


2018-10-31 18:04:39 | 日記


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Essay代写:Education belief

2018-10-31 18:04:11 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Education belief,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了教育信念。每个人所处的时代和社会不同,具有的哲学思想不同,所持的教育信念也不同。柏拉图强调教育的社会作用,亚里士多德更加关注教育在人的自然禀赋的发挥中的力量,卢梭信奉自然主义的教育原则,凯兴斯泰纳推崇国家主义教育等等,他们在各自教育信念的支持下都对教育理论的发展或教育实践的推动作出了贡献,对我们研究教育具有借鉴、启发的意义。

The big dictionary of psychology explains belief: "the individual has a firm conviction and a deep sense of trust in certain conceptions of the principles of life. The individual's need to reflect the individual's understanding of the world is a kind of cognition activity, which is closely related to the knowledge and experience of human beings and the inference of the future based on it. It is also the foundation of self. The conviction, admiration and respect for a certain theory, doctrine or religion, reflecting the yearning and pursuit of a person and a group, is its strong spiritual pillar, power source and action guide. The interpretation of faith in the great dictionary of ethics is the internal conviction of the truth of theory and the correctness of practice. According to marxist philosophy, "faith often runs through people's practical activities in the form of purpose and motive, and combines with emotion and will to form a solid ideological consciousness that dominates people's actions."

It can be seen that once people's cognition forms belief, it will become very firm; the formation of faith is not achieved overnight, but the result of long-term accumulation and sublimation on the basis of knowledge and experience. Faith has a huge effect on action.

Education belief is interpreted in the education dictionary as: "the education concept or proposition firmly believed by educators." Education belief also has the above characteristics, but the field in which it plays a role is more concentrated in education practice. Education belief can be summarized as the education theory, viewpoint or proposition formed by educators through learning and practice on the basis of knowledge and experience, and adhered to and practiced diligently in education activities. It includes the understanding of the social significance and value of education career, including the sincere desire to invest and participate in education career from the bottom of heart, including the firm determination to overcome the difficulties and setbacks encountered in the journey forward.

Education activities can be divided into broad sense and narrow sense. In broad sense, education activities refer to various activities to promote people's knowledge, skills and physical and mental development. In general, it mainly refers to education activities in schools, and the conditions of education activities in modern schools include a certain number of qualified and stable teachers; Source of students willing to learn; Scientific education content - textbook and relatively complete education equipment.

Education belief points to educators, including education decision-makers, education practitioners, education theorists, education administrators, and more teachers in school activities. Teachers are a necessary part of education activities, and the owners of education beliefs are teachers. In this sense, education beliefs can also be classified as education activities, but education beliefs are not only the composition of education activities, but also the driving force of education activities.

The development and change of society constantly put forward new requirements to education, the law of education's own development and the change of educatee's demand require education to carry on the reform and innovation constantly.

Since the founding of our country's education purpose has experienced many times of adjustment, on the one hand, the evolution comes from the social development and change, reflected in the education policy makers and managers in the mind, on the other hand, although the experience many adjustments, but the theoretical foundation of the purpose of education in our country has not changed, namely the stick to marxist ideas about the theory of man's all-round development, these can be classified as the category of education belief or education ideal. After the founding of our country's basic education curriculum has experienced eight big, the reform of new curriculum reform has been going on for more than six years, a lot of achievements, curriculum standards reflect the reform of the education view of decision makers and managers, the implementation of the curriculum effect depends on the teacher's education idea more updates, from the point of the present situation, the teachers still need to use the advanced education theory and teaching reflection to establish their education belief, culture and education of faith to support their education activities.

Teachers' education belief penetration in all aspects of the education activities, it affects the teacher's education teaching behavior, but also to the teachers' own growth and development, and education teaching reform and development will always put forward new requirements and challenges for teachers, and change the way of education is the result of teachers' education concept updating, and the new concept of education for their education belief. Why there are many teachers in the education on the position of hard efforts, but can not get the corresponding returns, an important reason is that their concept of education does not conform to the contemporary education and the actual situation of the students, and other famous, like Yu Yi, wei scholar, south Korean, Li Zhenxi... They are able to become the model of education workers, are under the guidance of scientific education belief of the result of teaching practice. Wei scholar management class students' independent initiative got fully play, each work all have specialized students in the class, the class discipline in good order, grades, class, students' interest in learning, and even such as he often in order to report on a business trip, the situation is not affected. Because he has mastered the rule of Chinese education and fully understood the characteristics of students, he has formed his own set of effective management and teaching methods. At the same time, he gives students a high degree of trust and is full of confidence and enthusiasm for education career, which has become his education belief, guiding his work forward constantly.

