

Understanding the concept of whimsy through death

2020-06-24 18:17:17 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Understanding the concept of whimsy through death,文章讲述众所周知,我们人类对死亡了解不多,即使我们付出了足够的努力,也无法丝毫改善。或者,也许可以用另一种方式来说明,对于所有人来说,死亡是一件陌生的事情,而我们与死亡的关系却是我们每个人都难以理解的。但是事实是,所有人类都知道,在未来的意外时刻,死亡是我们每个人的必然趋势。因此,可以很容易地预言,所有人都会以某种方式害怕死亡的到来,以便他们希望死亡的到来能够在他们的生命中尽可能晚地到来。从这个意义上讲,我们可以说人类将死亡视为不可思议的事物,他们深切希望自己摆脱死亡的痛苦。

Understanding the concept of whimsy through death
It is common sense that we humans do not know much about death and it is an issue that we can not improve for the slightest even if we have put enough efforts into within. Or maybe it can be put in another way that death is an unfamiliar thing to all the human beings and our relation to death is hard to be understood by any one of us. But the fact is that all the human beings know that death is an inevitable tendency for each and every one of us at an unexpected moment in the future. Therefore it can be easily predicted that all the people will be somewhat afraid of the coming of death in one way or another so that they may hope that the coming of death can come as late as possible in their life. In this sense, we can say that human beings regard death as something uncanny and they deeply would like that they can get themselves rid of the pains of death.
From the perspective of Sigmund Freud, on one hand, the “uncanny” is that class of the terrifying which leads back to something long known to us, once very familiar and the familiar can become uncanny and frightening in some circumstances. On the other hand, things that are new and unfamiliar are frightening. It can be easily perceived that things that are new and unfamiliar to human beings will certainly be endowed with a greater possibility to make human beings feel afraid and terrified. That is to say, human beings will unconsciously have an uncanny sense toward those things that are new and unfamiliar to them. People’s uncanny sense toward those new and unfamiliar things can be justified by the truth that people are unable to predict how those things will go on and change the direction toward which those things will develop.
To put it into the detailed case of death, it can be explained in this way that as death is new and unfamiliar to all the human beings, people will naturally tend to be afraid of it to a certain degree. So we can have a fair knowledge that people will cultivate an uncanny sense toward death and they have excluded death to the utmost deep down their heart. Moreover, Sigmund Freud has also put forward that the sense of helplessness is likely to bring about an uncanny sense to human beings and people can not be easy to get out of it. The same case as well goes to death in that a large number of people are helpless toward death and they have no choice but to wait for the coming of death proactively. Blankly speaking, people can not decide when and where they will die, in what way they will die and other similar aspects like that related to death. Thus, people will undoubtedly deem death as an uncanny issue under the influence of the sense of helplessness and death’s being unfamiliar and new to all the human beings.
While in the point of view of Lee and Romita in “Spiderman No More”, Peter had argued that being spider-man has brought him nothing but unhappiness. For example, his being unable to accompany his ill aunt, the sharp drop of his grade, his having no time for anything except new problems together with a series of other troubles can make up the reasons to help explain the unhappiness of Peter. In the first beginning, the rationale why Peter would like to become a Spiderman lies in the heady thrill of battle, the precious taste of triumph, the paranoiac thirst for power which can never be quenched. But out of the expectation of Peter, when he really becomes the Spiderman, what he is confronted with is more of unhappiness than of those positive things. There is no doubt that Peter would rather choose not to be a Spiderman in the end. From this sense, we can say that Peter holds that being a Spiderman may be an uncanny thing for him to do.
Just like that being a Spiderman will bring unhappiness to Peter, death can also bring unhappiness to all the human beings and the potential happiness within may be too much for people to stand. Take death as an example, it can be hard to predict the concrete extent to which human beings are uncanny toward death and what are sure is that all the people are afraid of death so that they all reject death. Peter’s refusing to be a Spiderman in the end is right like people’s rejection toward death and the only difference is that the feeling of being a Spiderman can be experienced while death can not be easily tried by any person.


Analysis of the supermarket

2020-06-24 18:17:00 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Analysis of the supermarket,文章讲述TESCO成立于1919年,最初是由Jack Cohen先生在市场上设立的一个小摊位。 TESCO已成为英国领先的零售商,并且是世界三大零售公司之一。 TESCO已在全球13个国家/地区开展业务。员工总数超过50万,TESCO每周为超过5000万客户提供服务。 TESCO集团的业务不仅包括零售,还涉及金融,加油站,电信和医药等领域。

