

北美作业代写:Green marketing

2018-04-28 17:08:34 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Green marketing,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了绿色营销。绿色营销是指企业营销活动中体现的社会价值观、伦理道德观充分考虑了社会效益,既自觉维护自然生态平衡,更自觉抵制各种有害营销。因此,广义的绿色营销也称伦理营销。绿色营销是在绿色消费观念驱动下产生的,企业以环境保护理念作为其经营哲学思想,以其绿色文化为其价值观念,以消费者的绿色消费为出发点,力求满足消费者绿色消费需求的营销策略。

About green marketing, the interpretation of the generalized refers to the enterprise marketing activities reflect the social values and ethical moral values give full consideration to the social benefit, maintain the natural ecological balance, consciously resist all kinds of bad marketing. Therefore, the broad green marketing is also called ethical marketing. Narrow sense of green marketing refers to enterprises in the marketing activity, seeking the interests of the interests of consumers, businesses and the environment coordination, to fully meet the needs of the consumers, enterprise profit target, also should fully pay attention to the natural ecological balance.

To sum up, the green marketing is in the green consumption idea, driven by the enterprise with environmental protection concept as its business philosophy, with its green culture as its value idea, to consumer green consumption as a starting point, makes every effort to satisfy the consumer green consumer demand the marketing strategy, realize the goal of enterprise, also should fully pay attention to the natural ecological balance, the core is in accordance with the environmental protection and ecological principles to select and determine the marketing mix strategy.

Consumption demand from low level to high level development, is irreversible objective law, green consumption is a higher level of consumption concept. When people's physiological needs such as food and clothing are basically satisfied, they will have the requirements to improve the comprehensive quality of life, resulting in the need for clean environment and products. Meeting the green demand is the starting point of green marketing.

Green marketing aims at meeting the green demand, providing consumers with products that can effectively prevent resource waste, environmental pollution and health damage in the process of production, circulation and consumption. Green marketing pursues the long-term interests and sustainable development of human beings, and attaches importance to coordinating the relationship between enterprise management and natural environment, and strives to realize the integration and development of human behavior and natural environment.

Green marketing is a new concept focusing on the social aspect, which is to realize the coordinated and sustainable development of human society. In the competitive market, there must be perfect political and economic management system, the formulation and implementation of environmental protection and green marketing policy, policy, restricting the short-term behavior of local governments, departments and enterprises, with the joint efforts of the whole society and all mankind, to maintain the whole society and the long-term interests of mankind.

Technological progress is the decisive factor of industrial change and evolution. But technological progress, such as a departure from the green idea, could accelerate the process of environmental pollution. Only by promoting the development of green products with green technology, and promoting the development of green products that save energy and resources, and pollution-free, is the material guarantee of green marketing.

In addition to the green food, green product research and development in our country has also spread to other areas, non-fresno freezers, low toxic paint, unleaded gasoline, no mercury and cadmium battery, the toilet paper can be recycling, harmless to the human body silk products have obtained national environmental certification. In most rich countries biosynthesis pesticide research was still in the stage of exploration, Chinese academy of agricultural sciences' eppo sophora nicotine emulsion has been successfully developed, obtained the Geneva fair gold medal, and has started to mass production.

With the development of green products as the center, the green marketing of Chinese enterprises has been fully developed. In some cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, guangzhou, successively set up dozens of green store and at different levels and to bear the green products wholesale, retail, storage, transportation and so on a function, some still responsible for production of green products supply, technical training and other services. Green marketing has promoted the corresponding development of green technology, green industry and green occupation.

Under the guidance of green theory and green consciousness, enterprises implementing green marketing must develop green marketing strategy and green marketing mix.

In the era of global green tide, enterprises have formulated strategic plans that reflect the connotation of green marketing and are conducive to long-term development based on environmental and social interests. The green marketing strategy clarifies the plan of green products and the necessary resources investment, and explains the direction and measures of environmental protection. The green marketing strategy should meet the green demand as the starting point and the destination, both to meet the existing and potential green demand, and to promote the green consumption awareness and the development of green demand. Green marketing brings higher marginal revenue and realizes reasonable "green profit", which is the inevitable result of the implementation of green marketing strategy in the long run.

