

北美作业代写:Spielberg's film

2018-07-05 17:47:32 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Spielberg's film,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了斯皮尔伯格的电影。斯皮尔伯格作为世界电影史上的大师级人物,他坚持单一的主体叙事原则,采用戏剧式的叙事结构,制造大团圆的故事结局模式,依靠自己电影作品的艺术魅力征服了全世界。斯皮尔伯格对艺术的贡献最突出的表现就是具有用文化形态的电影影响了社会文化,充分发挥了电影的艺术表现力,这也正是斯皮尔伯格电影的魅力之一。

Spielberg's emergence has undoubtedly accelerated the pace of understanding of the world. As the world's legend in the history of the cinema and the iconic master, he insist on the principle of the main body of a single narrative, the dramatic narrative structure, and create the story of the happy ending mode, rely on their own films artistic charm conquered the hundreds of millions of audiences around the world. Combining with Steven spielberg film, from the artistic achievement and contribution he films, the source of art, art style and art culture symbol of four aspects analyzes the spielberg art unique charm.

In the 120 years since its birth, film has changed the way people entertain themselves as a modern art form of hearing and vision. With the continuous development of film art, film has penetrated into all aspects of human life and become an indispensable part of modern life. In the development of film art, a number of film works and film masters with high artistic charm have emerged. Among them, spielberg has become an important figure in the world film history with his shocking visual effect and profound connotation. This paper starts from spielberg's films to explore the artistic charm of his films.

From "jaws" to "ET aliens, from" schindler's list "to" saving private Ryan ", these films all performance spielberg unlimited creative passion and amazing artistic expression. Spielberg's films combine stage art with modern media technology to create stunning artistic effects. Spielberg's success is also reflected in his consistent pursuit of art and taste in his works, and his ultimate concern for human beings. It was this artistic style that made spielberg the focus of many critics and media.

Spielberg's contribution to the art is the most outstanding performance has with cultural forms film has affected the social culture, give full play to the film art expressive force, one of which is spielberg movie's charm. Spielberg pays more attention to revealing the real needs and desires of the noumenon in the selection of film themes, the setting and shaping of characters, and the determination of aesthetic standards. And traditional culture to the desire of restraint, self-discipline and strict bondage, of the consciousness of the characters in the Steven spielberg film with different appetites and desires, has the instinct need and the requirement of society, he in these films use rational thinking to thinking about the reality of social psychological end-result of culture, so as to show the ultimate care for human heart. This ultimate humanistic concern endows spielberg's works with profound ideological and philosophical connotations, and endows them with great artistic charm.

This unique humanistic and artistic charm is vividly represented in spielberg's film Jurassic park. In Jurassic park, spielberg chose a science fiction story, of a dinosaur show originality, the art world, with the survival of dinosaurs disaster shocked audience's mind, spielberg will in time of peace prepare for war, a topic full of philosophy in a scene in the movie shocked, let the audience in an audio-visual feast enlightenment of the eternal.

The inclusion of artistic content and the diversity of artistic forms will not affect the artist's creative spirit. The diversity of artistic works is closely related to the difference of the artist's artistic life. Spielberg was born in Ohio in 1946 to a computer scientist and a music performer. Spielberg grew up with the conditions of taking risks and thinking, which opened his artistic path.

As a person deeply influenced by jewish culture, spielberg has a deep sense of rejection and inferiority towards jewish identity. Because during the second world war, the jews suffered a fascist crazy massacre, was born in the United States during the period of the jews spielberg because their identity by classmates often teasing and even abused, this let the infant spielberg loathe his jewish identity, "holocaust" vocabulary has also become his lifelong don't want to hear the words. These experiences have given rise to a hunger for truth, equality and freedom in spielberg's films. Perhaps because of his early experience, spielberg was more able to show jews' desire for freedom and life and their frustration with reality in his films. This understanding of the desire to survive in the fear of death makes spielberg's films highlight the thought of life.

The scene in life is always a constant source of artistic creation. Spielberg's films are inspired by both the material of life and the style of Hollywood movies. In his artistic creation, spielberg always adheres to the ontology and pays attention to the inner needs and pursuits of human beings. Spielberg's Hollywood films are reflective and universally applicable. On the narrative style, spielberg adhere to the principle of the main body of a single narrative, the dramatic narrative structure, and create the story of the happy ending to meet the audience look forward to for a complete story. The use of these elements contributed to the wide spread of spielberg's films.

The dramatic narrative structure comes from the performance art of the stage. Like stage performance art, the narrative structure of the film also relies on contradictions and conflicts. Spielberg will dramatic structure into the movie's creation, in the 16 movie work, the beginning of the story, development, climax and end four stages all without exception to do. In ET, for example, the story begins with a young boy, elliot, adopting an alien. The development of the story is that the boy and the alien have established a deep friendship. The climax of the story is that ET and the children break out of the siege together. The story ends with ET leaving the earth. It has been proved that this kind of structure with obvious starting, inheriting, turning and combining is more in line with the narrative style of the film.

Spielberg's approach to the movie's ending is more in favor of the mainstream Hollywood ending, the happy ending. Both the director and the audience have their own psychological expectations for the ending of the story, and the happy ending is the one that can best meet the psychological expectations of the audience. In spielberg's works, he always allows the audience to share the same breath and fate with the hero, and gives the audience a strong sense of involvement and presence in the film.

Spielberg has become one of America's most influential celebrities thanks to the artistic charm of his films. His films have won many awards, and he has become one of the symbol characters of American movies. The successful spielberg has taught more and more newcomers his understanding and experience of the artistic charm of film. Robert ? praise m Keith, ? Sam mendes, Alexander Payne, etc in various fields has been tipped to become a Hollywood under spielberg new forces, they are active in all areas of Hollywood. It was his devotion that gave rise to the new power of Hollywood, which embodied spielberg's noble personality and strong artistic appeal. Spielberg's film works are being used as a symbol of culture, attracting more people to make movies with its unique charm, which ensures the continuous prosperity of American film industry. Spielberg's artistic charm lies in he blurs the boundaries are film successfully, with stunning visuals and embody the humanistic concept of ultimate concern conquered the film lovers around the world, his works show the unique artistic charm has attracted more and more people will pay attention to Hollywood, pay close attention to American films. This is of great significance for spreading American culture and enhancing America's international influence. In this sense, the artistic charm of spielberg films is not only a cultural symbol, but also a reflection of national artistic level and power.

As can be seen from the above exploration and analysis, spielberg is a legendary and iconic figure in the history of world cinema. He adheres to the principle of single subject narration, adopts dramatic narrative structure, and creates happy ending, which is representative in Hollywood movies. Since the 21st century, with the continuous development of new media, communication era, China has entered a mass culture research spielberg movie artistic charm, to interpret Hollywood movie narrative structure, character set, use special effects and artistic technique of expression, is of great significance for the development of Chinese film.


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