

作业代写:The ideology of Hollywood cinema

2018-08-31 16:10:16 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The ideology of Hollywood cinema,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了好莱坞电影的意识形态。好莱坞的灾难大片作为一种类型片,以影像语言传达了电影人对人类历史变迁与社会发展的关切,不仅具有其独特的文化内涵,而且输出了大量美国式的意识形态。意识形态在电影中所传输的模式更加隐秘而无形,这些无形的深层次的意识潜移默化地渗透到观众的思维与行为方式上,使美国所宣扬的文化形态与观念在世界范围内达成了共识。

As a type of film, Hollywood disaster movies convey filmmakers' concerns about human historical changes and social development with image language. They not only have their unique cultural connotation, but also export a large number of American ideologies. Compared with the stimulation of senses and the shock of the soul, the mode of ideology transmitted in the film is more hidden and invisible. The deep-seated consciousness of these intangibles imperceptibly permeates the thinking and behavior of the audience, making the cultural form and concept advocated by the United States reach a consensus in the world. Based on the devastating disaster of the earth, 2012 depicts the scenes when human beings encounter destruction with vivid and vivid images, building up a kind of individual heroism under the glory of human nature.

"2012" is a master of disaster film Roland emmerich grandly launched after "the day after tomorrow" is a masterpiece of the screen. The 2009 Hollywood science fiction disaster movie, with ecological disaster as its main object, describes the response of human groups in the face of the destruction of the earth, and shows the apocalyptic doomsday world as well as human life concepts and values. The director captured the audience's attention with stunning special effects and spectacular disaster scenes, and remade the lofty self-centered image of America. The film is not only a time publicity of national spirit, but also a global penetration of the American centralism national ideology.

Althusser pointed out in "ideology and ideological state machine" that "the ruling ideology is realized in the ideological state machine by the ruling class". Obviously, as a new art style, the film has also taken on the responsibility of spreading national ideology while becoming an ideological state machine. In the contemporary film industry, the "dream factory" represented by Hollywood not only creates spectacular images for audiences, but also exports a large number of ideologies contained in American society with the help of the film. For example, in the film, when human beings are facing an existential crisis, the United States always appears at the most appropriate time and saves human beings in the most appropriate way, playing the role of a leader leading the global people out of the disaster. Obviously, the director in shaping the image of other countries in the eyes of the United States highlighted the self-centered image of the United States, a lofty image that no one can replace. Just like the beginning of the film, the director focuses his lens on five different countries: India, the United States, Britain, China and France, which not only creates a tense and suffocating atmosphere for the audience, but also implies the ideological discourse in the work. The first scene: a local scientist in South Asia, India, works in high temperatures in a humble, dark underground chamber, and after years of research, discovers the global geological anomaly. The highly developed technology of India in the film makes Americans admire it, but a set of scenes reflecting the poverty, disorder and dirty living conditions of India has left the mark of colony. The hard-working Indian scientist is nothing but the cheap labor of black American scientists. Scene two: the camera is on developed America. At a dinner to raise money for charity, a black American scientist presents a national geological crisis report to the prime minister. While creating the atmosphere of death, the film also reflects the superiority of the American nation, sets up the brilliant image of black scientists, and advocates the national individual heroism. The third scene: the camera focuses on Western Europe and Britain, where angry people take part in various demonstrations against the economic crisis. The director contrasted the dancing America with the turbulent Britain. He not only satirized the declining old capitalist country, but also fully affirmed America's position of world hegemony. Scene 4: the camera focuses on China in east Asia, and the Chinese army gathers its personnel in Tibet to build the dam. The film shows the supreme authority of the people's army, reveals the backwardness and conservatism of Chinese society, the ignorance and blind obedience of Chinese people, and brings the United States, which emphasizes human rights and democracy, to the height of The Times again. Scene five: back in Europe, a group of museum staff is preparing to remove the Mona Lisa. The director's difficulty in moving the portrait implies the turmoil of international times, calling for peace and the advent of human messengers in the atmosphere of death. Obviously, the director highly praised the supremacy of the United States, believing that India, which first discovered the earth's geological anomalies, Russia and Arabia, which undertook the huge costs of the ark's construction, and China, which took over the huge production project, were no more than American assistants. Because it's young scientists in the United States who propose plans and directly influence world decisions and determine the future of humanity. And America, acting as the world's policeman, is the real defence organiser of the disaster.