Green products not only contribute to social or environmental improvement, but also can effectively establish a good corporate image, adapt to the "environmental return" craze, and bring long-term benefits to enterprises. The life cycle analysis of green products mainly considers the damage and impact of products and packaging on the environment during the product life cycle, and strives to reduce resource consumption and environmental pollution. Correct and effective green channel is the key link of green marketing. Be careful not only to select reputable green middlemen, but also to choose and improve storage and transportation conditions that can avoid pollution, reduce wastage and reduce costs. Green price should reflect the ecological environment cost, including the charge of defray of the absorption by the environmental protection and environmental improvement, establish the basic ideas of environment and ecology has a price, carry out payment "polluter" principle, to promote the development of ecology, low pollution, low consumption of green technology and application. Green promotion is the behavior of green media spreading green enterprises and product information. To use media and social activities to promote the green performance of enterprises; Provide financial support to organizations and activities related to environmental protection through sponsorship and donation. Advertising should highlight the characteristics of green products, highlighting the strength of environmental protection through the whole society, and relying on the contribution of everyone. The advertisement input and the advertisement frequency should be moderate, prevent because of advertisement and cause resource waste and sound, light and other sensory pollution.

Development of green economy need green production and green mode of production, more important is to change people's ideas, to establish the idea of harmonious and sustainable, improve our ideological and moral level, every citizen of green products.


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Assignment代写:Australian TAFE teaching model

2018-04-28 17:08:18 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Australian TAFE teaching model,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了澳大利亚TAFE教学模式。澳大利亚TAFE是技术和继续教育的缩写,指的是澳大利亚的公立技术和继续教育学院。基于终生教育理念的澳大利亚技术和继续教育体系,是澳大利提供职业教育培训的主体。澳大利亚TAFE以市场需求与就业为导向,融技术教育与继续教育为一体,把学历教育与岗位培训结合起来。其采用融理论实践为一体的任务驱动教学模式,教学方法灵活、多样。

Australia's technical education originated in the 1870 s, but until the 1970 s the candy unwilling to report to determine the broad sense of vocational training department's identity, which became TAFE college. The camgan report also advocates no threshold for TAFE and encourages private sector and community participation.

Australian TAFE is an abbreviation for technology and continued education, which refers to Australian public technology and continues education. Australian technology and continuing education system based on education concept for life is the main body of education training in Australia. Our country in the modern vocational education system construction plan of the interpretation of modern vocational education is the service of economic and social development needs, geared to the needs of economic and social development and the production line, cultivate talented workers and technical skills and promote sustainable professional development of the labor force education type ", is an important part of the whole education system. In other words, professional education is for everyone who needs some kind of skill.

The Australian government has set up TAFE college to provide off-job training for traditional apprentices, but now its services have been extended to all ages and all categories of professional education projects. In 1995, Australia reorganized TAFE college under the market framework. At present, more than 1, 000 across the campus is located in Australia, many colleges in the asia-pacific region and other overseas areas provide remote education service, that become Australia TAFE college in Australia network category, most of the largest higher education department. Australian technology and the dean of continuing education committee is the highest institution of the national institute of TAFE, 58 public represents Australia TAFE at the university of technology and school of continuing education, and some subordinate colleges and Australia - Pacific institute of technology.

Australian technology and the dean of continuing education commission was established in 1998, the main duty is to advocate quality skills in Australia, the management of a series of international education and cooperation of other college training program. The TAFE college in Australia is a public high professional education and professional education training institute. Most of its funds come from the state government, and most of the government's vocational training funds are transferred to the public TAFE college.

And, of course, in addition to TAFE college, there are other forms, profit or non-profit national approbatory vocational education and training institutions, such as private vocational education and training provider has been eligible to apply for registered training organization identity and public college of TAFE, training to compete the public funds. Many companies have also set up their own training institutions to train their employees.

The national certified VET is completed and evaluated by a registered training institution under the aussie quality training framework. These registered training institutions must meet the quality standards set by the Australian quality training framework and the daily laws and regulations applicable to all enterprises. The registered training institution has its own approved registration scope, which stipulates that the registered institution can assess and certify the qualification and professional competence category if it meets the competency standards. The registration and certification bodies of the state governments shall implement the rules and regulations of the registration training organization. Due to the early start of education in Australia, its system and training system are relatively perfect. There were more than 4,000 RTO vocational training institutions in Australia in 2007. These institutions carrying out for the national economic development of Australia, transmission technology talents and the important task of the labor force, as China's "modern vocational education system construction plan" points out: "with the development of new industrialization and the development of science and technology, modern vocational education system is more and more become an important support of national competitiveness."

Many colleges and universities in our country attaches great importance to Australia TAFE education mode, such as the Australian VET courses as an important way of improving teachers' professional quality, through the airport with Australian VET training institutions in class to train their teachers. TAE is a part of Australia's TAFE, which is an essential qualification for teaching professional teachers in Australia. This vocational training provides teachers with a window to study and study the education system and education method in Australia.

