, the peer effect will attract more and more fans to join and watch the performances of the band. Apart from it, the ticket price of the concerts held in China should be settled in a more reasonable range taking into account the economic income of the country. So long as China is a developing country and the economic development level is quite different between different regions, for instance southeast China and southwest China, it should adjust the ticket prices accordingly to allow more localized audience to attend and watch. For instance, the ticket price should be lower in Chongqing than it is in Shanghai, considering the different economic status and family income. Last but not least, Lincoln Park should choose a more reasonable time to tour in China. Though it seems that the selected July would be appropriate regrading that most fans are students who could enjoy their summer holiday and have plentiful leisure time to watch, however, the band fails to take into account the fact that most fans who have the economic ability to buy tickets and attend the concert are at least college students. This means that in summer school, when they have no courses to take in their universities, they would probably return home which are small cities rather than the major ones Lincoln Park chose to hold concert in. It further reduces the possibility for these students who indeed rely on their parents and do not have an income to purchase the ticket and travel to the major city just to watch a concert .


Magic performance is another type of performing art that has a lot of public influences in China. I want to compare the Lincoln Park tour 2015 in China with the world famous magician David Copperfield’s tour in China in 2002 to see the strengths and weaknesses in marketing strategies of each. The similarities between these two are they both have world-class fame in their own categories; they both chose July as the time to tour in China, they both cost a lot to attend the live show or the concert. Some media they adopt to spread out the ideas are the same, but some are different. So long as it was in 2002, when internet was not as widespread in China as 2015, the ability and power for David Copperfield team to adopt the internet to perform the publicity is less compared to that of Lincoln Park. Therefore, David Copperfield team relied more on other types of media such as newspapers, TVs, and radios to spread out the information of the tour. More importantly, unlike Lincoln Park which is a band and has a certified fans group who are addicted to listening to the songs, a magician can have fans but not in a certified group who are addicted to watching magic performances. Therefore, there were not so many localized fans groups for it to rely upon in marketing. Notably, it is the TV program helps a lot in David Copperfield team. Before it landed China, the magics of the world famous magician along with the legends had been played in some Chinese famous TV channels for a long time. On this basis, the name of David Copperfield and his story had become well known to almost every person in this country. As a result, although they invest seemingly less efforts compared to Lincoln Park in publicity the ideas of the tour, they do save similar marketing outcomes according to the tickets sold and the live spot performances. From this we can conclude that these influencing factors for marketing are complementary to each other. The strength of one can make for the weakness of the other and reach almost identical effects in the end.


Social media is a double-edged sword. A successful marketing outcome is achieved largely dependent on various types of media means. But to the contrary, too much reliance upon social media causes a minimization of the brand influence. The first step of marketing should be making authentic excellent artistic works. Over-marketing resembles to those so called new-generation artists in certain countries who lacked artist works and outputs but merely relied upon star-creating powers to push themselves forward to public by deliberately developing some appealing stories or news unrelated with their art works. In the long-term, if a band depends too much on marketing tactics, it will sooner or later lose its ability to survive in modern ages.

Hence, combined my previous investigation into Lincoln Park’s show and strategies, I can put forward my own idealized marketing model specifically for a touring art in a foreign country. To begin with it shall scrutinize the local market and environment, then it should make full use of local media in publicity, on the other hand, in the long-run it should pay attention to its own brand and image, in transforming the intangible part of itself to approachable parts accepted by audiences.


The marketing strategy for performance art is different for tangible goods, for the former is a more or less intangible object, that needs to be transformed before it is accepted by the customers. The means of transformation can be music CDs, records, concerts, tours or souvenirs that linked with the band. The marketing strategy also follows the model which begins with investigation of the market, followed by making plans, execution and controlled by the planner who adjust the strategies according to the change of the conditions. The marketing strategies of performing arts are also influenced by different factors. Internal factors included the features and the fame of the band, the funding of the marketing team, etc. External factors include the market environment, the competitors, the economic status of customers in the countries or in the regions, the social and cultural effect, etc. Lincoln Park band is a successful example of conducting marketing strategy in China, which fits well with the marketing process model. However, it still has a lot to improve in marketing strategies especially if it is compared to other types of successful examples. The marketing team should put more endeavors if it wants to receive a better performance with more short-term and long-term benefits. However, it shall need to notice that it should set up the brand by putting forward authentic excellent products rather than from marketing strategies.


