

Essay代写:American high school curriculum

2019-01-30 14:35:50 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- American high school curriculum,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国中学的课程设置。美国中学课程设置的宗旨是使学生全面发展,结构合理,充分发挥学生的潜力,调动学生的积极性、主动性,培养学生的特长,鼓励个性发展。大部分中学开设了百余种课程供学生选择。课程分必修课与选修课。必修课要求学生掌握必要而合理的学科知识结构,以适应社会的基本要求。选修课程丰富是美国中学的显著特征。它充分满足学生的兴趣志向,培养专业技能,促进个人特长的发展。

The social concept of the United States focuses on self-development, individuality and competition. The curriculum fully reflects this value, students have a large degree of autonomy in learning. The purpose of curriculum setting in American middle schools is to enable students to develop comprehensively, have a wide range of knowledge and a reasonable structure, give full play to students' potential, mobilize their enthusiasm and initiative, cultivate their specialties and encourage their individual development. Most secondary schools offer more than 100 courses for students to choose from. The courses are divided into compulsory courses and elective courses. Compulsory courses require students to master necessary and reasonable subject knowledge structure to adapt to the basic requirements of society. The abundance of elective courses is a prominent feature of American middle schools. It fully meets the interests and aspirations of students, cultivate professional skills, and promote the development of personal expertise.

According to the depth and difficulty, each course offered by the school is divided into several levels, such as basic level, general level, honor level, advanced level, etc., which are numbered respectively and marked with the course grade for students of different grades and levels to choose. Low level courses are the basic requirements, credits completed to meet the requirements of graduation, high level courses and university connection, learning is recognized by the university. This not only ensures the quality of graduates, but also provides full opportunities for outstanding students with learning potential to further their study in school.

Educational programs, or projects, are also part of the educational programs offered by American high schools. The school allocates part of the total teaching time for students to engage in a wide range of comprehensive education plans and projects. These research plans or projects are often closely related to disciplinary knowledge, and are often interdisciplinary, comprehensive and practical.

Students' extracurricular activities are regarded as an integral part of the educational content. American middle school students have a variety of extracurricular activities, which can be divided into academic activities, recreational activities, sports activities and community activities. Academic subjects include science, mathematics, computers, writing, editing, and debate. There are drama club, choir, band, dance team, photography club, bridge club, future farmers club, young entrepreneurs club; Sports include various school sports teams, cheerleaders, etc. There is a tutor for all kinds of extracurricular activities. American schools regard extracurricular activities as an important way to help students to develop their abilities and adapt to the society, and often carry out assessment, from which students' competitive psychology, sense of responsibility, leadership and interpersonal relationship can be seen.


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Assignment代写:Barrier-free environmental design in the United States

2019-01-30 14:35:34 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Barrier-free environmental design in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的无障碍环境设计。无障碍环境是一种人性化空间,旨在确保人的移动权,让所有的人能共同参与社会活动,使每个人都能畅通无阻,随心所欲地去到每一个公共空间,想用各种资源。美国是世界上第一个制定出有关无障碍环境设计标准的国家,其无障碍环境建设得到多层次的立法保障,各种无障碍设施既有全方位的布局,又与公共环境协调统一,为残疾人、老年人带来方便与安全。

"Barrier-free environment" is a kind of humanized space, which aims to ensure people's "right to move", so that all people can participate in social activities together, so that no matter the old, young, injured, healthy people, everyone can be unimpeded, go to every public space at will, want to use all kinds of resources. The United States was the first country in the world to develop standards for designing accessible environments. Its barrier-free environment construction is guaranteed by multi-level legislation. All kinds of barrier-free facilities are arranged in an all-round way and coordinated and unified with the public environment to bring convenience and safety to the disabled and the elderly.