Existentialist philosophy holds that heroism is, first and always, a reaction to the fear of death. Therefore, when people see a character who dares to face death or saves others from the claws of death by personal power, they will be moved by the character's courage to face death, and will be humbled by the character's sacrifice to save his own life, marking the character as a hero. The university of California sociologist Robert Mr Lage think "individualism is the real core of American culture". When people are eager to find the so-called individualism in the hot land of America, a "individual heroism" with typical American political background takes root here, permeates into various fields such as American ideology and culture, and carries forward with the help of "seventh art" -- film. Hollywood in the United States has always portrayed the hero as an all-knowing, omnipotent, dual sense of mission and a pro-people hero who is not afraid of death for justice, so that the audience through the screen heroes can be opposite to the surrounding characters, and see their own shadow in such heroes. In a word, "individual heroism" has become one of the essence and soul of Hollywood movies in America. It not only makes people's fantasy closer to reality, but also realizes the display of self-consciousness and self-value. In 2012, humanized heroes are portrayed everywhere, from the elderly to the young children. The film's hero, Jackson, is portrayed by the director as an ordinary American citizen, but he has a keen mind and scientific judgment. He was proud and aloof, and his wife and children left him because of his concentration on writing books. But it was this unknown writer who emerged from the disaster with unprecedented energy and became a national hero. In the face of this global natural disaster he did not fear, but through tenacious perseverance overcome all kinds of hardships to lead his loved ones boarded the ark, saved the human race. The director's heroism is highlighted in the film, especially when ark 4 breaks down and the unknown author risks his life to fix it and help the ark out of danger. He saved the lives of many people, injured repair workers for him to give a thumbs-up, the ship all people hailed heroes. In addition, while shaping the glorious image of the black President of the United States, the director also delivered a clear theme of "only America is the savior of mankind". In the wake of the disaster, the President of the United States gave up the opportunity to board a ship and escape. He chose to wait with his sons for the end of the doomsday, leaving the line: "a young scientist is better than 20 old politicians." However, at the same time, the black President of the United States firmly controls the power of discourse at the top of decision-making power. Every speech and standing up contains an unshakable image of authority, which also means the deterrent power and leadership of the United States to other countries.

Althusser believed that ideology is a way to "recruit" subjects or transform individuals into "subjects" and use very accurate operations to "produce results" or "function". This is what he calls a call or a call, and this call or a call is what some scholars refer to as a natural call. In 2012, Jackson is portrayed by the director as an unknown little writer, a marginal figure who is not recognized by his wife and children, nor recognized by society. The audience was initially skeptical of the director's arrangement and could only view the character from an outsider's perspective. However, with the plot going deeper and deeper, the director reassured the audience and relieved the psychological defense of the audience by improving the image of the social little man. The courage and tenacity shown by the characters in the face of the crisis, and the ultimate escape from danger, not only arouse the audience's sympathy for the characters, but also deepen the audience's subconscious trust and recognition of the characters. Thus, the audience perceives the commonality between themselves and the characters through the characters, and changes from a spectator to the subject who is subservient to the ideology in the film: everyone longs to be the hero like the hero in the film, and the hero who saves the people from the fire is the audience himself. Obviously, the film's ideology not only enables the audience to accept the construction of the subject subconsciously, but also believes that as long as the director also endows the audience with the same thoughts, behaviors and various norms as the hero in the film, they will also become heroes recognized by the public, society and family. In a word, the director hides the connotation of national ideology in this "the most disastrous disaster film" which has never been seen before. While giving audiences audio-visual impact with exquisite photography and perfect special effects, he also explores the individual heroism advocated by American Hollywood with thick ink. This kind of hollywood-style inquiry subject not only makes the audience involuntarily yield to the subject's warning, but also becomes the best way to capture people's hearts and earn box office.