Teachers in before, to be going to work in their student career for many years, through their own observation has internalized a lot of about the value of teachers' beliefs, this influence to some extent after the teacher education belief, and from the current situation analysis, many teachers often get perceptual knowledge is under the influence of exam-oriented education mode, for example, some teachers still use scores of evaluation of students; Some teachers still manage their class in a dogmatic way and a simple reprimand, which is related to their different degrees being influenced by the previous education model, which leads to their deviation in education activities.

Education beliefs of teachers are characterized by specificity, stability, persistence, etc. Education beliefs will build the education personality of teachers, create the moral personality of teachers, and determine the education style of teachers. The teacher with education belief regards his work as not only a profession, a post, but a career, so he has the desire to make efforts for this career in the first place. In a voluntary atmosphere, they will actively improve their abilities in various aspects. At the same time, the education goals they set for themselves are not only written on the outline or course standard, but also the realization of the more lofty education ideal.

As mentioned above discuss, the formation of beliefs and points overnight, it produces in the process of people understanding and transforming the world, is to grasp the objective laws, is the process of sublimation perceptual knowledge for theory, but also is closely related to the emotion, will, etc, and faith is establish on the human practice activity produces great spiritual support. So is education belief.

Each person has different times and societies, has different philosophies and holds different education beliefs. Plato emphasizes the social function of education, Aristotle to pay more attention to education in the person's natural endowment of forces in the play, Rousseau believes in naturalistic education principle, KaiXing Turner praise highly nationalistic education and so on, they all supported by their education belief for the development of education theory and education practice has contributed to push, many of our research education of reference and inspiration significance today.

Theory plays a decisive role in the formation of belief, but theory should influence people's practice activities by influencing people's belief, will and other intermediate links. The selection and establishment of the purpose of education involves the value orientation of human-standard and society-standard. Rousseau, pestalozzi, Kant, maslow and Sartre are the main representatives of human-standard value orientation. In today's society, new education trend of thought has constantly emerged, and many educators have become their followers and practitioners. Under the premise of following certain education law and education policy, they influence education activities in different education ways.

To form a scientific education belief, must first have a heart of love education, and then under the stimulus of this enthusiasm through the accumulation of knowledge and education practice experience, constantly reflect on them, as well as learning advanced science and education theory and used to guide practice, consciously combines learning, thinking The Times promoted to your own idea or claim. At the same time, we should avoid the misunderstanding, that is, teachers should obey their perceptual cognition, teach according to their own experience, and build their education concept on the basis of the old perceptual knowledge. The education concept constructed in this way can easily lead to many drawbacks, such as the inability to adapt to the changes of the new situation, lack of scientific nature, etc., which will lead to adverse consequences if it is used to guide education activities. It is also worth noting that individual power is limited after all. If our education team can form scientific education belief, education career will certainly make greater progress.

True education is spiritual creation and soul inspiration. Education is not a simple operational behavior, but a cause based on faith. The German thinker jaspers repeatedly stressed that "education must have faith, without which it is not education, but only the technology of teaching." Beducation activities with education beliefs have vitality and vitality, and education activities guided by education beliefs can be constantly innovative. Education workers need education beliefs, education workers with education beliefs have the courage to overcome difficulties, education workers with education beliefs have the confidence to build a beautiful education blueprint, and education workers with education beliefs have the determination to cultivate a beautiful soul.


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Academic Review怎么写

2018-10-31 18:02:18 | 日記
Academic Review又称为学术评论,它的对象一般是文学或者科技类文章,其重点在于分析作者是否运用基于事实的合理及适用的论据来论证其主要观点。一篇好的评论能够展现你对论文的理解,并列举充分的论据验证你的理解。那Academic Review该怎么写呢?下面就给大家讲解一下。






















































(b)用一个过渡性的句子作为每个主体段落的结尾,尽管不需要明确指出,但能够暗示下一段的内容。比如,可以写虽然John Doe指出在美国儿童肥胖的数量正在显著增长,但一些美国城市的肥胖率却呈下降趋势。下一段就可以列举出前面提到的现象反常的城市的例子。






以上就是关于Academic Review的写作讲解,同学们在写学术评论的时候可以参考一下上面这些内容,想必对大家一定会有帮助的。


Paper代写:Relationship marketing

2018-10-31 18:01:38 | 日記
​本篇paper代写- Relationship marketing讨论了关系营销。关系营销,其关键就在于找出和建立、维持和增进与客户和其他利益相关者的关系,以便所有涉及各方的目标都能达到。这是通过相互交换和实现承诺而完成的。简言之,关系营销就是长期互惠的协作,双方通过创造令人满意的交易把精力放在价值的提高上。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

There is no unified understanding of the concept of relationship marketing, which is defined by Gronroos, a frequently cited Gronroos: "relationship marketing is to find and establish, maintain and enhance relationships with customers and other stakeholders so that the goals of all involved parties can be achieved. This is achieved through mutual exchange and fulfillment of commitments. In short, relationship marketing is a long-term, mutually beneficial collaboration in which both parties focus on value enhancement by creating satisfying transactions.