Analysis of the supermarket
TESCO was founded in 1919, initially in the form of a small stall set up by Jack Mr. Cohen in the market. TESCO has become the UK's leading retailer, and one of the world's top three retail companies. TESCO has been in 13 countries around the world to carry out business. The total number of employees is more than 500 thousand and TESCO provide services to more than 50 million customers per week. TESCO group's business includes not only the retail, but also related to finance, gas stations, telecommunications and medicine and other fields. In addition, TESCO is also actively expanding its popular online retail business. (Wikipedia, 2015)
Morrisons is the fourth largest supermarket in the United Kingdom, which is headquartered in Bradford. Morrisons was founded in 1899 by William Morrisons and its initial form was a small stall in Rawson Market. Before 2004, Morrisons’ stores were located in the north of England. With the takeover of Sateway in 2004, Morrisons increased stores in the south of England. (Wikipedia, 2015)
Sainsbury's is the second largest supermarket in the United Kingdom. It is founded by John James Sainsbury in 1869. Its initial form was a shop in Drury Lane. The group’s headquarter is in London. The group’s business also involves in property industry. (Wikipedia, 2015)
2.Basic Financial Data
The basic financial data for TESCO, Morrisons and Sainsbury's are listed as follows. The period is from the year of 2011 to 2015. Overall, the three supermarkets are all in difficult situations and the whole supermarket in the United Kingdom are experiencing a critical crisis moment.
TESCO Financial Data
Item / Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Balance Sheet
Total Assets 47,260 50,781 50,129 50,164 44,214
Current Assets 11,608 12,353 12,465 13,085 11,819
Inventory 3,162 3,598 3,744 3,576 2,957
Current Liabilities 17,731 19,180 18,703 20,206 19,805
Trade Receivables 2,330 2,657 2,525 2,190 2,121
Income Statement
Turnover 60,455 64,539 63,406 63,557 62,284
COGS 55,330 59,278 59,252 59,547 64,396
Gross Profit 55,125 5,261 4,154 4,010 -2,112
EBIT 4,124 4,272 2,574 2,823 -5,715
Interest Charges 483 417 517 564 661
Profit Before Tax 3,641 3,855 2,057 2,259 -6,376
Basic Earnings Per Share 34.43 36.75 19.07 23.75 -70.24
Annual report of TESCO from 2011 to 2015, Official Website of TESCO
Generally speaking, as the largest supermarket in the United Kingdom, the pace of the Company’s development is slower in recent years. From the financial data, it can be inferred that the Company has developed steadily from 2011 to 2012. From 2012 to 2014, the Company has not developed by a large margin. Even worse, from 2014 to 2015, the Company has suffered an unprecedented loss in history. In the year of 2015, the Company has suffered great difficulties. The total assets decrease by a large margin and the profit and EPS are negative.
Morrisons’s Financial Data
Item / Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Balance Sheet
Total Assets 9,149 9,859 10,527 10,729 9,171
Current Assets 1,138 1,322 1,342 1,430 1,228
Inventory 638 759 781 852 658
Current Liabilities 2,086 2,303 2,334 2,873 2,273
Trade Receivables 197 191 168 180 178
Income Statement
Turnover 16,479 17,663 18,116 17,680 16,816
COGS 15,311 16,446 16,910 16,606 16,055
Gross Profit 1,148 1,271 1,206 1,074 761
EBIT 917 994 954 -89 -987
Interest Charges 43 47 75 87 105
Profit Before Tax 869 947 879 -176 -792
Basic Earnings Per Share 23.00 26.68 26.65 -10.23 -32.63
Annual report of Morrisons from 2011 to 2015, Official Website of Morrisons
For Morrison, as the fourth largest supermarket in the United Kingdom, it also suffered a hard year in 2015. From 2011 to 2013, the Company’s development is upward. However, in the year of 2014 and 2015, the Company’s operation is sluggish and suffered a great loss.
Sainsbury's Financial Data
Item / Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Balance Sheet
Total Assets 11,399 12,340 12,659 16,540 16,537
Current Assets 1,708 2,032 1,901 4,362 4,421
Inventory 812 938 987 1,005 997
Current Liabilities 2,942 3,136 3,115 6,765 6,923
Trade Receivables 343 286 306 433 471
Income Statement
Turnover 21,102 22,294 23,303 23,949 23,775
COGS 19,942 21,083 22,026 22,562 22,567
Gross Profit 1,160 1,211 1,277 1,387 1,208
EBIT 943 937 925 1,057 108
Interest Charges 116 138 153 159 180
Profit Before Tax 827 799 772 898 -72
Basic Earnings Per Share 34.40 32.00 32.00 37.70 -8.70
Annual report of Sainsbury's from 2011 to 2015, Official Website of Sainsbury's
For Sainsbury’s, as the second largest supermarket in the United Kingdom, its development and operation are also in a dilemma. From the year of 2011 to 2014, the Company embraces a sound development trend and its total assets and turnover are all upward. However, in the year of 2015, the Company suffered loss, which demonstrates the Company is in a tough mud.
2.1Environment Analysis-PEST Analysis
For both airlines, they are in the same market in the United Kingdom and Europe, so they are facing similar macro environment analysis. PESTE analysis methodology can be applied in this dimension. PEST means the five elements in the aspects of politics, economy, society, technologies and environment. (Wikipedia, 2015)
In the first place, in the political perspective, TESCO, Morrisons and Sainsbury's are in different situations. For Morisons and Sainsbury’s, they mainly focus on the domestic market in the United Kingdom. However, TESCO is a multinational supermarket company, which has dimensions in the United States, Asia and other European countries. For TESCO, it is also being investigated by British authorities due to the accounting fraud in 2014, which has severely influenced the business operation in 2015. (Ring and Beardsworth, 2014)
Number of Stores
Company / Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
TESCO 5,380 6,234 6,784 7,305 7,817
Morrisons 439 475 500 605 667
Sainsbury's 934 1,000 1,106 1,200 1,312