The concept of barrier-free design, first named in 1974, is a new concept proposed by the United Nations organization. It emphasizes that in the modern society of the development of science and technology, all about human food and clothing live line public space environment and all kinds of building facilities, equipment, planning and design, must be fully considered with different degree of physical disability defect and normal activity ability decline the use demand, equipped with can satisfy their demand of service function and installations, build a loving and caring, ensure human safety, convenient, comfortable environment for modern life.

Barrier-free design is first reflected in urban buildings, transportation, public environment facilities and equipment, as well as the indicating system. The ideal goal of barrier-free design is "barrier-free". Based on the detailed study of human behavior, consciousness and action response, it is committed to optimizing the design of all objects and environments for human use, removing those "obstacles" that make users feel confused and difficult and providing users with the greatest possible convenience. This is the basic idea of barrier-free design.

The development process of the concept of barrier-free design in the United States can be divided into three historical periods from the perspective of design norms and laws and policies:

1960 ~ 1970s, accessibility design concept promotion period. Because in the early 1950s, polio patients gradually grew, and the impact of the second world war and the Korean war caused a large number of disabled soldiers to reintegrate into the American society, it was a great challenge for the American government to settle the livelihood of these wounded soldiers and provide opportunities for their reintegration. In late 1959, the President of the United States appointed city councils to prepare for the establishment of a "barrier-free environment" design baseline. In 1961, the American national standards institute (ANSI) established the "standard specification for the accessibility and accessibility of buildings, facilities and equipment for americans with disabilities", which is the world's earliest code for "barrier-free environment" design. In the same year, the employment act for persons with disabilities was enacted, stipulating that employers should not exclude employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. At the same time due to the disabled person return to society, into the enterprise service, enterprise related buildings must comply with the use of the convenience for the disabled, so the U.S. government in 1968 formulated the "ruled out building barriers act", ruled that all the construction of buildings or the U.S. government funded by the federal government financing of the new building and renovation of buildings, at least for the disabled in a gateway, must ensure the accessibility of disabled persons and the rights of use.

In the 1970s, disabled people automatically launched the qualification life movement of "disabled people don't show mercy, and ask for independent services and environmental equipment". In the 1970s, due to the rapid expansion of highways in the United States and the improvement of vehicle performance and the acceleration of vehicle form, many accidents occurred, and the number of people with spinal cord injuries in the lower body of society increased rapidly. And because most of America's soldiers returning from the Vietnam war are quadriplegic with spinal cord injuries, the government needs to take action. In order to specify the 1968 "building obstacle removal act" into the design specification, it was made in 1982 "the minimum design guide to meet the building obstacle removal conditions and ensure the accessibility of buildings and facilities from the perspectives of building environment, transportation, communication and so on". In 1988, the fair housing supplemental act of the United States was amended to expand the citizenship rights of disabled people, requiring that civil buildings must also consider the accessibility environment. It is stipulated that for newly built collective houses with more than four households, handrails must be installed at entrances, passageways, buttons, toilets, bathrooms, etc., taking the needs of the disabled into consideration.

From 1990 to present, from barrier-free environment design to universal design. As early as the 1970s, professor Ronald l. ace of north Carolina state university proposed the idea that "design should not be different based on age, ability and gender, but should be designed for all". This is what we often refer to today as "universal design", which emphasizes the concept of "universal design" not only for the disabled but also for "all people". The main factor is that in the social background impact of the rapid increase of the elderly population, the elderly consumer population has an overwhelming influence. Many enterprises are concerned about the purchasing power of the elderly population and the consumer market, resulting in innovative design reforms in the enterprise and educational environment. 1990 the President of the United States signed the americans with disabilities act. It is the most legally binding disability support act in the United States, with the primary goal of fully ensuring the human rights and lives of 43 million people with disabilities.