The author believes that the analysis of films by means of film ideological criticism can provide us with a critical attitude towards cultural goods, a non-utilitarian attitude towards truth, and a countercultural commercialism attitude towards spiritual value and life meaning instead of pursuing market function. In the 21st century, Hollywood blockbusters in the United States are trying to instill American ideology into every film while they are constantly exporting mass commercial films. These invisible and hidden ideologies have imperceptibly penetrated the audience's way of thinking and behavior, which not only laid the foundation for the worldwide consensus of the concepts and cultural spirit advocated by the United States, but also paved the way for the commercial expansion of Hollywood globalization.


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Assignment代写:Music of scriabin

2018-08-31 16:09:50 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Music of scriabin,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了斯克里亚宾的音乐。亚历山大·斯克里亚宾是俄国著名的作曲家和钢琴家。在斯克里亚宾去莫斯科音乐学院深造期间,他将肖邦风格揉入俄罗斯音乐血脉,创作了一系列所谓“新肖邦”钢琴作品,这些作品典雅抒情具有个人风格。他不在乎自己的音乐是否能够能被大众认可,我行我素,也正是这一点,让他的音乐独树一帜。

In Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a new generation of musicians continued the path of their predecessors and began to explore new ways of creation. They wrote a lot of wonderful piano works for the development and expansion of Russian piano music. Scriabin is one of them. In all of scriabin's music creation, there is a kind of mysticism in the choice of subject and expression method. His complex character and varied religious beliefs made his life full of legendary colors. As a composer, his creation and his unique music style influenced people of his time and later generations.

Alexander scriabin, Russian composer and pianist. Born in Moscow in 1872 to a lawyer father and a pianist mother. He can play the music he hears at the age of five, and at the age of eight he begins to show his talent. In 1887, he entered music college in Moscow. When he was 26 years old, scriabin was hired as a piano professor in music college in Moscow. During this period, he blended Chopin style into the blood of Russian music, and created a series of so-called "new Chopin" piano works, which were elegant and lyrical with personal style.

In 1898, scriabin's creation style changed. His third piano sonata broke the previous music structure and presented the style of "pointillism" -- vague outline and strange meaning. Along the way, he began to make major works, and by 1901 he had already created two symphonies. At this time he began to read a great deal of Nietzsche's works, and became fascinated by the writings of the gods and turned to the eastern mysticism philosophy -- "in the mysterious ancient times there existed true secrets and divinity." He began to think of music as some kind of mystical ritual.

Twenty years into the 1917 revolution, political upheaval. Around 1900, scriabin and other musicians began to take a keen interest in the philosophy of mystery, and this idea gradually permeated him, spreading in his creative field and becoming an integral part of his spiritual world. He is a fanatical believer in India's new "unitarian" sect. By advocating Nietzsche's solipsism and determinism, the subjective consciousness of "self" was generated. It was his idealism philosophy that directly influenced his creation of music. He closely combined religion with art, philosophy and music. Classical music's way of thinking and his mysterious music qualification, he gradually gave up early romanticism in his creation, and centered on the tonic, Concorde triad as the main material harmonies of music creation thinking, created a new kind of music language to express his music thought and his philosophy, religion, philosophy - "mysticism".

Mysticism pervades his later music creations. No matter in the choice of subject matter, harmonic technique, tonality, orchestration and music thought, all reflect the features of his music creation to varying degrees. His late music began to shed its traditional techniques, and the melody became increasingly elusive, both mysterious and hazy. Express your inner feelings with music. These feelings cannot be described in words.

Scriabin's work from 1910 to late 1915 is almost always composed of elements of harmony, often varying by his mysterious chords. Although it is very representative in the creation of scriabin, it is not the only form of scriabin harmony, but more mature and important. The late harmonics of scriabin, though still having a central tone, never deviated from the main tone, did not completely abandon the tradition, but it was very different from the traditional way. The fourth of the chords, which was first used by scriabin in addition to the fourth, he also tried the second and the ninth. In the creation of the late scriabin, not only the three superimposed chord and its variants using is often used to his way, and he also arrange the tritone used instead of a perfect fifth arrangement, even after the piano sonata from 6 simply completely remove a key signature, only temporary lifting, fuzzy tone can, the final termination of chords, also used the changed nine chords to end all. In his last five years of creation, he continued to search for and create new harmony materials. His mysticism was based on his mystical philosophy and idealistic personal expression, and his works showed his mystery and fanaticism with strong harmony effect. Established his unique harmony language.

