

Essay代写:Hollywood movie culture

2018-05-12 16:41:37 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Hollywood movie culture,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了好莱坞电影文化。作为美国文化出口产业的一个重要组成部分和西式文化的突出代表之一,好莱坞电影一直被视为美国文化侵略的急先锋。好莱坞电影在获取高票房的同时,也把美国的文化价值观输到世界各地,有的甚至深入人心,所以“美国化”已经成为其他国家所面临的一个严重挑战。

As synonymous with American movies, Hollywood is also the ideological artistic processing, countless film output, from here to the world, the American ideology, the concept of spirit and transmitted to the world. As a result, Hollywood has given more cultural missions to the United States and the symbol of "soft power" in the United States. "Soft power" put forward by Joseph nye, a former U.S. deputy secretary of state, refers to a country by its own attraction rather than coercive power, the ability to achieve goals in the international affairs, and this is "the invisible powers of culture and ideology". American films and American national power have grown almost simultaneously. Moreover, as early as the beginning of the 20th century, the American government was deeply aware of the powerful role of film and began to work closely with Hollywood. After a century of development, Hollywood films have become the best footnote of this invisible force. This article will focus on the Christian culture and the American dream culture.

As an important part of the history of world civilization, religion influences all aspects of people. Christianity and Islam, Buddhism and the world's three major religions. Christianity in the western world has a very important cultural status, liu xiaofeng, points out that Christianity not only is an important part of western culture, but also as the core and the spirit of western civilization quality. To understand and study western culture, we must understand and study Christianity. Thus, the influence of Christianity on the western countries is profound. The United States is one of the few "melting POTS" in the world that can combine the different cultures of the world for American culture, and will not reject these alien cultures. No state religion in the United States, but according to the Gallup poll, americans who profess to believe in god, 90% 80% admit that Christianity is very important for your life, the visible has become America's most influential religion of Christianity.

As a young visual art, the film also bears the mission of cultural communication in addition to the visual stimulation of the audience. Since Christianity has a profound influence on American society, Hollywood movies are also the vanguard of the soft power race of American culture, which is inextricably linked with Christianity.

The bible is the most important classic of Christianity. The directors took inspiration from so many materials and finally brought it to the silver screen. "The ten commandments", adapted from the familiar bible, is directed by mil, and depicts the moving story of the prophet Moses who led the jews out of Egypt and across the red sea. "The biography of Jesus", a two-hour film based on the Gospel of Luke in Israel, is acclaimed as the most accurate depiction of the life of Jesus Christ. For 32 years, it has become the largest and most widely distributed film in history. No matter which language the audience speaks, they can finally get to know Jesus through their own language. It is no exaggeration to say that the biography of Jesus provides a powerful impetus for the spread of Christian culture abroad. The last temptation of Christ, directed by Martin scorsese. From the very beginning, the film also depicts the character of Jesus in the same way as the human side. The film begins with the life of the commoner and tells the life of Jesus Christ as an ordinary man. The whole film is a bold adaptation of Jesus and judas. Jesus, although still have great power, but unlike in the past, he often contradictory, confused, like ordinary people will be lured into error, director overturned thoroughly the image of Jesus mercy, to shape it into a lust with mortals, give it more the characteristics of human nature, so it is a controversial religious film. The passion of the Christ, directed by MEL Gibson, tells the story of Jesus' last 12 hours in Nazareth and the whole process of his crucifixion. In addition, the film blames the jews for the death of Jesus, and reignited the debate between catholics and jews, even as it was accused of anti-semitism.

"Redemption" is an important concept of Christian culture, which is deeply influenced by western culture. There are also many movies about redemption. As the film "the shawshank redemption", is a story about friendship, difficult, hopes and dreams of film, the actor Andy calm state of mind, unyielding spirit, the design of the resourceful, the spirit of perseverance is very moving. Andy's self soul redemption is under the background of Christian culture, the movie about the doctrine of redemption, evil and strong Christian background to the audience a better appreciation of the film from the Angle of religion. First of all, Christian culture advocates "original sin", while sin is divided into spiritual level, moral level and legal level. But sin, confession, repentance and god's forgiveness of SINS were preached by Christianity. On the legal level: Andy is not a murderer, but a scapegoat. On the moral level: Andy would not forgive himself. Although he did not shoot, he believed it was because he was not good at expressing his love for his wife. Andy admits to his spiritual guilt. So he accepted the brutal prison sentence. Andy is a man who reads the bible, and he chooses the spiritual salvation of his own soul. While Andy redeemed himself, he also brought the light of love, hope, and freedom to others. In the film, there are many examples of Andy's own efforts to give others the redemption of love. For example, he told the guards can help the risk evasion, is to give "friends" to win two bottles of beer each a small return, this brief enjoyment and freedom for others is how to give and encouragement. For example, he wrote a weekly letter to the state legislature for six years in order to build a prison library. In the first decade after his imprisonment, he eventually built the best prison library. It brings knowledge, hope and more freedom. Christianity is the religion of love. God is love. And is it not the greatest love that Andy has given to the salvation of others, the freedom and hope of others' hearts? The path of Andy's salvation is one step by step. In the love of others, Andy's self-redemption is more glorious, and he can sublimate and deepen the theme of Christian salvation.

