

Essay代写:Early childhood education in the United States

2019-02-28 16:39:41 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Early childhood education in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的幼儿教育。幼儿时期是孩子个性和人格形成的重要时期,在这个时期,美国的父母会特意为孩子创设条件。美国的幼儿教育注重培养孩子对知识权威的批判,注重孩子对知识的运用、扩展和创造。自由和规则常常被看作是对立的概念,但在美国的教育中,二者被巧妙地融合在一起,孩子既享有自由,又可以无拘无束地执行规则。

Due to the different historical and cultural backgrounds of China and the United States, the educational methods of the two countries are also greatly different. From the perspective of attitude towards knowledge, Chinese education pays more attention to the respect of children for knowledge authority, the accumulation and inheritance of knowledge, and the establishment of knowledge system. American early childhood education pays more attention to the cultivation of children's criticism of the authority of knowledge and their application, expansion and creation of knowledge. However, it cannot be denied or advocated that either party, no matter China or the United States, attaches great importance to the education of children. We can learn from the advanced educational ideas and methods of other countries.

Early childhood is an important period for the formation of children's personality and personality. During this period, American parents will create conditions specially for their children. For example, when a family gathering, especially invite several families to take their children to participate, treat the children as the important members of the party, and prepare game shows for them with great care. In this way, children can not only feel that they are valued, respected, feel happy and confident: at the same time, in the game, the child learned the rules of communication, can be more skilled to communicate with people, the level of movement has been further developed. It is worth noting that the "rich environment" is not just the "material environment". In fact, excessive material environment can affect children's attention development. Here, the environment, mainly refers to the "spiritual environment", especially for those children who are introverted or single parent families, to create more opportunities for them to interact with others, communication, very important.

Every child is an independent individual. Although they are small, they have their own ideas and hope to be treated and respected equally by adults. American kindergartens and parents consider their children's participation. For example, there is a guest to visit in the home, when the adult is busy, small host also won't be idle absolutely, they can take a guest to visit his room like small adult, make a few introductions to the guest. In kindergartens, teachers also invite children to participate in the distribution of snacks, teaching AIDS or the setting of the environment. For example, to prepare a banana milk shake as a meal, the teacher will use a blender to mix the banana and milk in the class. This is a great opportunity for children to participate in the process. We tend to think that children are too young to do anything well, or that children are too delicate to do anything well. However, for children, the process of participation is actually a game, they treat all these with the mood of game. Therefore, they like to participate and can feel equality, respect, confidence and love from participation.

Freedom and rules are often seen as antagonistic concepts, but in American education, the two are skillfully combined, allowing children to enjoy both freedom and "unfettered" enforcement of rules. For example, they can play the game freely, but after an hour, they will consciously stop, because they know that the time to play the game is over. How do American parents help their children in the face of freedom and rules? Play games, for example, the rules of playing games in the family is only play one hour a day, then a week is 7 hours, children could be free this time, they can play an hour a day, 7 days can play, also can play seven hours on the first day, and then the remaining 6 days, no matter what all can't play. The rules are established. In fact, this method can be used in any aspect, such as the regulation of watching TV. It is important to give your child complete freedom to spend the time he or she has at his or her disposal, without trying to interfere or give so-called "guidance", as this time is really valuable to children.

In American kindergartens, afternoon snacks are sometimes crackers, and children can choose whether to add jam or eat a few. In American families, when parents prepare food, they give their children a choice: "do you eat cereal or noodles? Parents often ask, "do you want to wear shorts or pants? If the child insists on his wrong choice, the parents will not impose interference, but after the child tasted the "bitter fruit", let him understand, the right choice and proper listening to the opinions of others is very important, to be responsible for their own behavior.

"Strict" and "encourage" is a double-edged sword, parents need to master the scale and method. American parents often treat their children too "unreasonable", or even a little "cruel". For example, when children are raised to sleep alone, even if the child is reluctant, or even cry, the parents will not compromise because of softness, but "cruel" to let the child cry. Gradually, the child cries less and less, and eventually gets used to sleeping alone. Here's a technique that American parents often use -- isolation. When a child loses his or her temper because of an unacceptable behavior or result, let him or her go away for a while. For example, the isolation will not end until the child is emotionally relieved or realizes his or her mistake by sitting alone in a special small chair. Encouragement coexists with sternness. For every child's progress, parents are in the eye, and put forward praise and encouragement. In fact, our parents have long been used to praising their children. However, words like "how nice" and "you are wonderful" are a bit vague. Since no specific events have been praised, such encouragement can play little role in practice. For example, when your child finally gets dressed, instead of praising him or her with empty praise like "you are great," point out how your child is progressing. This kind of praise is really worth imitating.