From the number of stores, it is clearly that the number of stores of TESCO far surpasses that of Morrisons and Sainsbury's. In the perspectives of political supervisions and regulations, Morrisons and Sainsbury’s need to adhere to the policies of the United Kingdom. TESCO needs to be conformed to regulations and requirements in different regions and countries. For TESCO, it has suffered great pressure in compliance. With the outbreak of the accounting scandal, the Company has become a political focus, so the Company is now in a extremely tough situation.
In the second place, in the economic perspective, the three supermarkets all face the same situation that the global economy is sluggish and these companies are suffered from the pressure of deflation in the economy of the United Kingdom.
As a result, in 2015, the three major markets have to cut down goods prices due to the deflation. Deflation means that when the circulation of money in the market decreases, the people's money income is reduced. The purchasing power decreases, which leads to the fall of the price. Long term monetary tightening will inhibit investment and production, resulting in increased unemployment and economic recession. (Wikipedia, 2015) The deflation can lead to the profit margin decreased and the high unemployment rate.
Number of Employees
Company / Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
TESCO 492,741 519,671 537,784 505,544 517,802
Morrisons 132,000 131,000 129,000 125,000 117,000
Sainsbury's 150,000 150,000 157,000 161,000 161,000

From the table, it can be clearly noticed that TESCO has reduced the staff headcount from the peak of over 537 thousand in 2013 to the lowest point of over 505 thousand in 2014. For Morrisons, it has also reduced the number of employees from 2011 to 2015. For these supermarkets, they have no choice but to reduce the cost to main the operation. The lay-offs is an effective way to save cost.
Gross Profit Margin
Company / Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
TESCO 8.48% 8.15% 6.55% 6.31% -3.39%
Morrisons 6.97% 6.89% 6.66% 6.07% 4.53%
Sainsbury's 5.50% 5.43% 5.48% 5.79% 5.08%

Net Profit Margin (Operating Profit Margin)
Company / Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
TESCO 6.82% 6.62% 4.06% 4.44% -9.18%
Morrisons 5.56% 5.63% 5.27% -0.50% -5.87%
Sainsbury's 4.47% 4.20% 3.97% 4.41% 0.45%

After calculation of the gross profit margin and net profit margin, it can be clearly noticed that the margin demonstrate a downward tendency. For all three companies, they margin has been reduced by a large proportion, which shows the decrease of revenue and the increase of the cost of sales. Especially in the year of 2015, the gross profit margin of TESCO is negative and the net profit margin of TESCO and Morrisons is negative, which shows the three major supermarkets have suffered a great loss and in a difficult economic situations.
In the third place, in the social perspective, the shopping channels have been greatly changed and people are keen on the mode of online shopping. Customers are more likely to buy goods online or in small and medium-sized stores instead of large supermarkets.
Market Share in UK
Company / Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
TESCO 30.60 30.20 30.50 29.00 28.00
Morrisons 12.80 12.80 11.80 11.40 11.10
Sainsbury's 16.60 16.60 16.80 16.80 16.50
Others 40.00 40.40 40.90 42.80 44.40

