

Assignment代写:2D Mesh

2018-03-17 17:04:45 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- 2D Mesh,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了二维网格。二维游戏中的经典布局方式莫过于二维网格布局。在二维网格布局的基础上,还可以实现基于网格的碰撞检测,算法实现简单,且效果较好。

In this assignment, we will work with a 2D mesh or graph of vertices, edges, and triangles. At the vertices we store colors loaded from an image in .ppm format. The goal of this assignment is to reduce the total size of the mesh, but still provide a reasonable approximation of the original image. The images below show meshes with approximately 80,000 triangles, 10,000 triangles, and 1,000 triangles (from left to right), displayed with and without the edges between the triangles drawn with white lines.​

To perform this simplication, we will use a standard mesh processing operation, the edge collapse, which is illustrated below. First, we identify an edge in the mesh that should be removed (drawn in blue). Next, we locate the two triangles on either side of that edge (drawn in light blue) and remove these triangles from the mesh. Finally, we locate all triangles using exactly one of the two endpoints of the edge and change that endpoint coordinate to the midpoint of the collapsed edge. Note: We reuse one of the endpoints of the collapsed edge, while the other is deleted. After the edge collapse is nished, the mesh has 1 fewer vertex, 2 fewer triangles, and 3 fewer edges (the blue edge and 2 green edges are removed). Note that if the edge to be collapsed is on the boundary of the image/mesh, the collapse will result in a mesh with 1 fewer vertex, 1 fewer triangle, and 2 fewer edges.

In performing an edge collapse, a local area of the mesh is modied. Triangles change area and edge change length. In the diagrams above we see that the green edges (the edges that were touching one of the endpoints of the collapsed edge) change length. The orange edges (which share a vertex with one or more of the green edges) do not change length; however, their status as legal or illegal may change. After performing an edge collapse, you should recalculate both the length and the legal/illegal status of the green & orange edges.

This entry was posted in C++, Computer Graphics on February 1, 2017.


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