Alexander scriabin, extremely personality in the history of a composer, whether early, mid, or late, his works have distinct personality. From the initial cult of Chopin to the mid-to-late Wagnerian frenzy of catharsis, mysterious and hazy melody, his works are unique and can not be duplicated by others. This talented composer, like a wizard, is full of weirdness, complex emotions, full of contradictions. He doesn't care whether his music can be recognized by the public or not, and he goes his own way, which makes his music unique and makes us have more understanding of music creation and even the history behind the creation.


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discuss essay写作要会规划

2018-08-31 16:09:33 | 日記
discuss essay是众多essay类型中的一种,是在一个问题上采取立场的文章,从另一个角度研究你的观点然后在论点陈述之前概述你的文章。写作discuss essay,我们要学会如何去规划,下面就给大家讲解一下如何规划自己的discuss essay.



例如,可能问题是,“移民问题多年来一直是国家层面上的热门话题。”鉴于《梦想法案》(DREAM Act)等问题以及特朗普总统在政策上的立场,这可能仍将是一个核心问题。同学们用权威的资源来支持你的论点,还可以从经济学的角度来采取立场,确定你认为应该更严格还是更严格,以及为什么要这么做。






例如,你可能需要查阅《梦想法案》或特朗普总统的政策信息,以帮助你理解这个问题。对于这一部分,你不需要做大量的笔记,因为你只是想对这个主题有所了解。这样同学们完成经济discuss essay写作也就更有把握了。




















Paper代写:Natural principles in advertising creativity

2018-08-31 16:09:13 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Natural principles in advertising creativity讨论了广告创意中自然原则。如今是社会经济的高速发展时期,人们的生活节奏也随之加快。在高压的生存环境下人们渴望回归大自然,寻求安静、祥和的精神家园的欲望也越来越强烈。在广告创意的设计过程中,我们应充分运用自然原则,从而在提高广告创意的深度和广度的同时,提升广告的经济效益和社会效益。自然原则也是广告创意灵魂的有机组成部分,是激发大众心理共鸣的关键所在。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

At present, China has entered a period of rapid social and economic development, and the pace of people's life is also accelerated. In the high-pressure living environment, people are eager to return to the nature, and the desire to seek a quiet and peaceful spiritual home is becoming stronger and stronger. Therefore, in the design process of advertising creativity, we should make full use of the natural principle, so as to improve the depth and breadth of advertising creativity while enhancing the economic and social benefits of advertising. This paper analyzes several problems existing in the application of natural principles in advertising creativity, discusses the specific measures to achieve advertising creative goals, and concludes the positive significance of advertising creativity to improve the quality of advertising and attract consumers' attention.

The mark of intelligence is the ability to discover miracles in the ordinary, emmerson said. Thus it can be seen that high-quality advertising creativity should be the crystallization of the idea "originated from life, but higher than life". Advertising creative people through the selection, combination or modification of natural things, to console people tired, thereby gaining public admiration and love. However, the application of natural principles in specific advertising creativity has the following problems:

Someone once said: "no art is real art, no design is real design". The scientific and reasonable application of the natural principle in advertising creativity is an important means to improve the effect of advertising art and promote the purpose of corporate publicity. Therefore, how to perfectly integrate the natural factors into the design process of advertising creativity is a difficult problem for advertising creative workers.

However, in the actual process of advertising creativity, there are too many and too complex advertisements caused by the use of natural principles of creators of advertising, which leads to the complexity and complexity of advertising content, and thus leads to the disadvantages of the prominent level of advertising and poor coordination. For example, in the advertisement of a quality pure water, if the creative person stays too much on the quiet forest and the singing birds and insects, it is easy to mislead the audience to pay attention to the background and ignore the attention to the pure water itself. This kind of inverted, the level of the unknown design, to a large extent, the advertising effect of the discount.