The Hollywood film 2012, which opened in mainland China in November 2009, is undoubtedly a disaster blockbuster. But when Chinese audience watch the "2012", in addition to the thrill of lens, realize that the movie describes the end of the world actually is a complete copy of the bible story narrative structure, the high-tech and the context of globalization, in order to suit the element of contemporary aesthetic image to express the Christian concept of the end of the world. The film, which is based on mayan prophecies and high-tech means, is a powerful example of how the earth entered the end of the world on December 21, 2012. Earthquake, ground fissure, volcano, flood and other disasters came together, the present civilization was completely destroyed. The world's governments have secretly built seven big ships, the modern Noah's ark, and eventually 40,000 people and some animals, such as giraffes, survived, preserving the fire of civilization. People familiar with Christian culture know that the film is an image of the Christian world of Armageddon, a version of the bible. In addition, the film is about equality, conscience and responsibility, brave human universal values, such as to carry forward, and has carried on the heartless whip to power, money, this is actually the classic of Christian thought in contemporary art forms. All in all, Hollywood as the "American civilization building is the important component parts, there is no doubt by the profound influence of the Christian culture, under the appearance of secularization and commercialization, the spirit of the Puritan tradition kernel has been as it provides a steady stream of inspiration, constraints, and vitality, and this is also the reason of Hollywood has become one of the most important.

The "American dream" is a belief widely believed by many Americans and is a belief that a better life can be achieved through hard work in the United States. Equality of opportunity is the soul of the "American dream", intelligence, diligence and perseverance is necessary for the "American dream", and the amplitude of huge social class vertical flows, especially from the lower class to upper-class social mobility is the "American dream" shows the most significant characteristics. Hollywood is a well-deserved movie dream factory and a production base for the American dream. Are in manufacturing dream really good movie, read a dream for the audience, but it seems every a Hollywood movie is from a different Angle offers a remarkable dream one by one, but I can feel that the total in the film that never-say-die spirit, no matter in adversity can peak, the heart all cheered, proud.

"Forrest gump" in 1995 is an inspirational story about a common man's dream. Its success lies in the director's portrayal of the most legendary fool in human film history -- forrest gump. He is kind, brave, persistent, hardworking, optimistic, sincere and trustworthy. Forrest gump, who has a flaw in IQ, can make unremitting efforts to achieve success, which is the best inspiration for the thousands of ordinary people who are struggling on the road of life. Forrest gump is the personification of virtue, to the life only know to pay no return, open to face life, simple nature. Despite numerous bumpy and winding, but he never gave up his sincere attitude towards life, and remember that mother and Jenny taught his simple truth, with a simple word "run" as the philosophy of life, through all the ups and downs, eventually become the representative of the "American dream", Hollywood is trying to express: the people of the world are worth emulating the "American dream".

The enchantment of the "American dream" is that it overturns the elite culture, mass and the weak to countless ordinary believe in with hope and hard struggle, tomorrow the sun can be for myself. "Slumdog millionaire" is an Indian film, but the director has painstakingly displayed the "American dream" culture. The film tells the story of jamal malik, a young mumbai street kid, from rags to riches and eventually married. In this film, the spirit of self-improvement and resilience advocated by the American people is obvious in this film. As long as you have a dream, it can come true. It is the essence of the American dream. Film "the pursuit of happyness" vividly to interpret the concept of happiness, and this kind of happiness with a distinctive "American dream", that is depend on personal hard work, perseverance, and never give up, will usher in the future success. The American dream, with its belief in equality and equality of opportunity and optimism about the future, is like a moving but unsuspenseful movie. While we were down and out in the movie the father and son of hardship, distress and sadness, but we are very clear hero embarrassment in life is temporary, we will also look forward to the hero change fate. So, this is a typical "American dream" movie.

In short, the root cause of the American dream is that this free land gives the people the possibility to dream. A nation to aspire to, is really fascinating, a sound legal system, freedom of speech, and respect for the individual value, naturally let every individual in this country can boldly to follow their own dreams, and resolutely to come in before. Hollywood movies tell everyone that "anything is possible" if you have a dream.

Today, globalization has made the world more connected, and with modern technology and technology, American cultural values are spreading to the world at an unprecedented speed and scale. As the carrier of culture, film plays an important role in the process of cultural communication. Hollywood is the dream factory of the world's movies, and the U.S. government has long been concerned about this cultural strategy. Hollywood movies have taken American cultural values all over the world at the same time, and some have even gained popularity. "Americanized" has become the other countries are facing a serious challenge, countries are trying to protect their own culture from American culture, but also the huge impact of American culture in the Hollywood film feel helpless. Chinese filmmakers should actively learn from the Hollywood model, integrate the excellent Chinese culture into the film and spread it around the world so as to gain more vitality and seek wider development space.