From the pie chart of the market share of the three companies from the year of 2011 to 2014, the market share of the three supermarkets are declining. The market share of TESCO has been reduced from 30.6 percent to 28 percent. The market share of Morrisons has been decreased from 12.8 percent to 11.1 percent. And the market share of Sainsbury's has been slipped from 16.8 percent to 16.5 percent. Meanwhile, the market share of other supermarkets has been increased from 40 percent to 44.4 percent, which has showed a change in the shopping channel and mode.
In the fourth place, in the technological perspective, the development of e-commerce and the widespread of Internet, online shopping and apps have been widely improved to a large extent. With the development of technologies, the supply chain and distribution modes have been greatly changed in accordance with the new modes. The fast express and delivery tracks have been rapidly developed to meet the needs of the customers. Meanwhile, more online shopping platforms and apps have been establish to create a wide e-commerce network, which make the shopping more convenient than ever. People are less walking into the supermarkets now due to the development of online shopping centers.
Stock Turnover Period
Stock turnover period is a good way to demonstrate the less frequency of shopping in the supermarket. This ratio indicates the average number of days that items of stock are held for. Although it can only provide an approximation, it is useful to identify the trend from year to year.
Company / Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
TESCO 19.43 20.81 22.61 22.43 18.51
Morrisons 14.48 15.50 16.62 17.95 17.16
Sainsbury's 13.86 15.15 15.95 16.11 16.19
From the table, it can be clearly identified that the stock turnover period is longer with the time passed. This means that the stocks are held in the supermarket longer and the supermarkets have to spend more time and cost to maintain and take care of the goods. It is the development of online shopping mode that leads to such situation. Therefore, the supermarket industry is facing huge challenges.
3.Other Financial Ratios Analysis
1. Return on Capital Employed
Profit before interest and taxation x 100
Total assets minus current liabilities
Company / Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
TESCO 13.99% 13.52% 8.19% 9.42% -23.41%
Morrisons 12.98% 13.16% 11.64% -1.13% -14.31%
Sainsbury's 11.15% 10.18% 9.69% 10.81% 1.12%
From the table, it can be clearly inferred that three companies’ return on capital employed is declining every year, especially in the year of 2015. This means that the yield rate of capital is not sound and the industry is in a tough situation.

2. Interest Cover
Profit before interest and tax
Interest charges
Company / Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
TESCO 8.54 10.24 4.98 5.01 -8.65
Morrisons 21.33 21.15 12.72 -1.02 -9.40
Sainsbury's 8.13 6.79 6.05 6.65 0.60
Interest cover is ratio used to measure the ability to pay interest of a loan. From the table, it can be clearly inferred that the three companies’ interest cover is declining every year, especially in the year of 2015. Therefore, there is a risk that the interest cannot be repaid in time.

3. Current Ratio
Current assets
Current liabilities
Company / Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
TESCO 0.65 0.64 0.67 0.65 0.60
Morrisons 0.55 0.57 0.57 0.50 0.54
Sainsbury's 0.58 0.65 0.61 0.64 0.64
Current ratio can reflect the short-term solvency of enterprises and 2 is a reasonable indicator. From the table, it can be clearly inferred that the three companies’ current ratio is steady in the five years. However, the ratio is below 1, which means the current risk is relatively high.

4. Liquidity Ratio (quick ratio or acid test ratio)
Current assets minus inventories
Current liabilities

Company / Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
TESCO 0.48 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.45
Morrisons 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.20 0.25
Sainsbury's 0.30 0.35 0.29 0.50 0.49
Liquidity ratio can also reflect the short-term solvency of enterprises. From the table, it can be clearly inferred that the three companies’ liquidity ratio is steady in the five years. However, the ratio is below 1, which means the current risk is relatively high and ability to repay to the loan is low.

5. Debt Collection Period
Average trade receivables x 365
Credit Sales
Company / Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
TESCO 12.73 14.10 14.92 13.54 12.63
Morrisons 3.79 4.01 3.62 3.59 3.89
Sainsbury's 4.83 5.15 4.64 5.63 6.94
This ratio represents the speed of the collectiveness of trade receivables. The smaller the ratio is, the better the ability of the collectiveness is. From the table, it can be inferred that TESCO has longer turnover days.

6. Dividend Yield
Dividends per share x 100
Current market price of the share
Company / Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
TESCO 3.50% 4.10% 5.00% 4.60% 2.40%
Morrisons 3.20% 3.69% 4.17% 6.21%
Sainsbury's 3.50% 3.60% 5.10% 4.50% 5.60%
This data reflects the divided payment situation. From the table, it can be inferred that the three companies maintain a low dividend yield rate.

7. Earnings Per Share (EPS)
Company / Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
TESCO 34.43 36.75 19.07 23.75 -70.24
Morrisons 23.00 26.68 26.65 -10.23 -32.63
Sainsbury's 34.40 32.00 32.00 37.70 -8.70
This data reflects the yield per share. From the table, it can be clearly noticed that the three companies’ share yield is in a negative performance due to the unsound business operations.
In a nutshell, TESCO, Morrisons and Sainsbury's are experiencing a tough situation in the supermarket industry in the United States. From the financial ration and non-financial ratio, it can be clearly reflected that the tough industry environment and huge challenges.
Wikipedia. (2015). TESCO. Website.

Wikipedia. (2015). Morrisions. Website.

Wikipedia. (2015). Sainsbury's. Website.

Wikipedia. (2015). PEST Analysis. Website.

Wikipedia. (2015). Deflation. Website.

Annual report of TESCO from 2011 to 2015, (2015), Official Website of TESCO.

Annual report of Morrisons from 2011 to 2015, (2015), Official Website of Morrisons.

