在众多英文论文中,Academic essay的写作较为复杂,因为它一般被拿来测试学生的学术写作能力。Academic essay以严谨为主,其强调的是语言和结构,所以“套路”非常重要,下面就给大家讲解一下。
举个例子,如果题目是“A同学学习是否刻苦?” 我们当然要先知道A同学是谁,他学习怎么样,品德怎么样,体育怎么样(你们认为呢…),有什么获奖情况。同时,我们要知道“学习刻苦”的定义是什么,是每天做作业几小时,还是做多少道题。前面的这一部分,就是背景知识(background information)。
最后就是告诉读者这篇文章要说什么,通常我们会说“we will explore both of these positions”,也就是说两边观点都会加以分析探索。
回到这个更正经的题目,先给fashion和fine art下定义。Fine art是“精细工艺”的意思,我简化了一下Wikipedia的解释,大致如下:Fine art is a visual art considered to have been created primarily for aesthetic(=artistic) purposes and judged for its beauty and meaningfulness. 例如painting、sculpture 都被认为是fine art,这个界限实际上是文艺复兴时期欧洲人划定的。
那fashion又是什么?这好像和穿着时髦有关,但又不知道时髦怎么说能不和fashion重复,那从广义上来讲:Fashion is namely the style in which a person dresses.
然后来给出一个大致的答案:有人认为fashion应该是fine art(因为创作fashion所需要的素养和创作其它类型的艺术作品是一样的),有人认为不是(因为它是用来穿的,fine art一般都没有除艺术价值外的价值)。最后加上一句套话即可。
◆aesthetic adj. 美学的 aesthetic purpose/ aesthetic value
◆beauty and meaningfulness
◆in the contemporary society...(万能句式)
◆sth. is namely ... 某物是…
◆outward appearance/ inward significance
【Fine art定义】Fine art is a visual art considered to have been created primarily for aesthetic purposes and judged for its beauty and meaningfulness. The concept is brought up by traditional Western Europeans and still differentiates certain forms of art from entertainment today.
【Fashion定义】However, in the contemporary society, a constantly developing and rapidly changing trend starts taking lead -- fashion. Fashion is namely the style in which a person dresses.
【两边观点】This modern creation is thought by some to be a form of fine art, as the decisions involved in creating it is analogous to those made by any other artist. On the other hand, it can be convincing that fashion focuses more on the outward appearance of objects.
【套话】This essay will explore both of these positions.
然后就按照这个outline,先说A多么勤于学习,再说他多么善于思考。然而尴尬的时刻来了——作者表示扯不下去了,A明明一点都不勤奋啊!这个时候怎么办呢?我们可以借用别人的名言来帮助自己,加上几句quote。比如:A的英语老师对他这样评价道:“……” 这很好地证实了这一观点。
继续来加工语言,与fashion有关的phrase /quote:
◆Zandra Rhodes: The same amount of artistic expression goes into clothes, a piece of pottery, or a painting.
◆Alice Rawsthorn: Unlike art, fashion rarely expresses more than the headlines of history.
◆prevailing adj. 流行的
◆avant-garde adj. 前卫的
◆convey a message
◆It is ... instead of ... that plays a more important role on ...(万能句式)
◆stay under the spotlight
◆appreciate/ depreciate v. 增值/贬值
academic essay写作套路
【观点1】Those who believe that fashion is fine art state that fashion does not only have aesthetic values, but also, more importantly, go beyond them.
【小论点1】In terms of art, the patterns and decorations on each outfit is unique, making every suit a piece of artwork. As Zandra Rhodes claimed, ‘The same amount of artistic expression goes into clothes, a piece of pottery, or a painting.’ Making a garment requires planning and designing, a necessary process in architecture. The captions and figures on the clothes has to fit well with the overall style, which has a deep connection with poetry and music.
【小论点2】On top of that, fashion emerges as an expressive tool for designers to convey a message of their own. The purposes behind designing fashion outfits are almost identical to the reasons for which other recognized forms of fine art are made.
【预测】Any avant-garde form of art like fashion will certainly not be understood by some conventional critics, thus explaining why many people in the society still does not agree to the point.
【观点2】According to some, however, several features of fashion determines that it should not be appreciated on the same level as fine art.
【小论点1】Distinct to paintings and sculptures, clothes cannot be regarded as complete products without the people who wear them. In fact, it is who wears the outfit instead of what the outfit looks like that plays a more essential role on how fashionable the outfit will be.
【小论点2】Moreover, fashion cannot stand the test of time. Most popular styles can only stay under the spotlight for no longer than one month, making its aesthetic value quickly depreciate thereafter. Alice Rawsthorn commented on this point when she said, “Unlike art, fashion rarely expresses more than the headlines of history.”
【总结】Fashion is the prevailing styles in behavior and the newest creations of designers, technologists, engineers, and design managers. Though constantly influenced by several factors including celebrities and headlines, it is undoubted that fashion has certain artistic values.
【个人想法】In contemporary practice, however, it seems to me that the restrictions of the so-called ‘fine art’ have become essentially meaningless, as the concept or intention of the artist is given primacy.