Abell. (2013) "Defining the Business: The Starting Point of Strategic Planning".

Cityweekend (2002). David Copperfield, and the Man of Many Faces, Li Ning

Jake Newby (2015). Incoming: Linkin Park, Rap-metal outfit make a surprising return to Shanghai. Timeout Shanghai.

Konijn, Elly (1991). Psychology and Performing Arts. Sweets and Zeitlinger. pp. 59–72.

Kotler and Armstrong (2014). Principles of Marketing, 14th edition

Laura Lake (2017). 5 Easy Steps to Develop a Marketing Strategy

Murray Newlands (2015). 15 Marketing Strategies That Inspire Strategic Thinkers. Contributor,

Neil Kokemuller. (1997) What Are Internal & External Environmental Factors That Affect Business? .Chron

Robynbarber. (2015). Linkin Park To Make China Tour.

Tobie S. Stein and Jessica Bathurst. (2008). Performing arts management: a handbook of professional practices.

Westwood, John. (2002). The Marketing Plan: A Step-by-step Guide. Kogan Page Publishers.


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Scientific Essay该怎么写

2019-05-31 17:27:24 | 日記
不知道小伙伴们有没有写过Scientific Essay?Scientific Essay是国外大学理工科专业常见的作业形式,相比于其他专业的Essay作业,Scientific Essay会有很大的不同。那么Scientific Essay该怎么写呢?下面就给大家讲解一下。

Scientific Essay写作前该干什么?

Reading list

拿到essay题目时,大家可能对题目并不是很熟悉,所以需要阅读一些相关的资料才能决定essay中要写什么。最好的开始就是平常的教材,从教材中获取对题目的概括,包含哪些可以写的版块,再逐渐移步到专业性更强的文章或者论文。Web of science, Google Scholar, PubMed都是检索类网站,登录时用学校账户就好啦。






Scientific Essay写作中该写什么?

这里是一个在web of science中走失的小白的呐喊:茫茫论文,大佬云集,每篇paper都好优秀,方法严谨,实验结果的数据让人眼花缭乱,discussion好详细,连introduction的背景知识都介绍的好具体!——但是我该引用哪部分?

牛津大学Dr Peter Judge指出:如果你的essay中有对实验的描述,需要指出的是实验数据及对数据的解释说明,而不是非常详细地描述实验方法。



在国内学习英语时,我们常常会背一节“高级词汇”来加分,但是在写scientific essay的时候,复杂的词汇和句型反而会画蛇添足。

乔治·奥威尔在“Politics and the English Language”中给出了一些适用于理工科写作的规则:

1.在scientific essay中,不要出现比喻类的用法:


Chlorophyll is the molecule of life.

This analysis opens the door for…

2.在scientific essay中,选择更简单的词语(Never use a long word if a short word will do.)

例如:use而不是utilise,before而不是prior to,after而不是subsequently





Given-Before-New是在英语写作中的方便读者理解的原则:作者在写作中,通常先陈述已知的信息(Given information),把未知的信息(New information)放在句末。(In English sentences, we tend to present old or given information first, and put new information at the end.)


Researchers have been examining the way people choose where to sit in a library. The choice of seat is often determined by the other people in the room.

在第一个句子里,where to sit对于读者来说是新的信息,我们把它放在了句末。在第二个句子中,the choice of seat相对于第一句来说已经是已知信息,the other people就是旧的信息,所以放在句末。


The way people choose where to sit in the library is examined by researchers. The other people in the room often determines the choice of their choice of seat.