The principle of nature is an organic part of the creative soul of advertising, and is the key to arouse the public's psychological resonance. The use of natural principles in advertising creativity results in the advantages and disadvantages of advertising designers are the test of creative ability.

The application of the principle of nature in advertising creativity does not require the creator of advertisement to blindly add all kinds of natural elements together, but requires the creator to selectively choose, combine and reshape the natural factors on the basis of careful conception, so as to achieve the goal of good publicity effect. However, advertising creators often reduce the authenticity of advertisements due to the vagueness of applying concepts to natural factors. For example, when promoting a certain green food, the advertisement creator blindly exaggerates the food's growing environment and eating effect, but on the contrary, the consumer will have a certain amount of resistance. This kind of exaggerated fact advertisement creativity, not only did not have the good propaganda effect. On the contrary, to some extent, it will also dampen consumers' enthusiasm and initiative to buy this product.

When using natural principle properly in the process of advertisement creativity, the development principle of originality, effectiveness, pyramid and authenticity should be followed, thus presenting the advertisement banquet with various colors for consumers. In order to achieve this advertising creative goal, we should start from the following aspects:

The appropriate application of natural principles in advertising creativity can increase the uniqueness, affinity, interest and artistry of advertising, so as to improve the publicity effect and range of advertising. Therefore, when using the natural principle for advertising creativity, advertisers should choose appropriate natural elements according to the advertising content, ideological mood and cultural atmosphere, and then rationally optimize the arrangement and combination, so as to improve the overall harmony and artistry of advertising. The advertisement creativity of fresh and beautiful picture and harmonious and unified content is undoubtedly the best weapon to attract consumers' attention.

For example, when promoting the theme of "paper saving", we can choose the whole forest as the background, and the paper that is randomly discarded by people will be scattered in the forest with leaves falling in the wind, and then the forest disappears. At this time, the tone of the crying animal appropriately with the voice-over "please leave us some room to live." This cry, delivered as an animal, greatly enhances the affinity of advertising. This kind of natural scenery selection in the daily life of the public is also easy to arouse the public's inner resonance. Thus with this kind of dynamic combination, the form is novel, the flexible and changeful technique, enhances the popular sex and the depth of the advertisement publicity.

According to James w. buryoung, a famous American advertising master, "creativity is a new combination of old elements. The ability to make new combinations is, in fact, largely the ability to understand and grasp the interrelationships of the old elements. Thus, in the process of advertising creation, should be in keeping the point of view of the natural factors, based on the use of images, voice, text, fully mobilize the public's sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell, and the natural factors of uniqueness of pure and fresh, a good pass to the public, and enhance the authenticity and credibility of advertising.

In the use of natural factors in advertising creativity, we can use various means such as dialogue, story, rap, song and news interview to create a real and credible advertising atmosphere for the public. For example, when promoting a certain brand of milk, we can set the camera on the prairie of Inner Mongolia, where a Mongolian girl is seen licking her lips and looking forward to the milk her mother just squeezed from the cow. At this time, as the soft music ring, the little girl said in a tender voice: "drink XX brand milk, taste the feeling of happiness." This kind of scenery gentle prairie background, foil the pure and fresh smell of milk. In this unvarnished, pure and natural advertising atmosphere, let the public feel the inner Mongolian prairie calling. Therefore, consumers are eager to return to the simplicity and nature, and at the same time have a strong interest in the products in advertising.

Nature is the most favorable weapon to improve product credibility and goodwill. In the advertisement creativity, the principle of nature is properly applied, which is in line with the ever-running people in the high-pressure environment of today's times, and the psychological need to return to nature and release pressure. Therefore, advertising creators in advertising design in the process, follow the creation of "close to nature, enjoy life" concept, to positively dig advertised a main body of the natural morphology, attributes, or characteristics, extract, composition, and carries on the reorganization, thus to improve the quality of advertising, advertising purpose eye to attract consumers.


