


2019-11-30 11:33:36 | 日記





创新的一个非常重要的方法就是去思考现存debate和观点的合理性。很多时候我们看对于学术大咖的文章总是心怀敬畏,认为他们的分析一定比我们自己的探讨更有道理,更有深度,逻辑也更牢靠。而事实上,很多所谓的专家学者的观点也只是建立在他们的个人观点与假设之上的。想要真正做好批判的工作,就要身体力行critical thinking,在思想中完全打破“权威”这个概念,就事论事。



很多时候,对于一个问题的思考进行抽象泛泛的总结是很多理论的通病,也是为什么在实践过程中会出现很多与理论不符的情况。以Benedict Anderson关于Nationalism的思考为例,他的论述和证据多是建立在对于欧洲各国观察和历史的基础之上的,然而欧洲本身就有着自己的特性,在这片土壤上发生的事和在世界其他地方发生的事情会存在一些本质性的不同;不仅如此,在欧洲内部也有着相当大的区别。在这种情况下,就可以去研究Anderson的理论对于某一个国家是否适用,从而做出别人还没做过的创新性研究。











Paper代写:The creation of artistic songs by Tosti

2019-11-30 11:32:12 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The creation of artistic songs by Tosti,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了托斯蒂艺术歌曲的创作。托斯蒂是意大利的作曲家,其创作的作品大多以声乐为主。相比于同一时期的其他作曲家来说,托斯蒂涉猎的领域更加单一,其将创作的重点放在艺术歌曲的写作中,作品中包含的语种有英语、意大利语、拿坡里语以及法语,其中,更多的为意大利语,包括《玛莱卡莱》、《再见》等等。其作品旋律优美流畅、内容清晰,受到了当时人们的青睐,并被同时代的作曲家追捧与模仿,得到了广泛的传播。

The melodies of Tosti's art songs are beautiful, fluent and clear, which are sought after and imitated by contemporary composers and widely spread.

Tosti is an Italian composer. Most of his works are mainly vocal music. Although most of his works are "living room songs" in English, the style of Italian folk music can still be understood from the melody. The artistic songs of Tosti were popular in content and melodic, which were favored by people at that time. His representative works include serenade, malecale and goodbye, etc., which have unique creative characteristics and require in-depth analysis and mastery by relevant singers and researchers.

In the late 18th and 19th centuries, serious opera gradually gave way to romantic musical styles. Under the influence of the French revolution, more composers are more willing to use their works to express their imagination of a better life in the future, personal emotional experience and so on. This background led to the change of artistic style and promoted the formation of romantic music style. At the same time, with the development and popularization of piano in life, the composer more integrated piano accompaniment in the actual creation of artistic songs, and completed works with vocal music as the main genre.

Compared to the same period of other composers, and in the field is more onefold, his creations will focus on the art song writing, works contained in the language is English, Italian, and slope in the language as well as French, among them, the more is Italian, including "ma lai lai", "goodbye" and so on. His works are melodious, fluent and clear in content. They were favored by people at that time, and were sought after and imitated by contemporary composers.

For Tosti’s art songs, they belong to the later works of romanticism, and the corresponding lyrics are more from the poetry of Italian poets in the 19th century. In these poems, although most of them describe love and express the love and hatred between people, there are some differences in the main meanings expressed. In the art songs created by Tosti, music is generally composed in the already formed poetry, which makes his works have a strong recitation.

For example, in Tosti's "I wish to die", the lyrics are "at this time of year I wish to die/the air is mild/the sky is clear/the swallows have built their nests/moved into their new houses/this is the new flower that decorates the land". In this section of lyrics, it can not only be sung, but also be recited as a separate work, reflecting the high readability of the lyrics in Tosti's art songs. In order to ensure that the lyrics can be better understood, in the actual artistic song creation process, Tosti completely followed the habit of speaking to write the lyrics, and all the lines were strictly screened, requiring that the corresponding lines could be used for singing as well as complementary to the melody.