With the market demand and employment as the orientation, the technology education is integrated with education, and the education background education is combined with the post training. Australia TAFE curriculum based on national vocational qualification standards, using industry association to develop the training package, for the Australian Labour market and on-the-job personnel to continue education, vocational training provided meet the requirements of the industry standardization, standardization, modular curriculum content. In training and assessment level 4 certification training, for example, demand for trainer ability training target, training objects, training content, industry standards, evaluation index to make a detailed description and stipulations. The content of the training package covers all walks of life, specific and specific. For example, the training object is the drug salesperson, which can find the content of the training, the training requirements and the assessment indicators for the trainer in the corresponding training package.

The teaching mode of task-driven teaching is flexible and diversified. Task driven teaching mode by setting can stimulate students learning initiative and interest, teaching the knowledge and skills in the form of "task" issued to the student, teachers of students according to the specific task goal, task, content, task requirements, through their own practice to complete the "mission" operation, so that the students master the skill. This scene is closely related to the students' future career skills. The students are the main body of the task, the teacher plays the leading role.


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2018-04-28 17:08:01 | 日記
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Paper代写:Public art design

2018-04-28 17:07:40 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Public art design讨论了公共艺术设计。在城市建设发展过程中,公共艺术设计可谓是十分重要。而公共艺术设计,主要是将公共场所一些文化、艺术,加以夸张地表现,以此填充公共建设。公共艺术的完美结合能够有效提升城市形象,其不仅仅有助于给人更好的视觉愉悦,还能给人带来精神的享受。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The design of public art and the shaping of urban image are mutually dependent and contradictory concepts. In the process of modern city construction, the construction of a lot of scenery, such as square, park facilities, etc., requires different elements to be used in the construction of the above scenes. Embodiment of public art design major is completed through the above element combination, the city's image is mainly the evolution of history, culture and art, which contains not only the city culture, also contains the folk culture and art. In the process of specific public art design, designers often need to consider the local culture of the city level, urban image is constantly enrich public art design and development process.

Each city has its own cultural characteristics, its main reason lies in the geographical difference. The characteristics of urban culture are mainly reflected by the urban history and culture and the quality of civilization. In the process of urban construction and development, public art design is very important. It is worth noting that the public art design is to progress, because of the era development, public art design is a new era culture, enrich the public art in the process of culture.

The so-called public art design, mainly to the public place some culture, art, to exaggerate the performance, to fill the public construction. The perfect combination of public art can effectively enhance the image of the city, which not only helps to give people better visual pleasure, but also brings spiritual enjoyment to people.

The so-called urban image mainly refers to the cultural quality reflected by the city after its historical and cultural evolution. In the modern city, the image shaping is mainly the construction of the historical culture and modern art design to integrate effectively, so as to build a public place for visual impact. It is worth noting that the image of the city is no more than public art. The main difference between the two is that the image of the city is more in favor of the traditional culture, which is the embodiment of the traditional culture. The specific cultural quality of the city can enhance the sense of belonging of urban residents.

Urban public art design mainly depends on the city platform. As the essence of a city, the public art design mainly displays the traditional culture through exaggeration. Contemporary urban public space is chosen by public art because public art needs to be reflected through urban public space. Therefore, public art design originates from city planning.

The image of a city consists of various factors, such as urban space, urban history and traditional culture. In the process of urban public art design, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the whole city. Only in this way can urban public art design be more close to urban space. In addition, the city in the process of development and construction, the overall environment will have a certain degree of change, the art form, the great changes will want to urban public space to give people a greater visual impact, requires much more prominent in the city public art design. It is worth noting that the outstanding design can not affect the overall structure and the combination of cultural quality, need to give full consideration to the surrounding natural environment, etc., only in this way can ensure the applicability of the public art design.

In the above analysis, we can understand the city's image and the concept of public art design both as independent, but inevitable relation between both, as shown in figure 1, for public art and the relationship between the city image shaping elements. With the rapid development of social economy, urban construction has been developing rapidly. In this case, the city image has become a necessary condition for the common development of society, economy and culture. Next, the concrete measures of urban image building based on public art are analyzed, mainly including the following aspects:

In modern city, the main function of public art design is to enrich the space of urban landscape. The construction of landscape and rest area in the city makes people more explicit about the role of urban public facilities. When people visit the city, they tend to be more familiar with some classical buildings in the city, the main reason is that the regional nature is more prominent. Therefore, in shaping the city image, it is necessary to pay attention to regional performance, image urban functions need to be created at the same time, the main reason lies in the city's image shape the final goal is to be able to make better survival and development of urban residents in the city, meet the needs of people in the urbanization process. So-called city function image creation, mainly refers to the social economy under the background of rapid development, to meet the People's Daily increasing material and cultural needs, under the public art layout complete the function of city image. The current urban residents demand, mainly including living space, commercial space and open space, public art design major is to meet people, on the basis of the above requirements, but also meet the needs of people's life quality.