Essay代写:Herschel's philosophical and rational thinking

2018-08-31 15:55:03 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Herschel's philosophical and rational thinking,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了海舍尔的哲学理性思维。海舍尔是20世纪著名的美国犹太哲学家,他通过与哲学理性思维方式的比较阐释了《圣经》传统的智慧根本,《圣经》传统的智慧在于引领我们回归一切被给与的本真之根,使我们意识到世界的限度。在这个意义上。《圣经》传统代表对世界之有无的终极的关切、尊重和责任。而在我们传统文化遭遇到西方技术文明的挑战时,积极整合现代性,海舍尔哲学将对我们的文化发展起到一定的借鉴作用。

It is an important issue in reality and in the history of philosophy to understand the characteristics of Judaism as "jewish wisdom". American jewish philosopher Abraham Joshua scheer sea of Greek philosophy and the Hebrew tradition and its philosophical interpretation of the relationship between different ideas into the road, in the Hebrew tradition thought starting point, the true wisdom and the wisdom of the survival of the road, to provide the depth of the jewish wisdom philosophical insights, has important value in the history of philosophy especially on the philosophy of religion.

Ancient Judaism has suffered a lot in history, and it still maintains its vitality. When the bible was spread to foreign countries, it gave birth to two world religions, Christianity and Islam. The monotheistic tradition constantly developed new forms and became a strong force in today's world cultural pattern. Countless outstanding figures throughout history have been nourished by Judaism. In the present age when various spiritual values meet the challenge of technological rationality, Judaism can integrate modernity into itself so as to be preserved and promoted. Such multiple manifestations led it to be regarded as containing some kind of "wisdom", and thus endowed with the reputation of "jewish wisdom". What are the spiritual characteristics of jewish wisdom or tradition? This is a puzzle that outsiders try to solve, and an important question in the history of western philosophy since the meeting of the two Greek traditions, the Hebrew and Greek traditions. As promote integration of modernity jewish thinker, one of the famous American jewish philosopher in the 20th century Abraham Joshua Heschel through the shed light on different ideas of Greek philosophy and the Hebrew tradition approach and the relationship between them, fully restore the original visage of jewish spirit characteristics, given the depth of the jewish wisdom philosophical insight, to this, this paper try to add below.

Modern way of thinking to rational thinking as the main characteristics, and the rational thinking outside of the spiritual or dimensions already more and more strange, but in the Hebrew bible that traditional jewish thinking dimension is different from another thought route, rational way of thinking in scheer sea view, they are the difference as two oval circle, neither side can cover the other party, and therefore not in their own way of thinking completely understand each other. The modern interpretation of the Hebrew bible by reason is actually far from its own spiritual implications. To understand the Hebrew biblical tradition, modern humans must return to the starting point of their thoughts, from which they can enter the perspective of the religious tradition itself, and from itself rather than from our thinking dimension, so that its intrinsic meaning and vitality can be revealed to us. In this way, he first led us to return to its starting point from rational thinking, and reached the transition and crossing of the way of understanding and thinking by comparing with the way of rational thinking, and entered the unique perspective of Hebrew tradition to understand its implication.

For example, when Aristotle summarized the starting point of philosophy, he pointed out that "philosophy starts from wonder". The Greek philosophers were surprised and puzzled in front of the world and sought for its origin or essence, which was accomplished by reason providing some explanation of reasons or reasons, thus creating the precedent of rational knowledge. A peculiarity of this philosophical amazement is that it subsides as soon as the cause or reason is explained or explained. Heisher calls this wonder rational wonder. Yet the Hebrew bible tradition conjures up a different kind of wonder from the Greek philosophy of the world that already exists.

The traditional "amazing" is the bible for all aspects of reality are of "why" and feel completely surprise or shock, it was amazing not only includes some rule or order and the possibility of the world, it also amazed by the law for the existence of the world and explore, ability to understand and explain why all aspects, such as is possible. In contrast to philosophical surprise, "total surprise" refers not only to the domain and scope of the intellectual object, but also to everything that exists in reality, from "nothing" to "already". So when philosophy amazing by the rational selection of some aspect of the real world as form reason to explain and illustrate the bible of the traditional "completely surprised" form will not be reason to the interpretation of the law and satisfied and subside, specifically, that before the "no" and "no" to "have" the state is not inferences from "existing" or existing objects, like people's childhood or embryonic state cannot be deduced by adult state; How rational ability is possible cannot be explained by reason. Fundamentally, the problem of the occurrence domain from "no" to "already" is beyond the scope of logical reasoning, although it does not contradict logic. Therefore, "total surprise" is not a problem of logical knowledge, it is not the beginning of knowledge, but it is the starting point of religion, which gave birth to the Hebrew bible tradition as a pole in the two Greek cultural patterns of western society. For this important starting point, heschel says, "total surprise is one of the most important legacies of the bible."