In his art songs, most of them contain rich piano accompaniment. In order to further improve the audience's listening experience, Tosti introduced a variety of song reception speed. In art songs, if the rhythm is simply used in starting and switching, the song will be dull and dull, and the audience's listening and watching experience is not rich. In order to avoid this problem, Tosti often introduces non-equal rhythmic forms in his works, including adjuncts, syncopations, etc., and USES them together with triplets to complete the creation of the entire art song. In this way, the rhythm of the singing part of Tosti’s art songs is enriched.

In order to further improve the driving force of the melody of the song, Tosti also applied the method of piano accompaniment and singing melody rebeats alternately, so that the piano accompaniment and singing melody can achieve mutual promotion. With the support of such creative techniques, the rhythm of the song melody is significantly improved, which enhances the singer's enthusiasm in the actual singing state and breath, and enriches the audience's actual experience.

The material of Tosti‘s art songs is single and complete, the debugging is unified and clear, at the same time, it is often accompanied by swing and off-tune. When the music reaches the relational key, it returns to the main key again. It can be said that the musical structure of Tosti‘s art songs is relatively neat, and his works have a high square integrity. Compared with the music works in the classical period, the art songs in the later period of Tosti‘s romanticism were different, which changed the traditional tonal writing method and mainly used the major and minor of the same name to determine the direction of transfer.

For example, in Tosti‘s song "I wish I were dead," the beginning USES f minor, the middle USES f natural major, and the end USES f minor; In the song "the last song", the beginning part USES d and minor, the middle part USES d and natural major, and the end part USES d and minor. In the song "farewell song", the beginning part USES g harmonic minor, the middle part USES g natural major, and the end part USES g harmonic minor. In the song I don't love you anymore, e harmony minor is used in the beginning, e nature major in the middle and e harmony minor in the end.

It can be seen from this that the tonality of the patterns in Tosti‘s art songs has a relatively high regularity, which generally starts with minor key, then turns into homophonic tonic major, and finally returns to the main key, achieving the effect of "atmosphere contagion - emotion deepening - triggering thinking".

In addition, the integration of the elements of napoli folk songs is also a feature of the creation of artistic songs of Tosti, which enriches the emotion of the songs and promotes the development of the songs, emotions and plots.

To sum up, Tosti‘s art songs are melodious, fluent and clear in content, which are sought after and imitated by contemporary composers and widely spread. In his works, there are recited lyrics, changeable rhythm and speed, and regular debugging and tonality, etc. In addition, he also integrates the elements of napoli folk songs organically, so the songs are more full of emotion and the audience's viewing experience is more rich.


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2019-11-30 11:29:27 | 日記



Allusion is a brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing or idea of historical, cultural, literary or political significance. It does not describe in detail the person or thing to which it refers. It is just a passing comment and the writer expects the reader to possess enough knowledge to spot the allusion and grasp its importance in a text.



“The rise in poverty will unlock the Pandora’s box of crimes.” 这里面涉及到了Pandora’s box。它来自于希腊神话,具体内容是这样的:天神普罗米修斯从天上盗火种送给人类,人类学会了使用火,主神宙斯十分恼火,决定要让灾难也降临人间。他命令他的儿子火神赫淮斯托斯用泥土制作一个女人,名叫潘多拉(Pandora)。宙斯给潘多拉一个密封的盒子,里面装满了祸害、灾难和瘟疫,让她送给娶她的男人。潘多拉立即去找普罗米修斯的弟弟并嫁给了他。潘多拉双手捧着她的礼物,突然打开了盒盖,一股祸害人间的黑色烟雾从盒中迅疾飞出,尽是疾病、疯癫、灾难、罪恶、嫉妒、偷窃、贪婪等各种各样的祸害,飞速地散落到人间。

然而作者此处只是想表明贫困率上升可能会导致的后果,并不想费太多笔墨在解释什么是Pandora’s box上。大多数西方读者对于潘多拉的魔盒这一典故都非常清楚,作者只要提到了,就能让读者明白它所代表的这一背景和意义。



It is a sophisticated literary device making use of a textual reference within some body of text, which reflects again the text used as a reference. Instead of employing referential phrases from different literary works [as in allusion], intertextuality draws upon the concept, rhetoric, or ideology from other writings to be merged in the new text. It may be the retelling of an old story, or the rewriting of popular stories in modern context.


