

Essay代写:Primary education in Britain

2019-01-25 16:57:57 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Primary education in Britain,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国的小学教育。英国小学生的学习很自主、很轻松。由于历史和文化的影响,英国小学生的学习是自主的。学习通常被认为是学生自己的事情,学习什么,如何学习,教师和家长只是起引导作用,甚至学校课堂授课内容和问题设计有时也是依据学生的兴趣和要求来确定。

English primary school students learn very independently and easily. Due to the influence of history and culture, the learning of British primary school students is autonomous. Learning is usually regarded as students' own business. Teachers and parents only play a guiding role in learning what to learn and how to learn. Even the teaching content and problem design of school classes are sometimes determined according to students' interests and requirements. Generally speaking, primary school classroom teaching is mostly lower middle grade students sitting on the carpet, the teacher sitting in front of the chair teaching, middle and senior students are divided into groups sitting at the table, the teacher standing in front of the teaching. The teacher's teaching is very specific, pays attention to the stratified teaching, puts forward the different request to the different level student. Pay attention to the respect for the students "human nature", in the class, the students are free, free to discuss and speak, understand can do what they like to do, thirsty to drink a drink, class practice do not do, something can also go out of the classroom. The study habits of students are not unified requirements. At the same time, students' learning is also very easy, almost no heavy learning burden. From the time point of view, 9:00 is the teaching time, between each class break 10 minutes. 12:00 lunch and rest. 13:30 is the teaching time, 15:30 after school. The morning is culture class generally, basically be English, maths, science, afternoon is activity class, have visit, game, art or handcraft to wait. Cultural content is also very simple, the sixth grade mathematics is only equivalent to our two, three grade level. The homework of the student is very few, the homework of graduating class a day only needs 30 minutes left and right sides, double rest day and legal holiday do not assign homework commonly, the content of homework is not restricted, form is diversiform, it is character, picture, picture, chart, card, amount but much but little, do not make unified regulation. During the investigation, we learned that although the British primary education reduces the difficulty of knowledge teaching, it attaches great importance to the cultivation of students' learning ability and spirit of inquiry. In class, students demonstrate the collected materials, express their own opinions, discuss and exchange with classmates to understand and master new knowledge. This respect for the development of students' personality, stimulate students' interest in learning, improve students' awareness of innovation and practice ability is very beneficial.

Relatively speaking, our primary education is much more "strict" and "standardized". There are unified national "curriculum standards", systematic and rigorous textbooks, and solid and effective teaching. From the perspective of basic knowledge and basic skills, China's basic education ranks first in the world. However, there are not many advantages in cultivating students' personality development, comprehensive development and sustainable development. Therefore, we should seriously reflect on our primary education and rationally treat "other rocks": how to treat the British primary school students' relaxed and independent learning? Is there a downside to its upside? Is an overly free classroom inefficient? Too much freedom of behavior is not conducive to the formation of good habits? How to give full play to their own advantages, learn and learn from the successful experience of others, and comprehensively promote quality education in China?

English primary schools are relatively pragmatic in their evaluation of learning. The state administration of primary education mainly stipulates unified "outline", unified examination and service support. From 1999, the new version of the outline of the United Kingdom began to implement, each course has specific standards, at the end of the first stage and the end of the second stage, to implement the national unified examination, in which schools at the age of 11 the results of the unified examination to be published in the media rankings. The subject that unified exam is English, maths and science, highest achievement is 6 minutes, lowest achievement is 4 minutes, 3 minutes are below fail. The standard that each grade of primary school that outline specifies must achieve is: grade one achieves level 1 or level 2; Second grade must reach level 2; Grade 3 (7-8 years old) : level 2 or level 3; Fourth grade must reach level 3; Grade 3 or 4 in grade 5; Grade six must reach grade four. Due to the complex social structure in the UK and the great difference in children's entrance, schools attach great importance to the stratified teaching in the implementation of teaching. The students of the same grade are divided into classes according to different levels, and each class is also divided according to the situation of the students, so that the teacher can carry out teaching and guidance with a specific aim in the teaching process, which is very targeted and has a good effect. After a period of learning, the students will be divided into classes and groups, and the teaching will be conducted according to the individual. Truly, the stratified teaching will run through the whole teaching process, which will play a positive role in promoting the improvement of grades and quality assurance. There is no repeat system in primary schools and pupils who do not meet the requirements can pass a special needs service before passing a make-up exam. In addition, British primary schools generally do not hold subject competitions and do not evaluate the "best students" every semester. Instead, they focus on the evaluation of students' daily life and their learning process. Usually the study condition also has the certain proportion in the subject result appraisal, every day, every week, every month, every semester carries on the reward to the student's outstanding performance at any time, like: who attendance high, who behavior is beautiful, who homework is good, who progresses greatly and so on. Students with outstanding performance can go to the teacher, the principal to receive a medal, students can also put the outstanding performance of students in the class or school "praise box".