Scientific Essay写作结束后该干什么?









以上就是关于Scientific Essay的写作讲解,另外,大家在写完Essay的时候一定要检查一下,有错误的地方要及时修改。


Paper代写:Asian American literature

2019-05-31 17:23:44 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Asian American literature讨论了亚裔美国文学。上世纪美国民权运动兴起,亚裔美国文学研究应运而生,并逐渐发展成一门独立的学科。而亚裔文学在数量与质量上的长足进展,也为亚裔文学批评带来更多的研究视角。学科成熟至今,各种理论方法因势利导,齐头并进。本文综观美国本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

With the rise of the American civil rights movement in the late 1960s, the study of Asian-American literature came into being and gradually developed into an independent discipline. The great progress in quantity and quality of Asian literature has also brought more research perspectives to Asian literary criticism. From cultural nationalism to mutual differentiation of the same configuration and heterogeneity; From the binary opposition between masculinity and feminism to the organic combination of ethnicity, gender and sexuality in specific historical scenes; From the collective imagination of the Asian community in the pan-asian era to various dilemmas and possibilities in the "post-" theoretical trend. The linear description of the research situation here does not mean that the latter replaces the former. The discipline has been mature and various theoretical methods have advanced in line with the current situation. This paper makes a comprehensive survey of the research status of Chinese American literature in the past 40 years, clarifies the causes and causes of the academic evolution, discriminates the advantages and disadvantages of the research results, and tries to make a comprehensive and in-depth judgment on the development and current situation of this discipline.

After the woman warrior published in 1976, although the rave reviews, but Kingston wrote "American critics of cultural misreading" in retort critics misunderstand - more than half of the comments have deepened the exotic and mysterious Oriental "incomprehensible" stereotypes, and Kingston himself is regarded as Oriental culture ambassador, the intention and soup. Subsequently, tang's other two non-autobiographical and more or less political works were less well received. Compared with the bestselling works such as Chinese woman ah wu and the joy luck club, zhao jianxiu and others attacked the self-assimilation of asians in order to fight against the mainstream prejudice of the United States, and the difficulty of finding and publishing old works became more and more prominent. Accordingly, we can see the expectation horizon and acceptance standard of Asian writers and literature held by the American mainstream: the writer should be a member of the "model minority", and the characters should conform to the Oriental imagination of white readers.

The perspective of expectation plays an important role in the creation of Asian literature. Almost all kinds of speech positions, writing angles and writing strategies of Asian writers center on the perspective of expectation. In advocating "freedom, equality" in the "American dream", "multiculturalism" the cacophony, it seems the eclecticism schools of thought contend, but in fact changed the hegemony of echo, its surface is willing to accept all the differences, but the negative phenomenon of vulnerable groups own limitations, secretly for authority to cover up lies, pass the buck. When asians are given the aura of "model minority", they are not only used as tools to suppress blacks, but also rejected by whites. The subtext of "model" is "difference", so the "incomprehensible and unassimilable" Asian Americans are the mainstream fiction of America, which is the argument of "literary Chinatown". Partridge think inside/outside, we/they, binary thinking such as the United States/China restricts the mainstream American readers to accept the conditions of Chinese literature, and it provides novel is to modify the mainstream prejudices and redefine ethnicity, to break through the shackles of Chinatown: literature as devoid of Asian American culture conflict mode of binary opposition, instead use the character with all kinds of experience and influence to the process of Asian immigrants.