First, relationship marketing emphasizes the two-way communication of information. The essence of marketing lies in communication, in connecting producers and consumers. In the current fierce market competition, information plays a vital role in marketing activities. In terms of the enterprise and its many influencing factors, sufficient information communication and exchange between each other, ensuring the correct and accurate understanding of the enterprise's marketing concept, etc., is the prerequisite for the successful relationship marketing of the enterprise to its customers, suppliers, channel intermediaries, special channel members and internal members. Secondly, relationship marketing focuses on the process of strategic cooperation based on collaboration. As mentioned earlier, relationship marketing is guided by systems theory. This requires the enterprises holding the relational marketing view to consider the factors involved in the enterprise comprehensively, and ensure that all aspects of the marketing system can proceed from the collective and long-term interests, and maintain the balanced development of the entire marketing system, so as to strive for their own long-term development. In order to achieve such development, it is necessary for all aspects of the marketing system to establish cooperative strategic relationships and processes. Thirdly, relationship marketing attaches importance to marketing activities aiming at achieving multi-win. The existence of relationship marketing lies in that the relationship parties can obtain reasonable benefits from the whole marketing system. Therefore, the key to establish and maintain a good relationship lies in understanding the interest needs of all parties concerned, seeking the common interests of all parties concerned, and making efforts to realize the common interests. Therefore, relationship marketing must pay attention to the marketing activities aimed at achieving multi-win. In order to achieve the multi-win of all relationship parties, we must follow some basic ethical norms, such as integrity, harmony, mutual benefit and equal emphasis on collectivism and justice and interest. Finally, relationship marketing focuses on feedback as a function of the management control system. Thanks to modern marketing system involves many interests and lead to the complexity of the system, the requirements of natural relationship marketing enterprise to establish relevant relationship management department, to help track consumer special channel members, channel intermediaries, upstream suppliers, and competitors and the enterprise internal members of relevant parties in the marketing system such as attitudes, behavior, etc., and based on the information obtained from monitoring feedback timely and properly coordinate the various relations inside and outside enterprise.

Win-win channel mode is a win-win situation in which the profit, cost, efficiency and conflict of the members of both parties are improved through the cooperation mechanism among the members of the channel. We can understand the connotation of win-win channel mode more clearly through the following figure. The "+" in the figure indicates increase or increase, and the corresponding "-" indicates decrease.

For most enterprises, it is impossible and unnecessary to complete completely independently from the production of raw materials to the sales of products. The common mode is that suppliers -- enterprises -- distributors -- ultimate customers, that is, enterprises obtain raw materials from suppliers and sell products through distributors. Because the cost of raw materials provided by the supplier and the distribution cost of products sold by the distributor constitute the cost of enterprise products. Therefore, it is generally believed that suppliers and distributors will reduce the earnings of enterprises and there is competition between enterprises and suppliers and distributors. But in fact, companies also have common interests with suppliers and intermediary distributors. In an increasingly competitive market environment, smart marketers establish long-term, mutually beneficial relationships of trust with suppliers and distributors.

The first case is called "non-cooperation", in which members do not cooperate with each other. The second situation is called "cooperation", where members cooperate in pricing to maximize the profits of the entire channel and the profits of the vendors. It has been proved that the benefit of cooperation is higher than that of non-cooperation. Meanwhile, the extra profit can be distributed equally between the manufacturer and the retailer through the pricing of products.

A lot of practice has proved that competition among members is not the best strategy, if they coordinate and cooperate with each other, they can achieve win-win or multi-win. Analysis tools, such as game theory, come to the same conclusion.

Through on in the face of the analysis of the relationship marketing theory and win-win channel mode, we see the relationship marketing specific to marketing channels, show the value and each channel member interaction, communication, cooperation and win-win, and finally in the set up of the relationship marketing network, attract and retain customers, improve the competitive ability of enterprise, achieve the goal of the enterprise.

