

Essay代写:The music therapy

2018-02-05 16:44:23 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The music therapy,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了音乐治疗。音乐一般被视为一种艺术形式,很少与治疗相关。然而,却有许多历史文化可供证明。音乐与心理学之间有着悠久的历史。音乐的演奏和制作都可以在心灵和身体的疗愈中起到重要作用。音乐的社会和情感特征使它成为语言的完美替代品。当病人失去了口头交流的能力时,音乐的治愈能力就显得尤为重要。音乐可以将患者的状态从隔离状态转变为文化与情感的交流,从而增加治愈的成功率。

This popular press article is taken from Scientific American Mind, a famous psychology magazine. In the feature article of Volume 26, Issue 2, the ability of music to heal both mentally and physically is discussed.

Music is traditionally perceived as an art form and seldom correlated with healing. However, there are many cultural evidences available. The article approaches the relationship between music and psychology from the following four aspects

First, the social and emotional feature of music makes it the perfect substitute for language. The healing powers of music is especially important when the patient has lost the ability of verbal communication. Music can transform the state of the patients from isolation to communication with cultural and community influences

The correlation between music and psychology has had a long history. Both music hearing and music making can play an important role in the healing of the mind and the body.

In the wall paintings in Egypt from thousands of years ago, music is used as the means to increase the fertility rate. In the jungles of Peru, chanting is used as a main way of treatment by the Buddhists. In the tribes of Ghana, drum beats are often used in the process of the therapy.

There are increasing emphasis on the importance of music in therapies, which have been applied with success in multiple occasions.

Therapists developed a treatment methods featuring singing. They encouraged patients to make simple melodies with a couple of words and phrases, and tapping the rhythm of the melody with their fingers.

Beginning with short and simple melodic phrases, patients are able to sing longer and more complicated tunes as the treatment progressed, which would be much more difficult without the help of music.

Finally, music has shown promising potentials in the treatment of dementia and autism. Compared to other form of stimulations, music is the most versatile with the least amount of risks for the patient. Since music works on several parts of the brain through stimulations, the memories of music are most likely to survive from accidents and diseases.

“Current emotion research in music psychology” by Swaminathan and Schellenberg, published in Emotion Review in 2015, is a scientific journal article that establishes the correlation between music and psychology through emotion and communication.

The authors have reviewed relevant articles published since 2000, while trying to resolve the three main objectives of the paper.

The emotional feature of music is believed to be universal to all cultures. Listeners from a different culture can easily identify the emotional elements in a foreign music piece, such as happiness, sadness and fear.

The authors distinguish the difference between understanding a piece of music from generation of an emotional response to it.

Different people have different ways of responding to music, which determines their habit of music listening. It is common of all the listeners that they are stress-free listening to music.

The mechanism of emotion induction by music is then examined, but no conclusion has been reached regarding whether cognitive appraisals is associated with the process or not.

In the third section of the paper, the relationship between music preference and the level of emotional response is explored.

Finally, the authors conclude that music and psychology are deeply connected through generation of emotions. The process is also largely influenced by the psychological condition and music preferences of listeners.

Music cues used in the communication with infants proved to be even more effective than language. Thus, there is no doubt that music should be considered an essential part of being human. The correlation is also drawn between music and language.

Indeed, the essential elements of music, such as volume and tone, is also important for speech. When one is angry, he tends to speak in a higher tone, volume and more rapidly.

As the magazine article is targeted at audience from different backgrounds, it is much more general in the selection of examples and topics.

In comparison, the scientific journal article is more detailed in elaborating the topic of interest only.

The focus of the magazine article is on the treatment method and effects,

However, the scientific journal mostly analyzed how music and psychology is connected. In conclusion, the magazine article is more utilitarian, while the scientific journal is more about explaining the mechanism to the readers.

Both articles have discussed about the correlation between music and language. The magazine article discusses about the two from the functionality perspective, as music can serve as a substitute of language when needed. The journal article explains in detail why music can act as an effective substitute by a decomposition of elements of music and language.

Another connection between the two articles is the reference to culture, the first used examples of different cultures to prove a point. The second article uses culture as part of the argument, claiming the universal and distinctiveness of music

Music is not traditionally perceived as a treatment method, but it is more deeply rooted in human history and culture than expected.

The thousands of years of development and integration has made music a crucial element for the life of human beings.

People are only beginning to uncover the potential of music to help heal the brain and reconstruct the mental world of the patients.

In addition to the physical aspect, the emotional aspect is equally important, as it serves as the basis of all clinical applications

Although humans created music as a form of art, the development of humans is inseparable from music as well. The nature of music is similar to language when it was originally created, which is the need for humans to express themselves.

It then became the unique functionality of music to influence the mood of people and generate emotional responses from them.

Overall, the three important features of music are musical elements, social and cultural conditions, as well as personal experiences and preferences.

The association between music and psychology is thus established in three ways: the intrinsic nature of music that is imprinted in the linguistic abilities of human being, the extension of the self into the larger social and cultural contexts, and the specific needs and experiences of individuals that determine their emotional responses to music. Each of the three ways are important in determining how psychological activities are correlated with music.