Similar to Partridge's point of view is Youngsuk Chae's politicized Asian-American literature: toward a critical multiculturalism, which creates a space for counter-narrative and explores how Asian writers view racial inequality as a way to conform to the expectations of the mainstream, or as a way to challenge the mainstream as a cultural maverick. Chae also holds a critical attitude towards multiculturalism, believing that multiculturalism commercializes and essentializes cultural differences, highlights exotic aesthetic discourse, and results in the classification of differences. Zhao jianxiu's criticism of Kingston and others, who cater to mainstream writing, has contributed to the stereotyping of Chinese literature. Taking joy luck club as an example, the overall structure of the novel is based on the binary opposition between the repressed Chinese culture and the free American culture, which conforms to the expectation vision of the American mainstream. Chae wonders if there is a formula for mainstream acceptance of Asian literature. Is there an irreplaceable essence of successful Asian literature? Chae traces the mainstream view of the history of formation expectation: 1965 years later, because of its political and economic upheaval and influenced by American ideology in the United States writer of Asian immigrants, many are no longer keen political issues, and social status of their own silence, written in politically neutral stance with the subject of Asian culture, mainstream readers look forward to view the resulting in the United States. Chae borrow very rebellious Asian works as an example, points out that they and the default Asian American multiculturalism works is that of the difference in their conscious against systemic discrimination and unequal power, beyond a single perspective of culture, race, will be "class", "economic structure" these widely ignored problems in labor relations, hit a multicultural cover up the truth, challenge "with whatever he is essentially" stereotypes. The so-called secret of success in Asian literature is precisely the expectation horizon of the American mainstream that should be re-examined and tried to challenge today.

Zhao jianxiu reminded the object of Asian writers' resistance with "racist love and hate", and VietThanh Nguyen put forward "irreconcilable main body" against "model minority", giving new political significance to Asian people's social positioning in the United States. In two aspects, "model minority" integrates into American society conditionally at the cost of compromising with America's unequal structure. "Irreconcilable subjects" challenge the hegemony of American pluralism, but at the expense of Asian-Americans who are unable to deeply understand the ideological contradictions, and whose posture of constant confrontation is difficult to understand the changing Asian-Americans that Paaridge speaks of.

Huang xiuling's article "ethnic themes, ethnic symbols and the difficulty of restoration and reproduction: Chinatown in some Chinese literature" is an in-depth study of the perspective of expectation. On the one hand, under the vision of Oriental voyeurism, the Chinese in Chinatown faded out as a whole, and every independent individual was simplified as the specimen of others, taking out the personality and inner attribute; On the other hand, some Chinatown Chinese take their outsider status as capital and make a living by fabricating Oriental features to please the curious eyes of the west. Over time, the mask becomes the face. Therefore, the subjectivity of Chinese Americans is exhausted in the reproduction of others and of themselves. When the Chinese, as "the beholder", turn to the white people as "the beholder", their "seeing" does not have the same power as the white people because of their status of being dominated. Just, how to determine the Chinese-American property of Chinatown, how to admit that Chinatown is not China after all, without falling into the trap of exotic and history-free essentialism? Zhao jianxiu's novels are always full of descriptions of Chinatown. Zhao is familiar with every detail of Chinatown and knows all kinds of codes of exoticism well. It is difficult to resolve the dialectical negation of the writing connotation in Chinatown.

"Horizon of expectation" seems to be an external study of literature, but it has special value for Asian/Chinese literature study. Partridge discusses "what are ethnic writers", their role in the literary field, hovering between market considerations and artistic innovation, is the expectation horizon of mainstream readers the biggest motivation or obstacle for their creation? And inspired all kinds of writing strategies, right? Years after aiya was published, xu zhongxiong, one of the editors of aiya, revealed in an interview that they were indebted to Kay Boyle, a white female writer who knew little about Asian literature. The introduction to aiyah is a "declaration of independence for Asian-American literature," but its structure and strength are both counterbalanced by this non-Asian-American expert. Therefore, whether the subject of Asian literature is exemplary or naughty, "expectation horizon" is an unavoidable subject.