Annual report of Sainsbury's from 2011 to 2015, (2015), Official Website of Sainsbury's.

Ring, S. and Beardsworth, T. (2014), Tesco Faces U.K. Criminal Investigation of Accounting Practices, Accountingtoday Com.


Analyze the criticism of "two faces of education in ethnic conflict"

2020-06-24 18:16:41 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Analyze the criticism of "two faces of education in ethnic conflict",文章讲述本文有一个清晰的结构来陈述基于种族原则的两个教育面。它从在各州之间的当代教育中引入族裔开始,到最后得出重要结论。从19世纪和20世纪初开始,文化冲突就开始作为一种重要的理论趋势进行了回顾。在大约200年的研究历史中,各种理论家都提出了有关社会文化的观点。例如,最近已经认识到有必要将种族分层与更传统的调查范围如性别和社会经济分层结合起来(Parkin,1979)。关于种族灭绝和种族灭绝的历史,社会学和心理学研究之间还有进一步的联系(Staub,1989)。在该主题下,作者认为儿童的种族社会化,种族暴力的最新统计数据,暴力种族冲突的内部动态,少数群体问题以及国家之间的教育建设是重点。

Analyze the criticism of "two faces of education in ethnic conflict"

1 A General Review of the Article
This article has a clear construct to state two faces of education based on ethnic principles. It starts from introduce ethnicity in contemporary education among states, while ends with a significant conclusion.
Culture conflicts started to be reviewed as an important theoretical tend from 19th and early 20th century. During around 200 years research history, various theorists stated their point regarding to social culture. For example, there has been a recent recognition of the need to incorporate ethnic stratification alongside the more traditional dimensions of investigation such as gender and socio-economic stratification (Parkin, 1979). There is a further point of con- tact between historical, sociological and psychological research on genocide and ethnocide (Staub, 1989). Under this topic, children’s ethnic socialization, current statistics of ethnic violence, internal dynamics of violent ethnic conflict, minority issues, and education building among nations are viewed as key points by the author.
What impressed me most were two of the points. First, it was useful to gather information from the part of children’s ethnic socialization. Children’s negative attitudes are influenced by early experience, especially parent and child relationships (Bush & Saltarelli, 2000), which means education could be effectively delivered to children only when it also targets on parents. This article aims towards a peace-building education for children. Thus, it is essential to review a current ethnic situation of children within different social contexts. The other point impressed as a massive data statistical of ethnic violence, while the author provided a lot of numbers regarding to countries and minorities under ethnic violence. For example, Darby (1997) estimated that there were 74 active violent political conflicts, 19 of which had resulted in more than 1,000 deaths in that single year.
2 Main Points and Conclusions
The main points in this article consist of two parts. The first one is two face of education, while the other is to construct a peace-building education.
In the part of two faces education, the author pointed out negative face as well as positive face. Seven statements outlined in negative face are mainly emphasizing on political and culture opinions. For example, the author focused on the inequity of education all over the world, such as an uneven distribution of education. Based on the evidence, privileged ethnic groups usually attain higher average educational levels than members of subordinate ethnic groups (Bush & Saltarelli, 2000). Also, the author pointed out that the education, sometimes, is a weapon of culture repression (Bush & Saltarelli, 2000). Take Africa as an example, newly independent governments in Africa often attributed great strategic importance to education as a means of maintaining political command and control (Stavenhagen, 1996). Meanwhile, for the political opinions, the author pointed out governments’ activities, which manipulates history and history for political purposes, and segregated education to ensure inequity, lowed esteem, and stereotyping (Bush & Saltarelli, 2000).
However, positive part of education face embrace with multi-culture competence. Positive competence within education includes de-segregation, ethnical tolerant, language diversity, culture inclusive, and current education tends response to culture oppression. Take linguistic tolerance for example, there are 15 different linguistic groups and where Islamic and Christian populations have long co-existed peacefully, no civil wars have occurred since independence from France in the 1960s (Stavenhagen, 1996). It has also acknowledged the need for minority groups to learn the majority language to ensure access to secondary and higher education on an equal footing (China IRCO, Add.56, paras. 19 and 40).