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Assignment代写:The administrative judge system in the United States

2019-02-28 16:39:10 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The administrative judge system in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的行政法官制度。在美国,行政法官制度已经涉及到国家生活的各个领域以及所有活动之中,对经济发展的导向有着深远的影响。行政法官必须要符合创设管制机构的授权法律,以及管制机构所颁布相关规则和规章的要求。一般而言,要求每个管制机构都作出一份裁决计划,来确定听证主持人。此外,对行政法官的资格还提出了很多要求。

The term "Administrative Law Judge" may not be known to the public in our country, but in the United States, the Administrative Judge system has been "pervasive in all areas of national life and nearly all activities, which has a profound impact on the direction of economic development. We will give a general outline and combing of the system of American administrative judges, which can enhance our understanding of the system of American administrative judges, so as to contribute to the construction of our country's system.

In the United States, it has long been a practice for government officials to act as hearing examiners to adjudicate. The use of the word "examiner" dates back at least to amendments to the interstate commerce act of 1906, which authorized the interstate commerce commission to appoint examiners to receive evidence. Many of the laws that have since created new regulators have given the regulator the power to appoint examiners.

In the federal administrative procedure act of 1946, the separation of functions in adjudication was strictly regulated to ensure that review officials could independently rule on matters of fact while leaving the executive branch to decide on policy issues. At the time, there were only 196 hearing examiners in the federal agencies, many of them assigned to economic regulators.

1972 the U.S. civil service commission renamed the hearing examiner the "administrative judge." In 1978, congress passed legislation to confirm the legal status of administrative judges. The trend, both federal and state, is to try to separate administrative judges from regulators. Ever produced, a kind of institutional arrangement is the use of "focus groups", the purpose of the focus group lies in the integration of administrative procedure, to ensure that the administrative law judge separation completely in all internal administrative process, is not affected by official responsible for the control project, the salary, office, personnel, equipment, are no longer attached to similar to parental control authority. The "centralised group" system, set out in the model state administrative procedures act of 1981, has been adopted by 22 states.

Under the background of deregulation, the distribution of administrative judges has gradually shifted from the field of economic regulation to the field of social regulation. In 1962, the social security agency employed 164 administrative judges, accounting for 32 per cent of the total 505 administrative judges. In fiscal year 1973, the social security department employed 420 administrative judges to handle 68,356 cases; In 1989, the social security department employed 694 administrative judges to handle 302,076 cases. Currently, about 75 percent of administrative judges in the United States are in the social security field, while only about 5 percent are in the economic regulation field.

The administrative judge must comply with the enabling laws for the creation of regulatory bodies and the requirements of the rules and regulations promulgated by the regulatory bodies. Generally, each controlling institution is required to do a adjudication plan to identify the moderator of the hearing. In addition, there are many requirements on the qualification of administrative judges. For example, in executive order no. 131 of New York state, it is pointed out that as the host of the hearing, administrative judges should be "knowledgeable, competent, impartial, objective and free from inappropriate influence".

Whether an administrative judge can make a decision in an independent and neutral manner is directly related to the fairness of administrative decisions and affects the public's trust in administrative judges. Section 556 of the federal administrative procedures act of the United States states states that "the officer presiding over the hearing and participating in the award under section 557 of this title shall act in an impartial manner. The official presiding over or attending the hearing may at any time recuse himself. To judge whether the administrative judge may be biased, the following factors should be considered: whether the outcome of the case has an interest in the individual administrative judge; Whether he is related by blood or marriage to any of the parties, including witnesses and agents; Whether he or she has any present or past business or social relations with any of the parties, including witnesses and agents; Whether or not an administrative judge has a personal bias against a class of parties or a class of cases.

The administrative organ must make a ruling on the application for withdrawal submitted by the party concerned. When the administrative organ accepts the application of the parties, it suspends the hearing procedure to remove the administrative judge in the case. When it is deemed that the party's application for withdrawal is obviously meaningless, or even just disruptive, or simply out of personal preference to remove the administrative judge, the administrative organ may reject the party's application for withdrawal and state the reasons for doing so in the hearing records.

