

Wrong education for black people

2020-07-29 11:12:59 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Wrong education for black people,文章讲述对黑人的错误教育使他们对黑人种族的发展和进一步解放毫无用处。造成这种情况的因素有很多,包括白人的历史性操作失误,外部控制以及对受过教育和受过高等教育的黑人的自身立场的误解。作者从垂直和水平方向进行了广泛的研究,从黑人教育的历史和当代事实得出结论,即黑人教育从一开始就由于不平等的种族待遇而产生误导。总体而言,教育阻止了黑人在几乎所有的研究和社会领域中培养杰出的人物,因此作者呼吁人们找出黑人真正为种族服务并从较低地位崛起所需要的东西。

Wrong education for black people
The mis-education of the Negroes has made them of no use to the development and further liberation of the Negro race. The situation results from a number of factors, including historic malfunctioned operation carried out by the whites mainly, the outside control and the misunderstanding of their own position of both the educated and highly educated Negroes. The author conducts multifarious research both vertically and horizontally, drawing conclusions from the historic and contemporary facts of the Negro education—that the Negroes education is misleading from the very beginning, resulting from the unequal racial treatments. The education on the whole has prevented Negroes from generating outstanding figures in almost all fields of study and society, so the author calls upon people to find out what truly the Negroes need to serve the race and rise from the lower status.
Chapter 3 concludes the reason led to the miseducation problems: Those who participated in the education of freedmen in the south had more enthusiasm than knowledge; they tried to transform the Negroes, not to develop them. In various subjects taught, Negroes are told to ignore their past achievements, despise their own language and habits, etc. In all, the subjects taught to Negroes all started with the European or white perspective, while mentioning only a few or no black views. The Negro teachers of the system are also powerless to change the situation, those who have the chance to join the school broad or other higher status are too few, and the majority of Negro teachers have to perform in the “right” way that the Caucasians told them to do. As a result, these “mis-educated” Negroes are of no service to the white men and themselves, and the Negroes are being led to a dark alley by the education system. Woodson proves the point by referring to a number of important subjects taught to the Negroes, explaining explicitly how these subjects affect the way Negroes see about themselves. The chapter demonstrates the realities in the Negro education, providing strong evidence to prove the thesis that mis-education will enable Negroes of no use to their race. It also sets out to inhibit the possible means that can correct the situation in the future and latter part of the book.


The role of a city leader

2020-07-29 11:12:06 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The role of a city leader,文章讲述在城市的一个繁忙区域,有一家食品工厂,由于管理不善导致长期损失,市领导计划将工厂转变成批发食品市场,因为它不仅解决了下岗工人的问题由于企业破产,而且也方便附近的居民。之后进行一系列准备工作,包括项目批准,征地拆迁,施工规划设计。但是,现场开发人员已经投资建设附近的综合市场;市场上有相当大的批发食品领域,足以满足附近居民和零售商的需求。