No matter how much negative or positive ingredients are in current education issues, the article is towards a peace-building education, started from an introduction of what peace-building education is. Because of the negative impacts of education, it effects more on current education and will lead us to seek a positive impact on education which will be called peace-building education. In terms of the social context, the specific impact of conflict on formal and informal education depends on the nature and dynamics of violence (Bush & Saltarelli, 2000). Social order and control is achieved by instilling and manipulating fear at profound human, political, and social cost while the mechanics of this process are well recognized and pervasive (Bush & Saltarelli, 2000). It means how to control culture of fears and how to practice coping mechanisms are essential while applying peace-building education virtually.
One of important tips that educates should be cautious is to distinguish peace-building education and to build peace education. Peace-building education, unlike peace education, emphasized more on multi-culture, militarization of violence, and practice. For peace education, it is applied mainly by white, elites who are the top status in society. However, peace-building education is a bottom driven tends, which focused culture and ethnic violence, and should be considered to apply both in classroom and in the real world. Meanwhile, t would be applied, immediate and relevant. This means that it cannot be restricted to the classroom. It might include community projects involving children and adolescents from across ethnic borderlines or inter-ethnic economic development projects (Bush & Saltarelli, 2000). In a word, peace-building education is a long-term process, which relies on local inputs and resources that seeks to create opportunities for diversity and inclusive (Bush & Saltarelli, 2000).
Generally, the goal of peace-building education is demilitarization of the mind, problematization, articulation of alternatives, changing the rules of the game, delegitimation of violent force as a means of addressing problems, re-membering and re-weaving the social and anthropological fabric, nurturing non-violent, sustainable modalities of change (Bush & Saltarelli, 2000).
3 Critical Analysis of the Article
Once I started thinking about education as a major, I started thinking it might be even more useful than I initially realized until I had always found myself being drawn to people. Not so much the people themselves, but their behavior, sociocultural context, and needs of development. The fascination with people is a key ingredient for me to help people from diverse sociocultural context while integrating the research, practice, and theory I learned.
Based on this article, as an educate student, it is my responsibility and honor help all diverse students to decrease negative face of education while embrace more positive part of it. In order to construct a peace-building education, I believe the best effective practice is based on the theory and research, while the significant scientific evidence comes from the practical exploration. In order to avoid bias, should help and affect people and students as much as possible no matter about their age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status.
However, what two faces toward education is only an assumption. In order to make it come true, it is not enough by a group of people, but all educates and students together. As students, one should have motivation to seek for new type of education instead of staying at old version. As the educate, we should advocate for student, for this profession, and also, for social justice!
Bush, K. D., ‘Towards a Balanced Approach to Rebuilding War-Tom Societies’, Canadian Foreign Policy, Vol. III, No. 3, 1996.
Bush, K. D., ‘Cracking Open the Ethnic Billiard Ball: Bringing in the Intra-Group Dimensions of Eth- nic Conflict Studies’, Occasional Paper (9:OP: 1), Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Stud- ies, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, 1996.
Bush, K. D., A Measure of Peace: Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment of Development Projects in Conflict Zones. Ottawa, International Development Research Centre, 1998.
Bush, K. D. & Saltarelli, D. (2000). The Two Faces of Education in Ethnic Conflict. United Nations Children’s Fund Innocenti Research Centre. Florence, Italy.
Cantwell, N., ‘Starting from Zero: The Promotion and Protection of Children’s Rights in Post-Geno- cide Rwanda, July 1994 - December 1996’, Innocenti Insights. UNICEF International Child Develop- ment Centre, Florence, 1997.
Carment, D. and P. JAMES, Escalation of Ethnic Conflict: A Survey and Assessment. Carleton University and Iowa State University, 1996.
Darby, J., Scorpions in a bottle: conflicting cultures in Northern Ireland. Minority Rights Group, London, 1997.
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Brand integration and cultural economy