一个再恰当不过的例子就是James Joyce对于《奥德赛》Odyssey的改写:《尤利西斯》Ulysses。在尤利西斯当中,不论是小说本身的结构,采用的语言和写作手法,以及各个角色和他们的经历,都和古希腊经典《奥德赛》有着种种深刻联系。这种将英雄史诗和小人物的一天经历进行比较的做法,也让其主旨更为意蕴深刻。



Paper代写:Novel the haves

2019-11-30 11:27:41 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Novel the haves讨论了小说《有产者》。《有产者》是《福尔赛世家》其中一部小说,生动地描写了一个资产阶级家族兴亡史,立体地反映了从19世纪80年代至20世纪20年代英国资产阶级走向堕落和腐朽的历史。小说《有产者》主要围绕着索米斯、波辛尼、艾琳和琼之间的爱恨情仇展开。其中高氏对索米斯的精确的刻画,给人留下了典型的福尔赛形象。索米斯精明、能干,贪婪却不遮掩,时刻想扩大自己的财产,对自己的妻子的占有欲登峰造极。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In "the possessor", soames' high desire for his wife and possessions left an indelible impression. Academic circles have reached a consensus on this fact, but few people have analyzed the causes behind it.

The property-owning is one of the novels of the forseys, which vividly describes the rise and fall of a bourgeois family and reflects the history of the decline and decay of the British bourgeoisie from the 1880s to the 1920s. Galsworthy successfully created some typical figures of the English bourgeoisie and exposed their ugly souls. His works are detailed and thorough, concise and precise in language, implicit and sarcastic in style, bringing readers a different reading experience. "The haves" centers on the love-hate relationship between soames, posinny, Irene and Joan. Among them, gao's accurate description of soames left a typical forsyth image. Soames was shrewd and capable, avaricious but undisguised, always eager to enlarge his fortune, and possessive of his wife to the utmost.

This is one of the more powerful concepts that baudrillard invented. Baudrillard believes that through consumption differentiation, individuals can leave the existing class or join a new target class. Baudrillard explained that only through the basic social process of consumption alienation can individuals in a social group find a corresponding position in society. Consuming individuals often do not realize that self-consuming consciousness is manipulated by social codes and symbols. In order to achieve a distinctive purpose, each individual voluntarily follows the logic of consumption, hoping to have a place in society. More importantly, baudrillard writes, "what matters is the relativity of consumption, that is, the divergence of consumption never stops; it keeps sliding."