In terms of building barrier-free design technology, the United States takes the principle of equal participation of disabled people in social politics, cultural life and Shared social public welfare facilities as the principle, and treats them differently according to needs and may be divided into "general" and "individual". In general public buildings for the disabled access and use of only routine arrangements, and do not do special needs processing, individual difficulties through improved service management and other ways to solve. This simplifies facilities, saves money and is easy to promote. On the other hand, in the buildings where the disabled live, more measures have been taken according to the special requirements of users, including the flexible adjustment of building facilities, so as to make the passage safe and convenient for the disabled. Important historical and cultural buildings have also been transformed accordingly. For example, the Lincoln memorial: the newly added outdoor access ramp, using the same water brush beanstone as the pavement nearby, looks extremely simple and integrated with the main building and the surrounding environment. The disabled enter the memorial hall from the entrance at the side of the steps and take the hydraulic elevator to the exhibition hall on the upper level.

In order to ensure barrier-free transportation, the accessibility implementation rules for vehicles for the disabled in the United States were formulated in 1991 and revised in 1998. The rules respectively set the accessibility standards and specifications for different vehicle systems and made special requirements for different types of vehicles. For example, the bus system is required to be equipped with lifting AIDS, doors, steps, thresholds, end points and routes should be designed to meet the requirements of barrier-free, etc., while the railway system of vehicles are required to achieve a barrier-free toilet and compartment.

China's barrier-free environment started relatively late. Since the mid-1980s in Shanghai, barrier-free facilities have been built in some large shopping malls, cinemas and railway stations. In the early 1990s, blind lanes were laid for some major joints. On August 1, 2001, the code for barrier-free design of urban roads and buildings was issued. Although China has been promoting "barrier-free design" in the field of architectural space design for more than 20 years, it is still only a term in the field of architectural space design, and it is not yet possible to build a barrier-free society. At present, the trend of the world has shifted from "barrier-free design" which only focuses on architectural space to "universal design" which covers the categories of products, equipment, space, buildings, communication systems and service industries. No matter it is "barrier-free design" or "universal design", its potential objects of use should be extended to all the citizens, and its scope should also cover the whole life level of clothing, food, housing and transportation. Although the barrier-free design in China has made great progress, it still has a long way to go compared with the developed countries in Europe and America.


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essay hook怎么写

2019-01-30 14:35:16 | 日記
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Paper代写:The personal investment

2019-01-30 14:34:53 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The personal investment讨论了个人投资理财。投资理财是按照自己的实际需求把部分资产进行主动的策划与安排,让其实现保值增值的目的。个人投资理财的关键在于把个人所具备的资产进行理性分析,按照价值评估的眼光实施结构性量化与预测,在个人力所能及的范围内,选择出符合自身实际情况的理财工具,在把自身资产转变为适当形态后,对其价值与形态进行实时评估,以决定取舍或调整,让个人的资产与财富在一个相对安全的状况下不断的增长。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Personal investment and financial planning must be combined with their own actual situation to choose their own investment and financial planning in line with the knowledge of certain investment and financial planning, truly realize that investment is not speculation. When the social economy is more prosperous, it is reasonable to reduce the holdings of deposits, stocks, real estate and other physical investment. Only choose a correct investment and financial management path, can let the people benefit for a lifetime.

Investing and managing money is not simply a matter of saving and saving money. Putting money in a bank doesn't matter. Nor is it simply a matter of buying and selling stocks. Investment and financing is to actively plan and arrange part of the assets according to their actual needs, so as to achieve the purpose of maintaining and increasing the value. Personal finance and investment is the key to the assets of the person have to carry on the rational analysis, according to the evaluation of implementation of structural quantitative and forecasting, in personal power range, choose the accord with the actual situation of their own financial management tools, after convert their assets into the appropriate form, real-time assessment of its value and form, to choose or adjust, make personal assets and wealth in a relatively safe under the conditions of constant growth.