2020-06-24 18:16:22 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- ,文章讲述在晚期资本主义中,品牌已成为一种独特的现象。沃尔特·本杰明(Walter Benjamin,2008)曾详细阐述了光环在艺术品复制中的衰落,但即使他对当今的品牌文化也可能感到惊讶。例如,H&M和Zara之类的快速消费品(FMCG)品牌指示了光环的再现和褪色的时间,这反过来又使它们更容易获得,因此很受欢迎。但是像LV这样的奢侈品牌通过使品牌显得“优雅”,“经典”和“独特”来重建其“光环”。品牌不仅是一种推广产品的方式,而且还是一种促进生活方式的方式(Berger,2008)。我们生活在一个不同品牌的世界中。

Brand integration and cultural economy

1. Introduction
In the late capitalism, brand has become a distinct phenomenon. Walter Benjamin (2008) once elaborated the fading of aura in the reproduction of art, but even he may be surprised at the brand culture today. For example, the Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) brands such as H&M and Zara indicate the time of reproduction and fading of aura, which in turns makes them more accessible and thus desirable; but the luxury goods brands such as LV rebuild their “aura” by making the brand seem “elegant”, “classics” and thus “unique”. Brand not only serves as a way of promoting product, but also a way of promoting lifestyle (Berger, 2008). We live in a world of different brands.
Brand as cultural phenomenon is now getting more and more diverse and complicated, and in modern times brand involves complex cultural sub-systems, including the consumer, the product, the symbolic system, the capitalism system. We need new theoretical tools to analyze the brand as “new media object” (Lury, 2004). In this article, the author tries to put the brand in a complex systematic network drawing on the theory of “brand as assemblage” (Lury, 2009), which is “made up through multiple heterogeneous processes in which different forms of marketing, management and design expertise converge” (Bennett& Healy, 2009, p. 6) Contemporary scholars borrows the concept of “assemblage” from STS study and ANT to reconsider the brand as a complex cultural systematic network, which gives ontological stress on different involved subjects and their interactions.
This article discusses the “brand as assemblage” in theoretical and empirical perspective. In theoretical part, I will discuss the Marxism and Frankfurt school critique, the traditional persuasion theory and public relation theory, and brand as symbolic object following Roland Barthes’s semiotics and Bourdieu’s critique of symbolic distinction and violence. I will then discuss “brand as assemblage” (Lury, 2009) compared with these theories to show how these theoretical perspective understand the new phenomenon in the modern world. And I will also discuss the knowledge making process in the modern world, which helps us understand how the “assemblage” is possible in the symbolic perspective. I argue in this article that the material network background and the symbolic system make the capitalism cultural economy possible.
In empirical perspective, I will discuss two cases to show how brand can be seen as assemblage and how it contributes to our understanding of symbolic commodities.
In the second section, I would look into two brands to explain the value of thinking of brand as an assemblage. The Chanel brand is based on the legendary life stories of its founder: Coco Chanel. It has successfully established its brand image on the basis of creating a lifestyle instead of simply a piece of clothing. The lifestyle of France and a unique class were carefully packaged into her signature collections.

2. Brand as Assemblage
(1) brand and academy
Brand is an essential cultural representation of capitalism system. As Lury (2004, p. 47) argues, brand is “a part of the rise of a virtual economy, an economy in which feedback systems of information, communication and control fundamentally reconfigure the temporality of production and processes of objectification”. Brand can be thus seen as a multi-determined configuration, a cultural phenomenon shaped by different powers. Scholars in different lines of theory may put different theoretical stress on it. Following the Marxism tradition, many scholars argue brand value as part of “surplus value” (Arvidsson,2005) or analyze the brand phenomenon as “commodity fetishism” (Kline & Leiss,1978). The recent Marxism scholars put more emphasis on the symbolic exchange of the brand economy. For example, Baudrillard (1993) stresses it’s the symbolic capitals that maintain the capital economic system. Brand is valuable because of the symbolic exchange in this way. He claims that “This (the game of power) goes for detergent brands as much as for a 'peaceful co-existence” (Baudrillard, 1993: 208),

(2) brand as assemblage
(a)assemblage as a useful concept in socio-economic analysis
This part provides the theoretical discussion of “assemblage”. What assemblage is in line of ANT theory, how assemblage helps us understand the network of material, human beings, geography, and how the critical potential of assemblage is will be discussed here.
(b)Brand as assemblage
(c) (3) assemblage in our mind

Arvidsson, A. (2005). Brands a critical perspective. Journal of Consumer Culture, 5(2), 235-258.
Baudrillard, J. (1993). Symbolic exchange and death .London: Sage.
Benjamin, W. (2008). The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction. Penguin UK.
Berger, J. (2008). Ways of seeing . Penguin UK.
Kline, S., & Leiss, W. (1978). Advertising, Needs and'Commodity Fetishism'. Canadian Journal ofPolitical and Social Theory 2(1), 5-30.
Lury, C. (2004) ‘Just do what? The brand as new media object’ in Lury, C. (2004). Brands: The Logos of the Global Economy.
Lury, C. (2009). Brand as assemblage: Assembling culture. Journal of Cultural Economy, 2(1-2), 67-82.
Tony Bennett & Chris Healy (2009) INTRODUCTION, Journal of Cultural Economy, 2:1-2, 3-10


Critically discuss exams as a means of assessment

2020-06-24 18:15:54 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Critically discuss exams as a means of assessment,文章讲述考试是教育场所的一种常见方法,是对学生的普通评估之一。根据考试的定义,它是对材料,产品或服务的无损检查,调查或测试,以确定学生是否符合规格或要求(《商业词典》)。看来考试是非常客观和有效的。但是,作为教育,通过严格考虑将考试作为一种评估方式来倡导学生,是我们的责任和荣幸。