The role of a city leader
In a busy section of the city there is a food factory, due to the long-term loss due to bad management, the city leaders plan on transforming the factory into a wholesale food market because it can not only solve the laid-off workers issue owing to the enterprise bankruptcy , but also is convenient for the residents in the vicinity. There is a series of preparation afterwards, including the project approval, land acquisition demolition, construction planning design. However, the field developers have already invested in the construction of a comprehensive market nearby; the market has a considerable size of the wholesale food field that is sufficient to meet the needs of nearby residents and retailers. Faced with this situation, the city leaders are caught in a dilemma. If they continue with construction, the new wholesale food market will result in the inevitable loss; if they stop this construction, pre-investment will be wasted. In this case, the leaders have made a blind decision to change the food factory into a residential area for the developer to do further development, but the original food factory workers fail to get effective compensation so that the factory workers are in trouble. Because the factory workers cannot reflect address the issue of compensation for a long time, there will be hidden dangers the city's stability.
The leaders want to solve a problem out of kindness, not only to solve the issue of enterprise poor production, but also solve the problem of city residents’ shopping comfort and have a better arrangements for enterprise workers, yet the decision of the leaders was relatively short, and cannot fully consider various factors involved in the problem, which result in making the wrong decision and further errors and being situated in a very passive situation and causing the enterprise  irretrievable loss. With the scientific  leadership analysis, the decision reflects the following problems: Firstly, this case reflects the importance of information principles of leadership in decision-making. The main reasons for this dilemma is the information priority principle is not well adhere to the leadership decision-making. Information is the foundation of decision; sufficient, timely, comprehensive, effective information is the premise of scientific decision-making. The city leaders apparently lack market research and do not carefully understand the market before deciding on non-staple food grain wholesale market project and comprehensive building especially wholesale food court inside. Therefore, blind decision-making in a hurry leads to trouble. Secondly, this case reflects the importance of the follow-up decisions. When the implementation of the original decision scheme, great changes have taken place in the objective and subjective conditions. When the objective decision making in the original cannot be achieved, fundamental changes on the decision goal or plan need to be made, which is the tracking decision. When the conditions have undergone major changes in the objective situation, the city leaders do not carefully analyze, but in a rush to make a new decision. These are errors in tracking decision. Thirdly, to step out of the dilemma of the scheme, there can be different ideas. For example, one is to meet the challenges, continue to build. But the leader have to study, revise and improve the original decision in order to make the wholesale market more competitive in size, facilities, services and management in order to win in the market competition. Another is the early decision for a fundamental revision of the original decision, re-inspection, the establishment and demonstration and a steering operation of a new the project. The city leaders are in an absence of the establishment and demonstration of a new project for the real estate development with considerable arbitrariness. Fourthly, the leaders fail to put the question of people in the first place. When leaders make decisions, the first problem to be solved in the final analysis is one of the people problems, and successfully deal with the problems is the key to the realization of the leadership decision. If leaders only consider economic benefits while ignoring to solve the problem of people and regardless of people's ideological work, that would cause social problems and social contradictions that could make the government to pay a higher price.
The following are recommendations and solutions for the issue.
Variability, complexity and uncertainty is the main character of environment, the enterprises must quickly adapt to this environment. Leaders are playing a decisive role in the changing environment. The leaders have to almost continuously changing organization. Otherwise it could not keep up with the consistent changes of external environment. Some methods to cope with external changes issue is to transform into autonomous work teams or structure innovation. Leaders need to change the organizational structure and culture constantly. They also need to deal with the technical aspects of innovation. Before the change, creating a favorable environment for change is very important. People often resist change, why? James Adams explains in the concept of "disorder" (Conceptual Blockbusting) that in the face of change there are four obstacles, respectively is the perceived barriers (Perceptual blocks), affective disorder (emotional blocks), cultural and environmental barriers (cultural and environmental blocks), and knowledge and expression disorder (intellectual and expressive blocks). Leader’s leadership skill is the overall change. With the development of the society change constantly, various problems have emerged in various organizations and society, these problems and other problems with complex relationships are interweaved together. To solve most of the problems, leaders should not only focus on the elements of a problem or locally, and must deal with the elements among the various parts of the complex interrelation and interaction of the overall improvement. Moving cross the barriers to enhance leadership requires the business leaders to do the following. First, the formation of recognition step by step to create conducive change to the psychological environment; Second, make full use of wisdom and grasp to create space in reality beyond the limits of; Third, pay attention to the learning and communication.
Leaders should start the ability training and develop insight into the essence of things, such as what is the nature of team work and customer requirements and what is the essence of permanence thinking of enterprise. The nature of work itself is the marketing for enterprise specific commodity to stimulate and attract the purchasing power of consumers in the future. A successful leader should master entire firm aspects to be good at grasping the focus right now and understanding the importance and urgency of the work about the long-term and short-term goal influence, but also good at communicating that information to subordinates. Everyone wants to know the status, position, direction, task and the "rules of the game" of the company. Leaders are coaches, consultants and referees. He/She must provide employees with their conditions and measures necessary to accomplish the task. He/She must also provide appropriate goals and the necessary guidance to complete the task of promotion.

The city leaders have made some mistakes in the process of city development due to several leader errors such as ineffective authorization, resistance to change, terrible communication and ineffective goal setting. The main reasons for this dilemma is the information priority principle is not well adhere to the leadership decision-making. Information is the foundation of decision; sufficient, timely, comprehensive, effective information is the premise of scientific decision-making. The city leaders apparently lack market research and do not carefully understand the market before deciding on non-staple food grain wholesale market project and comprehensive building especially wholesale food court inside. Therefore, blind decision-making in a hurry leads to trouble. Secondly, this case reflects the importance of the follow-up decisions. When the implementation of the original decision scheme, great changes have taken place in the objective and subjective conditions.To solve most of the problems, leaders should not only focus on the elements of a problem or locally, and must deal with the elements among the various parts of the complex interrelation and interaction of the overall improvement. Moving cross the barriers to enhance leadership requires the business leaders to do the following. First, the formation of recognition step by step to create conducive change to the psychological environment; Second, make full use of wisdom and grasp to create space in reality beyond the limits of; Third, pay attention to the learning and communication. Also, leaders need to change the organizational structure and culture constantly. They also need to deal with the technical aspects of innovation. Before the change, creating a favorable environment for change is very important. Leaders are coaches, consultants and referees. He/She must provide employees with their conditions and measures necessary to accomplish the task. He/She must also provide appropriate goals and the necessary guidance to complete the task of promotion.
Reference List
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Zaccaro, S. J. (2007). "Trait-based perspectives of leadership". American Psychologist, 62, 6–16.