As baudrillard mentioned consumption homogenizes societies that emphasize differences. In order to distinguish themselves from other members of society, individuals must make creative consumption. What individuals own becomes the main way to make a difference. However, as production has entered the era of mass production, it has become increasingly difficult to create a consumption gap. This is not difficult to understand, for example, in the era of material less circulation, consumption of Nike is a sign of affluence, but as Nike opened the mass market, Nike is no longer synonymous with luxury, but with a more user-friendly meaning, such as comfort, sports brand, leisure and other characteristics. Therefore, consumption of extremely rare products that cannot be Shared by the public has become the main way to create consumption differences and maintain social distance. Although soames was also very successful, his wealth was not unsurpassed. His class, his possessions, and his social position could easily be surpassed by the upper class. According to baudrillard's consumption logic, soames was destined to consume some very high quality, few quantity, and coveted goods or items in order to maintain his current class and status. Once such goods are exhausted, people will turn to consumption of goods, such as education, art, and the quality of beauty that do not have traditional economic value and circulate. Soames's love for Irene can be rationalized in consumerism. Most critics believe that soames regarded Irene as one of his possessions. They notice the result, but ignore the cause. From the perspective of consumerism, beauty, as a quality, although it does not have the traditional economic value and does not circulate in the market, has become the best platform for consumption differentiation. The forsyte family lived in an era of rapid economic development. Commodities were a way for them to manipulate symbols. By consuming mutton and wearing black clothes, they claimed their status to the outside world and established their relationship with their corresponding class. However, in an age when goods are widely copied and circulated, once everyday consumption becomes a cliche, such consumption will no longer be able to create consumption differentiation and social distance. At this point, another scarce commodity or item will emerge, taking on the responsibility and function of creating consumer differentiation. Baudrillard relates that the process by which these concrete natural values are integrated into the productive situation and transformed into economic interests and social privileges is called differentiation. If readers don't understand soames' obsession with Irene, they might as well understand it as soames's obsession with being different. Having a beautiful wife like no one else will be the scarcest resource. This gave soames ample assurance that he would maintain his social standing and create a consumer divide, since goods would be copied and Irene's beauty would be unique. Soames, therefore, was a constant guardian of Irene, and could not bear the slightest covet of his own unique possession.

Baudrillard argues that this era has seen a more nuanced division of consumer hierarchies, such as occupation, education, culture and power. That is to say, in order to reach a higher social status, individuals always have to consume rare goods. From these rare commodities, we can easily find a growing social division and social stratification. In the 19th century, capitalism flourished in Britain, showing an inexorable trend of growth and prosperity. The first industrial revolution expanded the size of factories. To make a profit, companies and factories swallowed up a lot of land. In this case, the consumption of scarce land resources became a popular trend, especially in the upper middle class, where the consumption of land became a privilege flattered by the upper middle class. It was in this climate that the forsyts were attracted to the idea of a large, stately house in the country. In the chapter "house project," galsworthy presents soames as a troubled man who is not loved by his wife. Seeing that buying beautiful dresses and jewelry could not impress his lover, he persistently found another solution that he believed to be effective. Soames had another plan to please his wife: to build a house on robin hill. Soames was proud of the idea. Once completed, he will be the first forsyte to own a lavish country home. Secondly, living in such a house can effectively prevent his beautiful wife from having any contact with the outside world. Novel description to the cable, the feeling of "for themselves to be the only person in the whole family have a country house, and he hasn't had time to think too much, because of a true foer's house, the spiritual enjoyment, including the pride of their own social status, are only after the materialistic satisfaction to savor". The villa in the country, for soames, has the function of differentiation in residential space and location. This set him apart from the other forsytes. Moreover, such a house satisfies soames' need for material, social status and consumption differentiation. "Soames looked at it and became excited," galsworthy wrote with keen insight. To live in this place, to enjoy the beautiful scenery, to enjoy talking about it in front of friends, to show off, to have this place, that is really desirable ah! He blushed, and felt a rush of heat come over him, and spread through him at once, like the moment he fell in love with Irene."

However, baudrillard's theory is not designed to criticize individual consumption behavior. For soames, it was not evil to possess a beautiful wife. Similar behaviors can be found in other people. That is why soames is portrayed as the man who loved his beautiful wife so much that he would spend all he had on a country house. Those who question soames' love for Irene can look around at society. Isn't it customary for humans to express their love through consumption? The dove egg proposal diamond ring is seen as the beginning of a beautiful marriage; A man who is willing to give generously is seen as the ideal husband; A perfect marriage must be accompanied by comfortable living conditions. All these show that the whole society is a consumption system, through which people differentiate, confirm social status, open social distance and even communicate. Consumer trends are so overwhelming that people talk about them even when they are dominated.