Critically discuss exams as a means of assessment

Examination, as a common method in educational sites, works as one of ordinary assessments for students. Based on the definition of examination, it is a non-destructive inspection, investigation, or testing of materials, products, or services to determine students’ conformation to specifications or requirements (Business Dictionary). It seems that examination is very objective and effective. However, as educates, it is our responsibility and honor to advocate for students through critically considering the examination as a mode of assessment.
Examination analysis and assessments tend to focus on broad institutional metrics and are very important to the success of students. In terms of this, examination has various functions in educational behaviors. For example, examination could stimulate students to study harder, examination could diagnose if students have understood the knowledge and skills, examination could help educates to classify different levels of students so that educates could make different educational plans based on the very student’s academic level. At last, examination could help educates to assess if the student has met the academic requirements and if students need more supporting and empowerment. In order to make better examination, educate need to make the examination more practical, reliable, validity, and difficulty. Meanwhile, in order to make examination more effective, educates need to give students a specific explanation of the results, including students’ ranking, advantages, and disadvantages.
Examination is an important method for educates to help students to study initiatively and positively. It helps students deal with their sluggishness. It accelerates students to effectively arrange their schedules and plans. Examination could be one of students’ motivate to study. Based on social learning theory (Albert Bandura), learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context and can occur purely through observation or direct instruction. Exactly, students would be stimulated by peers’ examination result as well as their social status in the class.
In a word, both examination and assessment is a method for educates to evaluate their educational achievements, and to determine students’ academic performance, and educates’ teaching performance, which is an essential part of education. Although educates could gain those information through daily observation, it is still every external and coarse, sometimes, it is inaccurate. In order to get accurate data of students’ academic performance, educates have responsibility to make assessment whose best method could be seen as the examination for students. Thus, both examination and assessment are indispensible ingredients for educates when they advocate for students and apply their educational behaviors.
Examination works as an important part of educational assessment, however, it still cannot represent all of assessment for education. Following, I will talk something about discrepancy between examination and assessment.
Examination is a very mode of assessment, but they have essential differences between each other. Based on most educates’ experience, educates’ daily activities including dialog, lecture, and empathy directly influence the development of students because students can feel the expectations and assessment from educates. Thus, unusual assessment runs through every step in education. Students will develop prominently if educates could consciously combine stimulation and improvement of assessment with their daily unusual educational administration. It will be more effective if educates could make assessment more unusual and assess students through ordinary talking at any possible moment. However, examination, as a mode of assessment, shows more mechanized elements, in which students can only reflect their understanding of knowledge and skill in the very exam. Meanwhile, the result of the examination, sometimes, can not fully give the expression to reflect students’ real capacities, which means students’ performance will be highly effected by many unrelated ingredients such as psychological conditions, physical healthy, and preference to the very subjects or contents in the examination. Thus, it educates only assess student based their performance in the examination, the assessment will be unfairly and incomprehensively.
In order to make the examination more effective in assessment of education, it must have some modification and improvement based on traditional examinations. As a mode of assessment, innovation of examination and assessment mutually influence on each other, in which they are related to a very large extent. It announces that educates should focus on students’ learning process, thus, examination should follow this concept with assessment in its functions, contents, types, and dealing with results.
First, in the content of examination, it should emphasize on students’ connection of social activities and life experience. Examination should emphasize on checking students’ analysis abilities, and problem solving skills. That means, students should be reflected more and more an critical thinking and innovative thinking, while the examination could decrease the content that tests reciting knowledge as dry as chip. For example, in traditional examinations, it requires a lot of reciting knowledge, logical thinking styles, and speeding reading content. However, based on a large amount of research in recently years, student could not really understand knowledge and skills even they can recite concepts, formulas, and reading. Sometime, even students cannot fully recite or remember the definition, they could still solve a practical problem. It means examination should pay more attention to problems that relates to their daily life, practical experience, comprehensive thinking, and innovative behavior instead of focusing on word explanation, answering speed, or testing skills.
Second, for the pattern of the examination, educates should advocate for students and try to give students multiple opportunities, which combines various ways that could break the traditional examination’s type. Examination is just a way to assess students’ ability, however, students’ abilities could not be assessed only through examinations. All students should practice their abilities in real life, in order to make better assessment with educates. Thus, new types of examination should be flexible and various, such as self-assessment, Internet corporate, debate competition, program study, sample making, presentation, and even role plays. Students should have right to choose types of examination in different kinds of examinations. Meanwhile, in the same examination, students have right to choose different types, in which educates should give students more room to choose. Various types of examination could assess students’ abilities through different ways. Based on Heron (1988), unilateral control and assessment from educates cannot fulfill those requirements. That means, different types of examination combines with new types of educational assessment. Students who receive traditional types of education will definitely not be able to accept those new types of examinations and assessment. It requires educates use their power, new educational concepts to advocate for students, and invoke them to improve abilities.
Finally, in terms of the result of examination, educates should make specific direction and leadership, while educates should respect on informed consent of students’ examination results. Examination, as a mode of assessment, is to help students to improve their abilities and knowledge. Thus, this is the reason why educates should help students analyze their examination’s result. What important is the helpful opinions instead of stressful language.
Thus, examination as a mode of assessment, need to combine with other effective and open-ended assessment that can comprehensively assess students’ abilities. Educates should choose flexible and various types of examinations based on the goal, character, and object of examination. Meanwhile, give students more opportunities to show their abilities. And educates should give students specific opinion regard to students’ examination results.
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