The federal administrative procedure act of the United States and subsequent amendments and related laws have provided that administrative judges are not subject to interference by administrative agencies and other officials. But as Bernard g. siegel, a former President of the American bar association, points out, it is hard for administrative judges to play the role of impartial fact-checkers if they are never fully independent and are still tied to the regulatory apparatus. Therefore, the judicial tendency of administrative judges is becoming more and more obvious.

The judicial status of administrative judges is more described from the practical approach and the functional perspective. The administrative judge can make a decision in a neutral, impartial and independent manner. It listens to both sides' cross-examination and makes a written decision in the adjudication. The role it plays has absorbed many judicial factors, but this does not mean that it enjoys the same status with the judiciary. Administrative law judge employed in the social security administration in the United States, for example, they have the duty to interpret the law, to implement the congress is assigned to the task of the social security department, the legal and policy issues to obey the social security department, ruling, even in the case of the social security agency has a responsibility to ensure that the decision of the administrative law judge commensurate with laws, rules and policies, in order to prevent the conflict between the rules, and even affect the equality and the consistency of administrative payment scheme. Moreover, unlike judicial judges under article 3 of the constitution, administrative judges do not have the discretion to decide how to interpret the law.

In the federal administrative procedure act of 1946, the controlling organ is not allowed to exert control over the administrative judge, nor to conduct Performance Evaluation on the administrative judge. In the civil service reform act of 1978, the provisions of the federal administrative procedure act prohibiting performance evaluation of administrative judges were reaffirmed, excluding administrative judges from the "employee" concept applicable to performance evaluation, in order to maintain "the current system providing protection for administrative judges". The classification and salary level of administrative judges shall be determined by the personnel management office. In addition, the continuing education and training of administrative judges can not only ensure that they can keep up with the development of the legal system and legal theory, but also ensure the maintenance of the quality of the ruling.


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Diagnostic Essay是什么

2019-02-28 16:38:18 | 日記
​Diagnostic Essay,就是判断论文。有的时候国外的老师会要求学生写一篇Diagnostic Essay,以响应写作提示或问题,帮助他们判断学生的一个整体水平,以及哪些技能需要努力实现的课程目标。那么Diagnostic Essay该怎么写呢?下面就给大家讲解一下Diagnostic Essay的写作技巧。









以上就是关于Diagnostic Essay的写作技巧,如果同学们遇到这种类型的论文,就可以参考一下上面这些内容。


Paper代写:Racism Is Not Solvable in America

2019-02-28 16:37:51 | 日記
​本篇paper代写- Racism Is Not Solvable in America讨论了美国的种族主义。众所周知,种族主义在美国历史上影响了绝大多数人,它甚至伤害了很多非裔美国人,因此它一直被视为一个全球性的问题。毫无疑问,当考虑到那些来自被轻视的种族的人们的个人利益和权利时,种族主义的解决是紧迫的。然而,关于种族主义是否可以解决的争论由来已久,至今仍未达成一致。有些人认为种族主义是可以解决的,因为随着时间的推移,种族之间的关系越来越好,非洲裔美国人可以与那些白人美国人相处得很好,但其他人认为种族主义是无法解决的,因为美国仍然深陷种族主义的泥潭。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。


It is known to us that racism has influenced a vast majority of people over the American history and it has even hurt the lives of African Americans so that it has been regarded as a global issue all these years. There is no doubt that the solving of racism is urgent when taking the personal interests and rights of those people from the races that are looked down upon into consideration. However, whether racism is solvable or not is heated debated for a long time and no agreement has been reached till today. Some people argue that racism is solvable because relations between the races are getting better and better as time goes by and African-Americans can get along well with those white Americans but others hold that racism is not solvable because America remains mired in racism. As far as I am concerned, there is no doubt that racism is not solvable in America, which can be readily detected from the below few aspects: the views of social scientists and conservatives on racism, the civil rights owned by whites and blacks, and the competition the blacks are confronted with in jobs, power and status.