Enterprises are faced with great uncertainty in the environment of rapid changes. From the perspective of suppliers, they may raise prices according to market conditions to make enterprises pay higher costs, and they may also turn to more favorable customers, so that enterprises have to pay the costs and uncertainties of changing suppliers, especially when the supply of raw materials is interrupted due to uncertainty and customers suffer significant losses. The enterprise can restrain the behavior of the supplier through the supply contract, but this constraint is not very binding under certain circumstances. From the perspective of customers, changes in demand often make the production capacity of enterprises short supply or large surplus, difficult to anticipate.

Relational transactions provide an effective way to address complexity. In order to overcome the negative impact of uncertainty on enterprises, enterprises may choose the compromise between one-time transaction and internal transaction and repeat transaction. The one-time transaction represents the typical market behavior, while the internal transaction is the planning organization within the enterprise. Long-term relationship transaction can overcome the shortcomings of the two mechanisms and be flexible and efficient. The relationship method is an effective way of allocating resources between the administrative means of creating market price and developing organization.

The resources of a single enterprise are limited and the enterprise must have the ability to acquire external resources. At the same time, in a rapidly changing environment, enterprises have all the resources they need and lose their flexibility. In order to solve the contradiction between the finiteness of internal resources and the flexibility of enterprise operation, enterprises turn to establish relations from relying on their own resources in isolation. Relationship marketing has advantages in improving the speed of new product development, building barriers to entry and complementary capabilities.

Relationships are an important asset in a single company. Its value lies not only in creating efficiency and innovation, but also in providing information and influencing other companies. Relationships are probably the most important asset in many companies. Relationships are a good way for organizations to learn from one another.

In recent years, terms such as distribution partnerships, channel partners, distributor partners, dealer partners, and strategic alliances have become more common in the marketing channel literature. The establishment of cooperative partnership and strategic alliance is an important way to achieve win-win channel mode. This kind of partnership or strategic alliance emphasizes the continuous and mutual support relationship between manufacturers and channel members, and aims to establish a more active team, network or channel partner alliance. In this kind of channel partnership or strategic alliance, the traditional "we, them" concept has been replaced by "we."

The marketing channel is usually composed of many companies seeking their own interests. As these interests are competing with each other, channel members are often unable to cooperate with each other, or even have completely opposite goals. The resulting channel conflicts often lead to the decline of channel efficiency. The alliance in distribution is to solve this problem. In a strategic alliance, two or more organizations are linked so that they operate in the common interest of all parties.

Relationship marketing is a major breakthrough in marketing theory. The transformation from general marketing to relationship marketing is an important trend of marketing discipline reform. The close relationship between manufacturers and their channel members in the wholesale or retail business has received great attention from the theoretical circle. Most scholars believe that close relationship should be established between manufacturers and channel members. Relationship marketing provides a way to deal with channel membership, that is, every enterprise should start from reality and determine the degree of relationship with its channel members. Strategic alliances based on frank, two-way and regular communication are important to channel relationships, and certainly require time, patience, and resources to sustain them.


Essay代写:The function of cloud money

2018-10-31 17:42:53 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The function of cloud money,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了云货币的功能。云货币功能,就是计算功能,没有其他功能,这一点和传统货币是相似的。货币本身也是商品,有储藏功能,但云货币不一样,由于云的功能和特征,使云货币失去了储藏功能。加之云货币的无限虚拟化,其本身也失去了商品属性。

The development history of money, from sheep, to metal money, to gold, to paper money, to electronic money, all showed the development level of science and technology and productivity at each stage.

With the development of the world economy and trade, the scale is getting larger and larger, and the transaction between each other becomes ubiquitous. With the development of economy and the development of trade, people are getting more and more benefits of economy and trade and its integration. The author is analyzing and studying the issues of economic and trade integration, such as the European Union, the newly established Latin American integration and the Asia-pacific integration. On the one hand, all countries have the demand of economic and trade integration; on the other hand, we see the world economy and military hegemony. The United States adopts military, political and diplomatic methods, running from east to west, to suppress China and other economies in order to protect its own interests. The economic phenomenon in today's world is dazzling. In fact, it is decided by countries to protect a certain fundamental interest.

The us economy is gradually improving, but the situation that the us dollar is maintained by aircraft carriers is bound to fail eventually. The exploitation of other countries by the us dollar and the exploitation of China in recent years will not achieve harmonious development. From the perspective of economy, if the United States does not conform to the economic law and tries to change the system of trade-currency hegemony, its economy will inevitably collapse.