Essay代写:Successful education in Finland

2019-11-30 11:22:57 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Successful education in Finland,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了芬兰成功的教育。芬兰在教育改革的过程中,坚持见贤思齐,学习和借鉴他国教育改革成功的经验,但又不照搬照抄,而是依据自身国度的文化传统,选择了一条与世界各国教育改革运动完全不同的道路,并最终取得了成功。芬兰这种与国际主流教育改革趋势明显不同,但又取得了巨大成功的教育改革道路,被称为“芬兰道路”。在“芬兰道路”中,教师仰赖经验、证据与专业知识,自行设计各种高标准的学习目标,并且努力追求这些目标。

Because of its excellent performance in various international educational measurement and evaluation, Finnish education has become the focus of the world. So how did Finland do it? What makes Finland's education path different?

Since the 1980s, there have been at least five different trends in education policy and reform in the global education reform movement.

Education policy makers develop standardized, detailed and ambitious curriculum syllabuses at the national level, embed standards into the educational lives of students and teachers, and frequently require students and teachers to be tested and evaluated. Standardized education promises good educational efficiency and quality, so it can be widely accepted in the field of politics and education and become the basic ideology of education reform. However, learning is a very personalized thing, and teaching is also the most personalized work of teachers. Too much insistence on grasping the standards may lead to the loss of the individuality of students and teachers.

Driven by a variety of international educational measurements and evaluations, the performance of reading, mathematics, and science subjects is the primary basis for judging the success of students, teachers, schools, and the education system as a whole. There is also the question of improving core subjects means weakening other subjects, but to what extent does the ability developed in core subjects reflect the ability of students to face the future world?

Education policy makers attribute the overburden of students' schoolwork to teachers' failure to teach in accordance with curriculum standards and excessive teaching content beyond curriculum standards. Therefore, teaching based on curriculum standards has become an important measure of education reform. The problem is that the curriculum standard only prescribes the bottom line of the course, which is the design with no ceiling and minimum guarantee. How to define the teaching "beyond the standard"?

Finland, the United States, Canada and other countries' educational reform experience and measures, will be used by other countries without discrimination; The educational achievements of other regions and schools in the mainland will be copied at the behest of the chief executive. Regardless of their own unique culture and traditions, the absorption of foreign experience will inevitably lead to the loss of the ability of schools and teachers to look at the past as a mirror and see the wise and wise. Such inheritance and reference are the two most important characteristics of education.

Frequently organize a variety of high risk education tests to judge the quality of education by the level of test scores, to determine the level of teachers' salary, to measure the level of students' learning ability. The learning environment under the high risk test can lead to several outcomes, including sinking education into risk aversion, boredom and fear, severely narrowing the meaning and content of education, sacrificing students' attention to social studies, art, sports and music, and affecting the development of overall personality.

In the process of education reform, Finland persisted in following the wisdom of the wise and learned from the successful experience of education reform in other countries. However, it did not copy the successful experience of education reform in other countries. Instead, it chose a completely different path from that of other countries in the world based on its own cultural tradition, and finally achieved success.

Compared with the five trends of the global education reform movement, Finland is different in the following aspects:

It does not advocate standardized education, but emphasizes tailored education and learning. Instead of setting clear curriculum standards, the state sets a clear and flexible national framework for school-based curricula, encouraging regions and schools to devise their own ways to achieve national education goals, and finding the best learning style for every child.

It not only pays attention to the study of core subjects, but also pays attention to the all-round development of personality, moral traits, creativity, knowledge and skills, and develops a profound, extensive and equal teaching style.

There are no uniform teaching requirements, encouraging schools and teachers to help find new teaching methods; Encourage the spirit of adventure and innovation in teaching and learning.

Respect the existing local education policies and focus on the coherence and consistency of the policies. Respect teachers' traditional values in teaching methods, and protect teachers' professional responsibilities and harmonious teacher-student relationship.

A culture of responsibility and trust has been built into the education system that values the professionalism of teachers and principals and believes they can make the best choices for their students. Schools are encouraged to actively construct a good learning environment and plan good educational content so as to guide students to achieve more learning objectives.