Historical Overview

Racism began to widespread in America from the colonial era and it lasted in this country for long (Lanktree, 2017). Lanktree (2017) states that only white Americans are able to have legally and socially sanctioned privileges and rights while the rest are disadvantaged including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic and Latino Americans, Native Americans and so on. Those white Americans are endowed with privileges in citizenship, criminal procedure, education, immigration, land acquisition and voting rights from the 17th century to the 1960s while the rest Americans are the victims of racism. The rest Americans have to undergo racial discrimination and it is hard for them to rebel against the stereotyped racism in the mind of those white Americans. To have an understanding of racism in American can help deal with racism in America more or less so as to benefit those victims of racism at last.

Racism Is Not Solvable in America

Firstly, the reason why racism is not solvable in America is that America is actually mired in racism and the belief that racism is solvable is dangerously wrong, based on the views of social scientists and conservatives. To put it more specifically, social scientists, such as Stephen Steinberg of Queens College in New York, have indicated America because it retreats from policies that support racial equality (Higgins, 2009). And the syndicated columnist Carl Rowan has published a book named The Coming Race War, which implies the prevalence of racism in America. At the same time, David K. Shipler, a journalist, has titled his book as A Country of Strangers, one that is pessimistic about race (Higgins, 2009). In addition to those social scientists, some other conservatives like D’ Souza have as well claimed that racism is not solvable because around twenty percent of white Americans are still mildly racists at least if they are not strongly racists (Higgins, 2009). Those white Americans are unwilling to live with the minority black families, suggesting that the inequality is still quite common. Due to the influence of racism in America, major problems still exist among the African-American population: 26 percent of the black families and 41.5 percent of their children are trapped in poverty. What’s worse, such situation is getting no improvement when compared with that of a quarter century ago (Higgins, 2009). In this sense, racism is not solvable in America.

Works Cited

Higgins, C. (2009). Is Racism Statistically Predictable?. Retrieved from:

Lanktree, G. (2017). Racism in America: Should the U.S. Get Rid of All Confederate Monuments. Retrieved from:


Essay代写:Reform of the preschool curriculum in the UK

2019-02-28 16:17:41 | 日記
​下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Reform of the preschool curriculum in the UK,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国学前课程的改革。世界各国的学前教育改革都是围绕以课程改革为核心而开展的。90年代以来,英国学前课程的改革,无论是课程目标、课程内容的变革,还是课程组织实施等的革新,都折射出一些新的课程设置理念。

The reform of preschool education around the world is centered on curriculum reform. Since the 1990s, the preschool curriculum reform in Britain has reflected some new curriculum setting concepts, including the reform of curriculum objectives, curriculum content and curriculum organization and implementation.

In 2000, the department for education, the department of Labour and the curriculum qualification authority jointly issued the basic curriculum guidelines for children aged 3-5 years. One of the goals of the foundation level curriculum guide is to help early childhood educators develop plans to meet the different needs of children. Emphasize that "young children learn in different ways and at different speeds." "practitioners must understand that young children learn the same thing in different ways and that young children make progress at different speeds and at different times.

It can be seen that, on the basis of advocating for all young children, the guide also emphasizes respecting individual differences and promotes the fair education concept that every child can get the corresponding development.

In terms of preschool education in Britain, the concept of inclusive education has two meanings. On the one hand, it is the people-oriented inclusive education concept for children. No matter the parents' nationality, race, color or native language, the kindergarten allows all parents in the community to participate in the home Open Day, and the community toy library provides training services for them. On the one hand, the concept of inclusive education based on the development of children. In order to implement the early learning objectives and the six areas of learning, the basic stage curriculum guidelines put forward the principles that should be followed in early childhood education, commonly known as the early childhood education principles. It states that "all children must feel accepted, safe and respected" "effectively understand and implement early childhood programs and provide assistance to children of different abilities" "and that children should not be discriminated against because of race, culture, religion, mother tongue, family, or disease.

Some disabled children who are unable to walk due to cerebral palsy and cannot study or live normally due to low intelligence can help each other and have a harmonious and warm atmosphere.