The biblical tradition finds and opens a world apart from the Greek tradition in "utter amazement". Philosophy finds a world of "ideas" through reason; The biblical tradition, from the sublime and sublime creation of the given world, recognizes that a giver is not the given, and that the giver as the creator is the ultimate god. As heschel points out, there are three aspects of nature that draw our attention: the power, beauty and majesty of nature. Solemnity is an objective aspect of nature, only to be gradually forgotten in modern consciousness, and it is the source of new insights. In the solemn encounter with us in the bible, we feel a complete shock, a hint of transcending itself is revealed, and a meaning of transcendence is suggested: This solemn world full of the glory of the spirit, we are of infinite dignity indicates a spiritual dimension, this spiritual dimension is a kind of mysterious significance dimension, pointing to a beyond the truth, experience is the transcendence of the hint is inherent in the world, at the same time, it is beyond this world, because the solemn means it around the face is not a kind of quality, but something is happening, is the ultimate god appeared a kind of way, one after another miracle.

In scheer sea view, however, for this solemn real dimensions we cannot analysis and explanation, and not to be embodied or incorporated into our a concept or theory, it is prior to our conceptual thinking, by everyone, we have a kind of mental ability namely "speakers" of the concept of former consciousness ability to recognize and to witness it. It's just that the awareness of the "unspeakable" is marginalized in modern ways of thinking, but it's the main difference between humans and animals. Both humans and animals are capable of expression, and the difference between them is to a certain extent, not in essence. What the "unspeakable" realizes can only partly translate into rational knowledge, and much more is immune to our rational analysis and not captured by our rational concepts and curiosity. This is the biblical tradition of realizing the ultimate mystery of the world in the unspeakable consciousness. This is the ultimate torture that the bible faces in "total amazement", from which the unique understanding and wisdom of the bible emerged.

The Hebrew bible in traditional completely amazing encountered in the ultimate mystery of the world, how to treat a mysterious, or the person in front of the ultimate mystery of attitude and action has become the main problems in actual existence, need to respond urgently, this situation specification is in the direction of the human spirit and appropriateness, namely the final orientation of the wisdom of the people. According to herschel, the bible's way of answering the ultimate question is one of the three major attitudes in the history of thought, and compared to the other two, the bible's attitude is revolutionary. The other two attitudes to mysticism are what he calls fatalism and solipsism. According to fatalism, the ultimate power to control the world is mysterious, blind and unfathomable. It is neither objective nor just. It is above various gods, such as the "fate" of Greece. Fatalism is a complete surrender to mystery. The complete retreat into reason is a solipsistic attitude, such as positivist. For positivists, there is no mystery, called mystery, or unknown, or in principle unanswerable, and therefore meaningless.

The bible attitude towards the mysterious is neither ignorance, despair and anti-intellectualism is not taken into the reason of solipsism and mysterious, trying to eliminate the bible are not against the rational logic, while for something beyond logic by speakers realized in relation with the ultimate man's world, for our ignorance is known for the ultimate state of open, in this sense, the mystery is not synonymous with ignorance and unknown, mysterious refers to the reality of everything connected to the ultimate is a kind of relationship. From this comes the unique understanding of the biblical tradition that the ultimate thing or the ultimate person is understood by awe. "reverence is a mysterious way of amity with reality." When the bible realizes in utter amazement that the universe has a transcendent meaning, we gain an insight: to measure meaning not by our mind or by the ideas in it, but to feel meaning that is infinitely greater than ourselves. "Awe is much more than an emotion. Awe is a way of understanding. Since this meaning is independent of our understanding, when we perceive this meaning in an insight, we do not assign any concept to the existence of the universe, which is awe as the fundamental attitude and understanding of the bible.