The core of modern urban development lies in economic construction. Therefore, it is more important to shape the image of urban economy. Public art design in the middle of the city's image mainly depends on the performance of many elements combination effect, such as height, width of urban roads, urban building facilities are a concrete manifestation of city economic image. Now, a series of evaluation standard of the urban economy image relies mainly on the city public art design integrity, shape is a good city image is the key to whether the public art design reaches a certain height and layout is reasonable. Only when the public art design shows the overall effect of the city, can we perfect the image of the city economy. Such as modern guangdong area, after the reform and opening up the economy developing rapidly, in the process of construction of city, public art design fully draw lessons from foreign advanced experience, at the same time pay more attention to regional, successfully created a modern urban communities.

The image of urban civilization mainly consists of two aspects, namely, urban history civilization and urban modern civilization. Next to them in detail: the historical civilization as a city's connotation, exists in the middle of the city public art design can reflect the urban historical civilization, mainly there are old buildings, the history museum, etc. Through the architecture, we can learn about the historical civilization, and through the history museum, people can see the ancient products and learn about the history civilization and the development of the city. The key to the shaping of urban modern civilization is whether the living standards and quality of urban residents have been effectively improved. The so-called modern civilization mainly refers to the new cultural, spiritual and modern laws and regulations of the city after entering the industrial society. The design of public art is mainly aimed at the shaping of modern civilization. Its main purpose is to improve the quality of life of urban residents, so as to promote better and faster development of the city. From a small perspective, the art design of city trash can; From the big aspect, urban traffic signs are the expression of urban modern civilization. It is worth noting that different cities, due to geographical differences, will create different images of cities in the design of public art.

To sum up, in the context of rapid social and economic development, the pace of urban construction has been accelerated. The city image has become a necessary condition for the harmonious development of urban economy and culture. To this end, among urban public art design, need to be exaggeration, combined with construction of urban history, culture and philosophy, etc., pay attention to the enhance the sense of belonging, to ensure that construction of the public space can meet the demand of the current urban development. Only in this way can we build a good image of the city.


Essay代写:Art works in the Internet age

2018-04-28 16:47:37 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Art works in the Internet age,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了互联网时代的美术作品。数字化技术的普及和发展为艺术品提供了更多的生存方式,互联网时代的美术作品的数字化变革,实际上是美术作品从传统生存方式向数字化生存方式的变革。随着数字化进程的不断深入推进,各大艺术中心、博物馆等都已经开始逐渐采取数字化的美术作品储存和分享方式。美术作品的数字化变革,极大地拓宽了美术作品的生命力和传播力,也为其提供了更多的衍生形态。

With the rapid development of computer and network technology, the digital process has been popularized in all aspects of people's life. The increasing maturity of digital technology has provided more dimensions for the inheritance and development of art works. With the support of digital technology and art in a whole new way, new great impact on the traditional art of bearing and mode of transmission, and gradually become a mainstream art way of life.

Development and popularization of digital technology provides a more way of life, art works of fine art of the digital revolution of the Internet era, is actually a digital art works, from the traditional way of life, survival way of change. As for the digital survival mode of this new kind of fine art work, it has been explored at the beginning of digital technology. With the deepening of the digitization process, the major art center, museum and so on all have begun to gradually adopt the mode of digital art storage and sharing, for example some interaction based on computer Internet technology exhibition activities, through a web search engine to provide users with more convenient digital art browsing, making art feature documentaries, via the Internet or TV provide abundant art show, etc.

In general, the art of digital life is actually refers to the computer network technology and the support of digital technology, such as art works from the traditional paper bearing way into digital load mode. The digital revolution of art works greatly expands the vitality and propagation force of fine art works, and also provides more derivative forms for it.

The digital revolution of art works is an inevitable trend in the development of society and history. Computer network technology constructs another virtual space outside the real world, eliminates the obstacle of time and distance, and constructs a new bridge on the virtual level. Art also borrow from the new bridge, from the materialized carrier of surpassing, from the fine arts center, exhibition center, museum of art, such as object constraints, can be in different time and place, and Shared by different image. People in intelligent terminals can be carefree to enjoy the world within the scope of the works of fine art, both to experience in the real scene viewing art feeling, can see clearly the real art, even many web page comes with a detailed interpretation of art works and introduction, the audience can easily understand more information of fine arts; At the same time, enjoy the digital art works on intelligent terminals, can also realize the repeatability of viewing behavior, don't worry about it at the scene of the entity may face can't take pictures, and works hard to remember important details. The alleviation of barriers of time and space, brings great help for the spread of art, has solved the different museums around the world store different excellent art works, the audience want to see or reference, are going to the museum to see everybody confused. The digital technology borrows the virtual bridge of the computer network architecture, brings the reality convenient experience for the audience. In a sense, virtual reality is an extension and supplement, which is a further improvement and expansion of the real world.

