

Movie:Kill a Mocking Bird 

2020-09-25 18:34:11 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Movie:Kill a Mocking Bird,文章讲述在长期的社交游戏中,我们每个人都属于相关的固定社会阶层。为了获得自己的最大利益,每个社会阶层都可以使用所有手段继续他们的工作。他们认为自己所做的主要是为了保护自己而不考虑伤害和伤害,就像嘲笑的鸟一样。

In the social games of long term, each of us belongs to a relevant fixed social class. In order to get the most interests of themselves, each social class may use all of the means to continue what they are doing. They think what they do mainly protect themselves without considering the damage and hurt to others just like the mocking bird.  

The film “To Kill a Mocking bird” tells us that in the times full of economic depression and African-American civil rights movement, a white father frames a black man up for rape after he fiercely beats his daughter. Though another white lawyer spares all of his efforts to protect the black, the black Tom is convicted under the racial discrimination. At the beginning of the film, all the people are convinced that the black man Boo is a threat to their life, and are in trapped into fear. But at the end of the film, to be a surprise to all the people, Tom is so innocent and kind-hearted without any danger to them. Tom is just like a mocking bird which only sings for the citizens without any harm to the people.

The protagonist Tom’s fate represents the fate of the black at that time. During the 1930s, the racial discrimination was seen everywhere in America. The white thought that all the black could only lie and were evil. So in the eyes of them, the black were a threat to their safety and daily life. Thus, when Tom entered the court, his fate was determined by the white though he might have many evidence to prove his innocence. So it was unfair to him but any effort will be vain. This was America full of racial discrimination at that time. So from the protagonist’s fate, we may get to know how hard for the black to live in that place. The black could not get fair employment at that time. Besides, they could not get good education and medical care with high standard. What’s worse, they had no way to participate in the politicking which leaded to their no rights to announce their claims in the public. Though we can find some conscientious were against the racial discrimination, the atmosphere of the society was bad and few white had trust for the black. Though many of the black were just like the mocking birds, no place could be provided for them. It was a tragedy to the society but also to America. We often here of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in America and often hear of the criticism imposed on other countries by America. But I think what the American government needs to do is to care about the rights of the citizens with different skin colors. Though the racial discrimination in America is weakened now, we cannot deny some unfair events for the people who are not white at some time. So I think what we should care about is to pay more attention to those at the bottom of the pile and give our care to them without any discrimination. Only under that condition, can we completely eradicate the event “kill a mocking bird”.



Get ready for the cold winter

2020-09-25 18:31:00 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Get ready for the cold winter,文章讲述我们最近经历了一些严寒天气,与去年相比,感觉明显寒冷吗?随着时间的流逝,我们将进入新的一年。我们关心的主要是天气情况,以及明年的良好祝愿。现在让我们参考一些参考,并得出下一个冬天的天气如何。对于密歇根州来说,很容易发现这三个参考文献都提到即将到来的冬天会很冷,并且平均温度会比上一个冬天低。更重要的是,关于降水,参考文献1和2认为明年会有更多的降雪,这对于喜欢打雪仗的人来说是个喜讯。很明显,发现降雨量比去年有所增加。参考文献3提到降雨会减少。


We have recently experienced some freeze weather and feel its obvious coldness compared to the time in the past year? With the time flowing, we will enter a new year. What we care about is mainly how the weather will be apart from some best wishes for the next year. Now let us refer to some reference and conclude how the weather in the coming winter will be. For Michigan, it is easy to find that the three references all mention that it will be cold in the coming winter and the average temperature will be lower than that in the last winter. What’s more, when it comes to the precipitation, reference 1 and 2 think there will be more snow in the next year which will be a piece of happy news to be those who like playing a snowball fight. It is clear to find that the precipitation is more than that in the last year. While the reference 3 mentions that it will be less rain.

After we have known the weather in the coming winter, what we want to know how accurate the forecast is. From the three resources, we may find it is similar to analyze the weather. They often use some dates of the winter seasons climate before to get the indication of the coming winter season. Some maps which indicates the possible temperature are shown after getting the relevant dates. Meanwhile, the relevant workers will use their experience to get the forecasts. These forecasts which predicted last winter season have some correct indication. For instance, for the last year, they all made some correct forecast about the last winter which was cold. But they didn’t think that the weather in the last winter was so cold to imagine. But it can give some information about the coming season, which is important for the people’s daily life.