2020-07-29 11:11:11 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- THE Death of JOHN ARCHER NEWMAN,文章讲述约翰是一个没有太大野心的人,只关心自己的家人。但是,奇怪的事情发生在他的身上,被定义为他周围的环境异常且未知。不幸的是,随着在比尔医生的指导下治疗变得越来越疯狂,随后对他进行了令人心跳的测试,从而导致了他年轻的生命。

John was a man without much ambition and only cared much for his own family. However, strange things happened to his body and were defined as abnormal and unknown to his surroundings. Then unfortunately, as the treatment became more and more crazy under doctor Bill, a heart-stopping test was then put on him, thus caused the taken-out of his young life.
Through the whole drama, as far as I’m concerned, John’s tragedy could be definitely avoided. And this drama depicted its theme from the words of the doctor as he said if a child born with six finger, he would only remove it just as the majority would do in the seems that abnormality of a person’s body would only subject to the authority from the society. And here some evidences from this drama would be taken out in order to verify the mentioned point of view.
First of all, the author arranged a big contrast between the home-loving John and the workaholic doctor. Through this comparison, we can easily see the craziness of the doctor. Though Joh’s body had some wired symptoms which actually did not affect his normal life, the doctor’s testing on his body was miles away from the tolerance John could bear. So, who was the true abnormal person under this comparison? Second, from a story of Orwell and his killing of an elephant told by the doctor, we could also grasp a hint of the fate of John. As doctor Bill became more and more curious about the condition of John’s children. John kept saying that “leave my family stay out of this”. However, at the end, same as the killing of the elephant by Orwell, John had no choice but subject to the authority from the society. And let the doctor interfere the life of his family till his death.
As a post modernistic drama, the author of this script presented us a distorted world through a man’s life and death. Authority of all kinds can easily destroy welfare of mankind, but does this really matter? Maybe that was what the author wanted to evoke from us.

Read the request report slowly

2020-07-29 11:09:55 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Read the request report slowly,文章讲述这本书的书名《历史》使我首先想知道这是否是一本严肃而乏味的教科书。然而,第二分钟,我完全沉浸在希罗多德斯讲述的奇妙异国情调中。读他的印度和阿拉伯文化收藏对我来说很轻松,因为作者就像一个好奇的孩子,仔细观察并写下生动有趣的故事。

Read the request report slowly
The title of this book, The Histories, made me first wonder whether it would be a serious and tedious textbook. The next minute, however, I was totally immersed in the fantastic exotic phenomena told by Herodotus. Reading his collections of Indian and Arabian culture was relaxing to me, because the author was like a curious child, observing carefully and writing down lively and interesting stories.
This extract from The Histories, in my view, was a traveler’s journal. From the details he offered in this extract, I could infer that the author endeavored to be a truthful recorder of his encounter with a bizarre land. But, it was not a report, because some of these stories were not seen by himself but told by the Persians, such as the gold-digging “ants”. Thus, we need to hold a skeptical attitude towards his descriptions. This book seemed to be a complex mixture of truth-telling and exaggeration, which I couldn’t give it a simple label using “memoir”, “report” or something else.
In his narration, an image emerged in my mind that an energetic man with a weather-beaten face travelled across the world. Whenever he heard or saw something bizarre, he took out a well-thumbed note and never missed even the tiniest details. Following his track, I broke into an incredible ancient land. I caught a look of the barbaric lifestyle of the Indians: how they brutally treated ill compatriots; how their reproductions went; and how they fed themselves.
According to Herodotus, cannibalism was a common act. The Indian tribes had a “feast” whenever a man or woman showed a tiny sign of illness. I think it was understandable at that time when those ancient Indians’ minds were still primitive and they suffered from starvation easily because of a retarded agricultural world. Though reasonable, it was still unacceptable to me, to any civilized men I believe.
Yet, I have to admit that they were great masters of camels. They knew well of camel’s strength of load-bearing and utilized it in digging gold. They rode three camels, two males for assistance, one female for carrying men and gold. Herodotus stressed that it was important to make sure that the female camel gave birth to cubs recently. When the gold-seekers had to run at full speed to avoid being eaten by those horrible “ants”, they abandoned male camels without hesitation, whereas the female camel cared too much about its babies to die in the desert, so it ran at its best and saved the Indians’ lives. Perhaps human beings gained their intelligence in such struggles for life.
Through close reading, I noticed that Herodotus well presented his value in paragraph 108. He compared the Arabian snakes to something familiar, vipers, and came to the conclusion that “divine providence is wise”. He suggested that an invisible forces had arranged the nature so that powerful and harmful creatures produced much fewer young than the weak ones. Examples of hares and lions helped prove this point. Yet, this book was written almost 2,500 years ago. Our general knowledge might be inapplicable to that era. Even though few records supported that a lion’s cub would scratch the lioness’ womb during pregnancy, which caused the mother’s death eventually, I couldn’t deny it because of lack of evidence.
It also led to an interesting angle of reading this book that I learned how ancient people described objects we’ve already known, such as marmots and cotton. When I first saw the giant “ants” that dug up gold in India, I was totally amazed since it appeared to be unnatural. I tried to google a picture of this weird animal, but to find a sad fact that Herodotus had possibly mistaken the Persian word “marmot” for “mountain ant” since it was not seen by his own eyes as I mentioned before. This mistake inspired me to look at the whole story from another angle, so I was calm enough when the wool-producing wild trees came into my view. With the clue of its quality and usage, it was not hard to presume that he was actually describing cotton.
Based on these clues, I think it was possible that the Arabian snakes were something else. This kind of snakes was known for killing husband in the process of mating and killing mother by eating its belly according to Herodotus. These signs could be found in creatures we knew. For instance, a type of crab spiders regarded its mother as a source of nutrition, which resulted in the mother’s death. A type of female mantis sometimes killed its husband during mating. So I made a brave guess that even if the Arabian snakes did exist, the dread was bombastic as people attached these known features into this particular species.
Reading this extract was the first time I took an sight into that ancient world. After reading it, I started to understand why people called Herodotus “ The Father of History”. Within the small scope of this reading material, I could notice his systematic record of foreign cultures and his enthusiasm in being a “history-collector”. I respect his insight and dedication into completing this book and opening the door for generation after generation to a world we had no opportunities to see. This short extract has also aroused my interest of reading more of this book and taking one more step closer to that ancient land.