"Just as the simple-minded equate appearance with reality, the over-intelligent equate expressible with unspeakable, logic with logic and concepts with things. Just as critical thinking recognizes that thoughts are not the same as things, the soul of self-reflection has an awareness that things are different from the content of thoughts." When we are confined to the concept, as the concept of reason grasps the abstract and the static, it separates the world with the finiteness of the idea from the source of a noble and solemn generation. If, at this point, there is one side between conceptual understanding and the ultimate mystery of reality, there will be different attitudes about the world and life, such as fatalism and solipsism, and we tend to fall into egoistic arrogance without self-knowledge. From the point of view of heisel, the reality is far more than the concept, and there is asymmetry between them. There is always "surplus" between the reality and the concept, only in awe, the light of the ultimate meaning and will is open to us. In doing so, the bible gains an understanding of wisdom in awe.

"Awe begins with wonder, wisdom begins with awe." "Knowledge is cultivated by curiosity; Wisdom is nurtured by fear. True wisdom is the wisdom of participating in god For us, wisdom is the ability to see things from god's perspective." In the eyes of heisel, in moments of awe, we open ourselves to god, the ultimate, and the ultimate perspective, through which we can understand the meaning of the moving, living world. The world is living and growing all the time. From the perspective of the ultimate god, we can get out of the abstract concept and understand the solemn and lofty meaning of all things. Awe moves us toward the object that inspires awe, not away from it as a concept does. "as a path to greater meaning, awe is our only way." To the biblical man, human understanding is accidental rather than absolute, it can be given to us, it can be deprived, the "wisdom" of man himself is not the ultimate security, the ultimate meaning and wisdom is not found in the world, but in the ultimate. It can be said that the biblical people discover the finitude of their own "wisdom" and the mysterious ultimate of reality. As a way of goodwill with the mystery of reality, we get something that cannot be presented as a concept. This is something immune to analysis.

People's behavior and way of living is the essence and wisdom of the bible, which is very different from Greek philosophy. Philosophical reason seeks the root of being in thoughts or ideas, and bases reality on thoughts or ideas, which is typical of Descartes famous saying "I think, therefore I am". By contrast, herschel says in Descartes's original voice: "... Man is unavoidably challenged in all aspects or levels of existence, and it is in this challenge that man finds himself as a man. Do I exist as a person? My answer is: I am ordered -- therefore I exist. There is in man's consciousness an inherent sense of indebtedness, a sense of gratitude, a sense of being able to be called upon to repay, to respond, to live in a manner consistent with the splendor and mystery of life. According to hirscher, the ultimate mystery of reality transcends all concepts, and existence is not based on the idea but on the ultimate existence of reality. For biblical thought, man's ultimate problem cannot be solved if the essential concept of being is placed in the ultimate position. The main characteristic of man is life. What deprives the vitality and purpose of life is just the "essence" of non-life. Choosing "essence" as the ultimate thing, the existence of human being as a living person becomes unreasonable. If the ultimate is a pure essentialist existence, human life as a living person will have nothing to depend on, will become rootless grass, can only bring their own living life to nothingness. When life is abandoned, thoughts and values are deprived of where they come from, of what they mean, and all that surrounds him is emptiness. In the face of being "essential," man sees himself moving between two endpoints: one is "thrown" and the other is death. It follows: I come from nothingness and go to nothingness. Here, the reality of human existence is painted with nothingness and ends with nothingness. To the bible, man is unique in that he is associated in a certain way with something outside of himself. His being is not something full of energy, but a living being connected with the meaning of transcendence. The noumenon of the world is the meaning noumenon of the living, the reality of the world cannot be separated from the meaning. Existence lies in the fact that man ACTS according to god's will and lives according to god's will.

By comparing with the philosophical and rational thinking mode, heisher explained the intrinsic vitality or wisdom of the biblical tradition. The wisdom of the biblical tradition is to lead us to return to the true root of all that is given and make us aware of the limits of the world. In that sense. Biblical tradition represents the ultimate concern, respect, and responsibility for the world. When our traditional culture meets the challenge of western technological civilization, we should actively integrate modernity.