People in the process of investment and financing must have a correct psychology, but from the actual situation at the present stage, there are still several kinds of mistakes in personal investment and financing: first, many people have greed. As mentioned in economics, everyone in the society belongs to economic man and is selfish. In order to maximize their own interests, everyone hopes to get more money and make their assets play a better value and role. In order to increase the value of their own assets, many people often make some irrational refusal, such as illegal borrowing, fund-raising, etc. Followed by many individual investors although itself does not have more embezzlement, but as long as meet you think can make money opportunity will be involved in, such as real estate, futures, funds, etc., but because of its own financial resources and energy shortage, many financing ways did not have the desired effect, but the losses; Finally, overconfidence. Everyone has his own ideas. Some people will make blind investment without thinking and cannot think twice before acting after knowing some financial information. Some people have no independent ideas and blindly follow the advice of the so-called experts to make financial investment without considering their own situation, which will eventually cause their own money loss.

Adhere to live within your means, the investment and financing trick is to live within your means, personal investment and financing is basically built on the basis of personal net assets, if there is greater uncertainty about the return of investment projects, the risk of borrowing money to invest is very big. People who are new to financial investment must fully realize this problem; return and risk coexist, generally speaking, return and risk are in positive ratio, in the process of personal investment and financial planning, any investment is in order to obtain the ultimate return, but all financial products are more or less the existence of risk, which is also in the process of investment need to pay attention to; diversification of investment and focus on the overall efficiency, our country has an old saying is "don't put your eggs in one basket". This is also the case with personal investment and financial management. We need to invest our available funds into several unrelated products, so that when a certain project encounters risks and brings losses to us, other projects will not be affected and there will be gains to make up for the losses. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the overall risk of investment through a scientific portfolio, so that such investment can be regarded as scientific and reasonable; (4) to be able to immediately cash emergency, no matter how tight hand, must be able to have a flexible cash funds, let it deal with the possible existence of emergencies. For this principle, the most critical is not the amount of physical assets or demand deposits, but the ability of investors to "cash out" in the short term, such as selling securities such as stocks.

Since the implementation of China's reform and opening up strategy, the socialist market economy has achieved rapid development, people's living standards are also constantly improving, the amount of personal property is increasing day by day, how to ensure the preservation and appreciation of personal property has become a problem everyone thinks about in modern society. We all want our wealth to grow, and we all want our idle assets to have a good place in a safe environment. Therefore, we should master certain investment and financial management skills. According to the domestic reality, people have invested too much energy in employment, health care, housing and education, and they all hope to realize the appreciation of their assets through financial products. In order to effectively avoid risks and ensure the maximization of their own property, individuals should have certain investment and financial management knowledge and methods.

Is the so-called you do not financial management, financial ignore you, to ensure their own assets value and preservation of value, to ensure that personal investment and financial management of the scientific nature, we should take the initiative to develop the right investment and financial habits. People must fully grasp their own actual financial situation, which is the prerequisite to ensure scientific financial management, so everyone should adhere to do a good job in property registration, if people are not very understanding of their own financial situation, efficient financial management is even more out of the question. The development of scientific financial planning requires us to develop a more flexible and operable plan for financial goals, and to understand their own property output and daily expenses. Only by mastering such basic financial information, can people carry out good investment and financial activities according to their specific conditions. Budget well, according to their own budget to seek truth from facts, adhere to all financial activities from the actual start. The foundation of personal investment and financial management is to clearly understand their own needs, understand what things can not be done, what is suitable for their own way of financial management, what financial planning is not in line with their actual ability. The existing assets and liabilities should be liquidated, and the financial products they want to invest in should be comprehensively analyzed and evaluated, so as to ensure that they can bear financial risks and find reasonable financial products. When making personal investment and financing, you must insist on investing as early as possible to enjoy the benefits. It should be realized that there is a positive correlation between risk and return, and high-risk products tend to bring us more benefits. Therefore, people with more idle assets can reasonably choose some high-risk financial products.

In addition, we also need to establish a good state of mind, a lot of people often want to invest money in the short term gain. Such mentality is understandable, but it is very difficult to meet in reality. Therefore, we suggest that personal investment and financing must adjust their mentality, adhere to the long-term, do not need to pay too much attention to short-term gains and losses, should pay attention to long-term steady income.