It doesn't help to look at the European economy alone, with Germany. China's economy, some see it as a "one-flower show", some see it as an "immediate collapse", and the author thinks both are claims of ignorance. As the world economy and trade develop to today, the degree of economic and trade integration is higher and higher, accompanied by economic ups and downs, it is inevitable that both prosperity and loss, which should be a basic judgment. We have turned over the past century of China's modern history. Why did the western powers use force, opium and other means to get into China? I am optimistic about China as a big market, whether it is World War I or World War II. The fundamental reason is the pursuit of economic interests and the transfer of crisis. The United States and NATO, why are they going to pick up Iraq, Libya, Iran, Syria, and then finally contain China, are going to preserve their existing interests, do not want to change, sit back.

Can this approach be sustained, I think, by cleaning up these countries and preserving the dollar's dominance? The answer is no. Europe's welfare system is designed so far that the euro is bound to go bust, and Germany and France tinker with it, an unsacrificial way to get by today, but certainly not tomorrow.

China's economy, with its vested interests, is seen as a "one-flower show" that saved America in 2008 and Europe in 2011. Today there is a clamor of bank ethics, of welfare excess, of liquidity trap, of dollar conspiracy.

The author thinks that the world trade-currency system cannot keep up with the pace of world economic development, or deviate from the law of economic development. Vested interests such as the United States and China have obstructed the process of world economic integration and the establishment of a new trading currency system. For example, the United States is willing to wage war to maintain the hegemony of the dollar and bring about a comprehensive crisis. If it continues on this path, the world economy will go into reverse, and China will not be immune. The only solution is the creation of a new "trading-money system" in the world.

The idea is that the world's "trading-currency system" will be based on a dual-track system, and work in the Asia-pacific region in accordance with economic laws. In this way, we can control the amount of money in the world economy, stabilize the currency, gradually achieve the balance of trade, gradually solve the wealth distribution between countries, and tend to be reasonable, and maintain normal trade.

From the history of trade and currency, science and technology, and productivity, we have come to the conclusion that trade in goods has become closer and closer, making all trade possible. The reason is the continuous progress of science, technology and productivity, rapid change and promotion of trade development. The uniqueness of cloud currency function discussed in this paper is the core of the establishment of the new trade-currency system.

We know that money has three functions: medium of exchange, computing, and storage. Why does cloud money have only one function?

The cloud money function, is the computing function, has no other function. Currencies are similar. The reason why there is no exchange function is discussed by the author, namely "as the transaction distance is getting closer and closer, cloud money has lost the function of medium". It is the electronic money given to you by the bank today that you can buy things without having to take money. Why does money have storage function? We know that money itself is also a commodity, which has its own value. As a result of the transaction distance, many transactions cannot be realized immediately. Put in the warehouse first.

Today, with the development of information and logistics highways, it is no longer necessary to build more warehouses to store goods. The same is true of cloud currency, which loses its storage function due to its functions and features. In addition, the infinite virtualization of cloud currency also loses its commodity attribute.

The world economic crisis is caused by the imbalance of production, consumption and distribution. But today's money, not only cannot serve a balance, but because of its storage and liquidity characteristics, it cannot be tied to the wild horse of money no matter what anchor it USES. Looking at the state of financial management in China, a typical bowl of thin soup "noodles".

Commodities -- money, money -- money, money -- goods. In this process of continuous cycle and repetition, on the one hand, transactions are realized between commodities and commodities, or currencies and currencies, or commodities and currencies. On the other hand, since there are many kinds of currencies and the currency is constantly virtualized, the amount of money that has no economic essential relation with the trade itself is constantly produced in any transaction process. Because trade is affected by different factors such as labor productivity, money supply, commodity consumption and tariff, the amount of new money is difficult to calculate. Add virtual exchanges and games between currencies. The aggregate amount of money is ballooning. That is, the euro is in a dead end, the dollar is kept alive by India, and China is following in the footsteps of its mentor, the virtualisation and the expansion of the underlying currency to address trade imbalances, which are at the root of the world economic crisis.

The study found that the actual money storage function has lost the existing conditions, but in practice it continuously amplified liquidity. The new monetary system is difficult to establish because of the old production relationship. Through the phenomenon, we can see that the essence is that money is no longer the product of commodity trading, it is alienated as a tool for people to pursue profits, and its function and function will be enlarged indefinitely, which will inevitably violate the law of economy and transaction.

To sum up, the uniqueness of cloud currency computing function is the inevitable requirement of world trade development. The old production relationship and the obstacles of superstructure will be broken through by the reform force advancing with The Time