In general, the diversification of evaluation criteria, evaluation methods, evaluation contents and evaluation means of primary school learning in the UK is relatively pragmatic, which conforms to the laws of education and teaching and students' physical and mental characteristics. Evaluation also plays a positive role. However, as an important means of national management education, "national examination" still has some negative effects. Unified examinations are not popular with teachers and parents. Some schools and teachers in order to get good results in the unified examination, three or four months in advance to carry out intensive training to meet the examination, only the teaching unified examination subjects, the study of other disciplines by a great impact and impact, is not conducive to the overall development of students and the improvement of comprehensive quality. These have attracted the attention of the British education authorities, is actively brewing new reform program. As for us, evaluation is proposed in the new curriculum idea if we can get very good implementation, in the students' learning evaluation, teachers' job evaluation, the evaluation of development of the school for effective practice research, not by a grade of students, teachers, not to a fraction of the hero enters a higher school, the school is not in a ranked, attach importance to face all, pay attention to comprehensive development, adhere to the process, as a result, adhere to the comprehensive evaluation, make the "evaluation" truly become a "catalyst" of quality-oriented education, to promote student health, comprehensive and harmonious development "baton".

"Education is life, and life is education." In this regard, British primary education has a distinctive personality and successful experience. As for school, campus planning and construction are home creation, school buildings are closely linked, aisle carpet on entire store, turns and twists, classroom sink, basin and the relative construction of disjunctive space, for the students, the communication between teachers and students, between students individual private space search and protection. The design of the kindergarten activity site, when building the children's cycling road on the original flat ground, consciously makes it a zigzag and uneven "simulation" road, so that children can understand and adapt to the routine condition of road traffic from an early age, and provide intuitive perceptual knowledge for later life. There is a "botanical garden" for students in the garden. The children can plant and manage the garden by themselves, write down the observation diary at any time, introduce the experience, enjoy the fruits of labor, and increase knowledge and improve ability in practice. In addition, the school environment construction also fine: emphasis on color sweet and clear, content emphasize the level and the value of education, advocate of both the spirit and will, such as life, looking forward to learning goals and personal development, etc., and have students on display, such as student's life photos, handiwork, autumn physical collection on display, etc. The school strives to create a "home" atmosphere. Students' coats hang neatly in the corridor outside the classroom. The respect, understanding, care and motivation established between principals and staff, teachers and students, students and students also create a good growth mood for students. Teachers and students are like parents and children, the lower grade students can sit on the teacher's lap when feeling depressed. In class teaching, students are also closely related to the reality of life. They often go out of the campus and participate in social practice activities, such as going to football clubs and community activity centers, and organize mountain climbing, swimming, rock climbing, rowing, etc. In these activities, students' spirit of teamwork is cultivated, their will and character are tempered, and healthy growth of students is promoted.

With the deepening of curriculum reform, the "life-style" of primary school education in China has also changed from "light to thick". From the establishment of the modern concept of "curriculum standard" to the arrangement of teaching materials, they are gradually close to social life and pay attention to the connection with the reality of life. Knowledge has become "water with source". In school education and teaching, teachers and students also basically "come from life, to life", make full use of existing life knowledge and life experience, for "teaching" and "learning" service. However, due to the constraints of objective conditions, our campus construction, life practice base construction, life service facilities and so on still need to be further improved and improved, the change of social concepts, the campus atmosphere to create the common efforts of the whole society.

The characteristics of British primary education and give us a lot of inspiration. It should be noted that due to the differences in history, culture, economic foundation, social system, population status and educational tradition between China and the UK, there are also certain differences in primary education. To this, we must rationally and comprehensively treat "mountain", the correct understanding and continue to maintain our basic education tradition, give full play to the unique advantages of our primary school education, several hundred sichuan, eclecticism, we should learn, we should change, do all we can do, our primary school education will be closer to the standard "best in the world".