As is known to all, in this year, all of us have experienced the frigid, bitterly cold and snow-filled winter. It lacks heat and the average temperature of this year is comparatively lower than before. How will it be in the coming winter? Will it be colder or warmer than before? According to the dates in temperature of this year, it is clear to find that how it is colder than before. The average temperature of this year is lower. So I think the coming winter season will be the same as the last winter. But it may have more rain and snow. We remember clearly that in the last winter season, it is lack of rain. Many parts of the country were dry. But in this year, so far for now, we have experienced some big storms which impress us a lot. So I think the coming winter season will continue and the average level of water will be more than the last winter season. So the coldest outbreak of the season will come during the final week of January into the beginning of February, when frigid arctic air drops temperatures across the Northern Plains. From the references, we can find that the potential El Niño is an uncertain element. It shakes up climate around the world, changing rain and temperature patterns. We’ll just have to wait and see, but in the meantime, I suggest you stock up on firewood, sweaters, and hot cocoa. Because many forecasts indicate that the coming winter season will be much colder though the average temperature of the coming winter season will be equal or little lower than the last winter season.

So I suggest that you can prepare more warm clothes to prevent the coldness and if you like the winter and snow, you can prepare some entertainment tools to enjoy the winter. Best wishes to everyone in the coming winter.  




  3. RGV Winter2014/2015 Forecast: Wet and Cool, Again? 




Does the media have a great influence on who we become

2020-09-25 18:27:20 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Does the media have a great influence on who we become,文章讲述在很大程度上,媒体在塑造我们的生活中确实起着重要作用,尤其是在这样的先进社会中。当我还是个孩子的时候,广告似乎并不那么受欢迎。我不记得了,因为当我们打开电视机或沿着街道行走时,突然到处都是,除非我们睡着了。我清楚地记得,在我小时候和父母一起看电影的时候,电影中没有太多的渗透广告,但是现在我无法在剧院里找到没有广告的电影。但是,我认为媒体造就了我们有点夸张。我不能否认媒体对人们的生活方式产生了巨大影响,但是每个人都是一个独立的个体,除非他或她在某种程度上没有得到充分发展,否则他们将拥有独立的判断力。因此,只有我们坚持自己的信念或基本原则,才有可能避免媒体的操纵。



Barnouw ends The Sponsor with “While we make our media, our media make us”, which is an insightful opinion to me. Simply, I think it means that we invent media but media makes big influence on what kind of a person we turn into.

To much extent, media does play an important role in shaping our lives, especially in such advanced societies. When I was a kid, advertising seemed not so popular. I don’t remember since when it suddenly appeared everywhere whenever we opened the TV sets or walked along the street except when we were asleep. I clearly remember there were not so many permeated ads during films when I was a kid watching movies with my parents, but now I can’t find a single movie without ads in the theatre. However, I think it’s a little big exaggerating to say that media make us. I can’t deny that media have huge impact in people’s way of life, but every person is an independent individual, who is endowed with independent judgement unless he or she is not fully developed in some way. So only if we are insistent in our own beliefs or basic principles, it’s not hard to avoid media’s manipulation.

Barnouw criticized media successfully revised “Our traditional tenets of our society” (98). He thinks that “the preemption of the schedule for commercials ends has put lethal pressure on other values and interests” (95). The popularity of advertising industry totally changed our traditional when various kinds of products were produced to turn whatever natural things into unnatural while others products were created again to correct the unnaturalness. To Barnouw, it’s ridiculous for people with curly hair to straighten hair while straight-hair ones to curl their hair. I am very impressed by the example. When China first began the opening and reforming policy, many female flushed to the barber shops to curl their hair and dye them into blonde. All of  a sudden, blonde or red hair were the features of fashion. Now black hair gradually becomes the main stream in China.

I also think that Barnouw’s criticism still applies in relation to today’s media environment and even applies in a more deeper level. I assume Guangzhou Evergrande F.C. is not a too strange football team to the world since it made such a breakthrough in China’s football history by winning the first place last year. I myself am not a big fan of football but an ad of Evergrande ice water has left me the most impression. It says Evergrande is not a maker of purified water but a porter of the Grand Nature, then the ad shows us a film of an engineer searching water in a famous snowy mountain. It’s just like what Barnouw says in the book --Human beings first have very healthy water to drink but most of the water is polluted because of the industrial development, but now, please don’t worry, because Evergrande will help correct it!