The digital transformation of art works is most prominent in the way it is carried. This kind of digital load changes in the way, contributing to the two prominent art: one is the change of the mode of transmission, make the medium for the spread of art and the way great changes have taken place; 2 it is retained the change of the way, at some level to avoid time varying degrees of damage caused by the work itself, so as to keep the height reduction of fine arts, present precious details keep great work.

Art in the process of the digital revolution to the change of its means of transmission, make people can not only across time and space obstacle anytime, anywhere to get interested in art resources, more convenient is a new way of communication for people to provide a more convenient way of sharing. Have the same interests and hobbies can borrow by the network in the same picture or its author, under the section of the message and discuss with each other, these substances are difficult to meet the real world, was able to borrow by the virtual network world to discuss the pros and cons of a pair of art works. Convenient service at the same time, through the network, people outside of art can be acquired in sharing and discussion more benefits, with the help of the professionals to further broaden their perspective of art appreciation.

The traditional carrier of fine art works is rich, including the traditional carrier of canvas, paper and so on. But these materials are susceptible to oxidation and other negative effects of the natural environment, causing certain damage. The digital reform of art works enables it to be stored in the database in the form of images, which greatly avoids the negative impact of the natural environment on traditional carriers. After unified classification and management, the database can also be Shared and circulated freely. Therefore, the digital transformation and preservation of art works has provided great help.

The digital revolution of art works has changed the way of carrying and spreading of art works, and influenced the relationship between art works and appreciators. Traditional carrier and transmission mode of art works, by the people occupying the initiative position, people need to overcome the obstacles of space and time traveled long distances to appreciate the art works of art bearing seat, or by having a party to the art exhibition tour activities, and enable people to have the opportunity to see the works of fine art in other place. This kind of art and the relationship between the appreciation is a one-way passive and active relationship, art as an object of appreciated alone while others as active, need to actively pursue spontaneously art works.

However, in the process of digital transformation, the relationship between art works and appreciators has taken on new features. The art works transcend the obstacles of materialization, and their storage and propagation are no longer limited. Digital art works can be transmitted through computer networks in a virtual world without obstacles. At the same time, by intelligent terminal web, APP, search engines, such as editing and finishing, the user in the process of art appreciation can receive information about many aspects of art at the same time, actively or passively for more effective content. Digital art is already out of the original state of passive, but rather through digital this way more easy communication and promotion, carrying more effective content and information, bring more enjoy art appreciation. The viewer in the active position in the traditional model of appreciation also hit, people can in self active pursuit of art and art connotation at the same time, for digital art works with more knowledge, some of these knowledge could be just what the user need, some users don't urgent need. However, under the support of a huge amount of content, users can choose the content easily and conveniently, and bring more convenient enjoyment to the whole appreciation and pursuit of artistic connotation.

The digital revolution of art works also brings about new changes in the sharing and value analysis of art works, thus creating new features in the aesthetic standard. The digital transformation of art works has gradually transformed the carrier of art works into images and web pages, and the way to browse and appreciate art works has become the browsing of web pages and images. This kind of click and browse behavior formed a large amount of data, such as search, click, download rate, etc., so as to objectively reflect the art works by the digital revolution and the new aesthetic quantitative standards.

The emergence of this new feature, on the one hand, reflects the art works and works of art gradually beyond the traditional boundaries of small art critic circles, to become the subject of a wide audience and appreciate the main body, the public can browse and download way reflect her for the favour of art works, even many site offers to let all people can be online comments for art function, make its can speak freely, on the other hand also makes the spread of art presented the computer a common characteristic of the network age, the mode of transmission is more extensive, popularize, and the interaction between a more market-oriented model. It make the appreciation of art boundary greatly widen, to a certain extent, expanded the scope of works of art on people's education, at the same time, the development of art is made that facing a new crisis - the establishment of the more common aesthetic standard, is it really promotes the development of art to a higher level? However, it is gratifying that the market intervention caused by the change of digital art works has encouraged the development of art to some extent. With the improving of the people spiritual needs, between art and people's demand is a state of benign interaction, and with the maturity of the art market, the development of art gradually formed a stay under the premise of artistic value, catering to the demand of era, the mainstream development model.