In the 1990s, the early childhood education circle in the UK paid more and more attention to the role of family and community in the development of children, set up a big education concept, and strengthen the cooperation and connection between family and kindergarten. In the kindergarten education in the UK, parents can participate in the curriculum, parents have the full right to put forward Suggestions on the curriculum, and can also get a lot of scientific parenting concepts, parents and children grow up together. For example, in reading class, some reading materials are required for parents and children to read together. In addition, it also emphasizes the use of community resources, kindergartens and parents to cooperate with children's education. For example, "parents' manual" and "parents' bulletin board" are issued to let parents know the educational purpose, daily activity arrangement and specific educational activities of the kindergarten, so as to cooperate with the teaching of the kindergarten. In the process of curriculum evaluation, the participation of parents and community members is also advocated. They are important partners in curriculum evaluation of kindergartens, which can not only help them understand the development of children, but also enable kindergartens and teachers to gain development from their evaluation and understand the needs of parents.

Since the introduction of national curriculum in British education circle in 1988, a national curriculum system of compulsory education system has been formed. Although the national curriculum system does not include kindergartens, in consideration of the continuity and consistency of education, kindergartens mainly refer to the national curriculum when setting up courses. Although the national curriculum targets school-age children from preschool to junior high school, the implementation of the national curriculum inevitably has an impact on preschool children.

In 1997, the "pre-school education goal proposal" put forward six aspects of early childhood education goals, but this proposal pays special attention to the development of children's literacy and mathematical ability. In addition, the 2000 basic level guide emphasized integrated learning, but it also emphasized literacy and numeracy, and set out what children should achieve. The guidelines also set early learning goals for children at the basic level, and emphasize early educational outcomes in the fields of language and mathematics, with the focus on children's acquisition of this knowledge.

A comprehensive review of some ideas in the preschool curriculum reform in Britain since the 1990s will provide important reference and inspiration for the reform and development of preschool curriculum in China.

In recent years, the UK has been advocating "fair education" to let every young child get the development they deserve in their living environment. Especially in the basic stage of the curriculum guide, the emphasis should be paid to the development of every child. In 2001, the ministry of education of China promulgated the guidelines for kindergarten education, and article 5 of the general rules mentioned that kindergartens should respect the personality and rights of children. It shows that our country is also making continuous efforts for children's right to life, protection, development and participation. On this basis, we should advocate the concept of fair education in all elements of preschool curriculum, so that every child can grow and develop in their own unique environment.

The British preschool education fully explains the "people-oriented" concept of inclusive education. In order to achieve the early learning goals and implement the six areas of curriculum content, the curriculum guide for the basic stage puts forward the principles of early education. It emphasizes that children, regardless of race, religious belief and family background, should be incorporated into the preschool education system and learn kindergarten courses. Children with special needs, such as disabled children who cannot take care of themselves, can be admitted to kindergartens just like normal children. However, in our country, children with disabilities generally do not enter kindergartens to learn kindergarten courses. Instead, they go to special schools to learn some basic life skills. Therefore, China's preschool curriculum should consider to provide services for children with special needs, meet their special needs in early childhood, and advocate the concept of inclusive education based on the development of all children.

The British government is well aware of the important role of home-based cooperation in kindergarten education, and regards the cooperation between family, community and kindergarten as an important aspect of preschool curriculum reform, which reflects a grand curriculum view. This kind of "crisscross" grand curriculum view is reflected in: in the aspect of "longitudinal", parents can participate in the process of curriculum design; In the "horizontal" aspect, kindergartens implement some communication measures to strengthen the connection with parents and communities of children. However, in China, the cooperation between parents and kindergartens in terms of curriculum still remains to participate in some open classes to understand the content of children's learning in kindergartens, and few parents are directly involved in each link of curriculum setting. In terms of the measures taken by kindergartens and parents in curriculum setting, they are mainly one-way, lacking of effective programs for interaction and communication with parents. Therefore, we should promote the big curriculum concept of family, kindergarten and community through the "crisscross" curriculum setting channels.

The British basic curriculum guide, published in 2000, divided kindergarten curricula into six areas, with "mathematical development" clearly listed as a separate area. At the same time, it also puts forward to pay attention to children's reading, writing and arithmetic ability. Other countries, such as the United States, have also undergone significant changes in the pre-school mathematics education in recent years, the most obvious is the performance of the early mathematics education attaches great importance to. However, there is no mathematical field in the five fields of kindergarten education guidelines in China, but mathematical education is interspersed in the field of science. Therefore, based on the reality of China's preschool education, we should advocate the development direction of the world's preschool education trend, and actively construct the concept of harmonious subject centrism.