It’s true we think we control what we watch but somehow we are controlled by the sponsors. I totally agree with you that sometimes we are allured to buy stuff before we realize it and many advertisements directly influence how we live our lives. It’s also annoying even if we choose not to watch the ads but they would be directly sent to us without our permission. However, I don’t quite agree with “what we must fault is the fact the system”, which you cite from the book. I do think the sponsors and the broadcasters depend on each other to survive in many ways, but I don’t think the system is the only to blame. In my opinion, the system is also the product of human beings. So every party involved shoulders the same responsibility.




Analysis of gender roles of early ancestors

2020-09-25 18:25:31 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Analysis of gender roles of early ancestors,文章讲述在古代世界中,我们的祖先为生存而奋斗,以应对极其困难的自然环境和稀缺的食物资源。在人类进化的过程中,由于生活条件的变化,男性和女性的角色逐渐彼此区分,这大致遵循了男性负责狩猎和战斗的模式,而女性则负责收集水果和抚养子女。然而,从南方古猿到哈比斯人,直立人,尼安德特人和智人,性别角色并没有固定。由于环境,食物,使用工具和火灾的能力以及社会结构的发展的差异,它发生了变化。在我们的现代研究中,这些古代原始人的性别角色由于各种原因引起了很多关注,包括女权主义的观点,寻求对现代社会中人类行为的理论解释等。



In ancient world, our ancestors struggled for survivals against extremely difficult natural environment and scarce food resources. In the course of human evolution, roles of male and female gradually distinguished from each other due to changing living conditions, which roughly followed the pattern of male taking the responsibility of hunting and battling whereas female collected fruits and rear children. Yet, from Australopithecus, to Homo habilis, to Homo erectus, to Neanderthal, and to Homo sapiens, gender roles were not fixed. It altered due to the differences in environment, food, the capacity of using tools and fire and development of social structure. In our modern researches, gender roles of these ancient hominids have draw a lot of attention for various reasons including feminist perspectives, seeking for a theoretical explanation of human behaviors in modern society and so on.


  1. Introduction of the evolution process of hominids discussed

1.1. Graph of the evolution process of hominids discussed

Taking Human Evolution Timeline (Net. 1.) and What Evolution Is (Mayr 2001: 218-234) as a reference, the following tree was to outline a general process of human evolution among the hominids discussed here, including Australopithecus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Neanderthal and Homo sapiens.


Australopithecus: bipedalism (4.2 million years ago)

          Glacial epoch: Drastic weather change (3 million years ago)

Drought in East Africa

             Homo habilis: stone tools (2.4 – 1.5 million years ago)

Language appeared partly as a result of living in groups

Homo erectus (1.8 million – 300,000 years ago)               

Use of fire (500,000 years ago)

 ↙                ↘

Neanderthal (400,000 – 30,000 years ago) Homo sapiens (195,000 years ago – 2009)


                       Homo sapiens in Europe (50,000 – 10,000 years ago)


   Graph 1. The evolution process of hominids discussed


1.2. Analysis of ancestors discussed:

The Australopithecus, driven by hard living conditions, adapted themselves to walk bipedally. With much bigger teeth than modern human beings, they generally lived on plants. Male and female differed greatly in shapes. For example, male could be 50% bigger than female according to an Entry on Australopithecus on Wikipedia (Net. 2.).

At around 2.4 million years ago, a part of the Australopithecus evolved to Homo habilis at the east coast of Africa. As described in What Evolution Is (Mayr 2001: 218-234), according to archaeological discovery, their fingers could grip precisely, which helped them to make and use simple stone tools as a turning point of human evolution. Besides, they were also able to hunt animals of medium size and make their own shelter, which suggested that they might have adopted group living at that time.

Then after 60,000 years’ evolution, Homo erectus appeared. The glacial period brought unbearable coldness and scarce food resources in Africa, which forced them to migrate to all over the world including Europe. Under such circumstances, the Homo erectus had long legs and arched feet well-suited for long-distance walking and running. Inspired by Nature in the form of lightning and fire hazard, they became acquainted with the use of fire. In addition, partly as a result of living in groups, they created a simple basic communication system of symbols. Neanderthals were evolved from Homo erectus, being able to apply sophisticated stone tools, such as flakes, to hunting.