In short, in the process of personal finance and investment, everyone must contact their own practice, to evaluate yourself first, judge of their personality, after analysis to the risk of all kinds of products, accurately find out the suitable financial products, to really ensure that personal wealth value. At present, personal investment and financial products are gradually increasing. Modern people should actively learn relevant knowledge and make a scientific financial plan for themselves.


Essay代写:The social composition of British universities during the transition period

2019-01-30 14:15:16 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The social composition of British universities during the transition period,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了过渡时期英国大学的社会构成。相比于中世纪,过渡时期英国大学的社会构成发生了明显的变化。贵族、中间阶层、社会下层人士之子都成为大学社会构成的重要组成部分。这一时期大学社会构成具有复杂性、多样性以及世俗性与宗教性并存等特征。大学社会构成的变化增强了大学与社会的联系,推动着大学由传统向现代的转型。

The transitional period is an important period for Britain to transform from the traditional agricultural society to the modern industrial society. Under the background of social changes, British university education also goes through the change from tradition to modernity. During this period, college enrollment scale, teaching content and social composition all changed significantly. But in the domestic research to the western higher education history. Modern universities and medieval universities, as the origin of modern universities, have attracted much attention. Little attention has been paid to the transition from medieval universities to modern ones. Even if occasionally involved, he likens this period to an "ice age" of university development, in which the development of universities stagnates. In view of this, this paper will examine the situation, characteristics and influence of the university society from the perspective of its social composition, and show the development of university education in Britain in the transitional period.

College social composition refers to the social background of college students. Due to the transition period, British universities were mainly Oxford University and Cambridge university. During this period, the social composition of British universities specifically refers to the social origin of the students of these two traditional universities. Compared with the middle ages, the social composition of British universities changed significantly in the transitional period, which is reflected in the following aspects.

First of all, it was the children of the aristocracy who went to school. Here the aristocracy includes "duke, marquis, count, viscount, baron five hereditary aristocracy. They also included barons, knights, knights and gentlemen. The nobles were also called the gentry. The entrance of the children of the aristocracy is a new phenomenon in the British university education in the transitional period. In the middle ages, the sons of the aristocracy were often educated as servants to the higher classes of their families, rather than attending college. According to statistics, during the 177 years from 1307 to 1485, the universities of Oxford and Cambridge enrolled 30,000-45,000 students, among which only 88 were children of aristocrats. It can be said that the entrance of the children of the aristocracy in the middle ages was an exception rather than a common phenomenon. But this centuries-old tradition changed in the interim. It became "fashionable" for the sons of the transitional aristocracy to attend college. During this period the great nobles and gentry sent their successors to college. From 1575 to 1639, of the 19,816 students on the Oxford register, 8,456 came from aristocratic families. Students from traditional families make up about half of the total enrollment. According to the statistics of professor Lawrence stone, between 1603 and 1630, the number of nobles increased by about three times, but the number of nobles' children enrolled in school increased by four times every year. It can be seen that it became a common phenomenon for the children of aristocrats to receive college education in the transitional period.

The sons of the middle classes are also flocking to universities. A middle - class person is someone between the aristocracy and the lower classes. It mainly includes "urban citizens with civil rights and rural yeoman farmers". Among them, citizens mainly refer to urban craftsmen, businessmen, lawyers, doctors and other professionals. Yeomanry farmers were mainly yeomanry farmers under the gentry. Historians often refer to this group as "commoners".

The race among the sons of the middle classes to go to university is also a new phenomenon in British university education in the transitional period. The son of the yeomanry in the medieval countryside was tied to the land. Engage in agricultural production. Sons of citizens are often trained in professional skills through apprenticeships. They rarely have the chance to go to college. But in the interim, as wealth grew, the middle classes became enthusiastic about college. Some successful businessmen usually send their children to college. : John Assam is a London businessman. He sent his second son to Christ's college, Cambridge. John's eldest son, Thomas, sent his son to be educated at queen's college, Cambridge, although he did not go to university himself. Some wealthy yeoman farmers also sent their children to college. In the admissions register of gaius college, Cambridge. From 1600 to 1640, the percentage of students of yeomanite origin increased from 7% to 15%. Not only that. Enrollment is rising across the middle class. According to statistics, in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, students from middle class families accounted for more than half of the total enrollment of Oxford University. They became a new group in the transitional university society.