Essay代写:Traffic rules in the United States

2019-05-31 17:20:37 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Traffic rules in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的交通规则。在美国,高速路一般限速不超过70英里,违规的话动辄罚款数百美元,而屡犯者要吊销驾照。车速超过100英里者,可能被控二级谋杀罪和被罚终身禁驾。美国的高速路有免费和收费两种,无论东部西部,一些主要桥梁和隧道都是收费的。另外,在美国违规停车是不会被扣分,但会被罚款。

When I first arrived in the United States, I found that the police were very strict about speeding. The speed limit on U.S. highways is usually less than 70 miles, and violations can cost hundreds of dollars in fines. Repeat offenders will have their license revoked. Anyone driving more than 100 miles per hour can be charged with second-degree murder and banned from driving for life. I've heard of people who went more than 100 miles per hour, and the police got the driver's license and tore it up on the spot. Drunk driving is a criminal offence, was arrested is likely to immediately put on handcuffs, into the police car to "reflection".

The author found that American highway police especially have a special liking for red sports cars, especially like to catch such illegal cars. They were either at the bend or hiding at the junction. Once I was in New York on an errand, and just as I was getting on the freeway, there were all these bright lights and siren blaring behind me. "Sir, the top speed here is 55 miles per hour and you're doing 78." A week later, I got a ticket from the police. Fortunately, diplomatic cars were exempt from fines.

Americans are very civic minded. If you throw trash or spit out of your car, someone may copy your license plate and call the police. Denial is useless in such cases. Unlike China, the United States does not follow the principle of "who reports, who testifies". Check is a police matter, say each other strangers, who will falsely accuse you?

Illegal parking in the United States will not be deducted points, but the fine is a certain, generally $20. The money became a major source of revenue for American cities. When I was working in San Francisco, I often saw a car parked at a coin machine that had been ticketed even though it was minutes from overtime. The police thought that the owner would not be able to come back and renew the ticket, so they would write it out in advance.

Once I went to San Francisco on business. He dropped a coin in the parking lot and came out to find a ticket on the windshield. Look at the coin machine. It's ten minutes away. The coin slot machine in the car next to it has run out of time. It turned out that the policeman was careless and gave me the ticket by mistake. Fortunately, the law enforcement vehicle did not go far, still in the vicinity of the slow search for the next "prey". I quickly went after the ticket, and the officer said, "Sir, my ticket has been issued and cannot be revoked or changed. I suggest you go to court and ask for cancellation." Who would go to court for $20? I had to eat my hat.

It is amazing that a few years ago, California's silicon valley actually produced a "coin man." During that time, the government saw revenue from parking fines plummet because no one was parking overtime. The police investigated and discovered that every afternoon a man with a bag of COINS was patrolling the streets. When he saw a coin machine which had not much money left, he immediately threw in COINS to help. The city is in a hurry to Sue the man. The court found him not guilty because there was no law against putting money into a slot machine. He calculated that for every 25 cents he would cost the city $20, so he would "sacrifice the ego" and "do justice to the gods".

There are free and toll roads in the United States. The west, especially California, is free for all, so the freeway is also called freeway. The eastern highway is basically a toll booth at intervals. Don't think that's unfair. This gap is offset by oil prices, which are much higher in California than in the east. The total cost of driving from New York to Washington is just a few dozen dollars, which is about twice the distance between Shanghai and hangzhou in China. Compared with the domestic charge standard, the road fare is more than half cheaper.

In both the east and west, some major Bridges and tunnels are toll free. I once crossed a bridge from brooklyn, New York, to New Jersey, and the toll was $4. The author opened to the Toll Gate but no one at work, so I patiently wait. Don't want to behind the car impatient, honk in unison. The author gets off hurriedly to run to ask how to should do to another collect fees window. The tollman had a good sense of humor. "wait for what? Just go!" He drove away.

According to us regulations, vehicles carrying more than three people during rush hours can cross the bridge free of charge. Once the writer pulled two friends through the passage of the golden gate bridge to save a toll. However, it did not take long to discover that a penalty was deducted from the credit card to avoid paying the road fare. The author immediately and charge department negotiation, explained the situation at that time. This time it was a lucky break, and it quickly got the money back.