Then, Homo sapiens gradually replaced Homo erectus. It was the closet hominid to the current human, having “capacity for art, symbolic thinking and full-blown language” (Net. 1.).

The evolution process above contained important changes covering from environment and human behaviors, which all accounted for the gradual evolution of gender roles in the following section.


  1. Male and female roles in ancient world:

In the complex process of human evolution, ancestors had making continual adjustments of gender roles for a higher survival chance. Because male were usually of a bigger size and more physical strength than that of female, men in primitive societies undertook responsibilities of battling, carrying weight and hunting in the later period, whereas female were to pick edible plants and rear children. Outer factors played an important role in determining gender roles.

The biggest challenge for our prehistoric ancestors came from Nature. Tough living environment and endless dangers caused by other fierce animal competitors pushed them to fight and sometimes searched for a new residence. Under such circumstances, male’s aggressiveness and outstanding strength became a shield accounting for men’s role of protection. Women played a leading role at an early time when the small family or group depended wholly on their ability to conceive and raise children. At the vegetarian age, women played a comparably more vital role in families as a combination of not only food collector but also a mother.

Yet, at the discovery of possible control of fire and stone polishing, ancestors adopted a lifestyle of eating both plants and meat. It was at this point that men began to take predominance over women. According to “Man the Hunter” theory in the 20th century, primitive society starting from Homo erectus was based on a hunter-gatherer model, where hunting was “the master behavior pattern of the human species” (Lee and Devore 1968: 85). Men actively hunted for food and defended their families, and women were mostly tied to their children and limited abilities of food collection. Women to some extent relied on male power. They sometimes offered sexual and reproductive capacities as a trade for male protection and food.

As a result of the innate difference between male and female, our ancestors allotted tasks according to each one’s ability and the strong shared food with the weak. Thus, though women of strength could still hunt for food like men, a large number of them tended to gather together and form a small community at home. Mental attachment grew within a small community, which paved the way for the future development of primitive tribes. As male polished sharp stones to create an advantage over fierce animals when they risked their lives to support their families and communities, female were restricted to the cave or other shelters.

In an East African site, archaeologists discovered “red clay sherds” used 1.42 million years ago, which suggested the clay had been heated to more than 700 ℉ (Net.  2.). It was an evidence that Homo erectus gained control of fire. Appreciating the great benefits brought by fire, they had to deal carefully with the preservation of fire. Since women were less important in food hunting, they took a new responsibility as the preserver of fire, which provided warmth in cold weathers and later acquired by human beings as a cooking method.

As for the development of social structure, female ancestors were key to the emergence of social tribes. Males usually remained silent in activities of hunting; the more relaxing jobs of picking up fruits and other plants of females created an urge to communicate, which later formed an especially unique feature of human beings — language. In addition, females acted as an emotional bridge since they were accompanied by other females and responsible for bringing up children. Due to their existence, human beings experience a transformation of a vast impact, which gathered individuals together to form groups and tribes.

In addition, as Whiten pointed out (Whiten 2000: 185-201), such a stable model of hunter-gatherer society was also the result of a proper allocation of gender roles. Our ancestors, by making advantage of physical and mental distinctions between male and female, constructed a society where men made hunting plans, leaving children and women at home without the need to worry about them, whereas women set their food-collecting plans in search of edible vegetations. In this way, a clear framework of gender roles made it possible for those ancient hominids gradually exhibited a superior intelligence, which helped to excel the other species and survived the harsh natural challenges.

In conclusion, a need to adjust to the living environment led our ancestors to find a most proper and balanced role between genders. Since males held a physical advantage towards females, they were responsible for energy-consuming work, such as hunting and protecting. Females, a connecting role within families and tribes, collected edible plants, reared kids, kept the fire and developed a communication system which eventually evolved to languages. As gender roles were adjusted accordingly through conscious or unconscious intentions of our ancestors, social structure was as well pushed forward for the mutual benefits of both genders and the prosperity of human beings.