The poor and the clergy are still part of the university community, but their Numbers have fallen sharply. Medieval universities were mainly established by the church to train and train clergy. Students often have the status of priests, from the church to receive salary, maintain life. Therefore, college students at that time were mainly poor children who wanted to enter the church and obtain a stable source of income or clerics in the church who wanted to improve their preaching skills. For example, the example widely existed in the archives of church history in the middle ages is that the clerics were recommended by the bishops to study Latin, logic, preaching and other knowledge in universities for several years. After completing his studies, he returned to his former parish. But during the transition period, the reformation took place in Britain. The reformation deprived the church of its property and weakened its financial support for universities. In this context, universities are gradually implementing paid education. As a result, children from poor families have less access to education, and their share of the university social fabric has declined significantly. Between 1580 and 1612, no more than 2% of Oxford students were from poor families. In addition, the reformation forced monks and nuns to return to the common religion. As a result, the number of priests was greatly reduced from 35,000 in the early 16th century to 15,000 in the early 17th century. In this context, there has been a corresponding decline in the number of clergy who have gone to university for training. Between 1580 and 1612 the clergy made up 2-11% of the students at Oxford.

The lack of a detailed and comprehensive entry form makes it difficult to get a direct picture of the social make-up of British universities during the transition period. However, through the above analysis, we can find that British college students in the transitional period come from all walks of life. This is evidenced by the family background of the students at gaius college, Cambridge, the best preserved in the admissions register. Among the college's 1584-1604 students were 26 sons of knights, 23 sons of gentlemen,41 owners of moderate wealth, 12 sons of yeomen farmers, 9 priests, 6 sons of londoners, 1 son of a magistrate, 1 son of a doctor of law, and 1 owner of small wealth. In this register, knights, gentlemen and part of the middle wealth owners belong to the aristocracy, yeomanry, londoners, chief executive, doctor of law and other part of the middle wealth owners belong to the middle class, priests belong to the clergy, small wealth owners come from the lower class. So at that time, people of all social classes had the opportunity to go to college.

Through the investigation of the social structure of British universities in the transitional period, we can find that the social structure of universities in this period has the following characteristics.

Firstly, the social composition of British universities in the transitional period is characterized by complexity and diversity. The college students in the transition period came from a wide range of social groups, including the great nobility, a large number of small gentry, a growing number of wealthy businessmen, yeomen farmers, lawyers, doctors and other middle class children, and even the poor children. Historians have long stressed the role of the sons of the aristocracy and the middle classes in universities, while ignoring the existence of the sons of the poor. Elizabethan scholar William sharieson complained that universities increasingly deprived the poor of access to education. In the middle of the 20th century, with the rise of social history studies. Historians have largely taken up the idea that the sons of aristocrats and the middle classes flocked to universities on the premise that they deprived the poor of an education. From the above investigation, we can find that the children of the poor did not disappear because of the increase of the children of the aristocracy and the children of the rich. They were still part of the university society at that time.

In the transitional period, some poor children were able to receive college education and had a specific social environment. First of all, since the middle ages, Britain has formed the tradition of donation. People from all walks of life donate property or property to the university. Keep the university going. Before the reformation, the main body of school donation was bishop, abbot and other religious personages. After the reformation, the donors were mainly secular aristocrats and some wealthy businessmen, lawyers and other middle class people. Between 1560 and 1640, they donated 500 grants to the two universities for the poor children to live and complete their studies. Secondly, in the transitional period, Britain was a very typical hierarchical society. Some of the children of the poor, talented poor families were servants to accompany the noble children to school. Sir Peter fledgeville's son, John, for example, attended one college and then another for four years, all the while accompanied by the son of a brilliant poor sharecropper. Attending school with a servant was very common at that time. It was very unseemly for the children of the nobility to go to school without servants. The emergence of servitude provided an opportunity for the children of poor families to go to university. They could support themselves as servants or receive education together with their young masters.