Finland's education reform path, which is obviously different from the international mainstream education reform trend but has achieved great success, is called the "Finnish road". It is a professional and democratic path, a path of improvement born from the bottom and helmed from the top. It provides all kinds of assistance and also CARES about the stresses on the side of the system. In the Finnish way, teachers rely on experience, evidence and expertise to design and pursue high standards of learning. The Finnish way has shown that creative curriculum, independent teachers, inspiring educational leadership and outstanding educational performance are inseparable.

Teachers are a key factor in Finland's educational success. The status of teachers in Finland is very high, and the training of teachers in Finland is extremely strict. Only about 10 percent of the students who apply to the university's teacher education program are accepted each year, which ensures the overall quality of students who enter the program. Primary school teachers need three years of undergraduate study and two years of master's study, while secondary school teachers need five years of professional study and one year of teacher training, and pass the teacher qualification examination, before applying for the post of high school teacher.

Finland a guiding ideology of teacher education is that the teacher as "based on the research of profession", strive to cultivate teachers' research ability, including the ability of subject teaching, students' ability of learning and life coaching, curriculum construction ability, ability of education evaluation, etc., to ensure that every teacher has a strong professional knowledge and teaching skills.

In education, a culture of trust means that the department of education has full trust in teachers. They believe that the teachers they hire are the best and that they can provide the best education for the next generation. Schools are responsible for students' learning, while the educational administration is responsible for schools. This has brought about great positive effects on teachers' teaching and students' learning.

In the Finnish road: what the world can learn from Finland's education reforms, salberg describes three paradoxes in Finnish education that are worth thinking about.

American teachers teach twice as many hours a week on average as their Finnish counterparts, but PISA results show that American students perform much worse than their Finnish counterparts. Not only are there fewer classes, Finnish students also spend less time on homework than in other countries. Data from a wide range of education measures show that there is no clear correlation between the length of time a teacher teaches and student performance.

Spending a lot of time on lectures inevitably reduces the teacher's time in other areas. In addition to teaching, Finnish teachers have many responsibilities, such as assessing student achievement and overall development, continuing to prepare and develop unique school curricula, participating in various programs related to student health or well-being, and assisting any student who needs additional help. In other words, while teachers in other countries are busy teaching, Finnish teachers are committed to improving the educational environment and participating in community operations.

In Finland, there is only one high-stakes test, the university entrance exam. The right to evaluate students is vested in schools and teachers throughout basic education. And in many grades, where grades are forbidden by law, only descriptive assessments and feedback are used, it is common for teachers to evaluate students' performance through daily classroom tests.

Holding standardized tests is not an absolute condition for improving the quality of education. If the cost of testing is too high, or if teachers and schools have to bear the stigma of poor educational outcomes, the corresponding problems will follow. When teachers are exposed to high-stakes tests, they must redesign their teaching methods to give higher priority to the subjects on which they are tested, turning education into a tool that squeezes students' brains and forces them to remember, rather than to understand.

In Finnish classrooms, classes are taught according to students' abilities, interests and ethnic characteristics, and assisted by teaching assistants. Equal access to education for all is the main policy principle of school reform in Finland.

Finns know that inequality can lead to social problems such as the prevalence of violent crime, lower trust in society, lower quality of life for children, and lower levels of education. Therefore, finns pay special attention to the balanced development of each school, and strive to promote educational equity in the aspects of student welfare policy, teacher training and professional promotion. By maintaining the egalitarian nature of society, Finland's education system remains the most egalitarian in the world.

In particular, Mr Sarberg argues that this is the age of instant success, but education requires a very different mindset. Education reform is a complex and slow process, and anyone who tries to speed it up will destroy it. In fact, all the achievements that affect the current education system in Finland are the results of education policies and education reform programs in the 1990s, rather than education reform programs in recent years.