  1. Debates over gender roles of early ancestors:

Debates over gender roles of early ancestors mainly focused on finding a proper explanation for human behaviors. It was a way to explore behaviors of ourselves and societies. Routines of human development may also be analyzed and predicted as guidance for human development in the future.

For example, a hot debate called “Nature vs. Nurture” dealt with the source of differences in male and female behaviors. They not only conducted tests on our current society, they also searched for an answer from the evolution facts and behavior patterns of our ancestors. Through collecting and analyzing archeological discoveries, people endeavored to find out the root of differences between genders: genetic or environmental factors.

Feminists also tried to gain evidence to support their claim that it was nurture that valued more in aspects of how gender roles differed from each other. So in the 1970s, Women’s Movement suggested that the dominant factor should be environmental factors, which meant that boy’s aggressive tendencies could be of no difference than that of girls if he was raised in a mild environment of no violence and aggressiveness. Yet, as the researches continued and people learned more about prehistoric human beings, “nature” was again gained people’s preference. Studies had shown that inherent genetic factors which influenced human behaviors between genders might be the result of prehistoric gender differences in a hunting and gathering society.

Meanwhile, we may apply gender roles to explain women’s general verbal advantage. We can trace it to the prehistoric practices. As the essay discussed before, male role of hunting and battling required long time of focus and quietness. In this way, their verbal socializing ability was oppressed. On the contrary, when females gathered vegetations together, they communicated with each other and strengthened bounds within communities. Gradually their brains even developed the ability of multi-task.

That was, the debate and exploration on gender roles was to help people to observe behaviors and development of modern humans from an ancient perspective. Yet, it is notable that direct records and evidences of prehistoric ancestors were inaccessible to us. People are merely offered with obscure archeological findings which could only lead to analytical assumptions rather than undeniable facts. Gender differences are dealing with gender groups as a whole, ignoring a wide range of differences between individuals.

In conclusion, debates over roles of prehistoric males and females satisfied human’s interest to learn about our history and nature and give possible explanations to present social behaviors and problems between genders. However, an uncertainty of these hypotheses needs to be born in mind to observe these debates in a fair and objective manner.



In the evolution process discussed in this essay, our ancestors experienced various challenges posed by Nature. In their struggling for life, they gained the ability of using fire, tools and tribes gradually came into being. It also demanded people of different genders cooperated with each other by proper task allocation, sharing food with the weak and sticking together in face of dangers. In this way, different genders took different responsibilities to maintain the stability of their society and for a better chance to survive. At an early period, female was regarded as a more important role due to the great necessity for reproduction in a hard living environment. Faced with challenges from nature such as extremely bad weathers, prehistoric ancestors gained wisdom from dealing with problems in migrations and other living difficulties and different genders were allocated with different tasks to make the best of their innate abilities. Though conclusions over gender roles of ancient people were mostly based on limited archeological discoveries and assumptions, the phenomenon of discussions over this topic demonstrated modern people’s inquiry into our past and constant efforts to gain an in-depth knowledge of our current society.


Works Cited:

  1. Lee, R. B. and Devore, I. Man the Hunter. New York: Aldine Publishing Company. (1968)
  2. Mayr, E. What Evolution Is. New York: Basic Books. (2001)
  3. Whiten, A. “Social Complexity and Social Intelligence.” The Nature of Intelligence. Ed. Goode, J. New York: Wiley. 185-201. (2000)
  4. 1.Entry on Human Evolution Tree. (Retrieved November 28, 2014 from
  5. 2. Entry on Australopithecus from Wikipedia. (Retrieved November 27, 2014 from




Industrial and Systems Engineering research papers

2020-09-23 17:44:20 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Industrial and Systems Engineering research papers,文章讲述各种各样的课程已经设置供学生选择,并且让学生正确选择真正符合自己兴趣的课程变得越来越困难,如今,学生自己迫切需要对他们的课程进行研究。首先是自己的专业,以便他们最终可以选择自己喜欢的专业。只有这样,他们才能在事后全心全意地学习它,并因此而取得巨大的成就。通过这种方法,可以避免这种现象,即他们选择了自己甚至没有丝毫兴趣的专业,而只是在一开始就误解了。因此,以下是我个人对工业与系统工程的研究论文,在此期间有几个问题需要解答。



    Widespread are the kinds of curricular that have been set up for students to choose from and increasingly difficult is it for students to correctly select the one that is really of their own interest, nowadays it is an urgency for students themselves to conduct a research on their own major at the first place so that they can finally choose the one that is their likes. Only in this way can they learn it whole-heartedly afterwards and can accordingly make great achievements, through which the phenomenon can be avoided that they choose a major that they do not have even the slightest interest and they choose it just by misunderstanding in the beginning. Therefore the following will be the research paper on industrial & system engineering from my own perspective, during which there are several questions that will be answered in the meantime.