看完上面的长篇大论之后,同学们对于academic essay写作套路有所掌握了吗?
举个例子,如果题目是“A同学学习是否刻苦?” 我们当然要先知道A同学是谁,他学习怎么样,品德怎么样,体育怎么样(你们认为呢…),有什么获奖情况。同时,我们要知道“学习刻苦”的定义是什么,是每天做作业几小时,还是做多少道题。前面的这一部分,就是背景知识(background information)。
最后就是告诉读者这篇文章要说什么,通常我们会说“we will explore both of these positions”,也就是说两边观点都会加以分析探索。
回到这个更正经的题目,先给fashion和fine art下定义。Fine art是“精细工艺”的意思,我简化了一下Wikipedia的解释,大致如下:Fine art is a visual art considered to have been created primarily for aesthetic(=artistic) purposes and judged for its beauty and meaningfulness. 例如painting、sculpture 都被认为是fine art,这个界限实际上是文艺复兴时期欧洲人划定的。
那fashion又是什么?这好像和穿着时髦有关,但又不知道时髦怎么说能不和fashion重复,那从广义上来讲:Fashion is namely the style in which a person dresses.
然后来给出一个大致的答案:有人认为fashion应该是fine art(因为创作fashion所需要的素养和创作其它类型的艺术作品是一样的),有人认为不是(因为它是用来穿的,fine art一般都没有除艺术价值外的价值)。最后加上一句套话即可。
◆aesthetic adj. 美学的 aesthetic purpose/ aesthetic value
◆beauty and meaningfulness
◆in the contemporary society...(万能句式)
◆sth. is namely ... 某物是…
◆outward appearance/ inward significance
【Fine art定义】Fine art is a visual art considered to have been created primarily for aesthetic purposes and judged for its beauty and meaningfulness. The concept is brought up by traditional Western Europeans and still differentiates certain forms of art from entertainment today.
【Fashion定义】However, in the contemporary society, a constantly developing and rapidly changing trend starts taking lead -- fashion. Fashion is namely the style in which a person dresses.
【两边观点】This modern creation is thought by some to be a form of fine art, as the decisions involved in creating it is analogous to those made by any other artist. On the other hand, it can be convincing that fashion focuses more on the outward appearance of objects.
【套话】This essay will explore both of these positions.
然后就按照这个outline,先说A多么勤于学习,再说他多么善于思考。然而尴尬的时刻来了——作者表示扯不下去了,A明明一点都不勤奋啊!这个时候怎么办呢?我们可以借用别人的名言来帮助自己,加上几句quote。比如:A的英语老师对他这样评价道:“……” 这很好地证实了这一观点。
继续来加工语言,与fashion有关的phrase /quote:
◆Zandra Rhodes: The same amount of artistic expression goes into clothes, a piece of pottery, or a painting.
◆Alice Rawsthorn: Unlike art, fashion rarely expresses more than the headlines of history.
◆prevailing adj. 流行的
◆avant-garde adj. 前卫的
◆convey a message
◆It is ... instead of ... that plays a more important role on ...(万能句式)
◆stay under the spotlight
◆appreciate/ depreciate v. 增值/贬值
academic essay写作套路
【观点1】Those who believe that fashion is fine art state that fashion does not only have aesthetic values, but also, more importantly, go beyond them.
【小论点1】In terms of art, the patterns and decorations on each outfit is unique, making every suit a piece of artwork. As Zandra Rhodes claimed, ‘The same amount of artistic expression goes into clothes, a piece of pottery, or a painting.’ Making a garment requires planning and designing, a necessary process in architecture. The captions and figures on the clothes has to fit well with the overall style, which has a deep connection with poetry and music.
【小论点2】On top of that, fashion emerges as an expressive tool for designers to convey a message of their own. The purposes behind designing fashion outfits are almost identical to the reasons for which other recognized forms of fine art are made.
【预测】Any avant-garde form of art like fashion will certainly not be understood by some conventional critics, thus explaining why many people in the society still does not agree to the point.
【观点2】According to some, however, several features of fashion determines that it should not be appreciated on the same level as fine art.
【小论点1】Distinct to paintings and sculptures, clothes cannot be regarded as complete products without the people who wear them. In fact, it is who wears the outfit instead of what the outfit looks like that plays a more essential role on how fashionable the outfit will be.
【小论点2】Moreover, fashion cannot stand the test of time. Most popular styles can only stay under the spotlight for no longer than one month, making its aesthetic value quickly depreciate thereafter. Alice Rawsthorn commented on this point when she said, “Unlike art, fashion rarely expresses more than the headlines of history.”
【总结】Fashion is the prevailing styles in behavior and the newest creations of designers, technologists, engineers, and design managers. Though constantly influenced by several factors including celebrities and headlines, it is undoubted that fashion has certain artistic values.
【个人想法】In contemporary practice, however, it seems to me that the restrictions of the so-called ‘fine art’ have become essentially meaningless, as the concept or intention of the artist is given primacy.
看完上面的长篇大论之后,同学们对于academic essay写作套路有所掌握了吗?