

The field of educational Psychology

2020-06-19 11:58:12 | 日記
The field of educational Psychology
Social learning theory, social constructivism, and situative views all forefront the role of context and the community. Some promising advances have recently been made in the field of learning. The traditional devices for the study is in the serial maze. Recently, someone holds the idea that an organism learners mainly by producing changes in its environment, those changes have been carefully manipulated. Social learning theory, social constructive, and situative views all explained the characters of the learning and the behavior in the different aspects. (Skinner, 1954).We can not say which theory is the best in the filed of the educational psychology, because different theory has different feature and holds the different view about learning processes. And all of them forefront the role of context and the community.
We all know that the situative view has been popular in recent years. So how does a situative view move the theoretical conversation forward beyond a Bandura and Vygotskian view?
Bandur’s view represents the social learning theory. The capacity to exercise control over the nature and quality of one’s life is the essence of humanness. Human agency is characterized by a number of core features that operate through phenomenal and functional consciousness. These include the temporal extension of agency through intentionality and forethought, self-regulation by self-reactive influence, and self-reflectiveness about one’s capabilities, quality of functioning, and the meaning and purpose of one’s life pursuits. Personal agency operates within a broad network of socio structural influences. In these agentic transactions, people are producers as well as products of social systems. Social cognitive theory distinguishes among three modes of agency: direct personal agency, proxy agency that relies on others to act on one’s behest to secure desired outcomes, and collective agency exercised through socially coordinative and interdependent effort. Growing transnational embeddedness and interdependence are placing a premium on collective efficacy to exercise control over personal destinies and national life. (Annu, 2001) To be an agent is to intentionally make things happen by one’s actions. Agency em-Bodies the endowments, belief systems, self-regulatory capabilities and distributed structures and functions through which personal influence exercised, rather than residing as a discrete entity in a particular place. The core features of agency enable people to play a part in their self-development, adaptation, and self-renewal with changing times. Before presenting the agentic perspective of social cognitive theory, the paradigm shifts that the field of psychology has undergone in its short history warrant a brief discussion. In these theoretical transformations, the core metaphors have changed but for the most part, the theories grant humans little, if any, agentic capabilities. (Annu, 2001).
Vygotskian’s view is cognitive development theory. Vygotsky's work on the development of scientific concepts in childhood, as set forth in Thought and Language, is placed against the backdrop of his life. His ideas on the interrelationship between spontaneous everyday concepts and nonspontaneous scientific concepts, the interdependence of thought and language, and the relationship between school instruction and mental development are outlined and illustrated through examples. Differences between the theoretical positions of Vygotsky and Piaget are explored and recent work that extends and applies a Vygotskian sociocultural perspective to educational issues is summarized. Implications of this perspective for research and practice are discussed. (Howe, 1996). Vygotsky have made a study on germline development and individual psychological development, especially his theory about the origins of human social psychology, and on children's psychological development of education, teaching of dependency theory, made a more in-depth Discussion. Vygotsky believed that the use of the tool, causing people to adapt to new methods, namely indirect way of material production, unlike the animals is a direct way to adapt to the natural body. Production tools in one condensed indirect human experience, namely, social and cultural knowledge and experience, which makes the development of human psychology are no longer constrained by the laws of evolution, and the law by the social and historical development of the constraints.
Of course, the tool itself does not belong to the field of psychology, psychological structure does join, just because of this indirect "material production tool", has led to the emergence of the human psychological "spiritual production tools" that human society specific language and symbols. Similar production tools and language of symbols is that they make indirectly to the emergence and development of mental activity. The difference is, production tools directed to the outside, he causes a change in the object, a symbol pointing inside, it does not cause a change in the object, but the impact of human behavior. Control nature and control of behavior are interrelated, because people in the transformation of nature itself has also changed the nature of man. (Howe, 1996). On the relationship between teaching and development, Vygotsky raised three important issues: one is the "recent developments" idea; one is teaching should walk in front of the development; one is about learning the best term problems
The situative view is different from the Bandura and Vygotskian view. “Situationist's view: the learning environment should become involved in exploring and learning environment of social practice. Learning environment for students to learn practical organization aimed at promoting participation in exploration and learning, designed to enable students to become a confident, personality, capable learners. These activities include a variety of questions, questions, speculation, opinion, expression and interpretation to evaluate and understand the significance of social learning. Practical activities both in learning to adapt to the many social resources and material resources, capable of social learning activities contribute to the organization and to concentrate the efforts of individual mobility.” (Borko, 2000)This environment should support the development of a positive understanding of personality. Organizational learning environment designed to develop students' ability to self-confidence so that some personality, including the organization of learning activities should allow students of different cultural backgrounds and differences in social interaction and complementary expertise in areas get enhanced..
Cognitive apprenticeship Act “is a manifestation of teaching situations Learning View, cognitive apprenticeship law, teachers demonstrate expert skills, students will observe behavior expert demonstration, ask questions, discuss the answers, students receive external support, as students practice the skills of the students gradually acquire conceptual understanding, you can try to express their knowledge --- learn to express their understanding of the content and language programs, teacher and student exchange roles, providing feedback, the students on their own progress reflection, and finally, the students learn to apply what they have learned new ways content.”(Borko, 2000).
There are many critical similarities and the salient differences in these different perspectives.
The critical similarities of these perspectives are as following. On the one hand, each perspective does not separate from others. On the contrary, it is connected with other theories. For example, Bandur’s view represents the social learning theory, but there still many cognitive factors in Bandura's social theory of learning. We can see that there are many common things in the different two theories. They do not against each other. To some extent, some parts of one theory contains the similar things to another theory. On the other hand, the purpose of each perspective is enhancing the motivation of learning and doing well in the learning process.
The salient differences among these perspectives are numerous. A behavioral view of teaching and learning is based on the fundamental idea that behavior is controlled by its consequences. Behaviorist tradition holds that people are under the control of the environment, the behavior is the product of the environment, so the relationship between psychological research should be the external environment and the human response to the environment between the two.
Bandura believes that there is a causal relationship between people's cognitive activity and their behavior, these internal and external environmental factors thinking activities together, determine people's behavior; human behavior depends not only on external factors, but also depends on the internal factors; people what kind of cognitive process, there will be what kind of external behavior. Therefore, learning is an extremely complex process, and never think like traditional behaviorism so simple.
Although the utility of both reinforcement and extinction for helping students improve their behavior has been well established, it is perhaps the combination of the two that occurs most frequently in classrooms and produces the greatest benefit. Indeed, it would be unusual to observe a classroom situation in which one is used exclusive of the other. The teacher who decides to use extinction by ignoring a student's off-task comments during a lesson, for example, will surely attend positively to those students who are paying attention and responding appropriately.
In conclusion, these different learning perspectives are helpful for both teachers and learners. We can learn more things from using these perspectives in our studying and get more things about the education psychology.