    First and foremost come the classes this major requires to take. As for the classes this major asks to take part in, they are mainly courses related with manufacturing processes, manufacturing systems engineering and design of production systems as well as the physical sciences, mathematics, humanity and social science courses. What classes this major requires to take is, from my perspective, just the detailed content for what I should carefully study to prepare for it. The courses having been elaborately listed, we can have a fair knowledge that the kind of homework students have to finish are right the ones that are assigned for those courses in order to study this major well.

Specifically speaking, this major mainly means to repair and build various things in our daily life varying from a truck to the bathroom tap, from which we can naturally draw a conclusion that the tasks that can be carried out by a certain engineer are extremely extensive as well. Apart from the superficial completion of tasks, it further refers to be in possession of a thorough knowledge of physical and social sciences and mathematics together with an ability to apply them for the improvement for human life at the same time. The improvement of human life being stated, this major has been closely related to our lives in that it has now developed to be inclusive of many fields, such as anatomy, aeronautics, botany, geology, genetics and physics. Also its association with our lives lies in that it can deal with the provision of the needed products or services for human use. Thus why choose this major can not be too obvious as it can be summarized as for the construction of a better and more harmonious society for all the human beings.

    Then what has to be especially appointed out is that there are many types of engineering, which primarily can be divided into civil engineering, mechanical engineering, mining and metallurgical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering and industrial engineering. All these engineering majors are right what the students should pay immediate attention to when they make up their decision. As for the differences between industrial engineering with other engineering majors are the projects and professions for the specific engineering. To put it another way, it means different kinds of engineering will only be responsible for what it is specialized in but taking no regard of other parts. However this major are in turn related to other engineering majors in that the essence of them are all engineering and they can swift easily from one another as long as the items of engineering change. So it is just those other engineering majors that will be helpful for the students both as graduates and masters of higher degrees in this major more or less.    

    Taking about the available jobs that are made for the students from this major, they are mostly technicians, engineers and production workers. There is no doubt that the average of this major’s undergraduates, graduates and masters will vary one from the other, the salary of it ranging from $22,000 to $68,000 while the average, or median salary being equal to $35,000.

    Last but not the least will be the benefits when studying in this major. As far as I am concerned, I can personally own the capability to tackle those technical failures and make it take effect soon, as will in turn help cultivate my confidence and increase life happiness index. Speaking of the benefits toward others, on one hand, students of this major have set good examples for them to learn from in order that they can also become one through their own efforts; on the other hand, students of this major have just done everything and they can directly share the outcomes of their efforts, convenient and beneficial a lot from within. So after a long period of time with each and every one’s doing their own bit to the society, it will undoubtedly lead to the successful construction of a society that is more harmonious and stable, in which human beings are ready to help others through the use of their engineering knowledge.

When people see the endless benefits of this major, it is easy to predict that this major will be prosperous in the future with more and more people dedicate themselves to this major so as to bring out that great benefits to themselves and the generations to come. That is to say this major will be developed quicker and quicker under the support of all walks of the society. And we can imagine that this major will work better more or less in the United States when compared with China in that the U.S. is a country that always advocates the manipulative ability of students when implementing education in a great scope while China tends to focus more on the theory part. At the final last of this paper, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude and sincere hope that each and every student can all know clearly about the major by them through research and then make a decision that is proper and worthwhile.



Elsayed, EA. 1999. “Industrial engineering education: A prospective.” “European Journal of Engineering Education.” Taylor & Francis Ltd: Abington, England. Pp 415-421.

Moore, Pam. 2004. Industrial Engineering Technician. Ann Arbor, MI. Prakken Publications, Inc. Pp 26-27.

 Suresh P, Sethi. 2012. Industrial engineering: Innovative networks: annals of industrial engineering. Springer.