New iPhones

2020-07-29 11:09:08 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- New iPhones,文章讲述美国大型电信公司已经在削减苹果最新款iPhone的交易,因为无合约计划和弥补提前终止成本的提议增加了订户将业务转移到其他地方的风险。Verizon saVZ -1.27%id周二将为客户提供免费的16 GB iPhone 6,前提是他们以合格的,能正常工作的旧iPhone型号进行交易并签订了为期两年的合同。 Sprint的saS -0.17%id可让客户每条线最多交易三部手机,每部设备最多给消费者$ 300,并与竞争对手的交易价格相称。

New iPhones
Big U.S. telecom companies are already cutting deals on Apple’s newest iPhones, as the spread of no-contract plans and offers to cover early termination costs raise the risk that subscribers will take their business elsewhere.
Verizon saVZ-1.27%id Tuesday it would give customers a free 16 gigabyte iPhone 6 if they traded in an eligible working, older iPhone model and signed a two year contract. Sprint saS-0.17%id it would let customers trade in up to three phones per line, give consumers up to $300 per device and match any rival’s trade in offer. T-Mobile saTMUS-1.66%id it would beat any rival’s trade-in offer and throw in an extra $50, and it has an announcement planned for Wednesday.
Carriers have rarely discounted Apple 'sAAPL-0.38% phones until late in their cycle. The unusual moves this time reflect the intense competition in the wireless industry, which has the four national carriers jockeying to add customers in a saturated U.S. market.  The hope — and fear — is that people shopping for an iPhone may also reassess their choice of wireless carrier.
It wasn’t so long ago that the biggest carriers were making it harder for subscribers to upgrade their phones by pushing out upgrade eligibility and adding fees. More upgrades meant more margin-sapping subsidies.
Now the industry has largely shifted to installment plans for phones, which lower subscribers’ monthly service fees but require them to pay full price for their device. The margin hit is gone, and the launch of a new hit phone has become an important moment to steal or lose customers.
T-Mobile and Sprint spent years shedding millions of customers to much larger rivalsAT&T T-1.00% and Verizon. T-Mobile turned that around last year, and Sprint is now hoping to do the same.
The first major redesign of the iPhone in two years is expected to get consumers’ attention at a time when many are either overdue for an upgrade or are on service plans that allow them to easily upgrade to a new device. T-Mobile only began selling the device in April of 2013.
“There is a lot of demand around the idea that they may see different screen sizes and changes to form factor,” said Jason Ellis, president of Spring Mobile, a unit of GameStop Corp. that has more than 300 AT&T stores.
Removing subsidies has changed their tune. As of the end of June, about 44% of AT&T’s U.S. postpaid smartphone users were on no-subsidy service plans, and the carrier expects that figure to be two-thirds at the end of the year.
“It makes us somewhat agnostic about the customer’s choice,” said Ralph de la Vega, CEO of AT&T Mobile and Business Solutions.
Unlike rivals, Verizon has been less aggressive in moving customers toward non-contract plans, and their latest promotion encourages customers to sign two year contracts. It’s also one of its most aggressive. The carrier hasn’t previously offered new iPhones for free around the time of their launch, a spokeswoman said.