In a specific social environment, with the influx of aristocrats, gentry and middle class children into universities, the children from poor families were not completely excluded from universities. Transitional university societies comprise all sectors of society, including the poor. This is a remarkable feature of the social make-up of British universities in the transitional period.

Secondly, university society is becoming increasingly secular. The main body of university society has always been an important issue concerned by scholars. But their views differ. Professor mark Curtis, using the example of gaia college, argues that the sons of gentry and aristocracy are "pouring into universities" and becoming "the dominant factor in the student body". Ms Simon draws a different conclusion from the same table: "the growth in the number of gentlemen is not obvious. On the contrary, this set of figures shows that the number of urban middle class increases dramatically as the lower class decreases."

Scholars differ on the social composition of universities. The main reason for this is that the boundaries of British social classes were rather vague during the transition period. Some successful businessmen, professionals and other members of the middle class often pose as gentlemen. Professor Curtis divides his students into three groups: gentlemen, professionals, businessmen and small business owners. But professionals and big businessmen, he said, had "privileges and responsibilities in the towns as the gentry had privileges and responsibilities in the country". Thus, professionals and businessmen were included in the aristocracy, and the conclusion was drawn that a large number of rich, aristocratic sons poured into universities. Although successful people in the middle class can be called gentlemen and climb into the upper class, not everyone can enjoy a higher social status, according to ms Simon. Therefore, the inclusion of the middle class into the aristocracy is open to question. If you look at the middle class separately. You would see the sons of the middle class instead of the gentry, the sons of the aristocracy flooding into the universities.

The author thinks that under the background of the complicated social structure and vague social stratification in the transitional period of Britain, it is of great significance to discuss which class of people has become the main body of university society. However, if we look at it from another Angle, we will find that whether the student body is the aristocrat or the son of the middle class, it indicates that the secular student body gradually replaced the religious student body in British universities in the transitional period and became the main body of university society. The main body of university society changed from the clergy in the middle ages to the secular people in the transitional period. This is a remarkable feature of the development of British university education in the transitional period.

In addition, the social structure of universities in the transitional period still has religious characteristics. During the transition period, religious reforms took place in Britain, resulting in a sharp decrease in the proportion of the clergy in the university society. But the reformation was not about proscribing religion, it was about replacing Catholicism with a state religion. After the reformation, England still needed to train protestant clergy, known as anglicans. Therefore, the reformation did not deprive the universities of Oxford and Cambridge of the function of training clergy. In fact, the reformation "expanded rather than reduced the religious responsibilities of the two universities".

The religious nature of the social composition of British universities in the transitional period is mainly manifested in two aspects. One is that the sons of the clergy flock to the university. After the reformation, Britain gradually abolished celibacy for priests, who could marry and have children like secular people. During the transition more and more sons of priests went to university in order to join the church. The proportion of sons of priests at Oxford rose from 5% in 1600 to 15% in 1637, 21% in 1661 and 29% in 1810. Second, there are still active clergy who go to universities for training. During the reformation, all the British monarchs emphasized the religious legitimacy and regarded the maintenance of religious legitimacy as an important expression of political loyalty. And the university is to inculcate loyalty and orthodox religion to the people, it is the main place to train anglicans. It is political necessity that makes college education so important. "It is precisely because universities are the base for the training of parish priests that the government is so interested in them." As a result, English universities were still the main training ground for the clergy after the reformation. During this period, a number of religious colleges were established in Britain, mainly for priests or those who were ready to serve the church. For example, bishop fox established the college of corpus christi, which mainly recruited priests in the bishopric, in an attempt to train them into protestants with humanistic ideas and who could pray for the public.

